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p o p p e t ♥ 03-05-2014 03:08 AM

The LTB Study {FULL}
The LTB Study


Dear _your characters name_,

You've been selected to participate in our weekend long study for, _your characters problem_. Compensation will be $500 per day, and $1,000 per day should you be selected to stay longer, and choose to do so.

The study will take place in Guruna City, Incarnia. Your fight has been paid for and the ticket is attached to this letter. Room and board will of course be provided, as will a chauffeur who will pick you up from the airport and return you there when the study is complete.

If you have any further questions, call 48-39-491 and enter your ID number provided on the back of this letter.

Happy travels!

Charles Lindt
Founder of LTB Studies

Little does your character know, that ID number will become a brand for him/her to wear for the rest of their life. Little do they know, they'll never see their friends or family again. And, little do they know, that this study is quite the "study" indeed.

Using specialized machines, this government run agency is able to bring out the deepest and most special hidden abilities in any human. While it doesn't always work, and while it may not be able to bring out those abilities fully (as it's just in the testing stages - and you are the guinea pig) that's okay, because they've got the world's top scientists and surgeons on hand.

If you can't bring yourself to full potential, they'll do it for you. They may even decide to make you even "better" even if you can master your own powers. Get used to living with your new "family" because they'll be all you have, for the rest of your life, which, could be short - if they make you into the army they plan to.

This place, that they call LTB, is like a giant prison. It doesn't look anything like a prison, more like a super mansion, or huge college of sorts, but it'll certainly feel like a prison. You're welcome to go outside, but you won't be able to get out of the dome that surrounds the prison, I mean LTB.

1. Violence and romance are encouraged, but always follow Mene's rules and TOS.
2. PM me your character profile with the title, "ID#833902".
3. No one liners, ever, no exceptions. Post in paragraphs.
4. You must post once a day, or every other day, and let us know when you'll be gone for an extended period of time.
5. Look at the other character profiles, and make sure your character is diverse. We don't need ten characters who are depressed, or can fly, etc. Also be sure that there aren't already too many of the gender you wish to play. I want an even or almost even amount of each gender.

^The place you want to be if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.^

Character Skeleton
Copy this skeleton, fill in the information and send it to my personal inbox. Do not post it here.

PHP Code:


CENTER][IMG]insert URL to your character's appearance. ANIME PICTURES ONLY [/IMG]

I will be able to [color="INSERT POST COLOR HERE"] (list the abilities your character will have once they'
ve begun the study) [/color].
INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][LEFT][B][SIZE="3"][/SIZE][/B][size=1Nicknames: [/size]
B][SIZE="3"][/SIZE][/B][size=1Physical description: [/size]
B][SIZE="3"][/SIZE][/B][size=1Age: (18 or older)[/size]
B][SIZE="3"][/SIZE][/B][size=1Sex: [/size]
B][SIZE="3"][/SIZE][/B][size=1Sexual orientation: [/size]
B][SIZE="3"][/SIZE][/B][size=1Hobbies: [/size]
B][SIZE="3"][/SIZE][/B][size=1Likes: [/size]
B][SIZE="3"][/SIZE][/B][size=1Dislikes: [/size]
B][SIZE="3"][/SIZE][/B][size=1My character's problem is: (Anxiety, psoriasis, fear of ducks, etc.)[/size][/LEFT][/INDENT][LEFT][/LEFT][/INDENT][LEFT][/LEFT][/INDENT][LEFT][/LEFT]

[B][SIZE="4"]‡ My story;[/SIZE][/B][INDENT][size=1]


p o p p e t ♥ 03-05-2014 03:41 AM

Character Profiles

Nixie Roth (ID# 094386)X


p o p p e t ♥
Nixie Roth

I will be able to take the powers of those around me by simply touching them, but I will only be able to use them for five minutes or so, and then the powers will be returned to the person they belong to. I'll be able to master the ability to transfer powers between others as time goes on (though never able to keep them for myself). I will also be able to manipulate energy, though I'll never really be the best at it, and the coolest one? Reality warping. But I'll only ever be able to show people small sceneries like they're looking at a projection, except for once or twice when I get lucky.
Nicknames: Nix, Nic
Physical description: Nixie has dark brown hair to her shoulder blades with side bangs that hang to usually cover her right eye. Her eyes are a light color, changing between icy blue or grey. She stands at 5'4" and has fair skin that's not too pale, but not tan either. She's actually quite beautiful, she just doesn't know how to accent her beauty well, and hardly thinks she's pretty. She's thin, but curvy. She has no birthmark. Her ears are gauged and her nose is pierced. Her lips are full and eyelashes long, like her mother's.
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Sexual orientation: Straight
Hobbies: Art; Nixie can do just about any kind of art. Also, reading, writing, gardening, horseback riding, photography, and camping to be outside in nature.
Likes: All things listed in hobbies, astrology, chinese food, movies, dreaming, laughing, rain/thunderstorms, fireplaces, small fuzzy animals.
Dislikes: Being pranked or snuck up on, spicy foods, crowds, small spaces, heights, big scary animals or situations.
My character's problem is: Fear of small spaces, crowds, narrow openings/doorways, and heights that comes with anxiety and panic attacks that lead to blackouts and frequent migraines.

‡ My story;

I got this letter in the mail. I didn't really question how the company knew my issues. I figured they got the information from my psychiatrist or physician. My mom and dad are happy that I might be able to get some better help this weekend. They're busy traveling a lot, so I was only able to tell them on the phone.

I spend a lot of time alone. I'm an only child, and we used to move a lot, before I was old enough to stay home alone. I'm awkward and make horrible first impressions, so I don't really have any friends. Not to mention, I'm not very pretty and have no confidence whatsoever. The few friends I've made in my lifetime have said I have a feisty and fun side, it just takes a while to drag out I guess.

Anyway, I guess I'll give the study a shot, I'll miss my furry companion, my Golden Retriever, Tipper. But it's only a weekend, and I really would love to be a normal person. What's the worst that could happen?

Rua Troi (ID# 093698)X


Rua Troi

I will be able to heal others by taking their wounds onto my own body, my own body in order to compensate for this will have a somewhat higher rate of healing than normal.
Nicknames: Rua
Physical description: Rua has perpetually messy blond hair, oddly colored greenish gold eyes, a lean muscled build and several tattoos. A few of his tattoos are visible on his left arm, there is a small sparrow tattoo on his left shoulder blade, a tribal design on the lower left side of his neck (mostly on his shoulder and just a part of it peeks out onto his neck) and a tattoo of wings at the small of his back. His body also holds various scars in various places, some are easily seen and others are hidden by his clothing. There is even one around his neck as if he had been choked with a wire so tightly it cut into his flesh, leaving the easily discernible scar behind.
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Sexual orientation: Bi-sexual
Hobbies: Singing, Reading
Likes: Music, Books, Spicy foods, Pain, Rain
Dislikes: Cold weather, snakes, spiders
My character's problem is: Self destructive in a variety of ways. Most commonly he seeks out relationships with people that will physically mistreat him, also he has a tendency to converse with his dead twin as if the other were really there and interacting with him.

‡ My story;

I was rather content, singing in seedy night clubs, partying all night. Then this letter arrives. No doubt my mother had something to do with it, seeing as how she's been trying to get me to go to a psychiatrist for years. I just hope it's worth the money they're offering. I'm not interested in making new friends, or even in this company, as far as I see it, I don't have a problem and there really isn't nothing they can help me with. Besides, it's none of their business, they should just give me the money and let me go back to doing my own thing.

Elaine Jones (ID# 069814)X


Elaine Jones

I will be able to use my mind to move objects, also known as Telekinesis..
Nicknames: Ellie, Elle.
Physical description: I have long dark hair that I refuse to cut. It goes down to my waist, and my bangs tend to fall in front of my eyes, so I'm constantly brushing them away. In terms of height, I'm pretty average. I'm about 5'6, I think. When it comes to other features, I have green-blue eyes, and a slightly tan skin tone. Oh, I also should mention the weird birthmark under my left eye. It looks like a burn mark, but I don't recall being burnt there.
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Sexual orientation: Straight
Hobbies: Hobbies? Hmm. Well, I love roller skating. I'm one of the fastest people you'll know. Oh, I also play guitar and sing. I've only preformed a few times though.
Likes: Oh, I like a lot of things. People with good senses of humor, the feeling of freedom, sunny days. You know, the normal stuff. And horror movies. I love horror movies.
Dislikes: I hate small rooms, or being cooped up. I also don't like rude people. I also don't like the dark. Maybe it's too many horror movies.
My character's problem is: psoriasis, mainly on my hands and arms.

‡ My story;

To be honest, I was shocked when I received the letter for the LTB study. In fact, I was so excited that I went and searched it on the internet, trying to find out everything I could about it. I got nothing. It was probably something newer, right? Of course, my parents were a little hesitant, but I am an adult who can make my own decisions. This could really help me, and other people as well. What's the harm in it? Of course, my best friend, Glimmer, is gonna miss me, but it's only for a few days. She'll find ways to fill up her time, I'm sure of it.

Corynn (ID# 030288) and Caleb Moore (ID# 270199)X


Corynn Moore
I will be able to work with my mind - and that of others - in a more passive way. I will be able to read thoughts, influence them (such as, make myself invisible by forcing your brains to ignore my or something else's presence) and create shields that absorb damage. However, my powers will work only when in close proximity with Caleb (2-3 miles is the limit). Put me on other side of country from him and I am powerless. Besides, I will be lucky if I am not driven insane by hearing people's thoughts at first.
Nicknames: Cor, Rynn
Physical description: When next to Caleb, she looks nearly petite, although is nearly 5'8". Her body is not as muscled and toned as his, but she still has fit, beautifully curved body. Her hair is about shoulder blade long, falling in messy, but soft curls, in color nearly pitch black. Corynn's eyes are striking, clear gray, with thick, long lashes. She has a fair skin, there is barely visible gray tattoo under her left eye on cheekbone of strange symbol. She doesn't talk about what it is or why she has it. Her both ears have multiple piercings.
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Hobbies: Singing, playing guitar, reading, exercising, travelling, helping people when possible
Likes: Music, nature, Caleb's drawings and art as a whole, new experiences (positive kind) and learning things, feeling accepted and successful. Honesty, genuinely nice people, if they're not spineless. Being able to help. Having solitude now and then, but only if someone's in the next room
Dislikes: When Caleb loses cool and his guilt trips. Being suddenly touched by anyone. When either of them are mocked, laughed about, belittled. Isolation, failures. Nosy, bothersome people with no compassion
My character's problem is: Unable to develop relationships and commit to them, nor take them to the next level, due to various fears, among which are severe cases of Genophobia (fear of physical intimacy), Atelophobia (fear of not being good enough), mild case of Monophobia (fear of being alone)

‡ My story;
First, we were taken away from our mother due to neglect and abuse, then we became orphans. I will be honest, I don't remember much of that time - I was too small -, but after that, life didn't get any sweeter. We got tossed around from one foster home and orphanage to another. Something always seemed to go wrong, as if because of us and we got worse and worse reputation. I will just blame bad luck and unfortunate skill to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I don't want to go in details, but after the event that my fears of physical relationships stem from, things actually turned for better. We got taken in by one of social workers who helped us change our names and start life a-new. Unfortunately, cancer took her soon after and we were on our own again.

Still, I and Caleb had managed to catch up with school then and now I am studying social care in college. I work as a singer with my small band in a decent bar. But we're barely managing even with his wage added and live in this tiny apartment where Caleb sleeps on couch. Money from this LTB research will be real blessing. I am not sure how they found out about my problem, but I wouldn't mind getting rid of my past's demons and find a good guy to be with. My past boyfriends ended up casting me aside for various reasons. Anyways, I'm excited for this and Caleb is hopeful, too, even if he would never admit it.
Caleb Moore

I will be able to do things with my mind that physically affect world around me, like levitation (of myself and objects), pushing them around and adding mental power to my punch or kick. Also, force choke, anyone? However, I can do all that only while I am around Corynn, no further than 2-3 miles, unless LTB tries to stretch it larger. My abilities also will start out much weaker than those of others and until I learn to channel my emotions, particularly rage, it will remain so.
Nicknames: Cal, grumpy-face (only used by Corynn)
Physical description: Tall, standing at 6'4", he has a well toned body. Caleb's complexion is not as fair as his sister's, it's more on the tan end of scale. His hair has the same soft, slightly wispy texture however, but instead of being black, its color is dark chestnut brown. He usually lets his hair grow long and then cuts it so short his head is nearly shaven. Currently it is long, like in picture. Eyes have same bright gray tone as Corynn's and even those long, thick lashes.
He has no tattoos, although has been planning to get one, but his left ear is pierced with silver hoop.

Age: 23
Sex: Male
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Hobbies: Punching (people or punching bags), mixing boxing and martial arts, exercising, music, sketching in his notebook
Likes: When no one bothers him or Corynn and he doesn't have to get angry, Corryn's singing and good music in general. Being out in nature having a peaceful corner of his own, his notebook. People with backbone. When things go his way, successes in general
Dislikes: Nosy, bothersome, rude, spineless people. Maybe just people in general. Losing his cool (fighting is fine with him, he is just afraid Corynn might get hurt). Being used, unable to have some solitude and peace, being mocked, belittled or laughed at on any level or if that happens with his sister. Failures
My character's problem is: Has little to no anger management skills, quick to vent it physically. Similar phobia assortment to his sister on mild level, except for Genophobia. Instead, has severe case of Kakorrhaphiophobia (fear of failure) when it comes to protecting Corynn

‡ My story;
I don't see the need to repeat everything Corynn wrote, so go read what she wrote. Nothing else to add. Ah, well, I work as bouncer in the bar she sings at.

Justitia VeritasX


Justitia Veritas

I will be able to go prolonged periods of time without food, water or rest and other physical necessities. What I used to do with meditation and self-discipline now has become part of my actual abilities.
This will be added to my already well-honed powers of social cloaking, alluring and truth inducement. I am capable of merging into any group, assuming some unimportant role and go unnoticed until I choose to reveal myself. Often, people looking at me simply will not register me at all or how I look. Sometimes, their minds will create unreal image of me. I allure similarly, person sees what they are attracted to instead of me. It does not have to be sexual attraction, for sadist it might be 'the perfect victim' or mother-like figure for a child. Nearly always, the visual will keep my scars on some level. As part of my social cloaking, I've been gifted with a 'social mirror' empathy, I can sense what the group as a whole is feeling, their mood, but discerning each individual's emotions is a lot harder.
I know when someone lies, although secrets or white lies are labeled same by my powers, and can make them tell the truth (although if the information they have is untrue, I will not be able to detect it). It is harder to induce larger group of people, but not impossible. Induced person either answers my questions or they confess each lie and deceit they have done throughout their life starting from most recent in a trance-like state. Both ways, but especially the latter, might result in insanity or death of the person. Afterward, weaker wills remain under my control to some extent.
Downside of my abilities that directly affect me is that I cannot lie, however I can weave around telling the truth and that each time I induce truth is burned in my mind, I can never forget it, no matter how horrible it is. In sense, small part of the victim's mind stays with me forever. Also, my social cloaking glamour does not work on machines, even security cams, so I have to be careful, but it will remain intact even if I am unconscious or sleeping, only breaking upon my death.
Nicknames: None
Physical description: There is absolutely nothing remarkable about her image that most people will always see. In fact, it is so regular, she will disappear from their mind in few seconds.
If she takes off her social cloaking, or someone is able to see through it, a rather petite girl is revealed. Standing at 5'6", she is frail, although under clothes there are enough of muscles and she has plenty of agility and speed. She doesn't have lot of curves, although she is not flat. Her skin is light and there are scars all over her body - arms, back, abdomen, legs.
Her face is covered with plain white mask with minimal features, although those are slightly childish, with light smile. Bangs around her face hide how far the mask goes. Material is soft, air passes through it easily and strong, but elastic, therefor making it nearly impossible to tear the mask off, whereas it is closed under her hair in complex way only she seems able to open.
Although normally she wears simple, even androgynous outfits, the one girly flaw she allows herself to have is long, thick, brown hair. But perhaps it is merely a wig, together with mask?

Age: Documents state 23
Sex: Female
Sexual orientation: Undisclosed, but most likely heterosexual
Hobbies: Hacking, messing with tech, meditating, eating, reading, practicing martial arts, driving a car.
Likes: Honesty and truth. Honorable people. Sweet, cute and girly things. Taking off her mask. Music, literature, art. Animals. Delicious food, particularly sweet or spicy. Finishing a task well. Getting to the bottom of things. Nearly all things tech related and hacking. People who are polite even to servants and the like. Small groups of people in which she can mentally pretend to be included in, yet also needs to feel self-dependable and emotionally unattached to feel secure. Adrenaline rush when getting in where she's not supposed to be.
Dislikes: Being bare, both as state of showing skin and just not having her social glamour up. The need for social glamour. Being questioned. Feeling vulnerable. Taking off her mask. Bitter truth (although prefers over lies which she hates). Dishonorable people. Crime. Making mistakes. Fire. Her scars. Sour food. Crowds - and solitude. When she doesn't understand something or can't crack something fast enough. Being manipulated, losing control of situation. Truth inducement process.
My character's problem is: Obtained letter from LTB that claimed they will help her arsonphobia and treat her scars. Although both are actual issues, true problem lay elsewhere. She wishes for a different life, but at the same time finds it morally wrong to have it or aspire for it, therefor there is internal conflict. She's driven by some kind of obligation and plagued by her past.

‡ My story;
Her fictional life consists of living with her aunt, after devastating fire devoured her parents when she was just 10. She has not attended to any college and is now caretaker of her ill relative.
Her true life is shrouded in mystery and perhaps will remain so, but what can be shared is that she has come to LTB with clear purpose and knowing what will happen.

Gemini Starr (ID# 717375)X


~Wild Spirit Wolf~
Gemini Starr

I will be able to See, talk to and touch (to some extent) ghosts or departed spirits. Talk to animals, have the potential for flight, though that's really up to LBT. Strong empathy, and, for some reason, something along the lines of Sith lightening..
Nicknames: Gem, Gemstone, Vixen
Physical description: Well, I'm an even five feet tall, with long, blood red hair and emerald green eyes. I have a slim build, and pretty good curves. I look pretty delicate, but don't let that fool you, I'm tough. I have a rose tattoo on my upper left shoulder, but no one can see it because I always wear clothes that cover every inch of skin. Even gloves. Despite my frail looks, I do have lean muscles from long hours of martial arts training. My hair, eyes, very fair skin and full pink lips have earned me the nickname Vixen.
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Sexual orientation: I haven't really figured that out yet
Hobbies: Drawing, singing, reading, martial arts and long walks in the woods.
Likes: Good music, animals, horror movies, reading, windy days and chocolate.
Dislikes: Spiders, mean people, thunderstorms, bullying, and clowns.
My character's problem is: Coulrophobia (fear of clowns) and a serious inability to withstand skin to skin contact with other human beings.

‡ My story;

I don't like to talk about my past much. Let's just say that I've always been an Empath (meaning I have the ability to feel what other people are feeling, specifically pain) and it's gotten me a reputation. I'm an orphan (though I do know I have mostly Irish heritage,) but after a certain incident I ran away from the orphanage and pretty much lived in the woods. Now that I'm an adult, I've managed to turn my life around, get a job, an education, and even rent my own apartment. To be honest, though, this LBT study is just what I need. After all, I can't spend my life freaking out every time I see Ronald McDonald, right? Oh, and I have an Irish accent.

Byren Nisshoku (ID# 035626)X


Byren Nisshoku

I will be able to bend shadows to his will. He is able to fight with them as an extention of himself. He can liquidate them, harden them, and mold them to his will. He can use them as shields, blades, move through and see through them, and more. .
Nicknames: Nis, Shoku
Physical description: Byren is a tall 6'4''. His body is lean but muscular from working out and an active lifestyle. His muscles do not overpower his body, but he has been told they 'define' his body in a positive way. He has raven black hair which is shoulder length, and seems to have a messy yet tamed look to it. His bangs tend to shadow his eyes lightly, giving him a slightly mysterious look. He has piercing sapphire blue eyes as well. He is lean, and seems to have a natural air of power and command around him, while also elegance and fluence within his movement and body. His darker hair and eyes contrast with his fairer skin, which adds to his edge as well.
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Hobbies: Working out/training, cooking, anything to do with music (playing it, singing it, creating/mixing it, etc.), reading, painting and sketching.
Likes: Working out/training, cooking, music, books, art, nature, romance/passion, mystery, night, snow, rain, finer things, more classy and classical things, calligraphy, going out and having a good time, spending time with those he likes or cares for, more you have to discover.
Dislikes: Jerks, cocky people, whining, overly sweet things, being underestimated, being looked down upon, being told over and over something, to much authority, having everything planned out or chosen for him, more you have to discover.
My character's problem is: His mind, which manifests itself as nightmares, blackouts of Daymares or merely as if another "darker" personality surfaces. Certain things can trigger it, such as being confined in small places or within pitch black, and others.

‡ My story;

Byren grew up within a shady background, most of his history and his past is shrouded in mystery. It is believed that a lot of this past and events are the cause of his mental problems. Some believe that there are possibilities of other mental possibilities that could branch off from these troubles he is having. He recieved the letter inviting him to this facillity. His reasons for coming is a bit unknown, and he does not seem to keen on talking about himself.




I will be able to have enhanced natural capabilities. My senses are more animilistic in nature, I can see, hear, smell and even touch better than a human. My speed and strength surpass that of a human, as well as my agility. This tail of mine? It is a third arm, I can move and use it at will. The sides of the arrow like end are sharp as any blade. I can also teleport, breaking my physical body down atom by atom, and assembling myself easily again in any location, as long as I have a mental image of where I am going or have been there before. Otherwise, I could end up teleporting myself into a sticky, deadly, situation. I show signs of energy manipulation as well, absorbing, releasing, constructing and more. This I can not control to well for now, so it is quite risky for me to use, but it will grow in time. I have the potential to be quite literally a living weapon.
Nicknames: Az
Physical description: Azelf is a tallsix foot five inches. His body is slender and muscular in stature, rather intimidating at times. His eyes are a piercing icy blue, which have a tendancy to turn yellow when his more..ferral side surfaces. His hair is raven black, and styled to be kept back from his eyes. He keeps a well shaven mustache and beard, which give him a more dignified look. But his most distinguishable characteristics...are his red skin, sharper canines, elf like ears, and devil like tail.
Age: He looks around 27, but his real age is unknown.
Sex: Male
Sexual orientation: Unknown, though he shows an intrest in both males and females, which has labled him as Bisexual.
Hobbies: Does being mysterious count? Or perhaps sneaking around and up on people? Azelf enjoys studying and practicing various forms of combat, weather it be physical or weaponized. He enjoys things that command strategy, like chess or other games. He enjoys reading as well, or playing the piano. His favorite past time is gambling though, yes, he can never resist a challenge or a bet.
Likes: Azelf has a knack for the finer and refined things. He enjoys wine, and high class food. He enjoys the night most of all, so he tends to be more nocturnal. Azelf enjoys literature, and various stimuli. He likes combat and strategy, making him excellent in a fight. He enjoys darkness, blood, pain and torture in a sense, which could or could not be a good thing...depending on which side of his favor you are. He enjoys gamling, bets and a good thrill or rush every now and then. He is not an adrinaline junky though, he knows how to control himself quite well. He has many odd little likes you will discover along the way.
Dislikes: He HATES being called a freak, looking at him as such, or litterally calling him one, will deffinetly not be good for you. He hates being underestimated and looked down upon. He dispises those who would so easily bend to the will of others or compromise themselves. He dislikes whining and overly cute things. He hates dishonorable people, or those who would rather stab someone in the back than do it while looking them straight in the eye. He dislikes being cold, it often slows his body down oddly enough, so he avoids the ice and snow for to long. He has many odd quirks you will discover along the way.
My character's problem is: Many say that Azelf himself is a disease, something is not right with him obviously. Many would care to say he is posessed by the devil but...hmm...shall we see? Azelf's other problem, is his animal side, which manifests itself in anger. Once he gets going enough, he can not seem to control himself. He blacks out into fits of rage, which could possibly harm many of those around him.

‡ My story;

Azelf was never normal to begin with. Just being born, he was labled a freak. His parents were normal humans, and though they showed a bit of unspoken fear in their son, they did their best to hide and protect him. Why? Azelf from birth had red skin. Not only that, but he was born with a tail, and elf like ears. As a baby, he already had a full set of quite sharp little teeth, which led his parents to fear he was a demon child. It was his mother who convinced his father not to turn him into the police on his day of birth. He was born to a Russian mother, and a German father, being around both of them, he has a mixed accent which sounds quite odd to many. He grew up sneaking around, hiding, never allowed to go outside or be around normal people. Azelf grew up believing he was a freak, a plague. His mother told him that he was just special, that people would accept him in time.

But the more he aged and developed, the more his parents worried about him. Curious about the outside world, Azelf would venture out at times. At the age of eight however, his luck took a turn for the worse. One night as he was out, a man was hit by a car. He saw the accident from his place within a tree. His parents had raised him to be a good boy, so his first instinct was of the man, not himself. Though as he tried to help the man, people spotted him and paniced. They would not listen to him, accusing him of being the one who had hurt the man. Of being a demon and a killer. He fled home, though news spread fast. People were looking for him, and as news got to his parents, his father feared the worst. His mother begged him, but the father had feared his son really was a killer and a demon. He turned him in, and it was not long before the men came for Azelf. Much of his history after that is off the records, and unknown.

Arvin V. KaiserX


Arvin V. Kaiser

I will be able to secrete poisons from my skin. Sexy, right? Oh, it gets better. On top of that frog-like ability, I can also spit acid! My saliva is toxic, but in small doses it's not harmful. Ladies, when you kiss me, enjoy the sting of the poison. If it gets to be too much, you're clearly not worth my time. Hmmm, what else can I say about my powers? Oh yes! You see, my white blood cells are 'radiated' in nature. They're so lethal to pathogens and drugs that they can stop me from getting sick. My constitution is also top-notch. I've always been able to eat anything, but with these new powers, I can really eat anything. I've always wanted to drink poison.... Before you run off (I see you trying to scroll down to the next section), let me add one thing that might just save your life. With time, I'll be able to drink blood and determine what toxins are plaguing someone's body. Granted, you have to make me want to save you..
Nicknames: Arvin or Scorpio
Physical description: His height of five-eleven when compared to his friends is a bit on the shorter side, but, as one might assume, he makes this up with his personality. His body is sculpted flawlessly and he knows it. Avrin is often one to remove his shirt and show off his handsome good looks (hello abs of dreaminess!). His arms are toned to perfection (you can't help but what to touch them!) as are his chest and stomach. Even his ass appears to be perfectly shaped. There isn't much on the looks side of things can could be considered a flaw, expect that bizarre green hair of his, which is usually just a mess of green. His eyes are also rather odd in color. They're a very pale hazel color and look yellow-green in nature. He thinks nothing of it, though. To him, they're perfect and make him unique. Oh and he has a tattoo!
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Hobbies: Modeling, winning drinking games, playing guitar, excising, target shooting (guns and knives, preferably), hunting, and video games (especially war games)
Likes: Flirting, "adult play" time, joking, laughing, and putting puzzles together
Dislikes: Rude/arrogant men (irony!), being yelled at, losing "the game", finding out someone ate his dinner, people who interrupt him, and people who don't compliment his looks
My character's problem is: Narcissistic personality disorder. Need I say more?

‡ My story;

One might describe Arvin as being a bit standoffish when given a quick first looking. He has a haughty air that floats around him and seems to engulf everything he says and does. This initial observation, although true, is not the whole picture. There are several layers to this man, each revealing a more softer side, once peeled away. Of course, getting to that insecure, fragile side is no easy feat. Wrapped up in his narcissistic ways (more so recently), it will take more than one day to bring out the prince within.

On the outside, Avrin takes on the appearance of a bad boy, your typical charmer. He is well-spoke and is often flaunting his dashing good looks. It's expected that woman swoon around him and do their best to feel his exposed chest. He always holds a daring look in his bright eyes, which is often accompanied by a smile. Being blessed with straight, white teeth, Avrin is never shy about flashing that handsome grin around. In fact, he enjoys sharing it with the world because he claims it can "lighten up a room." Not to mention, it's that smile of his that's landed him in many magazines and earned him his reputation as "a sexy green beast."

When someone is finally able to peel the outer layers away, they will discover that Avrin is actually a very sensitive man. He is often ailed with thoughts that would cause any man to shudder or lose sleep over. Although not the most brilliant man of the group, Arvin does pull a lot of his own weight and he is often lost in thought. He likes to analyze things until he completely understands, which, as one might guess, is easier said than done. Avrin Kaiser is often bemused at the little things in life that people seem to take for granted. He enjoys spending time with his close comrades and he cherishes all the time he is able to spend with the woman of his picking (who is still a mystery to him). A bit of a hopeless romantic, there really isn't a bone in this man's body that is unjust or violent. He just has unorthodox ways of showing that passion.

Arvin's definitely become worse over the years though. After his closer friends magically disappeared, he started losing his touch. He became obsessed with looks and sex. There was alcohol involved, too. Tarnishing his once golden (though cocky) reputation, he was forced to seek out medical help. No one would hire him until he cleaned up his act. Arvin, being proud and stubborn, had yet to seek out such help. That was until a mysterious letter appeared before him. Intrigued and loving the secretiveness of it all, Arvin graciously accepted the offer. He's hoping that the LTB can aid him and restore his fame and fortune. Like all great celebrities, he knows it's time for his comeback!

Oh, did I forget to mention that Arvin's an actor? Ah, silly me. He's famous for his roles in some hit spy and soldier movies (he's won an Academy Award). Arvin also has a beautiful voice, which has been used in many video games. He also sang an anime opening song for a super popular series.

Now do you understand why he doesn't want the world to know about his visiting of the LBT. For him, it's all about his reputation. He's just hoping that when it's all said and done, he won't lose his cocky touch. Arvin really just wants to tone it down his NPD. You know, so he's more bearable and might actually land another acting role.

Rroy SkytunX


Rroy Skytun

I have the ability to manipulate ice. This allows me to create shields, spears, and daggers from the frozen material. I can also form my beloved scythe as well as any other random weapons. I love making sniper rifles that use ice bullets. Regardless, my ice-shields are quite difficult to destroy and his legendary ice-spear is a weapon to fear. The best part about ice is that it leaves no traceable hint. When the ice melts, all the evidence is washed away. Meaning, I can commit the perfect murder. As a fun little perk about ice, I cannot freeze and fire cannot burn me. In other words, temperature has no impact on me. I also feel nothing when you touch me. Ice numbs the body, allowing me to go without suffering. I should probably note that when I activate my ice powers, my eyes turn icy blue and this high-tech tattoo runs down from my left eye to my upper lip..
Nicknames: Rroy or Reaper
Physical description: He's got a well-crafted body that stands about three inches over six feet tall. His weight is a bit on the slender side, which makes sense as he's often described as "slightly under the average" with regard to body mass and weight. This body of his is often found wearing garments of dark colors, blacks and grays to be exact. He cannot stand light colors; however, from time to time, he will don himself in the color red. For the most part, his outfits are simple with a bit of an edgy look to them. If he's in a suit, he'll have chains on his pockets. If he's in a sleeveless shirt, he'll, more than likely, be wearing combat boots and some studded belt around his hips. You could easily peg him for being a "punk" and that wouldn't be far from the truth.

If we directed your attention away from his attire and were to zoom in on his face, you'll see he's got a fine pair of pupil-less crimson eyes. No, he's not blind, though most people believe this upon first glance. He is, quite simply, born without pupils. Although people would assume this would cause the male problems, it has, in fact, done quite the opposite as rumor has it that those eyes of his are a gift from the Devil.

With regards to the rest of his face, one would notice a slender pair of pale lips. His nose is rather sharp, but it's not a sheer drop. People might call it perfect, or too perfect. Rroy's overall face shape is a narrow and angular, but not so sharp that it makes him look triangular. His ears are average sized, but they appear to be a little more pointed at the tip, but don't be roped into thinking he's an elf. His ears, though unique, are often masked behind his wispy black hair. That same dreamy hair also masks his eyes from time to time. It is quite long in the front, having pieces sweep down past his jawline. However, the back is usually kept short and pushed up-right. People sometimes mock him for having a "chicken's ass" look to his hair. Either way, at the top of his head, there are usually two tiffs of hair that wing out, doing their own thing. People, more than often, mistake them as horns. Are they really? Perhaps? After all, he wears the Devil's Curse - red eyes, black hair, fair skin - so proudly.

Age: 25
Sex: Male
Sexual orientation: N/A (but would be straight)
Hobbies: Aside from killing people or devising grand battle tactics, Rroy enjoys playing guitar and singing. He also enjoys going on long runs (at least 5 miles long). He's a mechanic too, often tinkering with things and trying to come up with new weapons and apparatus to help him get a job done.
Likes: Bossing people around, being a total ass, killing, domination, power, crime, corruption, smirking, plotting, running, and fighting with swords.
Dislikes: Looking weak, losing, tomatoes, anything infused with the power of light, angels, and being late.
My character's problem is: that he is absolutely terrified of tomatoes. Long, crazy story aside, he thinks that they are 'trying to take over the world.' He fears that, if they succeed, mankind will be enslaved and humanity will be lost. The sight of a tomato can push him over the edge and into hysteria. Do yourself a favor and DON'T show him a tomato. Odds are, he'll conjure up a weapon and destroy everything in sight of that tomato.

‡ My story;

I'm sorry, that information is classified. You would either need to be CIA or FBI to open the files, but even they don't have everything. I guess you could just say that my secrets are safe with me.

However, I will comply with your request to share a tid-bit of my past. My parents couldn't keep me so they gave me up for adoption. They man they gave me to enslaved me and made me work. I grew strong, fast, and smart. I learned how to read on my own and eventually out witted my master, thus allowing me to attend school.

I'm a genius, by the way. Brilliant beyond belief, and no that's not me tooting my own horn. Like I said, I'm CIA level. I have to be smart to get in there.

Regardless, I eventually graduated and enrolled in the military. It was around that time that I started to make a name for myself. I was damn good at my job. Heh, I was too good at it that the Russians picked me up and offered me a job. Best part, I'm not Russian but I made one hell of a Russian spy.

After a long tug-o-war match over me, I eventually landed with the US. I should have been arrested but I never really committed treason or did anything to harm the US so they decided to throw me into "detention" of sorts. I eventually proved my worth and got tossed into the field. You know those guys who make things happen. Yeah, I made things happen. Bad guys suddenly vanished and the streets got safer.

Then it happened. I was made. Running for my life, I had no choice but to go into hiding. While in hiding, I happened upon the LTB.

To be honest, I'm not sure if these memories of mine or real or artificial. I know the LTB's secrets. I what they want. And here's the kicker, I want to help them. Are they brain controlling me? Perhaps, but I don't mind. I like the future they've painted. I want to help them achieve it. And no, I don't care how many people I kill to make the LTB's dreams possible. I kill because I care.

Aiden Nathanial RhodesX


Aiden Nathanial Rhodes

I will be able to create and destroy things on a whim. You see everything is made up of nothing more than simple bits and pieces of elements. I can rearrange those bits and pieces of elements to create and destroy. It's cool and all, but everything has a price. Sometimes that price can be rather high..
Nicknames: Nate, Jake
Physical description: I'm a rather odd fellow or so I'm told. I stand 6' 1" and weight 168 lbs. My hair is a little on the long side and is a lovely amethyst color. Oh my eyes? Aren't they awesome? The right one is azure and the left one is gold, the exact opposite of my twin brother's eyes. I have pale skin like my mother, but it's not ivory like hers was. I also have a star shaped birthmark on right side just below the rib cage. Oh I also have a heart tattoo the word Mother underneath it on my upper left arm and a steampunk style half open pocket watch tattoo with the date my brother died.
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Hobbies: Reading, writing, playing with fire, creating and destroying things
Likes: Art, being alone, sleep and sweets
Dislikes: Loud noises, needles, my father, doctors
My character's problem is: Multiple Personalities Disorder

‡ My story;

Why are you bothering me with such nonsense? Isn't all this stuff in my file? This is for my file, hahaha. I'm sure my father will just sensor anything he doesn't approve of even if I write it here. Okay fine I'll share my story of how I got to this point, but if anything ends up messing from my file don't come pestering me about it. Just go see the man that made me what I am.

I was a twin, but my twin brother Jacob left me just like our mother had left us. Our mother passed away when we were three. She had been sick for a while. At the time I didn't know what the cause was, but I learned the hard way afterwards. The man that our mother loved, the man that was supposed to be our father, the man that was supposed to protect us. That man, Dr. Jonathan Rhodes, he slowly killed the woman he supposable loved by experimenting on her. Being left with just his two sons he decided that they would have to do to continue his work. It's amazing how he was able to keep it secret and secretly move my brother and me into LTB. We became prisoners without even realizing it.

My father experimented on us day after day. While I handled things well Jacob wasn't as fortunate. He often was sick or left weak after going through an experiment. Jacob left me when we were eight. During an experiment that our father performed. My twin and I were like two sides of a coin. We knew each other inside and out. We didn't have to speak to know what the other was thinking or feeling. Maybe that's why I have both mine and his abilities. Anyway that day really changed me. The anger and hate I already felt towards my father intensified. I don't know how true it is, but I've been told that I developed other personalities after my dear twin brother's death. I really don't believe them, it's probably just another excuse that that man came up with to keep me in this place under his close supervision.

Dr. Jonathan RhodesX


Dr. Jonathan Rhodes

I will be able to finally perfect my life's work. Also down the line I might even start to mellow out more and actually become more of a father. Who knows I might even start to think more about the wellbeing of the people who are test subjects then just getting the results that I want.
Nicknames: Dr. R and John
Physical description: I'm 6' 4" and 181 lbs. with a light complexion. With age my hair has grown lighter in color and has become a lilac/silver color. My eyes are a pinkish red color and I wear glasses. I think that about describes me.
Age: 49
Sex: Male
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Hobbies: Experimenting, writing, research
Likes: Science, mathematics, reading, perfecting his greatest experiment
Dislikes: Disobedient test subjects, not getting the results he wants, imperfection, misplaced items, failure
My character's problem is: Obsessive Compulsive and Perfectionist

‡ My story;

Call me mad if you will. It wouldn't be the worst thing that I've been called. I know that my only son hates me and I'm not going to say he doesn't have a right to, but I think he needs more time to see things the way I do. Anyway I guess on to my story.

I was a young lad fresh out of college when I first began to work for LTB. It was in college that I had met Helena. She was such a beautiful woman and caring too. We both were granted jobs by LTB not long after finishing college. At the time it seemed like fate. Everything was going so well back then. About a year after we started our work here at LTB the two of us finally tied the knot. We were both so happy and naive back then. As time went by we dived deeper into our research and it didn't take long for that research to cause changes that we never noticed. Helena started to question what she was working on while I didn't. I could see the great possibilities and wanted to take things further.

Of course the higher ups didn't see eye to eye with me. They forced me to do my own research and experiments in secret. To avoid the possibility of them finding out I began to experiment on my dear Helena. Not long after I began experimenting on her she became pregnant with our two adorable twin boys, Aiden and Jacob. Helena was so happy about them. When they were born she could tell something was different and wasn't right. It was probably because of their heterochromia. The woman confronted me about things. I told her what I had planned. She wouldn't hear it. As long as she was alive she wouldn't allow me to us our children to continue my research. Maybe I should have listened when she first begged me to just stop it all. Being stubborn and the perfectionist that I am I wouldn't hear of it. Helena allowed me to continue my work using her as my test subject.

Shortly after our sons turned three an experiment I was performing on Helena went terribly wrong. I wasn't able to reverse the effects it had on her body and she died. At first I was at a loss, but soon looking at my two sons I knew what I needed to do. Secretly I began experimenting on them and made them official subjects here at LTB. Things went smoothly. Everything seemed to be going perfect. The boys were dealing well with the experiments and showing promising results. Then it happened Jacob's body rejected the new serum that I had created to enhance his abilities. The rejection was so violent. The boy died after suffering for two hours. Aiden wouldn’t ever admit it, but the loss of his twin brother changed him. It changed me as well. I became more determined. I wasn't going to make the same mistake, especially with only one subject left.

Aiden has proven to be a gem. He's adapted well to my experiments and is near perfection. I can't wait to see my life's work finally reached its peak. When that day comes it will be a glorious one indeed.

p o p p e t ♥ 03-05-2014 03:57 AM

Reserved for LTB Staff

NPC's - The Doctors Anyone can control these people. Keep in mind that they all have powers of their own.
Dr. John Greenwich The main doctor who makes all the decisions. He can create gasses and releases them through his hands as well as absorb the power attacks of others, sometimes effectively using the energy for a counter attack. He can also sense the powers of others, by touching them and looking into their minds. He can hypnotize with his eyes.
Dr. Blair Heyman The doctor who hands out the pills and calls on you when it's time for - things. She has the ability to store and retain any and all information she acquires. She also has the ability to calm a person with her voice.
Dr. Savinkov The last person you'll see while laying on the operating table, before bad things happen. He has the ability to work/move at super speed. As well as Biological Manipulation. Scary enough; he can stop and start the heart with his mind, along with other organ functions.
And Smith The guy who will pick you up from the airport, and who always seems to be around to do "dirty work". He is part cyborg and has almost unmatchable strength.

Important Locations
LTB Your new and permanent home, surrounded by a large invisible dome.
The halls While these are the halls of the basement level of LTB, these guards also stand at each level at the stairs, as well as at the end of each hall and at each doorway.
The Simulator This is a separate building/dome attached to the side of LTB by a long hall. This is where most of the combat training will happen, and damage is real, to the amusement of the doctors.

First FloorX

>First floor; West wing<
Dining room - One large table. Meals are on the table and ready at 6:00 a.m., noon and 6:00 p.m..
Kitchen - Always open with a large and fully stocked refrigerator. Also with fully stocked pantries.
Living area - A large movie screen-like television. A giant 'U' shaped couch with ottoman in the center. A fireplace with a loveseat and two large comfortable chairs. A bookshelf with a loveseat, table and two comfortable chairs. A foosball table, and pool table. A vending machine that holds drinks. It doesn't require money, just press the button. Beside it is the breakfast bar. On the counter behind the bar is an espresso machine, and a smoothie blender. There on the bar each morning will be a basket of fruit, as well as bagels in case you arrive before or after breakfast.
Library - The door is almost hidden behind the staircase. It's much larger than anyone would have imagined. The entire wall that faces the back lawn is beautiful large windows. Three stories tall, with stairs in various places to reach different sections of each level. Couches and tables and even two fireplaces in the far corners.

>First floor; East wing<
Community showers/bathrooms - Very large area, offers more privacy than you might expect. It's also where the spas are located. The spa half of the area has wooden floors. It's peaceful and seemingly serene with a steam room, as well as a very large hot tub, that waterfalls into another small pool-like tub. The lighting is low and relaxing. Various palmed plants and vibrant flowers are placed accordingly in the room. The showers half of the area has granite tiled floors. The counters, with neverending mirrors are also granite. In front of each sink is a plush rug. The lighting is bright, and warm. Giving the bathroom, while large and community, a very homey feeling. Towels stacked everywhere for easy access. Inside the showers are shampoos, conditioners, body washes, razors, etc. Inside the cabinets are other various things to keep one well groomed, something required of all experiments.

Second FloorX

Bedrooms - The only things on the second floor are the bedrooms. The entire second floor is carpeted in thin floral carpeting. It's mainly a deep red, with gold accents. It's not loud or hideous, rather subtle instead. Each of the rooms are very large. The beds are also large, Queen sized with thick mattresses and large head/footboards. All furniture is either black or cherry wood. All walls are painted in shades of deep purple or red (even dark browns). You're welcome to describe your own room out of these options. There can be windows, though they'll have large black out curtains to cover them.

Also, nothing extravagant in the room, and no bathrooms. Each room will have the same minimal amount of furniture. The closet will be filled with clothes already; black pants, shorts, etc. And grey tops, tank tops, sweaters, etc. There will also be a black leather jacket. The shoes are either black leather boots, or grey/balck/white tennis shoes.

Don't forget that there are guards on this level, too. One beside each door, at the end of each hall, and at the stairs.

Third FloorX

Gym/pool - The entire third floor is open, with no defined rooms. While there may be free standing walls and pillars to support the roof and offer little bits of privacy. The third floor has absolutely every piece of workout equipment you could imagine. There is also a kickboxing area, with a large mat, various hanging punching bags, and even a kickboxing ring. There's also a kitchen-like area with a grocery store-like cooler. Inside are various sports drinks, water, etc. On the counter is a smoothie machines, and various racks filled with protein bars, apples, etc.

A third of the third level is outdoors, on a large balcony of sorts. The training pool is located there. While it's got training lines and bars, it is surrounded by lounge chairs, and even a couple of tables with umbrellas for relaxing. Off to the right on the balcony is another set of stone stairs that lead to the roof. There's nothing up there but a balcony of sorts, with a few outdoor couches and one wicker swing.

The BasementX

The door to the basement is hidden under the staircase on the main floor. The steel door can only be opened via passcode, fingerprint and eye recognition. In the basement are various places, from storage areas, to surgery rooms, to labratories, to Greenwich's personal office which looks much like a therapists office. There are also small rooms much like holding cells. You do not, want to be led to the basement, or find that you've woken up there.

Doctor's notes only. Do not write below this line.

p o p p e t ♥ 03-06-2014 05:35 PM

((Please look at the first post, the title post, to find a small list of NPC's and places just above the rules. Anyone can use and control the NPC's at any time.

Also, sorry for the large first post, I wanted to set the scene so everyone knew how to start! Your first experience should be something like this one, so you don't have to go into such great detail and can start wherever you'd like!

Your posts do not have to be so long. Two small paragraphs are acceptable. But remember, no one liners.

It was eight o'clock in the morning when Nixie exited the airport doors, stepping out onto the large waiting-walk crowded with people waiting for taxi cabs. Her dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and side bangs fell over her right eye. She wore a fitted leather jacket over jeans and converse, and had a backpack slung over one shoulder.

Light blue, almost grey eyes spotted a red-headed man in a black suit and sunglasses holding a sign that read, 'N. Roth'. Well, that was her. She made her way through the crowd. "I'm Nixie," she said with a friendly smile. "Smith," he responded simply, without returning the smile. He turned away from her immediately, to open her backseat car door. "Okay," she whispered with an eyebrow raise.

Nixie climbed into the black town car uncomfortably. Suddenly she was feeling anxious. But that was typical Nixie, and one of the reasons she was going to the study. For her incredibly and sometimes debilitating anxiety and fear of small/enclosed places. She bit onto her full lower lip and started wringing the strap of her back pack.

The car ride to LTB was long, and silent. She'd received a phone call yesterday morning informing her that there had been quite a response in folks entering the study, and in order to be able to pick everyone up, they'd asked her to come a day early. It was no problem for Nixie, and they'd informed her that an extra day, meant an extra $500.

As the car pulled up to the large place she assumed to be LTB, Nixie stared in awe. The place was huge, like some kind of estate, or college. It didn't look anything like she'd expected. She'd expected a building in the city with, well, small spaces.

Smith opened her door once again and Nixie climbed out, following him up a set of stone stairs to the doors of LTB, which promptly opened. She adjusted her backpack nervously. Smith wasn't much of a talker. She followed him up more stairs, to the second level of the large mansion of sorts, where the bedrooms were located. Finally, Smith decided to fill her in.

"The first floor has the kitchen, dining room, living area, library and other amenities on one side, and community bathrooms, showers and spa on the other side. The second level, this level, are the bedrooms. The third level has the gym, and other training areas. The basement is off limits."

Nixie nodded, too nervous to catch that part about training. As they neared the door to Nixie's room, they met a woman standing there, waiting. "I'm Dr. Heyman," she said in a disinterested voice. She must be tired of doing this everyday. The doctor looked down at a clipboard. "Nixie Roth," she said.

Nixie nodded. "Here," the doctor said, handing her a small cup. Nixie took it and looked inside. There were two small white pills. Before she could question them, the doctor continued. "This is a study," she said. "You have to take the pills to help your anxiety and claustrophobia. In an hour, we'll test you to see if they've worked."

The doctor's expression never changed and always seemed so disinterested. Nixie believed her every word though, she was a doctor after all. Nixie put the cup to her lips and took the pills easily. It wasn't the first time she'd taken medications for her illnesses. She handed the cup back.

"Good," the doctor said, finally smiling. "Here," she said, turning the clipboard around and handing Nixie a pen. "Sign here, releasing us of liabilities." Nixie signed her name without reading a word, thus signing her life away unknowingly. As she got to the last letter of her name, the clipboard doubled.

Nixie frowned. She tried to look at the letters, but they started jumbling around the page. She suddenly became dizzy. She couldn't focus, and she looked up at the doctor. "I- I feel, really dizzy..." she said. It felt like someone was pulling a rug out from under her. Gravity worked, and her body suddenly weighed a thousand pounds.

She reached out for Smith, but her fingers grasped nothing. Her heart was racing. What was happening!? The thinly carpeted floor came up to meet her. She rolled onto her back in time to see the halls spinning. There were people around, a lot of people. Were they holding weapons? Had they been there the whole time?

Another white-coat appeared, and words were exchanged between doctors. The last thing Nixie would remember was laughter. But why? Hands were grabbing at her, lifting her off the floor. "Get her to the experimentation lab," she heard. The words were slow and deep, sounding far away, distorted. A blackness closed in, and Nixie blacked out.

sadrain 03-06-2014 06:39 PM

"Finally," Caleb groaned, stepping out of airport. It was far too crowded, noisy and... Well, he didn't like flying much. Unlike Corynn who saw something exciting in each trip, he preferred remaining with his feet firmly planted on ground - in quite every sense of the word. The girl looked up at him with a smile. "It wasn't that bad," she objected sweetly, but he only scoffed in reply.

"Ah, there is our man!" Corynn exclaimed, pointing at sign that read "Corynn and Caleb Moore". Writing 'C. and C. Moore" would have looked slightly strange, but upon name change they had chosen to have same initials on purpose. It was sentimental whim from her side, but he didn't mind complying with it. Now, he followed her to the car, pulling their luggage along. It wasn't much, practically nothing, in fact. But that's how they lived - they didn't have anything beside aspirations and each other. Perhaps this study would change it.

Neither of siblings really liked this Smith who didn't more than just say his name, but at least Corynn shrugged it off. In car ride, both of them spent most of it in silence - she napped, while he took in details behind window, as if trying to follow as to where they were taken. When they arrived at the grand building, he nudged her awake and her eyes went wide at the gorgeous sight. She was always sucker for pretty things.

However, he didn't enjoy the thought of being test bunny, not even in as grand cage as this, but both of them needed help. Caleb knew how bothered his sister were by having to flinch at each sudden touch, being unable to hug her friends spontaneously, not even talking about kissing with a guy. He thought it rooted far deeper than that one event they both never brought up, but it was taboo theme. From one side, he didn't really mind she didn't have relationships, though... There was no one he knew that he would trust with his little sister.

And he... Well, he definitely needed help, so he wouldn't become copy of his parents. And even if he hadn't wanted to come, if Corynn did, he had to follow. Of course, if he had insisted that she couldn't go, she wouldn't, but it seemed cruel to deny her this chance and they needed the money.

As they walked through the beautiful house, both of them carefully took in surroundings, already trying to memorize it. She nudged him slightly when gym was mentioned, that meant he would be able to continue his training while here. Hopefully, it would be great, eventful week. Samantha, her drummer, was out of the town, too, so bar owner had been generous enough to give the whole band leave and also excused Caleb. Everything was planned out nicely and no one would look for them for a while. If only the pair had know that may as well had been one of reasons why they were here...

Corynn frowned slightly when Smith said basement was off-limits, but then figured probably machinery like energy generators and such were located there that they didn't want people snooping around. Then, they were in front of Dr. Heyman, told their names and were handed cups with explanation what they were for.

"Pills for my problem? But it's more of a psychological one..." she spoke up, one eyebrow quirked, while Caleb downed his pills with grimace. "Hopefully, these aren't the kind to make me all apathetic and drowsy," he commented, knowing what was usually prescribed for spouts of anger like his. Dr. Heyman sternly repeated that this was study and they should do as they're told, so girl took her pills, too.

When the tablet was presented to both of them, they began reading before placing signature, though. "What... what are all these things you want to us to sign for?" her eyes went wide, taking in details while the written lines already started to blur out. "Sign it," Dr. Heyman ordered, her voice still disinterested, and suddenly, Smith's hand was on her wrist, nearly forcing her to sign.

If she wasn't already starting to feel dizzy, while old fears made her comply to forceful touch, she wouldn't have signed and her signature was barely recognizable now. But Caleb... The moment he saw Smith's hand he jumped between them, trying to get burly man away from his sister, and heavy punch collided with red head's jaw. Unfortunately, next moment darkness that she had been trying to resist and get away from strange doctor took over Corynn's mind and she fell. Last thing she saw were people with weapons and Caleb fighting, fear gripped her gut - not for her, but him. Her brother spun around, trying to catch her, but this sudden movement quickened speed with which his conscience was slipping away and he joined her on floor, body partially covering her in an instinctively protective manner.

"We will have to keep this man under extra control. He is strong," Smith said to Dr. Heyman, rubbing his jaw. If there would have been full conscious man's strength in the punch, it probably would be broken. Moments later, both victims were carried off to experimentation lab.

p o p p e t ♥ 03-06-2014 07:37 PM

((I went ahead and made my next post, so that those of you still entering in can start at either my first post, or this one. Whichever you prefer! Just trying to give you guys options!))

Voices; a heavily accented one, a few others. Nix tried to open her eyes. There was a bright light, so bright that it hurt. "She's waking up," she heard a female voice say. Nixie blinked and squinted. Everything was still so fuzzy. As the room came into focus, she felt a sharp pick on her left arm and she looked down to see someone jabbing her with a needle.

She tried to pull her arm away, but she was strapped down. Instantly her heart rate picked up, but once again, the dizziness overtook her. "Put her back into the machine, and erase her memory. Is the tattoo finished?" Tattoo? Machine? "Wait... what's happen-", Nixie's voice faded out and the darkness overtook her again.


Nixie woke up in a bed. It was comfortable. She was wearing a generic set of clothes. Black fitted leggings of sorts. The men would be put into something more along the lines of work-out sweats. She was wearing a grey tank top that didn't quite meet the top of the pants. The men would be put into grey t-shirts or wife-beaters. She couldn't recall how she'd gotten into the clothes, or the bed.

In fact, she didn't remember arriving here. She did remember getting off the plane. She was here for a study, she knew that much. Nixie sat up in the bed and her bangs fell over her right eye. Dizziness was wearing off. Her ponytail was still in place, and she reached up to tighten it, noticing something on her left arm.

She gasped. There was a tattoo down her left forearm that read, "094386". She rubbed at it, but stopped. It was still tender, but not that tender. It had had plenty of time to heal. How long had she been out for? What was going on?

Two days in fact had passed since Nixie had arrived at LTB. It was Saturday night now. She swung her legs off the side of the bed and found her footing on the wooden floor of her room. The room was large, as was the bed. The walls were darkly painted, and the windows were covered with black-out curtains.

She paid no mind to the room for now, wanting to get out of it, and find someone who could tell her what was going on. Nixie padded barefoot across the floor, and to the door, which she opened, stepping out onto the thinly carpeted floor of the hall. There were people there. They wore uniforms that were clearly made of some kind of armor. They wielded large guns. Nixie's heart rate picked up again.

"Hello?" she called to them. But none of them paid her any attention. She was no threat to them, for now. They were spaced apart evenly with their backs to the wall. There were seven or so, spaced out down the incredibly long hall. She walked hesitantly to the nearest one. "Excuse me," she said, but there was no response. She looked at another one, and then another. They were almost like statues.

Okay then. Nixie turned away and padded down the hall to the stairs, which she descended. All Nixie could see of others, were more guards. Other than that, she seemed to be alone. When she reached the first floor, she turned right, in the direction of the kitchen and living area. Before she could make it far, Smith appeared, seemingly from nowhere.

She gasped, "Oh!" she exclaimed putting her hand over her heart. She frowned. "What's going on here?" she finally demanded to know. "What is this?" she asked, offering her left forearm with the tattoo. Smith showed no change is his unreadable expression. "That's your ID number," he responded casually. He reached out and grabbed a hold of her arm.

"It took you longer than the others to wake," he said. "The others?" Nixie questioned, following hesitantly while he still grasped her arm. "You'll learn to quit asking so many questions," he told her, releasing her arm when he knew she was following willingly. "LTB is your home now."

"Wha-" Nixie was cut off as Smith continued talking. "By tomorrow evening your families will be receiving phone calls informing them that the private jet that you and the others departed on, had engine failure and crashed over the mountains. No one knows where you are, and you cannot leave or contact the outside world, so don't try."

By this time, Nixie had stopped following. Smith turned to face her, filling her in on LTB's intentions, and that she'd become an experiment, and, that she'd agreed to all of it when she'd signed the paper. "You tricked us then," she said quietly in disbelief. He nodded, still expressionless. "It's for the greater good."

She shook her head. She didn't want to be an experiment. She wanted to go home, now. The walls were closing in and the hall was getting smaller. She was having a panic attack. The very thing they'd lured her here using. The air thickened and Nixie couldn't breathe. She reached out for the wall, gasping for air. "I can't-" she tried. "I can't be here." She was shaking her head. It was all too much.

Smith moved towards her. "Stay away from me," she said, backing away. He advance. "Stay away from me!" she screamed, before gasping for more air. Her head began to throb. As he reached her, Nixie put her hand up, somehow creating enough energy in the process to push Smith away and knock him down.

Nixie looked horrified, clenching her hands together and bringing them to her chest. The statues in armor were closing in now. Someone grabbed her arm and she shrieked. "No! Stay away!" Someone grabbed her from behind, lifting her off the floor. She kicked and screamed. "Let go! Let me go!"

"Sedate her!" Smith demanded. "No!" Something sharp jabbed into her neck, and in moments, she felt relaxed. So relaxed that she quit struggling. Her breathing slowed, as did her heart rate, to lower than normal. She was placed on the ground again and she swayed, before getting a feel for her balance again.

Smith grabbed her arm once again. "We will continue to use force to sedate you and anyone else who gets out of control, so we suggest you keep yourself calm. There really is no use in fighting or trying to escape, you'll only make things very hard for yourself here." They arrived at the dining area. "You're late for dinner. It's too bad you won't be much company in this state. You'd do right to make friends with your new family. Do you understand Nixie?"

Nixie seemed disinterested in what Smith babbled on about, but she heard every word. Her eye lids were heavier than normal, and she seemed slower than normal, but she was incredibly relaxed, and at peace. Everything was fine, and would be fine. "Yes," she responded in monotone. She nodded when he gestured to the table where others already sat. She was a zombie. Some of the others seemed to have been sedated too. That was alright. She felt better like this.

Nixie found an empty seat and looked around. Everyone else seemed normal, just like her. Had they already been experimented on? What had they meant by that? Were they going to become some kind of hideous seven armed monsters? Nixie couldn't help but smile at the thought. It seemed ridiculous, and the image was funny. She didn't realize she was staring at someone across the table. Hopefully they didn't think she was laughing at them. Nixie wouldn't care though. She was far too relaxed to care about anything at all now.

Kry 03-06-2014 09:51 PM

Rua was staring at his arm, as he sat at that dinner table. A plate of mostly untouched food in front of him. More or less he was staring at the newly acquired tattoo on his own arm, at least it didn't interfere with his other tattoos, it wasn't his style though and it made him feel like a piece of property.

It had happened to him to, he had gotten off the airplane, having a private conversation with himself, and approached the man with a sign that had his name on it. He'd gotten in the car, rode mostly in silence save for a few whispered words to himself. When he had arrived at his room with the doctor waiting for him, he had taken the pills with a shrugged comment of them most likely being mild altering drugs. Signed his name, and very promptly passed out. He had been out for maybe a day, and awoke to this new tattoo, the information that they weren't allowed to leave. Rua took it all with a shrug. He didn't seem too concerned at all, besides, it might even be a little fun.

Though now here he was sitting here and staring at his food, surrounded by others, most of which seemed rather loopy. No doubt sedated. The idiots. Getting hysterical about things wouldn't change anything. Even if Rua did want to escape, he knew that acting irrationally and hysterical would just get him sedated and one couldn't escape if they were sedated. He poked at the number on his arm, it read "093698". Rua poked at it again before looking up at the girl that had sat down across from him. She had one of those loopy, drunken smiles on her face. No doubt she'd been sedated. He shook his head and glanced over to the empty seat next to him, as if exchanging a glance with someone who wasn't even there. "What do you think, Noa?" The words were whispered, to someone he knew wasn't really there, though for someone not really there, his questions were usually answered. Even if it was just his imagination, or perhaps just a slight insanity that had taken root in him long ago.

Rua smirked and even nodded slightly in his private conversation, as if his question really had been answered, to him it had. He picked up his fork and began to poke at his food. He ate a bit here and there, but for the most part he didn't trust it to not be drugged.

sadrain 03-06-2014 10:07 PM

Knock out medicine wore off Caleb sooner than others, due to his size, so they had to deal with raging man that pulled at straps and even snapped one or two, right hand therefor toppling over tray with some instruments. But moments later, he got injected with more medicine and slipped into blackness nearly instantly, curse slipping from his lips cut in half. He would have permanent reminder of this event, however, the line of 7 in his ID of 270199 extending much further down in jagged line, due to his thrashing around.

Corynn, however, went through all of this much more peacefully, the one time she woke she couldn't resist, even if she wanted to, fear having paralyzed her and before she fell unconscious, single tear rolled down her cheek in a helpless anger, towards herself. She had... she had pulled them into this.

With same sense of guilt, she woke up. And although they had cleaned her memory, part of her mind had resisted the procedure and she vaguely recalled events that had happened after she entered mansion. Mere snippets - pills, nonchalant faces, tablet and pen, Caleb's fist on red haired man's jaw, darkness -, but they were enough to piece something together. And what a horrible picture it was.

Her head was painful and heavy, but she gingerly tried to sit up. Light hurt her eyes, it was far too bright, really. She wasn't bound down, like on that table and she looked down at her wrist. 030288. 03 referred to her birthday, perhaps, but rest she couldn't make out. It was rather fresh, so too much time could not have passed. There was constant murmuring in back of her mind, many voices, man and woman, in different volumes, speaking. But she couldn't make out what they were saying. It was aggrivating.

At this point, she heard voices outside and swung her feet over bed's side. If it had been just any voices, she probably wouldn't have, but that most definitely was Caleb's and his rage voice. Fear gripped her stomach as she shakily hurried out of her room, right to see Smith holding her brother down. The moment he saw her, he calmed for split second, long enough for someone from med personnel sedate him, and then he had no more energy or will to struggle onward.

"Corynn..." Smith let him go and he slumped down to his knees. Young woman rushed to his side and hugged her brother. She was barely holding back tears, but as Smith and one of the white wearing men approached, she hissed at them: "Don't worry, I won't resist, just let me stay with him."

They retreated, some of the voices had grown louder now, she could make out something like "must watch interactions" and "look for result signs", but it made no sense and it was hard... Painful. As if there was no space for her own thoughts in her head. Corynn helped Caleb up, it was so horrible to see him so complying, weak. "If they hurt you," he growled, though. His memory wipe had worked nearly as intended, but the idea of of his sister in danger was enough to set him on berserker fit that they had witnessed not long ago.

"It is good you are willing to cooperate, Miss Moore. It will do you and your brother good. Now, follow me. It is time you ate and met your new family," Smith spoke and Corynn gritted her teeth, but complied, leading Caleb along. "My new family?" she asked and received same information Nixie had, only instead of family members, their friends were informed instead.

"You... have kidnapped us?" she tried to breath evenly, murmurs around her getting louder. Caleb's hand on her shoulder clenched and Smith rubbed hand over his throat uneasily, as if he had felt something there. "It is for greater good, you see," he explained. "Is there any good that outweighs kidnapping people, destroying their lives!? Corynn exclaimed. "You will understand soon enough. The more you cooperate, the easier adapting to your new life it will be. Try to have Mr Moore understand that."

It was hard not to continue arguing, but her mind wheels were hurriedly turning. It was better to cooperate and keep clear head than live in a fog. That cursed murmuring was bad enough, always present, growing louder and quieter, like waves crashing against coast. Only this coast was her own thoughts that they slowly ate into.

At dinner table, she sat down and quietly ate, sometimes nudging Caleb to distract him from thoughts of stabbing someone with fork. Just for giggles, you know, and to see if all this crap was real. If the person bled or he got shot, it was and maybe his swimming thoughts would anchor down... Wait, how did she know that? He had not said anything, wasn't even toying with food in violent way. But Corynn knew, clear as day. Nervously she swallowed and focused on food.

But it didn't help. Blonde guy across was talking in his mind, voice barely leaving his lips, with someone... someone. Who she couldn't gather, but his voice rang clearly in her thoughts. And then another one was brought, clearly sedated, and seated next to Corynn. "Heh, they got you all, too, didn't they..." Caleb said, not directing it to anyone in particular. Could as well have meant it to meat on his plate.

Was there a way to warn these people, try to explain them that they had better chances at surviving and escaping with clear head? Maybe someone was recording each their word. Corynn looked around. Yes, they were definitely watched. But how closely?

Pandora's Box 03-06-2014 10:48 PM

"Argh! This sucks!" The dark haired girl paced back and forth in the small room she had woken in. All she remembered was getting off the plane and getting into a car with that Smith guy. She looked at her arm, the numbers 069814 etched on her arm. That wasn't the only thing on her arm. Her psoriasis was all over her hands, some extending to her arm. She rubbed it, and slumped on the bed. Eventually, a knock disrupted her thoughts.

When she came to the door, the guy, Smith, stood there. "You're late for dinner." he said in his monotone voice. Elaine gave a loud and very exaggerated sigh. "I'm gonna guess that it's not optional." she said more of a statement than a question. With no response, she followed Smith to the dining hall. She pestered him with questions, which he wouldn't answer.

After getting her food, she plopped down next to a blonde guy who was talking to himself. "Sorry I sat on your imaginary friend." she said an she leaned back on the chair. ""Could today get any worse?" She glanced around at the people sitting beside her. There was the drugged (or drunk?) girl who was zoned out. There was the blonde crazy guy, then two others who seemed normal enough, considering the circumstances. The guy looked angry though, although Ellie could understand that.

"I dunno about you, but I can't remember a thing. Anyone else have better luck than me?" In her mind, there wasn't any help in being a social recluse. Who knows how long they would be here, might as well get along.

sadrain 03-06-2014 11:09 PM

Another arrival. This girl seemed to still have clear head, although slightly rude, but then again, there really was no other free space than the one beside blonde man. Corynn nodded greeting to her, Caleb only glared. Somehow, even drugs couldn't diminish his wish to punch someone, to vent. Maybe the dose wasn't strong enough? But if so, Corynn was grateful they didn't pump him fuller. Her attention went back to the newcomer again. Would she speak, if she considered that there was no point being anti-social? Ah, and she did.

"We were drugged and signed some papers, I am guessing for agreeing to all this crap. Well, I did, but my brother didn't. And passed out. Then, operation table, tattoo. Don't know anything else. But that's kind of enough, with that kindly shared bit about us being prisoners of science and declared dead outside these walls..." she replied, brushing strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm going to make a meatloaf out of them, the most disgusting meatloaf world has ever seen," Caleb grit his teeth and Corynn placed hand on his wrist, expression worried.

"The more you resist, the more medicine they will pump in. We better play along, for now... she spoke quietly, hoping to get through to him. And as always, she did. His expression softened slightly and he focused on food, now completely disinterested in anything around him, unless his sister spoke up. Corynn was both worried and relieved by that, seeing him finally succumb to medicine somewhat, and looked up to the pair across of them. What did they think about the whole situation? Somehow, it felt as if the voices in her head got louder if she was looking at someone...

p o p p e t ♥ 03-06-2014 11:12 PM

Nixie's smile didn't fade quite yet, no. The guy across from her was talking to the chair he sat next to. It was funny, too. She didn't laugh though, and while smiling lightly, she could hardly be mistaken as a drunk, considering she was only very relaxed, not falling over or slurring or acting a fool.

She looked past the girl next to her at the guy who was angrily talking to his steak. What was it with the people here talking to things? Maybe that was one of the reasons they were all there. They either had severe anxiety, or they talked to "the voices".

That thought finally let Nixie's smile fade. There probably was no rhyme or reason to the way these people had picked out their test subjects. She sighed. The people here all had real issues, and now they were about to be given a lot more. She stared at her food, trying to process it all finally.

Her dark bangs had fallen over her right eye again, and light grey blue eyes peered through them at the girl who'd just arrived, apologizing to the guy beside her for sitting on his imaginary friend. Nixie figured that an imaginary friend could explain the guy's problem, rather than a guy who talked to chairs or something. It seemed that Nixie was getting a hold on herself, though still very relaxed.

It did feel better than being thrown into a panic attack over severe anxiety. That's how she'd felt right before they'd drugged her, right before she... Wait... She'd knocked down Smith, with her hands. And she hadn't even touched him.

Grey blue eyes scanned the table. Everyone seemed normal to her. Did they have some strange power, too? Is that why they were all here? Were they being given super powers? Was that what they meant by "the greater good"? Maybe they were turning them all into superheros!

Well why didn't they just say so?? People would line up to become superheros! But, there had to be something more to it than that. This place had an air of, of... evil. There was something very wrong here, and what they were doing wasn't okay. What were their plans for the 'test subjects' here? The girl beside her was only confirming her fears.

Even through the sedatives, Nixie's heart rate started to pick up. Her breathing was starting to quicken, though the attack was coming on much slower than usual. The walls were closing in again. Everyone was being so loud. She had to control herself, she didn't want to be sedated again. But she couldn't control it. She'd never been able to, that was the problem.

She clutched the edge of the table. "I have to get out of here," she whispered.

Kry 03-07-2014 01:19 AM

Rua gave the girl that sat next to him an annoyed glance and a shrug. "Ghosts are not imaginary." That was the only response she would get from him on that subject, but he did turn slightly, to look over his right shoulder. As if looking at someone that was now standing there, very close to him and his chair. He didn't say anything though he almost looked as if he might, his attention turned to the others around him. Glancing them over, then looking at the sedated girl across from him again.

He shoved his plate away, he'd had enough of this food, which was hardly any at all. His attention going to the brother and sister, the boy looked angry. Almost volatile, it was smoldering in his eyes, barely contained. Then it was more contained when the sister spoke to him. He might be fun to talk to later. Rua shrugged, glancing over his right shoulder again, and remaining silent. There wasn't really anything he could add to the conversation going on around him, and there was nothing for him to really say to his 'imaginary friend' at the moment. Though Rua did want to go outside, get some fresh air, it felt a bit stifling in here.

p o p p e t ♥ 03-07-2014 02:47 AM

Her throat was closing in, even with the sedatives. It would have been much worse without them. Nixie had been known to have such severe panic attacks, that she blacked out. She pushed away from the table and stood.

She looked around at everyone. Why was everyone just sitting around? Couldn't all of them together find a way out or something? She recalled the guards in the halls with guns. Maybe not. Still, she couldn't just sit here eating dinner like nothing was wrong.

She glanced at the male two seats down from her. He actually seemed pretty upset, too. Maybe if she tried to make a break for it, he'd help? For now she just needed air. Lots of air before she really did black out.

Nixie fled the room, and hurried down the hall. Instead of taking a right out the front door, she took a left through the living area. There was a pool table there, a large tv, too, and other things. She passed them all by, pushing through French doors out onto a large patio made of marble.

She took deep breaths of the fresh air, and continued forward, down the stairs and into the grass, bare feet welcoming the plushness of it. She looked over her shoulder, and no one seemed to be following. Perhaps they'd told them they couldn't leave, in hopes that they just wouldn't try?

What was on the other side of the forest? A city? A road? An ocean? Well she'd swim then. Nixie crossed the lawn hesitantly. But what if there were alarms? Or guard dogs. She was terrified of that thought. Being torn to bits by dogs. That sounded horrible.

Still, Nixie moved forward. If she didn't run, it wouldn't look like she was doing anything more than taking a walk, right? She didn't get to go too far. She'd made it 300 yards or so when she ran into something. Nixie stumbled backwards, rubbing her forehead. "Ow," she whispered almost angrily, though still rather sedated.

Grey blue eyes looked for the thing she'd run into, but she saw nothing. How? Nixie reached out hesitantly, until her fingertips touched something. It glowed a blue orange color, wherever her fingers touched. It was some kind of force field, or something. Impossible. Things like that only happened in movies. But then again, so did knocking someone down with, nothing.

She placed both hands on it now, and pushed. But that had been a bad idea. When Nixie applied force to the wall, the wall forced back, shooting her backwards by five or ten feet where she landed on her back in the grass. Well, that hurt.

Nixie sat up and looked, at nothing, though at the barrier keeping them all inside. She sighed, and pulled her knees to her chest. Her breathing was under control again, and the sedative was still working. She rested her chin on her knees and stared out into the world she'd no longer know. It was hard for Nixie. She loved being outdoors in the world, and now, sitting here in front of the force field, watching it go by, was the best she was going to get.

She pulled her chin in until her forehead was rested on her knees, covering her face and the tears threatening to spill. This was just a bad dream. Just a bad dream...

sadrain 03-08-2014 12:29 AM

Between talking, Corynn tried to eat some food, but each bite took so long to chew and caught in her throat. It didn't taste bad, in fact better than most things she and Caleb had had to eat for a long time, but she just didn't feel like she could get any more of this down and eventually gave up. Her brother, however, continued to eat monotonously. Then again, she always teased him about his ability to eat large amount of food under nearly any circumstances and said it was because he burned so much energy seething.

Blonde man mentioned something about ghosts and her gaze stopped at him momentarily. She didn't deem him crazy for some reason, her expression thoughtful, but then her attention was brought to girl besides her. She wanted... needed to get out. Well, didn't they all. Moments later, Nixie had sprung to her feet. "Wait, they have weapons, they could shoot--" Corynn spoke hurriedly, hoping to stop the other, but she had already left dining hall.

She froze, looking at doors and waiting for sound of gunfire. Her heart rate was up and throat dry, but when there was no noise of struggle or shots, a ghost of hope spread through woman's mind. Could there actually be a way for them to escape? Or at least explore for a weak spot without being beaten up or sedated? That was something she couldn't miss out on. Corynn sprung to her feet and rushed towards door. "Come on, Caleb!" she impatiently called out to her brother, who was still chewing last bite.

"Huh? What? Wait!" he looked at her dazedly and then jumped to his feet, toppling his chair over backwards and hurried after shorter woman. Much like the Nixie, neither of them paid too much attention to surroundings, one trying to catch up with her and the other trying to grasp what the heck was going on.

As they exited mansion, Corynn was telling herself not to get too excited, but that was hard to avoid. No one had stopped them at all, they hadn't even seen any guards, wretched doctors or Smith. She had ran down the flight of stairs that led to garden, when her eyes got fixed on the other woman's form. And how it flew backwards after she had attempted to push air. Well, not air. There was something obviously in front of them.

When Nixie pulled herself up to sitting position, Moore girl had finally caught up with her. Corynn knelt down next to her, "hey, are you alright? Did you get hurt?" Her hand tentatively landed on Nixie's shoulder in comforting gesture. When touch was initiated by her and didn't get out of control, she could deal with it somewhat.

Meanwhile, fresh air had helped Caleb get rid of last fog on his mind. It might as well been due to his sister not paying attention anymore to him and her calming influence fading. Either way, he was returning to his old ways. And they were rather simple. "Let's see if it can withstand good old punch!" he spat and swung at forcefield. Air around his fist seemed to buzz for a second and then, with equal force he had applied - which was a lot - he was thrown back. Man tumbled through air, but managed to land on all four, not sprawled on grass. "What the f***!?" he growled, getting up.

"Caleb!" Corynn exclaimed worriedly. "It's no use. You will only get hurt. They must be powering it from somewhere... I... They said someplace was off limits. Either basement or attic. I can't remember. The generators are probably there," she said, when he stopped beside her, towering above. "Then I'll tear down this f***ing house down with my hands if needed. No one's gonna keep you and me somewhere like this!"

"It's not like we're only victims here," she spoke reasonably, but Caleb wasn't one to go out of his way to help someone if they hadn't proven being worthy of it. No one would do it for them either, why did he have to be the one trying to earn angel wings or whatever?

Kiyoto 03-08-2014 01:03 AM

One. Two. Three. Four. Fie. Six. Seven. One after another, the beeps registered within his mind, which for a time had seen nothing but black. That had not really been unusual, for someone who delt within darkness and the shadows. However, it was a bit...different then that. The effects of something more was wearing off his body, and for the few moments the tall male sat there thinking back to how it had come to this. He had been home, his appartment. A letter had come, and he had read over it. Honestly, he had not thought about it much, but now all of that seemed like a dream.

No point in dwelling on it. Opening his eyes finally, the stark white lights of a room caught his attention first. There was a monitor hooked up to him, keeping track of his heart while he had been under. That was the cause of the beeping. A nurse stepped over, seeing him wake. He said nothing, as she began unhooking him from an IV and the monitor. Seems he would be allowed to get up for now, to see what the hell this place was. He slowly sat up, arching his back a bit to streatch it. He reached up, to rub the back of his neck with a slight groan. He was a bit stiff right now. How long had he been out?

He ran a hand through his hair, as something in the back of his mind screamed that something was not right. He took a breath, glancing around a bit. The nurse who had unhooked the machine comes over and gives a bit of a smile, "hungry?" she asked simply, before nodding to a set of clothes at the end of the bed. "Change and I will take you to eat" she walked out. He stood, sighing slightly. He slipped off the generic blue hospital shirt he had on, though he did not remember ever placing it on. He lifted a gray t-shirt from the end of the bed, more simple then he usually would have been seen in. It was now that he noticed the number on his arm. He raised an eyebrow, lifting it to read off the numbers located there.

035626. What the hell did that mean? He ran a finger along it, sighing a bit again. He pulled on the shirt, then tugged on the pants that were there as well. They oddly fit, when he was a taller and well built guy. He wondered how they had known his sizes. He shrugged, slipping on black shoes that sat by the edge of the bed. The nurse returned, giving him a nod as she turns to walk down the hall. He follows, though his guard remained up. He still felt a little sleepy, but for now he ignored it as he followed this woman. It seemed kind of like a mansion, though not as well. He said nothing as he was led down a flight of steps.

She opened the door to a dining room, motioning him inside. He looked within, the table set, but there was no one inside, he looked back to finally say something to the woman, but...she was gone....He sighed, looking at the dining room again. He could feel there had previously been people inside of here, and upon closer inspection, it did seem as if there was someone still inside. A male, sitting alone at the table. He raised an eyebrow slightly, leaning against the doorframe. He said nothing for now, as he crossed his arms over his chest. He would allow this other to speak first.

p o p p e t ♥ 03-08-2014 06:49 AM

Nixie's head snapped up to look for the female voice. The second the girl's hand touched Nixie's shoulder, it was like someone had turned on a television; a talk show or something. Nixie frowned at Corynn in question, eyes slightly widened in wonder. Little did she know, that in the few moments Corynn had her hand on Nixie's bare shoulder, Corynn's mind would be silent.

Almost immediately, Nixie shrugged away from the touch. Not because she was anything like Corynn in the relationships department, but because she was afraid to appear too weak here. The voices stopped the moment Corynn's hand was off of her. "I'm okay," she said, pushing herself to her feet. "It was just, shocking..." No pun intended. "Thanks," she added. "I'm Nixie. Roth."

She extended her left hand for a shake, catching the tattoo out of the corner of her eye. "Or, 094386. You know, whatever's easier." It would seem that Nixie had some kind of sense of humor, with her puns and sarcasm. Though it wasn't something she credited herself with. It was actually a natural and nervous reaction to situations that made Nixie uncomfortable.

Before she could extend her arm fully, Caleb swung at the force field. Nixie gasped and retracted her offered hand to cover her mouth. The boy was fine though, landing almost like a cat. Wow. Nixie wouldn't have landed like that in a hundred years. Obviously. She was sure there were probably grass stains on her ass right about now.

The girl was concerned for him, and they began exchanging words. Nixie looked between them both. They knew each other, well. Were they siblings? They did look similar. Maybe. Their personalities were opposite though. The girl was nice and welcoming, but the boy was kind of, what was the word? "Hostile..." Nixie mumbled, not realizing she'd spoken aloud.

But she was gathering that he really cared for this girl. It made her heart ache in a way, for the feeling of being in this place with someone who knew you were here, and who cared for you. Her parents were going to think she was dead by tomorrow, and then she'd be, alone. It wouldn't be a new feeling really.

No. Nixie wouldn't let herself think like that. There was a way out of here. There had to be. This guy was all about leaving, maybe they could figure something out. Then Nixie thought of something. She looked down at her hands, palms up and open. "Can you two, you know, do magic things?" Well, that hadn't worded like she'd meant.

"I mean," explain yourself without looking like an idiot, or a lunatic, "earlier, I kind of, knocked, Smith down. With my hands." She watched them both, they weren't catching her drift. Probably because what she said, made sense, and was no big deal. "Well I mean, not with my hands exactly."

Maybe she could show them. She put a hand up, palm facing... Caleb. Yeah, he seemed sturdy. Nixie didn't want to hurt anyone, but she of course assumed him tougher than your average female, especially with all that, what had she called it? Hostility.

Nothing happened. She pulled her hand back and shoved it at him again. Nothing. She brought it to herself and studied it. Had she imagined it before? She looked at Corynn and Caleb. Ah, another rotten first impression. Great. They probably thought she was a nut. She sighed. "I swear it worked earlier," she mumbled, giving her hand a little shake, like a toddler might to a broken toy.

Her hair had fallen over her right eye again, and she wished it would cover her whole face. She was always awkward, and stupid in social situations. Why couldn't her hair just swallow her up right now!? This pair had seen her thrown to the ground with grass stains on her ass and twigs in her hair, and now were watching her flailing around like she was a magician. They'd avoid her for the rest of, forever, now.

sadrain 03-08-2014 07:36 PM

Now that voices were gone from her head, her thoughts spun much easier and she felt lighter. As if someone had finally given back air to her. It was strange that they had disappeared right as she had touched this woman, though, but maybe it was just a coincidence with medicine finally going out. Corynn didn't want to give voices more meaning than drug side effect, it just would be too weird otherwise. She must have guessed other things right, that was all.

"You are a person! I am not going to call you by some number crazies put on you," Corynn protested at Nixie's bitter joke and was about to introduce herself, standing up with her, when Caleb decided to pull one of his typical moves. For a short moment, her whole attention was on him, but then she looked back to third person. "Sorry about that, my name is Corynn Moore, this is my brother Caleb Moore," she extended hand for greeting. Hopefully, Nixie accepted. "It is nice to meet you... Well, as much it can be, given the circumstances."

"Nixie Nine, huh," Caleb murmured, arms crossed across his chest. Somehow, Nixie could understand that he pulled nine out of her ID number from that masculine voice in back of her mind. Apparently, he had been paying attention. "I'm not here to make friends, but to get the hell out. If you don't like being guinea pig and can do more than look pretty, I won't reject extra hand pair in making it happen," man spoke bluntly, sizing her up with his gaze.

Corynn brushed hair out of her face, giving apologetic smile to the other woman that kind of froze there when she spoke of magical abilities. It wasn't that she deemed Nixie crazy, but her thoughts went wild with guesses and assumptions. That and Caleb's "magic? I'll have knocked out any magician before he can say abracadabra" thought was probably the last thing that Nixie caught, before her mind went silent and Corynn's filled with noise once more.

Caleb quirked an eyebrow and he smirked slightly in approval, making dimple in his cheek appear. "You pushed that red dog down? Well, I'll take your word for it, good job. Although I don't believe any magic crap, might have been pure luck." She might be a little weird, but then again, probably they all were on some level. They had been invited to solve their issues, hadn't they? In any case, if she knew how to fight or take by surprise, Nine could come of use.

Meanwhile, Corynn was rubbing her temples, eyes squeezed shut. "I..." she began and then suddenly looked at Nixie in a startled manner. "Think of something. Completely random. Which I couldn't possibly guess. Please," she pleaded, embarrassed but determined. Either she was going crazy, or there was a explanation, even if a creepy one. Caleb frowned and looked from one woman to another, waiting to see how this developed further and ready to step in the moment he felt his sister was threatened.

Kry 03-08-2014 10:18 PM

Rua blinked as the others rushed out of the room. He didn't follow them, he wasn't in the mood to play 'follow the leader'. Besides, he didn't want to provoke the armed guards into shooting him, Rua was rather content to just sit there, pondering that the others hadn't been shot or brought back in yet. Somehow he doubted they had escaped, it would have been far to easy. He glanced to one of the seats next to him and nodded slightly, whispering something to himself and nodding again with a slight smirk. There really wasn't a ghost there, it was really all in Rua's head but that didn't matter. There were footsteps and Rua looked up at the doorway.

Another victim it would seem. Rua ran a hand through his hair. "The food's not too bad, but it's probably laced with something. Might be best not to eat to much of it until we're sure it's really safe." He poked at his own, slightly pushed away plate when he spoke those words, he had eaten very little of it. Then Rua shrugged, glancing at that empty chair again and shaking his head slightly. "Shut up, Noa." The words were said quietly but a bit firmly. Those eyes rolled slightly and he glanced up at the male that had just entered. "My dead brother thinks you're cute." Rua almost sounded jealous when he spoke those words. He did look mildly annoyed. How dare Noa think such a thing about another person! Those arms crossed across his chest and he pouted slightly.

Kiyoto 03-08-2014 10:36 PM

The male began to talk, his eyes moing to him. He seemed to be talking to the empty chair next to him. He raised an eyebrow lightly, watching the other as he spoke once more about his dead brother thinking he was cute. A light smile tugged at the corner of his lips. He stepped over to the table, picking up an apple from the bowl of fruit upon the table. "That's quite kind of your brother" he says, lifting the apple to his lips. He takes a bite out of the fruit. It wasn't bad, the apple was still firm and quite fresh. That at least he was thankful for. He used his foot to tug out a chair from the table before him. He sat, crossing his legs as he took a second bite of the fruit in his hand. His eyes once more slid oer to the other man, as he observed him for a moment. "Do you and this brother of yours have a name?" he asks, a light smile playing upon his lips.

p o p p e t ♥ 03-09-2014 12:45 AM

Stupid hands. No, stupid, brain. No, stupid fake study letter. Nixie was feeling a little angry with herself for a number of reasons. It wasn't until someone called her pretty, that she peered up through her bangs in shock. She turned to look behind her. Had someone else come up? No. Well he certainly wasn't talking to Nixie. Though, he was looking right at her. She glanced over her shoulder again. Yep, definitely looking at Nixie.

Her cheeks turned bright red. "Y-yeah, sure, I mean yes, I can't do that. I mean I can do that." She'd accidentally mixed the words 'can' and 'want' and said 'can't'. Idiot. If she could get past the bad first impressions thing, and get a little self confidence, her new hands really could come in handy. Boom. She was on a roll.

Suddenly Caleb and Corynn's voices were louder than before. She realized the voices she'd been hearing had gone. Was she really going crazy here? Just what she needed on top of all of her other problems, to be clinically crazy.

Nixie looked to Corynn, pushing her bangs aside haphazardly. Think something? Hmm. People were always thinking things, but once put on the spot, it was hard to actually think about anything but thinking of something to think about. She looked around for ideas of things to think about.

She wondered what Corynn was up to. She looked at Caleb, he looked ready for a fight. Somehow Nixie assumed this was how he always looked. It was kind of, attractive. She was supposed to be thinking of something for Corynn, who was rubbing her temples with her eyes closed.

Oh, don't say she's a mind reader. Not after that thing Nixie thought about her brother. There was a point in time that Nixie wouldn't have assumed something like that, about powers. But after all the weird happenings around here, it wouldn't surprise her.

What could she think now? Please don't really be a mind reader.... The last thing Nixie needed was anyone inside her head seeing just how huge of a reject she really was. Even though all of these thoughts had passed through her mind, Nixie hoped that this one was the only one Corynn would somehow hear, if of course that's what was going on here.

My name is Nixie Shae Roth. I'm 19 years old. I live, lived, in Cluremond, XI. I once went camping with my dad when I was nine years old and he added too much lighter fluid before starting the fire and singed off my eyebrows.

sadrain 03-09-2014 02:41 AM

Caleb figured that either Nine was beyond being stressed or she had some serious self-esteem issues or something. Not that he was psychologist or anything, but Corynn had gotten into that stuff for a while after some things and, well, over the years, some information rubbed off on him. Especially since he read some of those books now and then. Most of it sounded totally fake and made up, but others were quite useful, like finding the reasons for certain human actions and reactions.

Maybe it was both. Geez, the girl could blush, that's for sure. But the way Corynn was acting mattered more, she looked seriously bothered. And she indeed was. She tried to filter out noise in her mind, all those voices, and pick out the ones that were louder, clearer. Honestly, one was kind of obnoxiously loud and awfully familiar. "Caleb, stop muttering nonsense," she complained, not even realizing that he hadn't opened his mouth ever since that strange praise aimed at Nixie. "I'm not sayi-" man protested, but then quieted up not to disturb whatever the heck she was doing.

And then she had found the other woman's voice, finally. It got drowned out, or maybe phased out, few times, but she caught something about Caleb, but that sounded kind of strange so she dismissed it, and... Guesses, quite correct ones, about why she had asked Nixie to do this. And after a small pause, some rather personal information. Age and a funny event. Corynn looked at the other with sort of amused expression. "Well, risking to sound crazy, I will say, at least it was only eyebrows?"

Caleb was piecing things together on his own, too, and just gave an exasperated sigh. "Women! Don't tell me you can go 'round doing magic, too. Is there some kind of collective hallucination bug going around? If we would get powers, why can't I throw fireballs or something?" he snorted.

"Because not even someone insane would trust you with more power to blow up things?" Corynn shrugged, annoyed. She felt crazy and weird enough discussing this, without her brother's disapproval. "Point taken, but you get what I meant," he looked around for some pebble or stone to toss at the invisible dome's wall, but as the lawn was impeccable, there wasn't even that. "I'm not doing any super-human stuff, nor can I hear thoughts and whatnot." In truth, if this magic power thing turned out to be true, he was going to be bitter if he had gotten nothing.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 03-09-2014 04:27 AM

Darkness. Quiet. Slowly, slowly she woke, focusing on each of her senses as her mind rose from slumber. She let the memories come, memories of a red haired man who bothered her. Why? She hadn't been able to get a read on him. Most people's emotions just flowed through her, but this man...Smith, she remembered, hadn't seemed to have any emotions at all. She had gotten to a gigantic mansion and had been given pills. She remembered sheepishly asking for water, since she couldn't take pills dry. Signing a tablet, and dizziness...a surgery table? Somehow she thought she wasn't supposed to remember that part.

Finally sitting up, Gemini Starr opened her eyes and realized with a sinking feeling that she had been tricked. Taking in her appearance, she noted that she had been changed into a gray shirt and legging shorts. She shivered at the thought that someone had touched her, and further, the thought that they put her in revealing clothes. Her skin was showing! Shrugging it off, she stood up and headed out of her room. She was met almost instantly with Smith, who proceeded to explain that outside these walls she was dead, that she would live in the mansion from now on, that it was all for the greater good. Gemini didn't bother getting upset. Judging by the armed guards along the walls, it wouldn't get her far. Instead, she followed Smith into the dining room, where two men were seated.

She brought her arms up to hug herself, and that's when she saw it: a tattoo on her left wrist. 717375. What did that mean? She shivered again and went to sit down. The two men were talking, one of them was saying something about a dead brother. What the hell? Taking a cursory check around her, she found that she could feel slight jealousy from the blonde, curiosity from the black haired man, and very mixed emotions from others around that she couldn't see. So there were other victims, it seemed. "Hello. How's the food?" She spoke her first words since signing that tablet, and her voice was a bit raspy from disuse. Her Irish accent lent a lilting, musical quality to her words. She often tried to block out the emotions of men upon first hearing her voice. It was...disturbing, to say the least.

Kry 03-09-2014 12:15 PM

Rua's nose wrinkled slightly in disdain, and his eyes flickered to where the 'ghost' was for a moment before that gaze returned to the other living male in the room. "My brother's an idiot, but he does have good taste in men. You are cute." Rua licked his lips slightly, before glancing to see if the girl that had sat next to him was still there. It seemed she was, but she was being extremely quiet. Ah well, it was none of his business. That attention returned to the other male. "My name is Rua, my brother is Noa. You can just ignore my brother, he only talks to me anyway." Then there was a girl entering the room and Rua looked towards her.

"The food's good, but I wouldn't eat much of it. There might be something in it." The words were spoken with a shrug, and a slight nod towards his own plate of barely touched food, as if to further convince her that at least he didn't trust the food. She had an accent when she spoke, Rua noticed it of course, and though he admired different accents, it wasn't really anything for him to think to hard about. "I like your accent." Then those eyes were focusing on the other male, watching him almost intently. This one didn't seem as hostile as the other one, the one with the sister, it would probably take a lot to provoke him into a fit of violence. Though he probably shouldn't be thinking about that right now, there were more serious issues at hand here than his addiction to pain.

p o p p e t ♥ 03-09-2014 07:42 PM

She'd thought she wouldn't be surprised, but when Corynn confirmed that she was in fact a mind reader, by her commentary on Nixie's camping trip, Nixie raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Well, my hair was a little singed and I had to get a bob," she replied. "But the eyebrows were the worst part." She grimaced.

Caleb was jealous, making a hallucination bug excuse. So he hadn't noticed anything different about himself? Nixie had begun assuming that this study was much more than watching a group of people for various reasons. She had a feeling that Caleb would start noticing differences in himself soon, very soon.

And Corynn was a mind reader then. That was, kind of... awesome! Nixie wished she could do that. But wait. She had done that. When Corynn touched her, she was sure of it. All those voices that Nixie had thought sounded something like a talk show, or a busy cafeteria or something.

She'd been in her own thoughts during the siblings' exchange, and waited her turn to speak. Low self esteem and little confidence kept Nixie from ever being one to interrupt or butt-in. "Corynn," she said after Caleb's pout, "I think you can transfer that, too, to other people," she said. "When you touched me a moment ago, I could hear them, too. The others' thoughts."

"I can't hear them now though," she added as an afterthought. "Maybe you could touch Caleb, and let him hear," before he cries about not having a power, she added jokingly in her mind, unsure if Corynn would catch it without knowing Nixie was still talking to her.

She glanced at the brother. "Caleb, maybe you could try to just, calm down, and focus..." Nixie looked at her bare toes after that. She couldn't imagine Caleb being someone who liked being told what to do, or even given suggestions. Much less told to calm down.

"Or something," she added quietly. She peered up through her bangs. "I think you'll have a power, too," she tried to clarify. Nixie looked to Corynn, "I think that's what this... study... is about. We've all been given some kind of, power." She looked to be in thought now. "But why?" And why were they branded? And why couldn't they see the outside world or contact their families?

Nixie looked back towards LTB. The sun was setting, and while she typically found those to be beautiful, this one scared her. Sunset meant it would soon be dark. And darkness, and LTB felt a little too hand-in-hand. She didn't want to go back in there. The thought of it made her heart rate pick up.

Calm down, Nix, she told herself, knowing that if she let it, panic would take her. That was never a good thing for Nixie. Panic attacks meant blacking out, and blacking out meant looking more like a weak little weirdo and, at LTB, who knew what. All the while, energy was building up in her clenched fists once again.

sadrain 03-09-2014 11:25 PM

Corynn's eyebrows raised when Nixie said she had heard voices, too. "That's right, everything went quiet for a short while..." she thought back to that moment after she had touched the other woman and with a sigh she added: "I miss that. This is... tiring." Getting painful, too. Maybe there was a way to turn it off, somehow? Like television? She wasn't sure how she felt about being able to get in thoughts of people around her. Sure, it would give some security, and there would be no more pondering "what does that person think about me?", but she really want to know everyone's thoughts about everything?

And did it work other way around? Could she say something in someone's mind? At this point, she heard internal commentary and chuckled. "I swear, if you two are making fun of me...!" Caleb frowned with deep disapproval. As much as he didn't want to believe any of this power-crap, the slight chance it was real - since both girls had picked up on some theme never said out loud rather easily -, bothered him. Corynn looked at him with slight grin, she knew that he wouldn't touch a hair on her head in his right mind, nor would let anyone else do it. Even now, she could hear his bitter thoughts of not protecting her well enough when they had arrived here. But right now, there were more important thread to pull at.

"We touched before, I don't think my powers got transferred to him. Maybe it happened because of you," she told Nixie while Caleb waved her suggestion off. "I am not going to start meditating or something now," he stated firmly, again crossing arms across chest and turning head towards mansion to stare at it with intensity that should have made the whole building crumble down. And in truth, while he seethed, one of the windows on third floor simply shattered. Corynn looked that way startled and Caleb angrily gestured towards it: "See? It's a house built of cards! We can just topple it over."

"It's not that simple. Nixie, I think you are right, they probably bought us here for these experiments. It must be dangerous for us, they must want to keep us for themselves. Maybe... they will pit all of experiment objects against each other?" While saying 'experiment object' her voice hitched slightly, it was hard to accept the bitter truth that they were exactly that. Caleb stared at her worriedly. "I guess they want to shoot new X-men movie with actors that actually had powers, huh?" He tried to light the mood with one of his weird jokes. Both women seemed to get more and more downcast with every passing moment.

"That is the most ridiculous explanation anyone could come up with," Corynn replied after a short laugh. He huffed, but not with real anger. "I guess now we have to figure what to do. I would say... try to play along for a while." When Caleb vigorously shook head, she explained her plan: "That way, they might let us explore the building more and we can find out where they keep power generators for force field. And have time to organize a full-on assault and escape plan, utilizing whatever powers we all have been given... Assuming other people here have them and want to get out too."

"What do you both think?" she inquired, looking from her brother to Nixie in the dimming light. Somehow, Corynn felt like she could trust Nixie on some level, work together with her. She was rather sensible, although had quite a bit of temperament, but Corynn was used to that from living with her brother. Having an ally could prove to be very important in this place and more than that, the thought of having a kind of friend was somehow soothing.

"If they don't, they can rot here till the end of time, for all I care!" Caleb exclaimed, glaring at the setting sun as if it was at fault for all of the misfortunes the Moore siblings had had to endure in past few days. Both of them desperately did not want to return to LTB building either, but Caleb would follow Corynn and she didn't really know what else to do. Maybe Nixie would have some good idea? She looked scared going back inside and angry that they had to, quite like Corynn...

"Do you think the force field might have a crack somewhere in the forest behind building? And if they're eavesdropping on our conversations?" he pondered out loud, trying to delay the return.

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