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Blossom Utonium 12-30-2012 02:25 AM

Witchaven Academy (Open and Accepting!)

One day you walk outside to get the mail. As you approach the mailbox, you don't feel like anything's gonna be out of the ordinary, until you see what you got. You see that a letter is from Witchaven Academy, the prestigious other-worldly school that either you or your parents have signed you up for. You go inside and open the letter.

Dear Student,

So, we've heard about you. You've tried going to school with mortals and they just... didn't get you. Didn't appreciate you. Don't point this on yourself. There isn't anything wrong with you. In fact, we think you and your abilities are marvelous. Those of us who are 'gifted', well, mortals aren't going to understand us. That's just the way it is.

So, that's why Witchaven was created.

Witchaven was opened in 1702 for young witches and wizards only. But in the later 1700s, we allowed all gifted races to come here. We figured that if we were tired of mortals, perhaps ALL gifted races were. Think of this school as, well, a haven. Think of it as a haven for you where you can express yourself freely. No one will look at you weirdly if you can fly, cast spells or even if you look different. We've all put up with mortals, so now, you don't have to anymore.

Pack your things, because approximately 72 hours after you finish reading this letter, a fairy bus will be here to fly you to our wonderful school. We are located in a different realm which only these fairy buses can travel through, so your safety is assured. No costs are required, just make sure you have plenty of belongings. We will be glad to include you in our living areas and in our classes.

Also, don't worry. Fairy buses are always operative. Students can travel home to be with parents on weekends. We look forward to seeing you, and we hope you will enjoy your years at Witchaven. All spellbooks, handbooks and whatnot will be given once you arrive. Cheers!

- Headmaster Luna and the rest of the Head Coven at Witchaven

---------- Post added 12-29-2012 at 09:28 PM ----------

Every roleplay has rules.

Please at least post a paragraph :)


Unlimited Characters if you can handle them.

No godmods. Do not try to control what someone else's character does.

No arguments with other roleplayers!

Only I decide when the bell rings. ;)

Please follow these rules... but whether your character follows the school rules is up to you :3

As you get to Witchaven and you receive your handbook, you see all the rules of the school. The rules say that...

All students must remain on campus during school hours, and if they leave after, they must be back before the eleventh evening hour, with weekends as an exception.

Mortals are prohibited and will be expelled upon discovery. Anyone who brings a mortal will also face punishment, if not complete expulsion.

Disrespect of any professors or staff here is not tolerated, and great punishment will be dealt if any student is caught doing so.

No profanity, only filthy mortals engage in such activites.

Do not attack, cast spells on, or attack another student. Such activity will get you sent to the dungeon for one class hour. If activity continues, dungeon time may be extended, student may be suspended, or any other punishment as decided by an official.

Headmaster Luna must always be obeyed.

---------- Post added 12-29-2012 at 09:30 PM ----------

The Head Coven

These are the NPC teachers and leaders around the school building. Since every student in the entire school shares classes, everyone has similar teachers. Everyone is to become familiar with the staff, as they are to be highly respected.

Headmaster Luna - This is the face of Witchaven. She has been there since the opening of the school. It is rumored that Luna is evil deep down but no one really knows for sure. She loves to be feared and thinks of herself as greater than all. She can be really nice but if one crosses her, she can become their worst nightmare.

Chancellor Deansman - Edward Deansman is a chancellor at Witchaven. He's pretty easy going, and makes his self a positive influence for the students. It is very rare that he gets angered, but he is very sarcastic. A wizard in nature, Edward always has a stack of tarot cards in his pocket and uses them for spells and fortunes.

Prophet Mina - Prophet Mina, also known as simply Miss Mina, is a counselor to the students. She is kind, but somewhat softspoken. She means nothing but good in all her actions, and tries to work out problems before Luna can find out about them.

Count Dexterius - Dexterius is simply known as The Count to the students and is a right hand man to Luna. He often wanders the hallway, closely monitoring the students and all their actions. No one really talks to him, for they know that one thing they do can be reported to Luna and could possibly get them in trouble. He never bites anyone unless it is defense. He also plays favorites with vampire students.

Sister Amerosa - Sister Amerosa, or Madame Amerosa, is an advisor at the school. She watches the students as well. She is mainly quiet but can be harsh if needed. She teaches potion class.

There are hosts of other teachers and helpers as well, but these are the mains.

---------- Post added 12-29-2012 at 09:35 PM ----------

Student Covens

These covens do not pick what class you are in; all students take the same classes. This decides which dormitories you stay in, as similar people live near each other in the dorm area. Each student gets their own room with a bed, tv, couch, small kitchen and bathroom.

Coven Alpha - This consists of all the witches, wizards, whorlocks and related races.

Coven Beta - This consists of dark races, such as werewolves, vampires, fallen angels and so on.

Coven Gamma - This consists of any type of monster related or unusual race.

Coven Delta - This consists of generally good races, such as fairies, pixies, angels, ect.

Coven Epsilon - This consists of everything else, including elementals and superhumans.



Character's Full Name:
Age: Between 8 and 20 please unless teacher

---------- Post added 12-29-2012 at 09:44 PM ----------

Bulletin Board

It is cloudy outside, 70 degrees. Mildly windy.
It is Wednesday.

There are eight periods including lunch so students should be prepared to learn. Fourth hour is free period and fifth hour is lunch. First hour is spell class, second hour is potions class. Third hour is gym/power placement. Sixth hour is flight class and seventh hour is travel class. Eighth is study hall. Enjoy the year, kids!

Profile Post: Witchaven Student Yearbook

OOC Post: Witchaven Student Forum

---------- Post added 12-29-2012 at 09:44 PM ----------

Reserved Post

---------- Post added 12-29-2012 at 09:49 PM ----------

This is now open!

Blossom Utonium 01-03-2013 03:16 AM

It was time for the first day of school. It seemed like time went fast since school ended the last year.

Lucy stepped out of her dorm. It was her second year at Witchaven. She was ready to get back in there and finish strengthening her powers. She enjoyed going to Witchaven and actually felt like she fit in there. She was, of course, popular at her mortal school, but she didn't like being with people that weren't like her. She couldn't never fully express herself. But now, since she was around people more like herself, things would be okay for her. She stretched her arms out and yawned before shutting her door and walking up the campus to the school. She was excited for the first day. She wondered what new people would be there and if she would see her friends from last year.

She was soon up to the school building where she headed to her first class.

Alex appeared outside the steps to the main school building. He was also excited about being in a place with people more like him. But he didn't know many other angels, so it would probably be hard to find someone who completely understood him. It didn't matter too much to him though; he was happy enough to be around other nonmortals. He hid his wings and stood still by the steps. It was still fairly early; twenty minutes until class would begin. The angel was glowing a bright white, and his clothes were all white. He would surely stand out in class. He was beginning to become a little shy.

Now, the worst of the school was arriving.

"Hurry, you two. It's time for another year of school domination. And my last one, so we've got to make it count." Hazel, the notorious leader of the Svenson sisters, stepped out of their shared dorm. Her two sisters, Celeste and Zora, instantly followed. "Hazel, what's gonna happen after you graduate?" Celeste asked. The sisters were close and Celeste couldn't stand the idea of one leaving. Especially not Hazel, she was the mastermind. She always came up with their schemes. Hazel smiled. "I'll still be around. Sisters forever," she said, Zora nodding in agreement. They then began to walk up to the school, Hazel in the front and center and the other two to the sides, as how they always walked.

XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX 01-03-2013 05:00 AM

Sæver departed from her newly attained dorm, grabbing her weapon though most would see it as a baton and only she knew what it did. She knew she wouldn't run late with the speed at which she could move, even though there was only fifteen minutes until the bell. Seeing that she had already timed the distance without running, she had more than enough time to move slowly. So, she took her time, but seeing that she had never attended a school prior to this she was a bit nervous.

She bypassed a group of girls without saying a word, as she wasn't really in the mood to say much of anything. Sæver continued to walk up the steps noting an Angel as she slid through the slowly closing door. She made her way into her first period classroom and settled herself in a desk towards the back. She thought it was a bit odd that when she looked around at the other students a good many vampires nodded at her.

Daeron awoke to his first day of his third year at Witchaven Academy, he raced to dress himself, once done he darted out the door. As his Father had lectured him two days prior about being late to class, he really didn't want to disappoint him on his first day back. When the school's main building was in site he slowed to a power walk and then slowed down even more when he saw the Svenson Sister's. His eye's widened as she watched a girl about his age dart around them narrowly missing Celeste. She must be new, best let her figure that out the hard way. I don't want them breathing down my neck as they did last time, he thought to himself. Once he reached the steps he walked onwards into his classroom and seated himself towards the front.

happydeath 01-03-2013 08:10 AM

Multiple loud rings came from the small alarm clock on a nightstand which remained right beside a full set bed. There on the bed laid a dark brown haired teenage boy who was going to end up being late for his first day and not to mention first year at the school he was praying that the would get into. This school was going to be his chance to finally be himself without having to worry about others mocking him for his indifference. In the letter that he had received, it was told that this place was going to have many others that were going to be different just like himself. So messing up now on his first day could end up making the teachers and other staff think badly of him. Soon enough the small alarm clock which continued to ring at an annoyingly loud pace which seemed never ending, burst into a small fit of blue flames and finally turned into nothing more then a small pile of black ash on the nightstand.

Groaning deeply, Avaddon had slowly sat up on his bed within his dorm room with his hair a complete mess. Stretching out all eight of his tails and his arms into the air, he turned his head over toward the window only to see that the sun was brightly shining outside. "Oh no!! I'm going to be late!" He yelled out to himself, quickly enough he had jumped out of bed and ran for the bathroom to comb his hair straight and quickly brush his teeth. Thankfully to himself being a kitsune, Avaddon had already mastered some of his own abilities while he lived on his own. The blue flame that he had created wasn't something he knew he could do yet, but rather it was unconsciously done. The only things he has learned to do were that his physical and mental abilities were greatly enhanced, that he could shape-shift into his fox form and create illusions even if they weren't so great yet. Once he had gotten dressed into his large white kimono which had multiple crimson-like flowers decorated all over it, he immediately made his way out of his dorm room and bolted toward the direction of where his first class was told to be at.

Within a matter of minutes as the teenage kitsune ran through the large campus grounds, he had easily spotted many other students making their way toward their classrooms as well. Maybe he wouldn't end up being late after-all, the other students seemed rather calm about the time and how much time they had left to get to their classes, so maybe Avaddon should've calmed himself down as well. Not bothering to really say anything, he shrugged off the thought of slowing down since those other students might've been here longer then him. They might be going to a more nearby classroom and their time for their classes might've been different. So, once into the school's building, the young kitsune raced down many of the hallways only to accidentally bump his shoulder against a red-haired female as he made his way down the hall. Having no idea that the girl he had bumped into was one of the worst people he could've ended up bumping into, not realizing that her name was Hazel and not to mention one of the more meaner students of the school.

Finally with only a few minutes to spare, Avaddon had made it to his classroom. Noticing how there were only a couple of students in the room so far. One female being near the back of the classroom while another male was sitting in the front of the room. Curling up all eight of his tails against his back, the kitsune slowly lowered his head as he made his way toward the middle side of the classroom where it was nearest to the window. Keeping silent and eyes directed away from anyone else gaze, the teenage boy lowered his head down and awaited for the class to finally begin.

Andraus 01-03-2013 05:26 PM

Sate was walking through the shadow's of the school, keeping an eye on the hotties of the school. Just because he acted free-spirited, mostly, doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy the guilty pleasure every now and again. He then saw the terrible triplet's, with their slightly-not-so terrible sister leading. He saw a girl dart past them, and stood his ground. If they decided to mess with the girl, he'd go and defend her. He was alway's like this.

Blossom Utonium 01-03-2013 06:00 PM

Lucy soon made it into her class where she sat down in the front of the class. She looked around and saw the different type of people. Some looked like humans, others had animalistic qualities, and others were just... somewhere in the middle. Lucy thought it was the best thing to finally be around people she could relate to, and not just mortals who shunned every supernatural ability there was. This would be a year of new beginnings.

Alex didn't feel like fighting the crowds that were beginning to form, so he just vanished and reappeared in his first period class. The plus side to being an Angel is that you didn't have to walk anywhere. He appeared in the center of the classroom, practically glowing as he was visible by everyone else. He took a seat in the front, about two seats away from where Lucy had sat. Lucy looked over at him, confused. She couldn't think of what he was. Dressed all in white, glowing... she'd never seen an Angel before, and since his wings were retracted at that moment, she couldn't tell he was an angel. She shrugged and went back to minding her own business.

The Svensons were walking to class, actually minding their own business for once, when suddenly a girl came out of nowhere, almost bumping into her. But luckily, the girl didn't actually bump her. She did, however, catch Celeste by surprise. No one ever gets that close to the Svensons intentionally, or without Hazel allowing them.
"Hey!!" Celeste whined. Hazel saw this and was about to say something to the girl when she ran right up into the school building. Hazel never ran after people unless they made her really mad, so she would just catch the girl in class. "Do not worry, Celeste," Hazel said. "There's always one person who tries to cross us sisters. We'll have a talk with her in class."

The sisters were almost to their class when yet another person got too close to them. This person actually bumped into one of them, but this time, they had bumped into Hazel. The force actually almost made Hazel fall, but her sisters caught her arms and balanced her out. She was annoyed this time. "Shame!" Hazel yelled. "Has this school forgotten how things work?!" Celeste and Zora let go of Hazel's arms as they soon entered the class room, walking to the very center. They saw a nerdy-looking wizard boy sitting there. Hazel snapped her fingers and Zora approached him, cracking her knuckles. The boy instantly moved as fast as he could and the girls scooted a couple of desks together. That would be where they would sit. But first, they would have to have a talk with some of the students who forgot how things worked around Witchaven...

Andraus 01-03-2013 07:42 PM

"why hello, Hazel, Zora, and Little baby Celeste! why, time has flown by sense our last......Encounter "Sate finally spoke up, walking up to the trio. He looked friendly, but he had a Mischivous Aura about him. He cracked his knuckle's, an Obvious Challenge to Zora. "So, I hope you remember how thing', like last year. We're not having that same B.s. Repeat, right?" He said, clapping his hand's together. He looked around the classroom. "Look's like we're together, nice."

Blossom Utonium 01-03-2013 09:05 PM

The sisters glanced over instantly. They recognized this voice; it was the voice of a fellow spellcaster, and the only one who ever thought to speak up to them, at that. "I'm not a baby!" Celeste yelled, putting her hands on her hips. She was considered the 'cute and adorable' one, but hated this because she wanted to be threatening like Hazel and Zora. When Sate cracked his knuckles in direction of Zora, Zora began to charge toward him, but Hazel laid a hand on her sister's shoulder. Zora stopped and back up, calming down. She went to stand by Celeste as Hazel stepped forward.

"Wow, Sate. Do you really want to make things hard for yourself, again?" Hazel asked, smirking and pacing around him. "I find it rather hilarious the way you think you can tell us what to do, or challenge Zora who could tear you apart with one finger. I guess this will be another year of finding your place and remembering who rules the school. Me and my sisters, of course. But, thank you for tickling me with this display. I could always use a good laugh." She flipped her hair and turned her back at him, and walked back to her seats. Zora and Celeste copied her and did the same. Flipping the hair was their non-combatative sign of disrespect. But luckily, because of Sate, Hazel had forgotten about the two people that crossed the sisters. They would be spared, for now. The sisters took their seats.

Alex and Lucy both watched this. Alex did NOT want to cross paths with the evil Svensons... he didn't want to deal with that kind of stuff. Lucy was angered by them but kept quiet as well. The last thing she wanted to do would be to get in a fight, especially on the first day with the most threatening girls in all of school. Lucy sighed and pulled out a book, trying to read to distract herself.

Andraus 01-03-2013 10:07 PM

"I love you hard head's........So fun to play with "he said, grinning. He then used his X-ray eye's, and saw through Hazel's outfit "Nice......You've grown well, Hazel."he said. He then went to sit by lucy. "Hey there. Long time, no See Lucy. "He said, grinning. He liked Lucy, she was a very fun person to be around "Ready for another year?"

Blossom Utonium 01-03-2013 10:59 PM

Hazel ignored Sate, and luckily she didn't realize he looked through her clothes. Had she known, she'd be mortified.

Lucy looked up at saw Sate, and she smiled. Sate was a friend that she had made her first year there. She enjoyed his company and she enjoyed that he stood up to the Svensons.
"You know it!" She said with a big smile. Meanwhile, Alex remained silent, as he didn't know anyone yet.

Andraus 01-03-2013 11:45 PM

Sate looked back, and saw Alex. He grinned at him, and made a gesture for him to come forward. He liked too meet new people, espically people he saw were alone. He liked people to feel as if they belonged, sense the Headmistress scared the hell out of them, and the Svenson sister's were no help.

Blossom Utonium 01-04-2013 12:33 AM

Alex blinked. Someone was paying attention to him? No one had made an effort to do so previously; they just stared at him in awe. They didn't know what he was yet. Angels usually remained invisible, as guardians, or they stayed in heaven. Alex was one of those rare angels that decided to interact with other races, and he could be a guardian for more than one person, if he wanted to. With a light smile, he simply vanished into white light from where he was sitting, and reappeared closer to the other two. "Hello, my name is Alex," he said to the other two. Lucy stared at him, seeing his glowing aura.

Andraus 01-04-2013 01:07 AM

"I'm Sagitta tempus, of House tempus in Brittan. "he said to him. "I'm a Wizard. This here's lucy, a close friend of mine. You look new. "he said, trying to act friendly. "Welcome to the school, if you are. Hope we can be friend's Alex. "He gave him a friendly smile. He liked he was not the only boy in a room full of girl's. That alway's seemed to bug him.

happydeath 01-04-2013 01:12 AM

Remaining seated quietly at the closest side of the classroom which was next to the window. Avaddon kept to himself as he soon ended up lowering his fox-like ears down against his skull. Within a matter of minutes, both of his eyes came to a close as the time continued to go by while he had to wait for the teacher to step into the room and finally begin with class. Soon enough without so much as a warning of hearing the person step into the room, hearing a male voice come up speaking up three female names of Hazel, Zora, and Celeste both of Avaddon's ears quickly perked up as he couldn't help himself from listening in on their conversation. This was one of the things he also had to learn to control himself of his abilities, his enhanced senses were sometimes even too powerful for himself to control from time to time. After hearing the male speak, right after hearing one of the females return their own reply by calling the male by his name of Sato. Just from hearing Sato's voice and how he had spoken gave Avaddon the sense that he was a pretty good person, he hadn't really sounded mean in anyway but indeed he was quite the talkative type. When another name had been spoken being called as Lucy, the young kitsune male remained silent as he listened in on everything that was going on around him. This was a good way for him to start learning a few names of the other students he was going to be with in the class this new year of his. Honestly, it seemed almost a lot better this way then having to go up to new people he barely knew and speak to him; especially when he wasn't much of a talker himself. Finally, the last voice to come up was yet another male that spoke up to name himself as Alex. The bright glow of white aura that shined from Alex was nearly impossible to avoid, it wasn't really annoying but yet it was indeed something hard for someone to really miss.

XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX 01-04-2013 05:01 AM

Sæver decided that once the drama had started between the three sister and the gentleman who confronted them that she would vanish. When she vanished she walked in a limbo over to there desks, before she reappeared she activated it.

Once she materialized again, she grinned not wanting to wait until class ended, "I apologize for almost plowing one you over, but not out of fear. I'm not in anyway afraid of any of you, you know being bratty, well-pampered, and evil gets you put on a radar you don't ever want to be on. I met Vlad the Impaler far before you became a thought. What I am you'll just have to find out, but if you care to keep up your intolerable behavior. I'll gladly watch and help carry you all to the other side, which ever of those sides it may be." She paused, still grinning, "I may even be nice enough to let you my Grandmother."

"Otherwise, please if you'd do so kindly don't cause more trouble for yourself. I'm really not in the mood to hear it or see it. Before I forget, I may be young in human years but you're all children to me. Though I'm sure the staff isn't, I sense some old souls." She paused and deactivated her weapon, "Ah, yes, before I forget--I'm just a neutral party. Nothing more, nothing less."

Daeron sunk down in his seat a bit more, he had avoided these girls for quite some time and didn't want to be bothered by them now. He just watched the new girl, she was rather different. He just tuned them all out and concentrated on having a adequate day. Having issues with students or teacher's right now just wasn't in the cards. He decided to start on the letter to his Father, which would more than keep him busy until the bell rang and class finally started. So, he pulled out a piece of parchment and got to work.

Blossom Utonium 01-04-2013 07:50 PM

The three sisters couldn't help but to laugh. "Who... who is this person that thinks she can talk to us?" Hazel asked the other two. She totally belittled the girl; she had heard some of the same things that she was saying from other people in the past. The girls didn't care what people called them, they would either threaten them or just laugh. "What is it with students in this school thinking that we care what they have to say?" Zora asked. It was then when the three stopped laughing and became blankfaced. "Listen... dear..." Hazel said, not even taking the effort to get up from her seat. "I don't really care what you aren't in the mood for. I mean... who are you anyway? Don't bother to answer. And if you think we're 'children'... man, you haven't seen what we can actually do. So I suggest you go take a seat somewhere else and hope that we don't cross paths again." The girls went back to talking amongst themselves.

Alex smiled. It was nice to feel welcome. He thought that this person was going to be bad like the evil witches, but he was wrong. He was actually quite friendly and it was only the witches that were the bad news. Lucy also smiled at Alex and waved.
"You are glowing a whole lot. What exactly are you?" she asked, also noting that he was wearing all white. Alex simply smiled. "I am an angel," he said.

XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX 01-05-2013 04:22 AM

"Figures, witches always disrupt societal institutions..." at that she tuned them out and disappeared back into the limbo she had originally come from. Soon after she made it back to her seat, where she settled back down with her weapon once more laying in her lap dormant. Shortsighted fools. Grandfather, if only I could take powers the power of others like you do. That way these imbeciles couldn't hurt anyone, She thought to herself as she watched a good remainder of the other student's finally arrive.

"If I had a coin for every idiot I saved.." She murmured as she gently ran her finger's across the stained crystal handle of her weapon. She knew if anyone dared to touch it their finger's they would burn and turn black, it made her grin.

Andraus 01-05-2013 06:57 PM

Sate pulled up a finger, then got up. He was quite annoyed already with the Svenson's cocky attitude, and was ready to take them down a Peg. "So your magic is all big and bad, huh Hazel? How about you prove that against a Wizard family like mine......How about some Magic-dodgeball? "he asked. Magic dodgeball was something he alway's did during his free-period, before lunch. Basically, it was the same rule's as dodgeball, but people could use their ability's to their advantage.It was also free-to-all, so anyone could play. "and il make the deal sweeter. You win, I gotta work for you as a unpaid laborer for the rest of the Year." he said.

Blossom Utonium 01-05-2013 08:09 PM

Hazel simply yawned at this."My freaking God, why do you all insist on pestering us? You're really challenging us to a stupid game?" she asked. "I at least thought you would have stepped up your game from last year, but I guess not. It would be fun having you as an unpaid laborer, but I already know that we'd win... not really a testable challenge to me." Zora and Celeste made faces at him and then they went back to talking. They snubbed him, and would just ignore him. Hazel's cockiness was unbearable, yes, but well, Lucy for one didn't want to cause drama on the first day. She stood up and laid a hand on Sate's shoulder, trying to lead him back to the seats as class was about to begin. "Just ignore them, Sate. They're keeping to themselves now... don't stoop to their level." With that, the bell rang. Lucy sat down as the teacher walked in.

XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX 01-05-2013 09:43 PM

Her ears picked up as she sat in silence listening, What is dodge ball? Let alone magical dodge ball. So many strange games to learn and try out, perhaps I can catch Sate after class. Maybe he would be willing to explain this school a bit more and in turn I could help him, She quieted her thoughts. When the bell finally rang as the teacher had finally arrived, she decided to watch the teacher a bit more attentively. Sæver pulled out a new notebook from her inside jacket pocket along with pen and placed then on her desk.

happydeath 01-06-2013 02:16 AM

Staying seated in his desk quietly, Avaddon couldn't help but overhear everyone of the other students chat with one another. It didn't seem like Sate was too happy with the other three girls and sounded like he challenged one of them to a match of something called magical dodgeball. Completely unaware of what that was, Avaddon continued to listen, the tension in the room was turning out much worst then he had expected on his first day at this new school. There was a bit of good news however, people weren't randomly staring at him due to him always wearing his long sleeved clothing to try and hide his fox-like traits. Now he was able to wear his kimono and be able to keep his tails and ears exposed without having to worry about himself being uncomfortable. As the room's tension grew worst, the kitsune teenage boy was afraid of a fight breaking out in the middle of the classroom and not to mention afraid that his abilities might end up running havoc by accident as well. Without so much as a warning, when the class bell rang off suddenly both of his fox ears quickly perked up as his gaze was immediately taken over toward the door. The teacher had just stepped inside and every other student looked as though they were taking their seats to get ready for class to begin. Avaddon's eyes focused on the teacher in front of him, he soon tilted his head on wondering what he should be getting out to actually start the first day of class.

Blossom Utonium 01-06-2013 02:47 AM

The teacher had stood around her desk. She clapped her hands and all of her materials appeared there on her desk. She clapped again and some spellbooks appeared on everyone's desk. With a smile, she walked over to her stool in the front and center of the class, and sat. The teacher was obviously a witch; she had a large hat, a dress that looked like it was from the gothic period, and her face was covered in warts. She smiled, and it was also revealed that she was missing a good amount of teeth.

"Good morning, students," the teacher said. "My name is Lady Wozencroft. This is spell class. I will be your teacher. Together we will learn all the spells in that spell book. Now, I know what you're thinking - aren't spells only for spellcaster races? Well, spellcaster races are notorious for spells, but anyone can use spells so long as you know how. And that is what we will learn. But for now, I would love to see what wonderful students I have this year, and what kind of race distinction there is. Who would like to volunteer to introduce themselves?"

XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX 01-06-2013 04:04 AM

Sæver gave the teacher her full attention, when the teacher asked for introduction from the new student's she inclined by raising her hand. Then lowered it as she began to speak clearly, "I'm Sæver Sævör, I'm a Vampiric Demi-God. I descend from Loki and Hel. Loki being my Great-Grandfather, Hel being my Grandmother. I grew up among the Gods in Asgard. When I descended from there a while later and roamed the Earth for a few hundred years. Then in the year 1455, I fell in love with a young man and a few weeks later I was turned and I became a member of their coven. When I awoke, they were all gone, but the man vowed return. Though that's all I care to share for now. You're welcome, Lady Wozencroft."

Daeron listened to the Teacher and then even more intently to the girl. Somewhat amazed to be as close as he was to a Demi-God. His Father would be proud of him if he befriended the girl, though the fact that she was a vampire was somewhat repulsive to him. He turned his attention back to the teacher and didn't dare look back over at the girl.

Andraus 01-07-2013 01:08 AM

Sate stood up, and looked at the Class. "Several of you should know who I am by now, but I guess I should make it clear for the new kid's. I'm Sagitta Tempus, though I prefer Sate. I'm from the royal house of tempus, in Great Brittan. I hope we can be friend's, and I hope that some of you will actually act with reason. "he said, glancing at the trio. He then sat back down.

Blossom Utonium 01-07-2013 01:12 AM

Hazel rolled her eyes. She wished Sate would leave her and her sisters alone. He'd know what's best for him. At that moment, Alex stood up, with a smile. "Greetings, fellow students," Alex said. "You probably have noticed that I am glowing, uh, a lot. I am an angel. I am knew here and I hope to get to know some of you." He showed his wings, then made them disappear again and sat back down.

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