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Popcorn Gun 12-26-2007 06:25 AM

{ T i n s e l && LIGHTS } arting
{ T i n s e l && LIGHTS }

Welcome to my little thread that combines the best of both world, Bright and Shiny, for some festive holiday fun. Got a little tired of....ok my poor little brain crashed from the thread hopping and keepign track of those threads, so this'll be my thread and hopefully yours, to kick back and relax.
So drop a marshmallow in your cup, ease into an easy chair, and chat with me. =' )
Frostbite Earrings 100 gold
Deep Freeze Earrings 100 gold
Frostbite Necklace 150
Deep Freeze Necklace 150 gold
Frosty Crown 200 gold
Frosty Tiara 150g
Silver Kisses 175 gold
Golden Kisses 175 gold
Frozen LegCOOLers 150 gold
Candy apple gloves 125 gold
Evergreen gloves 125 gold
Winter night gloves 125 gold

I do art. 8' D

Chidori 12-26-2007 06:26 AM

more cocoa ok

x mas is over

`Riku 12-26-2007 06:28 AM

doez that mean no more reindeer killing for yoo??

Popcorn Gun 12-26-2007 06:28 AM


` Be nice

` Be literate - dnt tyup leik dis, unless we all know you're playing.

` Have fun! It's christmas after all! Don't be a scrooge you'll attract those pesty B. Humbugs D ':< , and they eat EVERYTHING!! ;o;




Popcorn Gun 12-26-2007 06:30 AM

Shoot, you guys are quick to post!
I didn't even get to post.

No, I'll still be reindeer killing and playing at playtime, just sometimes it confused me a bit, and I guess it's open nao.

x' )P

Chidori 12-26-2007 06:30 AM

ill follow the rules

Popcorn Gun 12-26-2007 06:33 AM


-passes you some cocoa, extra mallows of the marsh kind-

How's it going?
Got any Christmas withdrawl yet?
x' D

Chidori 12-26-2007 06:37 AM

its going pretty well

oh i am sorry but my fingers are frozen!!

i said i was gonna buy some more video games later

Popcorn Gun 12-26-2007 06:39 AM

x' D

`Riku 12-26-2007 06:41 AM

i think she meant buy.


poppy you should put -NO POSTING- in title. lol.

Chidori 12-26-2007 06:42 AM

wait do you think i am a girl?
i am a boy
do i really look like a girl?

`Riku 12-26-2007 06:47 AM

lol oooppp sorry chidori. i didnt really look at your avatar, i kinda just glaned. i mean "he". lol.

Popcorn Gun 12-26-2007 06:47 AM

I thought you were of the male persuasion...
o ____0;;
And I know the feeling.
Up in my state up in my state!
The weather isn't very nice.
Up in my state! Up in my state!
We make you skate right through the ice!

OOh, which video games are you planning on getting?

@ Riku: I tried, but no rooms
D ';

Chidori 12-26-2007 06:49 AM

maybe jeanne d arch
metal gear portable ops +
and i play monster hunter
i know soo much violence

`Riku 12-26-2007 06:53 AM

what do you mean no room? instead of putting lit hangout arting, you put NO POSTING and then after you're done posting, you edit first post, erase "no posting" and then put ""

Popcorn Gun 12-26-2007 06:55 AM

Aah, but violence is fun!
It's what makes all the fun games worth playing!
=' D
Without violence.... D '8


I don't even want to know....

So, what's the plot to the games you're thinking about. Never was much of a gamer, ya know since the controls all hate me. So, you got some 'splainin' to do.
x' 3.

Hey, I did say my little brain was tired.
x' D

`Riku 12-26-2007 06:57 AM

-laughs atchu-
-ice skates through thread-

Popcorn Gun 12-26-2007 07:04 AM


>:' C

-runs by you shouting Bah Hum bug quicly and numerous times attracting a large swarm of humbugs, and runs away-

Hee hee hee her haw!

Laoff at me will ya?
Well who's laughing nao!

- laughes insanley and finally goes beserk-

Chidori 12-26-2007 07:05 AM

i dont ice skate just skate

`Riku 12-26-2007 07:10 AM

-pullz out bazooka-


Popcorn Gun 12-26-2007 07:13 AM

Truthfully Chidori I don't do either really well.
x' D

I'd have to say about half the time I'm trying to skate, if I'm not clutching the railings/outside walls for dear life or stumbling along ackwardly, I'm on mmy butt.
x' 3

I'm still working on it.
Do you consider yourself good or average?

@ Riku:

Dun shoot!
I have a little sister who's only a wee little thing and my parents died and now I have to take care of her, and she was struck deaf, blind, crippleed, and dumb, but I still love her and take care off her se very best I can.

-continually rambles about said little sister and her duties while edging behind Chidori-

`Riku 12-26-2007 07:15 AM

-iz not sympathizing-

-shoots yoo-


dude i am pro ice skater.

Popcorn Gun 12-26-2007 07:23 AM


-falls down dying a long exaggerated Bugs Bunny death-

Gasp! Gasp!
It's getting dark!
I'm losing control of my limbs!

-slaps you in the face and kicks in the rear-

It's getting harder to breathe!
Mommy I'mma comin'! Wait for me!

-falls down-



-legs fly in the air, and finally fall back down with a crash-

Dun, DUN!

`Riku 12-26-2007 07:28 AM

LOL. sooomeone iz hyper.

-gives yoo sleeping pillz-

Popcorn Gun 12-26-2007 07:32 AM

H0 N0ez!
Not the Pills!
Anything but that!

-struggles but winds up choking them down-

-mummble- Dumb pills -mumble- assult....

>:' C

I'm not hyper, atleast I won't be anymore.


HALP! This starnger drugged me!
-stumbles around woozily-

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