Menewsha Avatar Community

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Sizzla 12-08-2007 02:08 PM

Tales Around the Fireplace with Sizzla & Neyor

Welcome to Tales Around the Fireplace

This event thread hosts Sizzla and Neyor's writing contest, Tales Around the Fireplace. Bring your warmest blanket and snuggle up with us next to the fire for a little bit of holiday storytime! :D

What we would like you to do is write a story and/or a poem, but with a twist. ;) The twist is that is has to include some predetermined things (see the list below), but other than that it may be however you want it to be; perhaps silly and happy, or scary and sad, or perhaps even romantic! You decide, all sorts of entires are welcome. We want to read your stories and poems, whether you're a professional writer or never have written anything before. 'Tis all for fun! So what are you waiting for? Get typing and show us your creative side, there are some great prizes at stake! :D

The rules are simple:

You are supposed to write a story and/or a poem.
Your story/poem cannot be longer than 1,000 words.
You may only enter one story and one poem.
The same person cannot win both categories.
The story/poem must be your own original work, no plagiarism!
Your story/poem must include these five things:

xx1. Your avatar must be the main character of the story/poem.
xx2. The story/poem must be set in Menewsha and it must be winter.
xx3. The story/poem must mention a daffodil.
xx4. The story/poem must mention cookies.
xx5. The story/poem must mention a PEZ dispenser.

If the story or poem does not meet the above requirements, it will be disqualified.

Deadline for entries is Dec. 27, 2007, 5 p.m. CST (or whenever the event forum will be closed down, if it is before 5 p.m. CST).

Prizes will be awarded via PM, but we'll also post winners in this thread so you can see them after the thread has been moved and locked.

The rules are subject to change as we see fit.

Sizzla 12-08-2007 02:10 PM


Two categories of prizes will be awarded:

1st place: 2,000g
2nd place: 1,200g
3rd place: 800g

1st place: 2,000g
2nd place: 1,200g
3rd place: 800g

We will judge the entires on:

Use of the required elements.
Entertainment value.
Grammar and spelling.

Sizzla 12-08-2007 02:10 PM


fuyumi_saito - Page 3
Dystopia - Page 3
Aero - Page 3
Caeluma - Page 4
xX-PURPL3-R0S3-Xx - Page 4
elanifave - Page 4
chibilady18 - Page 4
Amari Tsuki - Page 5
Nephila - Page 6

Moofin - Page 4
Stop That - Page 4
shoga - Page 5
Caeluma - Page 5

Neyor 12-21-2007 08:24 PM

-giggles and ninjas the first post- :D

orange 12-21-2007 08:27 PM


this Dial-up is so slow compared to what I'm used to at home XD

Neyor 12-21-2007 08:29 PM

-tackleluffs Orange-
Well it's better than not being able to get on at all, right? :D Imagine if you would've missed the entire event. D:

Everything good with you?

Sizzla 12-21-2007 08:31 PM

Welcome everybody! :D

orange 12-21-2007 08:34 PM

@NeyNey: yeah, I suppose XD

and yesh o 3o
I wanna buy some of those scarf thingies that look like the northern lights!!
They are gorgeous *w* <3333

how about you ^w^ ?

@Sizz: Heyo! X3

Sizzla 12-21-2007 08:36 PM

The northern lights sashes are MY FAVORITE! I love them so much!

Chibi did a brilliant job with those sets. :D

Neyor 12-21-2007 08:37 PM

Oh yesh, welcome everyone. 8) <3

Orange; They are indeed, Chibi did a really awesome job with them. <33 We got loads of awesome items this event. :D I need to save up gold. xD

Everything is good here too. ^-^ Waiting for the first snowflake to show up. o:

orange 12-21-2007 08:37 PM

Chibi did those??
She always does my favourite items


I think she is my favourite pixelist XDDDDD

Bunnyy 12-21-2007 08:48 PM

  • I want to enter . ;-;
    Hope I`ll have time before I go . </3

Sizzla 12-21-2007 08:50 PM

Yay! I hope a lot of people enter. We shall see... the prizes are enticing... XP

Nariko 12-21-2007 08:51 PM

I HAVE to enter this contest. >.<

Bunnyy 12-21-2007 08:53 PM

  • STUFF ?

    *goes to buy* 8D

Neyor 12-21-2007 08:56 PM

I hope so as well, Sizz. We'll have to go and poke the users in the lit forum. xD

Bunny; I hope you'll have time as well! o: When are you leaving? And for what? <3

Nariko; Yes, yes you do. o3o -waves hands magically-

Majinkoz 12-21-2007 09:07 PM

This sounds very interesting. >.<

I'm not very good with poems or stories but I'll have to try and cook up something good.

Sizzla 12-21-2007 09:09 PM

Yeah, please try! XD

We're down with silly stuff too, if you want to go that route. :D

Neyor 12-21-2007 09:19 PM

Ooh, yes indeed. :D 'Tis for fun, all sorts of entries are welcome. <3 Maybe we should add that to the front page. o:

Admonish Misconstruction 12-21-2007 09:23 PM

Hey Siz and Neyor, awesome idea ^^.

Sizzla 12-21-2007 09:29 PM

Feel free to add it Neyor. :D *feels like she's running around like a chicken with her head cut off* ROFL

Hey admonished! Are you going to enter?

How's life been? *beware, I may take awhile to reply!* XP

Neyor 12-21-2007 09:41 PM

Sizz; I'll do it as soon as I find time, I'm majorly busy right now with the event and IRL. xD -is also running around like a headless chicken-

-pokes Admonished- Thanks, and hey. ^-^ <3 Sup?

Edit; I found some time. 8) Added it and some other stuff to the first post. <3

Aisha Woku 12-22-2007 04:28 AM

So we post our entries here in the thread? Or somewhere else? ^_^ I don't know if I'll get around to entering, but I might. : D I haven't written anything in a long time.

Nephila 12-22-2007 05:17 AM

This looks like fun! I already have a great idea for the story. Just I won't be starting it tonight. only 1000 words though? hmmm, I'll have to make sure to remember that part as I tend to get carried away when I get into things.

To make it easier for you guys to read do you want us to bold or italicize the words when we use them? I m sure you'll be getting lots of entries so I just want to make it easier for you.

Admonish Misconstruction 12-22-2007 05:49 AM

Sizzla: Most likely ^^. Started, won't finish tonight though.

Life? All right. Two glasses of scotch filled eggnog and half a glass of champaign I feel rather happy :D. Went to the movies, and now back.

How about you?

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