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Kat Dakuu 02-18-2018 05:15 PM

Living on Love
Name: Jamie Doll
Age: 18
Stands 5’6” tall with a slender build, almost feminine in some clothes. His natural hair color is blonde, but he’s currently got it dyed red to match his dark brown, almost reddish toned eyes. His skin tone is a little pale to pull off the look, but he doesn’t care. Favors dark, bold, and simple clothing styles and patterns. Graphic shirts, a light jacket, jeans, or cargo pants. He is also capable of pulling off something truly cute and preppy.
Personality: He’s a boy with a great deal of pride and self confidence and at times, he’s painfully gay. Never one to hold back or smooth over a word about himself, he’s always completely out there. Partly it’s the pride and nativity of youth. He is in love to the point of blindness and he’s never met any real backlash for his actions or words. The sort to need and thrive on a lot of attention, he’s also willing to try his hardest for another person. Likes to please, get praised, and do things that receive those kinds of reactions. He can be a lot to handle because of it, but that youthful energy and joy also can’t help but bring a smile.
Likes: cake, especially frosting, strawberries, and seeing others happy.
Dislikes: cinnamon gum, birds, nursing homes, and the idea of growing old.
Bio: He came out to his parents at fifteen and they’ve been getting used to the idea and accepting it, though they don’t always understand. From the second he started dating his most recent boyfriend though, they have never approved, especially the fact that the man already has a child. Jamie has never listened well and continued to meet up with him, however.

Kilia 02-18-2018 08:52 PM

Name: Bane Oyama
Age: 25

He stands at 6 foot even, with an athletic build, can not be mistaken for anything other than a male. He has shoulder length black hair and hazel eyes. His skin tone is tan from years of working outside from doing numerous odd jobs around the big city. His clothing still is simple and practical though he has suits that he would wear for special occasions or when he would go on dates. That is the most advance that his clothing would get. Other wise he could be caught in a plain t-shirt, jeans and some boots.

Dislikes: spicy foods, the thought of harm to his daughter, strawberries, and extremely sweet things
Likes: dark chocolate, painting/drawing, listening to his daughter sing, and pleaseing his partner

Bio: He didn’t know that he was always gay. Sure it took him far longer to figure it out than most people as it was after a one night stand with a girl. Whom he found out later was pregnant with his daughter when she left the girl on his doorstep, never to be seen again. Of course he did a dna year to confirm it was his child. But after that night he knew he preferred men over females. His first boyfriend was a bold and imaginative person and the male gave him the courage to come out himself finally. Most disapproved of his relationship with a younger guy or with a guy in general because they believed that he should be with a woman as his daughter supposedly needed a mother to help raise her. He isn’t as bold or confident in that area as his chosen partner but he is trying hard to be the man that his partner believed him to be.

Daughter: Raven
Age: 5
Black hair, blue eyes, pale skin.

Kat Dakuu 02-19-2018 05:35 PM

At exactly 8:30 in the evening, Jamie Doll pushed open his bedroom window. Like every night, his parents busied themselves with the evening dishes, the sound of the running water drowning out everything else. His room conveniently on the farthest side of the well furnished one story home, he found it easy to go undetected. He hefted a small backpack over his shoulder, then jumped. The thump of his shoes disappeared to the night wind and he set off, not bothering to slide the window closed after himself. He'd be back later, even if he sometimes wondered why. He supposed, maybe he should not?

That thought mulling in his mind, he trotted through the neighborhood and across a small park, his feet following a very familiar path. Although he snuck out almost every night, he still expected to surprise he lover. A brief wave of anger rushed through him. Why couldn't his parent's accept Bane? Sure the man was like, seven years older and had a kid, but Jamie loved being around Raven too and he could be a mother if someone just asked him to. Everyone just frowned though and turned up their noses like his was disgusting, like this beautiful thing they had was disgusting. Jamie kicked at a stray rock with the worn toe of his tennis shoe, sending it straight into a metal trash can. The ding sent a dog barking and his took off at a run, a flush to match his red hair rising on his cheeks.

Anyway, he was in love and that was all that should matter. Reaching his destination, he used the key under back door mat to let himself in. Of course it would be easier to just knock at the front or text Bane to let him know he was on his way. Jamie wanted it to be a surprise though. He slid the door closed and cast his eyes around, wondering if he would run into Bane or his daughter first. Either way, he had a plan in mind to make it work.

Kilia 02-19-2018 06:40 PM

Bane being as old as he is meant his youth or his youthful exuberance was barely clinging to him anymore as he had to get his life straight so that he could support him and his daughter. He knew how tough life could be at the moment considering when he came out to his family with Jamie’s prompting....well his family abandoned him and his daughter but that was fine after all they at least had Jamie he hoped. That was a fear he had that Jamie would one day realize what he was getting himself into and leave him and Raven alone. It would hurt them both but Raven more since she adored the male to no extent.

At about 8:30 was when Bane and Raven got home from some of their daily activites, her from the baby-sitter’s and him from his job off the construction site where he was still dressed a sweaty tank top, and jeans that were tucked into boots that almost came up to his knees. He knew that Jamie came over every night but he never expected his lover to do so as they both have things they needed to do. ”daddy! Can we make chocolate covered strawbabies on cupcakes for Mamie?” that beautiful little girl, Raven, asked their father as the cake into the front door right as Jamie was coming the the back. She had always called Jamie; Mamie, because she used to not be able to say his name but always tried to call him mom since they started dating a while back.

”Of course we can but if you want it to be a surprise then we have to keep it a secret and make it when he isn’t here. Besides that what would you like for dinner?” Bane asked his daughter as he flipped on a light, unaware that Jamie was lurking about in the small two bedroom house. He chuckled a bit as he helped her pull her back pAck, shoes and jacket off before he started to do the same with his own boots and light jacket, even slapping his hard hat on the hook by the front door. He laughed as Raven took off down to the kitchen where the back door was located at, her squeal of delight took him by surprise as he came barreling into the room after her. Flipping the light on only to find Jamie standing there, he breathed an easy sigh and smiled at the male. ”jay...your surprised us love.” he said as he tugged the male into a hug, only of course after his daughter had let him go.

Kat Dakuu 02-19-2018 08:25 PM

Jamie giggled under his breath. He'd beat them home today, but only by a little bit so it would be a real surprise. Instead of someone hearing the back door open, he was already inside. Sneaking around a corner, he listened with a grin as Raven suggested making tasty treats for him of all people. His heart clenched against the bubble of happiness growing inside of him. Even the first time he met that little girl, she brought a smile to his face.

Waiting for the best moment possible, Jamie stepped around the corner and grabbed up Raven to lift her into the air as soon as she had her backpack and shoes off. "Did I hear something about cupcakes and strawberries?" he goaded, giving the girl a hug before stepping closer to Bane with a giant grin on his face. He knew he got the drop on them this time and the sparkle of mischief made his brown eyes bright. "Hey," The word came out breathy as he looked at the other man. "Miss me?"

Kilia 02-19-2018 09:14 PM

Raven squealed in delight as Jamie scooped her up, laughing almost hysterically as she was lifted up high. ”Whee!” she laughed as she spread her arms and legs as if she were flying, soon she was able to hug the younger male and place a big wet kiss on his cheek, grinning from ear to ear. Soon the look on her face turned into a pout at his question. ”Ah!!! No Mamie! Your not suppose to know!” she exclaimed as she put her little hands on either side of his face and squeezed them together as if she was trying to punish him.

Bane on the other hand laughed at the interaction between the two of them, the sight always warmed his heart and confirmed that he made the right decision by coming out and staying with Jamie despite what everyone thought. He stepped closer to the pair as Jamie moved towards him, wrapping an arm around the shorter male’s waist as he tugged him close, being careful of his daughter. ”when do we not miss each other?” he chuckled before pressing his lips to Jamie’s as he tried to convey the love and passion that he had for him through the small action. ”we were about to make some dinner. Want to join us or have you already eaten?” he reluctantly let his lover go as his daughter wanted to show him all the pictures she drew in class and the grades she gotten on her school work like she did everyday since Jamie came into their life.

Kat Dakuu 02-19-2018 09:34 PM

Jamie smiled into the kiss before he finally stepped back and placed Raven back on the ground. He wanted to linger near Bane more, but Raven was squirmy and his own short attention span drew him away as well. "Oh, I already ate or my mum would whine. I'm supposed to be cleaning my room as punishment." A pout grew on his face as he let out a little huff. "They don't understand anything at all. We had another fight today and I'm just so...ugh! I don't think they're ever going to accept that I love you!"

He wandered over to a couch as he talked, falling over the side of it, dumping his bag on the floor. He knew Raven would come curl at his side and they'd talk and look at pictures in a minute. Turning his gaze back to Bane, he gave the other man a pleading look. Jamie really did love him. It was that simple. Maybe he fell hard and maybe a little quick too, but it'd been a while since then and he didn't understand why everyone judged this relationship so harshly. Just because of a few years difference? "Maybe it would be easier if I just didn't go home."

Kilia 02-19-2018 09:58 PM

Bane moved further into the kitchen, thankful that it had a section open so he could look in the living room at his small little family as he dug around for something quick and simple. ”punishment for what?” he asked him, frowning as he thought the reason was going to be about him again. He pulled a pot down, filling it with water before setting it on the stovetop to make macaroni, looking into the fridge to see what else he could make with it.

“They will eventually but you should be happy that they accept you and love you enough to be concerned about who your dating.” Bane gave him a slightly tired smile, it seemed as if this was a reacurring topic that they have been having lately. He moved into the living room, lifting Jamie’s feet up so he could sit down before he began to massage them. While raven sat on the floor carefully organizing her papers so she could properly tell the teenager all about them in the right order.

“I love you too, Jamie. I wish I could just whisk us all away from the negativity. So that we could live happily together as our tiny little family.” He said after contemplating his thoughts, gazing down at the sweet pale man who made their lives better than it has ever been in a long time. He knew he wasn’t As bold as Jamie or confident in some areas but was rather a bit more reserved and actually thought about things before doing them though sometimes he got whisked away in his partner’s plans or ideas without considering the consequences.

”You can live with us, Mamie!! Raven cries out as she finally climbed up on the couch, after prompting glaring at her dad and tugging him off it since he was ruining her time with Jamie. ”Daddy ask me if you could and I told him yes!” she was proud of that fact, not carrying that she ruined the surprise and embarrassed her father in the process who promptly went to hide in the kitchen as best as he could.

Kat Dakuu 02-19-2018 11:00 PM

Jamie continued to pout even as Bane massaged his feet. A part of him knew that the older man was right, but he also knew well enough that none of them could be happy without a single person in the city accepting their relationship. Anyone except Raven, that was. He glanced down at the little girl, his eyes growing fond before Bane's words snapped his gaze away again. Jamie pulled himself upright as sudden as he'd plopped down, eyes going wide. "Why can't you whisk me away like a fairy tale prince!" he gasped back. For weeks, he couldn't think of anything else except that. They should live together!

Raven's words left a flush of excitement reddening his cheeks as he darted his gaze back to her excited face and the crayon drawings, many of which featured their little 'family'. Did she just confirm what he hadn't quite brought himself to ask? He jumped up from the couch after Bane, chasing him into the kitchen. "Can't we live together? Can't we please," he begged. "I'm tired of sneaking out and getting into fights, then having to clean my room because of it. It's so clean I don't even know what else to dust anymore!" Rounding the corner, he clung to the wall, eyes wide and pleading. "I'm already eighteen, you know! I can be an adult! Plenty of kids do it these day, you know!"

Kilia 02-20-2018 07:29 AM

Bane was stirring the noodles in the pot before sticking some chicken tenders in the oven, counting on them both to be done to eat the same time. ”Well your still in high school right? So there is still no point to doing it when you need to finish your education. We also got to consider if you want to start college as well.” he felt like all he was doing was making excuses but these were things he had been thinking and considering and he knew it was best to discuss these things with his lover instead of letting them fester inside his brain. This was part of the reason he was told it would be best for them to end it so that he wouldn’t burden the young male with a family when he wasn’t ready for it.

”Raven kind of ruined the surprise but....” he moved to the fudge digging around on top of it for a moment before pulling a box off, big enough for a key in it that Raven had painted a bunch of hearts on it. ”We were considering asking you to move in with us at your graduation.” his cheeks were flushed, as he offered the little box up to him. Waiting hesitantly for his reaction though the way he had heen begging to live together left a warm fuzzy feeling inside the older male and left little room for worry.

”I wasn’t even sure I was going to give it to you. I thought you would have liked to live on your own first and maybe experience things before wanting to be with us.” he turned back to the food, finishing the macaroni before checking on the chicken tenders, mulling over his thoughts. ”Even if you move in your parents can still come over and fight with you and try to get you taken away from us or get me arrested and have Raven put into foster care.” he frowned, his fears and worries were starting to bubble up to the surface making him unable to hold them back as he stared at the wall in front of him. ”They already think I took advantage of you.....” of course he was implying sex which is something that they have yet to do with each other as Jamie wasn’t old enough for it to be legal when they started to date and because Bane is hesitant to try anything that could ruin their relationship to much.

Raven was hurt when jamie sprung from the couch to follow Bane into the kitchen, she scrambled off the couch herself and followed them as well. Tugging on Jamie’s shirt as she looked up at him with big puppy dog eyes that were on the verge of tears. ”Mamie....” she whined to him, tugging his shirt again as she demanded his attention. ”I want to tell you about school. You can play with daddy later.” she started sniffling as she fought back the tears that threatened to spill over, looking up at him pleadingly with her big blue eyes.

Kat Dakuu 02-20-2018 05:49 PM

"School will be done in another month," Jamie continued to insist. "I don't care about anything else. I just..." He fought back a sniffle, knowing that his passion colored his voice far more than necessary. He just couldn't stop himself and he might have argued the point another ten minutes if Bane didn't pull down a small box from the top of the fridge. Jamie snapped his mouth shut, realizing all at once that his argument might not be needed. Hands shaking, he took the box, afraid to open it. "Wait...w-what did you say?" he found himself echoing even as he opened the box. Inside lay a single key, one that he didn't need to question to know what meant. In an instant, Jamie's expression lit up with joy.

"Bane! Do you really mean it?! You're asking me if I would? Of course I want to live with you so bad if you'll let me," he cried, throwing both arms around the other man's neck. He clung there for a second despite the discomfort that their height differences caused. Every hair on his body felt alive though, like he might never be able to stand still again. "Don't listen to what my parent's say. If we have to, we'll just run away. That's what all the lovers say, right?" Flashing an impish grin, he held Bane's gaze for a second before the insistent tugging on his shirt pulled his attention away again.

"Rae, I'm sorry. It's just because I love your daddy so much," he murmured as he dropped to a squat next to her. He looked back up at Bane, apologetic. "Talk later? I don't think she can stand to be away from me any longer."

Kilia 02-20-2018 08:33 PM

Bane’s heart ached at hearing the passion in Jamie’s voice and it hurt even more having seen him on the verge of tears. He knew that the young male had fallen hard for him since the moment they first met two years ago when he brought Raven back to him after she had wandered off at the pack between their homes. ”I said that we got this for you as a graduation present.” he repeated the words though the were much shorter than what he had said moments ago, chuckling to himself at the expression his lover had.

He could only echo it with his own wide happy grin, having to catch the teenager when he tossed his arms around his neck. Hefting him up a bit so that they were a bit more level even if it meant Jamie’s feet weren’t touching the ground. ”Hey, I told you before that me and Raven are a package deal. Of course we are asking you to live with us.” he laughed once more, pressing gentle kisses to his forehead, his cheeks, and finally his lips before he was forced to let him go.

”Your such a dramatic, energetic thing.” his words were affection as their lips pressed together once more, brushing that red hair back from Jamie’s face so their eyes could meet. ”Oh? And where would you have us run away to when the time comes?” he asked as he turned his attention back to the food, digging in the fridge to pull out sharp cheddar cheese that had been shredded already, mixing it in with the boxes mac and cheese.

”We can while me and Raven eat. Besides you and her were an item long before I came into the picture. I am just a third wheel in this relationship.” Bane flashed him a teasing smile, as that warm feeling grew inside his chest again at the sight of the two most important people in his life; to the point that his chest hurt with that ache that could only be discribed as Love. ”I need to finish cooking anyways.” at this point he was pulling out some green beans to heat up and season a little bit.

”I love daddy too but I had your first! Your my Mamie not daddy’s!” Raven huffed through her tears, sniffling as she wiped at her face with one little hand as she used the other one to tug on a lock of his red hair in a slightly angry manner. She soon grinned as she realized that she had him all to herself now. Grabbing his hand she tugged him back into the living room, forcing him to sit on the couch.

”You have to stay right here. No going anywhere while I tell you about school.” she demanded of him, a serious look on her face as she had one hand on her hip and the other one pointing at her favorite person and the couch as she spoke. Glaring at him for a moment as she made sure he was going to leave his spot. She soon grinned as she turned around, gathering all her papers together and climbing up next to him, cuddling into his side before she began to tell him about her day.

Kat Dakuu 02-20-2018 10:54 PM

Jamie chuckled as he let Raven pull him away. "Yes, of course. I'm not going anywhere. Not ever," he murmured. Settling onto the couch, he let the girl surround him with pictures and and a few bits of writing that he just smiled at with distant, but blissful eyes. He really did love the Raven and he hated to see her upset. She just couldn't understand how monumental their conversation had been. "Now, tell you mamie your favorite thing about school today..."

He let her drone on, nodding and interacting with the pictures like always. Thoughts continued to mull in his head though. The key weighted down his left pocket where he'd shoved it, giving an extra warmth he kept breathing in. And yet, the thoughts that swirled around made him dizzy rather than high. And where would you have us run away to when the time comes?” The question plagued him as well as the answer that might have popped out unfiltered if not for Raven. He could run away with Bane. He wanted to. This perfect little family, maybe, they could just run away.

Kilia 02-21-2018 11:33 AM

Bane chuckled as he listened and watched Jamie and Raven through the open section of the wall leading to the living room, feeling like the luckiest man in the world at the sight of them. He finished cooking the last of the food before plating it, he dug around for a moment before setting them all up with some water as finished setting the small kitchen table.

”we got to sing songs in class today which was my favorite. But I didn’t like that the other kids picked on me because I don’t have a mommy but I told them I don’t need a mommy because I have two daddies!” Raven frowned and pouted a bit as she recalled the days events but then smiling proudly as she shad stood up for herself and told everyone about Jamie and her dad. She continued on with telling him about her day until Bane came into the room. She knew what time it was when he did that quickly started cleaning up her mess, shoving her pictures into Jamie’s hands. ”These are for you, mamie. The picture of the horsey is what I want for birthday!” she said to him, quickly kissing his cheek as she finished cleaning her mess up.

”Come on little bird. Time to eat and Mamie and Daddy need to talk ok. So can you be very quiet?” Bane asked his daughter, picking the pink clad girl up as he set her in her princess chair, making sure she had everything before taking his own seat. Smiling as she nodded her head vigorously as she pressed her index finger to her lips to show she could. ”Thank you, baby girl.” he smiled, pressing a kiss to her head before looking at Jamie, motioning for him to say what he had on his mind. ”So where were we?” he asked after a minute, putting ketchup on Raven’s plate before doing so on his own, digging into his meal.

Kat Dakuu 02-21-2018 04:54 PM

"Oh, is that so?" Jamie responded, a little struck by Raven's words. He couldn't refute them though, at least not to her. As much as the fact that was enough of a mother warmed him, it also made the reality more stark. He never considered them a weird family at all, but other kids....other kids lived by their own logic and their parents'. Could he even do anything about that?

Shaking his head, he cleared away the dark thoughts as Bane ushered the little girl away to wash up and then eat her dinner. "We'll see about that horse!" he called after her with a laugh, clutching at all the drawings that she gave him. Well, he supposed if she wanted him to be mommy, then he could do that with ease. He'd already looked after her so much and just receiving crayon drawings made his heart swell.

Jamie pulled himself off of the couch and went to sit next to Bane although he really wanted to talk to the other man just with the two of them. Little girls were sometimes far too smart, even when distracted by mac and cheese. "I really love you, you know," Jamie sighed, simply leaning over to rest his head on Bane's shoulder. "And I really do wish we could run away from all our problems."

Kilia 02-21-2018 05:17 PM

”m-hm....but they tought i was lucky to have two daddies!” Raven said to the male as she grinned, happily shoveling Mac and cheese into her face before she got a look from her father, soon falling silent as she ate.

”are you going to convince me to try and get her a horse as well?” Bane commented as he looked at his partner, shaking his head in exasperation. He had been fighting with Raven over the fact they had no place to keep a horse in the city and that they were really exspensive and she wasn’t old enough to have one anyways. He was working as hard as he could to put of having to tell her know on the creature and here Jamie was going to see about getting her one.

”I see what you are doing, little bird. Your trying to get Jamie on your side so that you both can hang up on me for your birthday.” he accused her, scrunching up his nose as he smiled, poking her little sides when her mouth was free of food to make her laugh and squirm in her seat. Only stopping when he felt a weight on his shoulder, his expression turned soft at seeing his lover snuggled up to him. ”I love you too.” he whispered to him, kissing the top of his head before offering a piece of chicken to him. He knew the redhead had already eaten but the habit of sharing his food was hard to break.

”well if we do run away from our problems they will still be here waiting for us and probably become much worse or where we run to could have new or the same problems for us to face.” he stated as he moved his food around on his plate a bit, having to set his fork down as he leaned over to his blue eyed girl to clean her face of the food she was wearing. He settled back into his seat, wrapping his arm around Jamie as he held him close, eating his meal with his free hand.

”Mamie, can you tuck me into bed and read me the story about the magic pony?” she asked as she stared at him with her wide eyes, wanting a change from her nightly routine with her father. Feeling the need to spend as much time with Jamie as possible while she can.

Kat Dakuu 02-21-2018 05:47 PM

Jamie chuckled and righted himself after a second. Just touching Bane for a second eased his worries away. "Of course I'm only teasing." He leaned in close to take the piece of chicken and whisper just for Bane to hear. "A horse? She dreams way too big!" Turning forward in his chair, he let out another little sigh, his gaze lingering on Raven. "But I won't say she won't ever get a horse either," he added with a giggle, knowing that tiny bit of confirmation would drive Bane insane later.

"What if the problems are gone there though?" Jamie asked, still looking at Raven. "You can't know that. We'll have a clean slate and no familiar faces. They won't be able to do a thing but say words to us and words are just words." More than anything, he worried about his parents and the physical control they had over him. The future, as unclear as it might be, looked perfect in his mind. No matter how hard he thought about it, he couldn't find a way that running away could make things worse. But then, he was just a kid. Jamie looked back at Bane, pouting slightly. "But you'll never say yes will you?"

Leaving his words at that, he stood from the chair, going to Raven's side, ignoring he arm that Bane wrapped around him. "Of course, sweet. You ate all your food so well too! Let's go put on your pajamas first then?" he continued, keeping his back studiously to Bane.

Kilia 02-22-2018 09:19 AM

Bane laughed, kissing Jamie softly on his lips. He knew all to well that his daughter dreamed big but he wasn’t going to stifle her imagination like most people tried to get him to do. Mainly her teachers since it tends to disrupt class a lot but he loved that she was so imaginative and could see the world as nothing but rainbows and ponies if she wanted. He nearly choked on his water at the comment on the horse. ’What was Jamie trying to say? That he secretly had a stash of cash some place that he was going to use to get her a horse? And if he did get her a horse where would they even keep it?! This two bedroom little house was barely big enough for him and Raven.’

His mind swirl thoughts as he stared at the two of them as they interacted with one another, contemplating the meaning behind Jamie’s words while he finished his own meal. He was snapped out of his thoughts when a question was directed at him. ”well if they are gone there....where there is. Than it would have been the right choice to make that move.” he started to clear the table away, washing the dishes as Jamie handles getting Raven cleaned up from her own meal. He sighed heavily as the redhead left his embrace, not saying any more on the subject at the moment since it was clearly one they needed to have while his daughter was sleeping. Though he had to admit that seeing Jamie’s backside was a rather attractive view so he couldn’t help but stare at him.

”I did!” Raven exclaimed to him as she giggled, gladly letting Jamie help her out. ”Daddy said I had to get a bath tonight.” she pouted to him, leading him to the bathroom. Like any normal kid she disliked having to bathe but knew better than to not do it which was the only reason she had shared with the young male about her blithe. She was pretty to get all cleaned up and dressed in her pajamas since she didn’r Put up much of a fight and did as she was told until it came to her bed time story then she kept asking him to read it again until she fell a sleep.

”that might be so but then we would only have each other to rely on. What if we have an issue and you want to get away from me to think? You wouldn’t have much space from me or anyone that you could truely rely on there besides me to talk about the issue. Or what if you decided that we weren’t for you and you move back in with your parents? Then raven and I would be left there to pick up everything on our own.” Bane said to the male once he was finally free from his daughter, patting the couch next to him so he could cuddle up with him. He loved Jamie deeply and it wasn’t a passing fancy like it could be for the young man who had clearly fallen hard and fast. He sighed heavily, running a hand through his black hair as he stared up at the ceiling.

It wasn’t like he was going to turn the idea down since he had been thinking about moving some place that was safer and a slower pace then the big bustling city after the first year with his daughter. He just never decided where exactly the would move to and then when the teenager came into their lives he didn’t feel the need to move anymore. He also knew exactly how much money he had saved up as his own parents gave him enough money to help him out for a year if things went well before they cut him out of the family. ”we still have the fact of where will we run off to.”

Kat Dakuu 02-22-2018 09:46 PM

Jamie had plenty of time to himself and his thoughts as he dealt with Raven, sitting on the edge of her bed to read after she finished her bath, until she finally went to sleep. Slipping the door closed, he heard Bane's series of questions even before he finished crossing the floor to drop onto the couch. Swinging his legs over Bane's lap, he leaned back against the arm rest so he could meet the other man's eye. "Haven't I told you that you think too much? And worry. I know you know more than me and I'm just a kid, but...I'm really impatient so I can't help myself," he sighed, adding an extra huff at the end.

Curling farther into the couch, he crossed his arms. Although Bane no doubt wanted to snuggle closer to him, Jamie didn't give the chance. Instead, he just continued to meet the other man's eye with a steady gaze and not quite a frown. "Why can't we just get in the car and go. We don't need a destination in mind. We'll know it when we see it right?" In the back of his mind, he knew he suggested something too unreasonable, but now that he started talking about this idea, he was determined to follow it through. "I'm sad when I'm not with you, you know."

Kilia 02-23-2018 06:19 AM

Bane dropped his hands on the legs that his his lap, frowning as he looked down at the appendages that were not the part of Jamie’s body that he expected in his lap. He let his hazel eyes trail up his legs, not faltering a bit when they met with the pale man’s crotch but continued up to met with red brown eyes. He could tell that the cuddling he was expecting was out of the question at the moment by the look he was given. ”You have and I have also told you that I am a father and I have to think on The best choices for Raven as well as myself. I have more than just me to take care of, Jamie.” he said softly before setting the legs on his lap aside so that he could turn more towards the male.

He knew that Jamie just wanted him to say okay and agree to running away with him and to forget all their worries and problems. He couldn’t do that though, he at least needed a desitination so he could find a place for them to live ahead of time and start looking for a job at said place. A heavy sigh escaped him, a scarred, tanned hand moved up to his face to rub it before he gave a weary smile. ”I understand where you are coming from, love. But I need a destination so I can start looking for a place for us to live and a job so we can continue to live. I am not young like you anymore and Raven is to young for such an adventure. If it were just me and you then I would agree to it but it isn’t just us.” He said to think, agreeing to the idea but not at the same time as he reached a hand out to brush that red hair back out of his face. He truely did love Jamie and wanted to make him as happy as possible. He knew it seemed like he was being reluctant about the whole just running away topic but he wasn’t trying to be and he did mean it when he said if it was just the two of them that they could.

Kat Dakuu 02-24-2018 05:50 PM

Jamie couldn't help but lean into Bane's touch as he brushed back a strand of red hair. For all that he made a show of being stubborn and not snuggly, he wanted to curl up against Bane's side more than anything. I'd been a long day considering the fight with his parents and school. Not that he struggled much there, but maybe he just felt alone. No one else suffered from the same problems as him. Peers his age? Bane said he might want someone else to talk to if they had problems, but the truth was, even now he didn't have that. If he admitted he dated a man almost ten years his senior, they would only look at him strangely.

Letting out a sigh, Jamie finally shifted so that their shoulders touched. "I know, but I still hate it. Can't we just run away toward the ocean or the hill to the west. Ashley Tiston said that her family drove through them last summer and she never saw anything more beautiful. From here though, they just look dirty green and bland. I wonder if she's right, huh?" He turned his gaze up to look at Bane. "I'm no good at this planning stuff though. Can I come over tomorrow too and talk about it?"

Kilia 02-24-2018 06:15 PM

Bane’s Mouth twitched slightly as he fought back the smile that wanted to come through. Jamie would never know how elated he was at what little bit of welcomed contact they had with each other and when it was more than that, well he felt as if his heart would burst from the positive emotions that it held. He spread his hand a bit on Jamie’s cheek, cupping it as he left it there, not wanting to pull away from the little bit of contact they were sharing.

He could not help but let the smile show when his partner shifted closer to him, the elation he felt was far to much for him to keep it hidden from view. He kissed the top of that red head as he fought the urge to snuggle in with him as he wasn’t Sure if Jamie was completely ready for that at the moment. ”Well being close to the ocean would mean we will have to worry about hurricanes a lot more. And the hills to the west will have a lot more animals that we will have to watch out for.” he frowned and clutched slightly at his own words. He was doing it again, being negative and just seeming to cut down every idea his partner wanted to do.

His brow furrowed as he stared at the small television even though it was turned off. Jamie’s question snapped him out of his thoughts, he smiled at the boy before he shifted. He wrapped his arms around him, tugging him close and into his lap. ”How about this. I will do the planning but you decide which direction you want to go in and after you graduate we can run away.” he didn’t answer the question that was asked because Jamie already knew the answer. He was always welcome to come over and spend as much time with them as he wanted, the only time he ever told him he couldn’t is when one of them was sick or if Jamie had a test the next day.

Kat Dakuu 02-26-2018 10:06 PM

Pulling himself up straighter, Jamie smiled at Bane, bright and full of happiness. "Alright. I can tell for sure that anything you plan, I will be happy with," Jamie answered. It really was best if the older man did the planning, but if oceans had problems and hills could be dangerous, then he would just look at places on the internet after school tomorrow and show them to Bane. Even if those choices were no good either, he would just keep looking and looking until he found the perfect location. Then together, they could finally live happily.

Jamie shared another smile with himself before pressing a quick kiss to Bane's lips. A second later, he bounced off the couch, spinning in an open armed circle. "Just you wait and see. Everything will be perfect as soon as I graduate. I don't think that day could come any sooner! Bane, I'm living for the day I can run away with you." Stopping his spin right in front of Bane, he stared into the other man's eyes, lost. His bubbly joy cooled to something soft and yet just as happy. It left his heart pounding and cheeks flushed. Although he knew that the hour grew late and he should leave soon, he hesitated where he stood in front of the other man, the sheer presence of Bane keeping him still.

Kilia 02-27-2018 06:16 PM

Bane smiled at the happiness he saw on his lover’s face. He was just as happy but it was worn down from how tired he was after having worked all day. He shifted to where his arm was propped up in the armrest and his fist supported his head. ”you might not be happy with what I plan, love.” He spoke softly, keeping his voice low as not to wake his precious daughter in the next room. His hazel gaze wavered as he watched Jamie, he could feel the sting of tears pricking at him.

Not for the first time, bane thought that he could marry this man given the first opportunity that came his way but only if the brown eyed male felt the same way. He blinked in surprise, his brain taking a bit to register that he had been kissed before staring at the twirling boy. A deep hearty laugh escaped him. Jamie was just so positive, and childlike all at the same time which meant that in Bane’s book he was absolutely perfect. He loved everything about him from his fake red hair to his pale skin all the way to his beautiful personality and mind.

”And here I thought you were living for the day you can steal Raven from me.” of course he was teasing him, his laughter having died down to a slight chuckle. Not tearing his eyes from the young man, he reached a hand out to him. ”We all have been waiting for you to graduate, Jamie. Me more so than anyone you know. Well second to your self. I am tired of only being able to spend a couple of hours with you. Which is even less since Raven loves you as much as I do and she demands your attention so.” he took a hold of the pale hand, squeezing it slightly before he stood up as well, carefully embracing the male.

Gazing heatedly at him as he continued to steadily make eye contact with him, trying hard not to break it. ”I look forward to the day we can run away and I can finally fall a sleep with you in my arms. I love you, Jamie. Far more than you can ever know.” he hugged the boy close, leaning his head down so that he could whisper the words into his ear. Bane was never this bold or honest in the past, it amazed him every time when he did something like this as it made him appreciate how much he has changed and grown since he met this pale skinned male. He knew that he needed to let Jamie go so he could head home before he got into trouble but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it just yet.

Kat Dakuu 03-01-2018 12:37 AM

"Well that too," Jamie shot back, giving the other man a wink. "Raven would be pretty happy if I stole her away, don't you think? Maybe I'll just marry her instead." He laughed at his joke, unaware that Bane's thoughts had drifted toward a very different marriage. His gaze softening, he squeezed Bane's hand, stilling in front of him. The soul-aching draw was back as soon as the laughter that stole it died away.

Wrapping his arms around Bane, Jamie sighed away all the tension in his body. "I know. And you can never know how much I love you either. But it's only two months and maybe then, maybe..." He let his words trail off as he flushed. He wouldn't let even himself follow through on the thought, let alone say it out loud, but they were boyfriends. It really was time they fell asleep in each other's arms. "A-anyway, I should head back, right? My mum and da probably noticed a long time ago that I snuck out. If I'm not careful, they might board up the window or something." He let out a nervous laugh, but didn't do more than straighten so that he stood in front of Bane again, holding both of his hands. A part of him waited for Bane to tell him not to go. Because he would if asked. He'd do anything to stay.

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