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PapillonCameo 07-08-2020 11:52 PM

Awakening of Night (Kat and Cameo)
As darkness fell and most of the villagers retired quietly to their homes, one young man still wandered. Through no choice of his own, the blond wandered the forest paths, nervously eyeing his surroundings as he made his slow and stumbling way along. Eyre supported himself against the trunks of nearby trees as he forced his weak body forward, blue eyes searching the undergrowth for the nearly completely smooth shaft of his staff. He needed it to get around, to support himself, but some troublesome village children had stolen it away while he slept near the forest's edge. He'd heard them laughing about having hidden it away, and knew he would have to go search for it.

The staff had been a gift from his father, and it held as much emotional importance as practical. Eyre gasped as he stumbled upon a stone, and tumbled to the ground. He hissed as the pain hit him, and searched his surroundings for danger with fear in his eyes. What he found instead were the remains of a long abandoned stone structure. It was fairly small, and reclaimed by nature. So much so that the surrounding pillars had been covered with plants and seemed like nothing more then trees. Upon closer inspection of the ground, Eyre found that it was in fact tiled. It seemed like he was in nothing more then some kind of room, open to the skies above .. As much as it could be with branches barring the way.

Kat Dakuu:

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