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Chroma 04-06-2007 04:17 AM

LOLOL ~Easter! Art freebie +Event Hangout-CLOSED
Insane kid strikes again!

Hang around here, or I'll eat your pillows. :<

Anywaaaaays, Got sick of CGing during art Hiatus...
but I'm in an oekaki-ing mood. 8DDD <3

I'll also be giving out a free easter bunny pin thing.
Any ideas how I should do this? :3

So in this thread, I'll be drawing Oekaki sketches to...

-Random people who hang around and chat..etc.
-People I like..xDDD -=Shot=-
-And you can get more than 1, maybee..Since they're sorta fast to draw. :3
-It'll be a most of the time be a headshot, maybe more if you're cool. 8D;

I'll draw

-Simple Menewsha avatars
-Ask about whatever XP

Won't draw

Gaian avatars.
Anything not up there.

It'll be something like this. XDDD

YES, Happy easter everyone. X,DDDDD;

During this event, My goal is to sketch around 10-20+ freebies.
Really depends on how much time I have. Tommorow, I'll be able to draw a lot. :3

Kay, thanks for stopping by. *_____*

Chroma 04-06-2007 04:18 AM

Drawing Victims! :

Just to let you know, It's alright if I'm not drawing you for now!
I'll be drawing a lot more people later! 8DDD
These are the ones I'll currently be working on! Thanks for keeping me company.
I'll make a new list when I'm done sketching these. :3
(In no particular order)

SORRY. Didn't know event was so short. X: COME BACK NEXT EVENT. xDDD Possibly drawing 1 or 2 more.


:!:Post in the thread what you want drawn. xDDD (avatar, OC, etc.)
-Also, specify one colour you want!
And I hope once you guys are chosen, you won't leave poor ole' me...;___;
And if you don't post it within 12 hours, I suppose I'll push your order slightly back to make room for more people!

If you're not chosen now, it'll most likely mean that I'll draw you later. :3
Because I'd draw tons of people but if the worklist looks too long....yeah. owo;;


1. Dark_Maiden_Queen
2. Kairek
3. Aeroshaker
4. Kale dragonheart
5. Donut
6. Azure
7. iMani


Mene avatar for iMani~
Hope you like it! xDD

PFFFT. Dude, you didn't tell me what you wanted so I took liberties. >_>;
Mene avatar for Azure~

Mene avatar for Donut~
Hope you like it! xD

Mene avatar for Kalee~
Hope you like it!

Mene avatar for Aerooooo
Hope you like it~

Meadow for Kaaaai-poo! <3
Hope you like it! 8DDD

:!:OHHH, And I want to give out a free Easter bunny pin thing~ Any ideas how I should do this?
Feel free to suggest! :3

PsychoPoetic 04-06-2007 04:25 AM

Ooooh, Lessir-poo..:3
How are you??
I can't waiiiit.<33

Donut 04-06-2007 04:30 AM

hows it going?

iMani 04-06-2007 04:32 AM

Hello there.

...I suddenly got this urge to make my one mule named after a Final Fantasy character and act like that character.

Okay so that was totally random.
How is everyone?

Donut 04-06-2007 04:33 AM

i'm better now, just got off work

sha 04-06-2007 04:34 AM

Hello. :)

Chroma 04-06-2007 04:38 AM

OMGG, People came. <3
-=Hug squishes all=-

I'm thinking, I should add some item prizes too. :3

Donut 04-06-2007 04:38 AM

its all good, i just came for the chatting, im board

Aliena 04-06-2007 04:39 AM

I'll definitely hang out and chat! I still have a few hours before bedtime, I think. :)

Azure 04-06-2007 04:40 AM

  • *gropehinthintgropes Chroma* ;D

iMani 04-06-2007 04:41 AM

I shall try to hang out here and stuffs.
I say I get distracted pretty easily though.

PsychoPoetic 04-06-2007 04:42 AM

Ahhh !
I love your art, so much.. :3~

Lilithia 04-06-2007 04:45 AM

Happy easter!!

Chroma 04-06-2007 04:45 AM

I love you all. ;___;

Bored as well. :3
Glad to hear you can stay and chat!

-=Gives Donut a Rainbow slinky=- 8DD

ROFFL, I think I should be sleeping now though.
-=Tries to stay on a little later=- :3

-=Pinchescheeks=- >DDD

@iMani: YAAY!
OMGG Look~ A flying cow! owo

Chroma 04-06-2007 04:47 AM

@ PsychoPoetic:
Your's is waay better. XP

@ Lilithia:
Thank yooo! *__*
Happy easter to you as well. :3 <3

What's up with me and all this multi-tasking chatting? xDDDD

iMani 04-06-2007 04:48 AM

A flying cow?!


Chroma 04-06-2007 04:52 AM

FOMG, You missed it!
Should've looked sooner! XP

Donut 04-06-2007 04:53 AM

*plays happily with the slinky* thanks, and i might have a few hours too, my rp people are not on either

Azure 04-06-2007 04:55 AM

  • *licks Chroma's nose while he plays with my cheek* >p>

aeroshaker 04-06-2007 04:56 AM

*Runs in and pokes Azure.* What a interesting place this is.

Azure 04-06-2007 05:03 AM

  • *poked*
    o~ oh yes it is~~

aeroshaker 04-06-2007 05:04 AM

Sooo...How is Azure? *looks at him with interest.*

Azure 04-06-2007 05:10 AM

  • *stares back* o.o~~//

    nuttin much, just chatting in my hangout thread in this forum, feel free to drop by~

aeroshaker 04-06-2007 05:11 AM

I don't know where that is though....*Runs off and looks for it.*

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