Menewsha Avatar Community

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wish 08-04-2008 02:45 AM

★★ S T A R H E R O S ★★ - ♥♥ - W i s h ... for ★ S t a r s ★
C H A T here for S T A R S !

1st and 2nd posts on page 1OO will get 150g each! :heart:
3rd + 4th posts on page 1OO will get 100g each! :heart:
Will happen every 50 pages.

i'll just give gold out randomly to people that stay for a while. XD

Also the person or persons that keeps the thread alive the most everyday I'm asleep will be given something from the event common store! :3 Something probably 5-7 stars worth!

Prizes Given:
Moonlight Pendant x O1
Page 50 500g


Tension 08-04-2008 02:47 AM

wow. don't even mention my birthday.

Thoth Star 08-04-2008 02:47 AM

Hello wish. How are you?

Hi tension. Happy b-day. XD Lol.

sweetly25 08-04-2008 02:47 AM

:3 weeeeeeeeee hey guys

Raze 08-04-2008 02:48 AM

hey, wiwi! XDD

Tension 08-04-2008 02:48 AM

Thanks thoth. no thanks wish.

hii sweetly.

wish 08-04-2008 02:48 AM


Harro thoth. : D i'm okay. about to switch my schedule around so i can actually spend time at this event... xD 'cause this lag is irritating me. haha.

wish 08-04-2008 02:50 AM

wahh. harro sweetly + raze!!

yay. people came. rofl. >__>

usually when i make threads no one .. comes in. ;___;

i'm playing DS right now. @___@;

edit; >__<; oops didn't mean to double post.

Tension 08-04-2008 02:50 AM

i'm as legal as you are now, wish. ;]

get a better computerrr.

sweetly25 08-04-2008 02:50 AM

Tension: hi hi ;3

Happy Birthday :3

wish: haha I just happened to see your name on the forum and I was like... weeeeeeeeeee its wish xD

Raze 08-04-2008 02:52 AM

whe.. b'day boy here? Happy birthday! XD

Wiwi.. yesh, I'm here to spam. >D

Tension 08-04-2008 02:52 AM

Haha, thank you Sweetly. How're you doings?

WISH. You may want to review the ToS. You're not allowed to double post on Menewsha. We're trying to keep this site safe from spam. You may wanna just go to Gaia. ty.

First and final warning.

wish 08-04-2008 02:52 AM

i can't believe sweetly's here. xD!! She's almost NEVER on. o___o ITS LIKE AN HONOR.

and look at what tension said "That wish person wanted stars, so she double posted, and got banned" ... LOL

Boy i'm going to kick you in the bum. MMKAY.

Tension 08-04-2008 02:54 AM

We don't accept violence on Menewsha either. We're trying to keep this a friendly site, and were doin' fine until you logged on.


And thanks Raze!

wish 08-04-2008 02:56 AM

rofl.. ;__; chatting spam.. is fun at events. And for some reason it feels like they upped the gold amount per post. o__O; because one sentence now gets me 2 gold rather than half a gold. :O!


Winterwolfgoddess 08-04-2008 02:57 AM

Wish, your title makes me think of the disney firework show, with its "wishes" song. :lol:

Raze 08-04-2008 02:58 AM

I have no idea.. where are the clues? ;;A;;

wish 08-04-2008 03:00 AM

Winter; o___o!! I never seen it. ;___; what fireworks song? LOL I like wishes and stars.. and stuff like that. :3 I used to use a name starbright on other sites. LOL or if not i used starlight.

Raze; LOL next to the star by your gold count, the amount is underlined, click on that. :3

Raze 08-04-2008 03:14 AM

Ah I see.. fool me.. XD;;

edit : I still don't understand? @_@

Winterwolfgoddess 08-04-2008 03:15 AM

xD I think it is just called wishes. xD Not sure. Look it up on youtube.

and OMG! Mene is tricking me. Giving my a different hair and portraying wish as banned. xD

wish 08-04-2008 03:17 AM

Lol.. really?

The stars are given when you post.. and when you collect enough stars, you can click on the star link for a clue. then using that clue, you try to figure out where to find the item. :3

This time you're looking for that. XD and this first clue item takes 3 stars to get. which can be achieved with 8 posts.. O__o; which is kinda a lot to me. haha.

sweetly25 08-04-2008 03:19 AM

Tension: I'm doing great thank you.. and you?

wish: well I'll be active during this event hopefully xD

then I will go back to RIP again LOL

Raze 08-04-2008 03:20 AM

@wiwi : is it in the forum? or in a thread? *confused

wish 08-04-2008 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by Winterwolfgoddess (Post 3677116)
xD I think it is just called wishes. xD Not sure. Look it up on youtube.

and OMG! Mene is tricking me. Giving my a different hair and portraying wish as banned. xD

Winter; IM BANNED!? ;___; wahh...

hahahhahha. you're always RIP. >[ until i tell you GET ON THERES AN EVENT. OR .. GET ON THERES A FREE ITEM!

Winterwolfgoddess 08-04-2008 03:24 AM

xD I dunno what mene did but it looked like it. xD I kept refreshing with a wth expression on my face. xD I was hoping it was just a weird lag side effect xD

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