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Seito 04-18-2009 12:14 AM

Chocolate Bunny - Pixel Dolls and Art Freebies.

Welcome to Chocolate Bunny. :3
It’s late to open a thread but yeah, who cares? XD

Anyways, I have ART FREEBIES and PIXEL DOLLS to offer. :3

Art Freebies
They are doodles (similar to the one in my banner. May or may not be colored)
Not everyone will get one
I am more likely to give the people who stay and chat a doodle then those who don’t

Picture: (host it somewhere please, do not say current avi)

Pixel Doll
W00t! An Easter Special

200g – Blinking Animation
300g – Blinking Animation + Message (either “Happy Easter” or “Easter 09”)

Picture: (Host it somewhere please, do not say current avi)

Yeah, so come in chat, have fun. Wait for a doodle

Seito 04-18-2009 12:14 AM

More Samples <3 AKA Pick Ups! XD

Seito 04-18-2009 12:15 AM

Open! <33
Come on in? :3

psyrien 04-18-2009 12:15 AM

Seito~~~ *tackle glomps*

Seito 04-18-2009 12:20 AM

psy!! *tackles glomps* you're alive. <333

*was ready to catch a plane to just to make sure*

psyrien 04-18-2009 12:26 AM

Haha, yeah, sorry. I've been incredibly busy. Still am incredibly busy. Just catching a brief breather right now before I have to run off to perform in a dance off. This week has been absolutely crazy between my last final drawing, Greek Week (a week with events for all the Greeks with some friendly competition, the dance off is a part of this), and all my other homework/random crap. There was a paper due both Wednesday and today. Then there was a dance thing yesterday... Which I'll tell you about later. Apparently something amusing happened that I wasn't aware of. Heehee.

Seito 04-18-2009 12:28 AM

Oh? xD I can't wait to hear about it then. xDD
Don't die on me now! School is almost done. You can survive!

xSad_Eyesx 04-18-2009 12:28 AM

mind if I join
the thread?
It seems like I'm
a thread killer -_-

Seito 04-18-2009 12:29 AM

Not at all. :3 Come on in. xD We might be slow to reply but we're here.

psyrien 04-18-2009 12:31 AM

Hello there, Sad Eyes!

...but, but, I don't know if I'll survive! Oh, that and there's also spring formal on Saturday for which I've got six dates. x3 ...Yes, over half of them are girls, but two are guys! ...except they're basically my friends' boyfriends. xD Nevertheless, I enjoy saying I have six dates. Hee hee.

Oh, and our formal is swing themed! It makes me so happy~~~ <3

Seito 04-18-2009 12:34 AM

six dates?! xD Haha. Yay! Swing~ You'll be dancing then?

Oh I told you right, about brother's prom. xD This weekend. Keep an lookout on youtube. He swears that someone will record the court's dance.

xSad_Eyesx 04-18-2009 12:34 AM

Thanx for the welcome ^_^
and don't worry, I take some
time to respond too. I'm in
and out of Mene a lot.

roocee 04-18-2009 12:35 AM

Seito!!! Long time no see :)

Seito 04-18-2009 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by xSad_Eyesx (Post 1764340191)
Thanx for the welcome ^_^
and don't worry, I take some
time to respond too. I'm in
and out of Mene a lot.

xD Yeah. Can't help but get distracted by pretty things. <33 Food especially. *eyes the last of the orange flavored chicken*


Originally Posted by roocee (Post 1764340193)
Seito!!! Long time no see :)

ROO!! *tackles glomps*
I know. I'm sorry. I'm like never out in the forums anymore. T__T

psyrien 04-18-2009 12:37 AM

Orange chicken? REAL orange chicken and not that fake stuff they give us here? *_*

roocee 04-18-2009 12:39 AM

I figured that Seito. It's good to see you though.

Seito 04-18-2009 12:39 AM

@psy Straight from Pandas. <33
@roo. *clings* So how have you been?

psyrien 04-18-2009 12:42 AM

Om nom nom. *steals the last piece* x3

Oh yes, and my roommate says hello. She wanted me to text it to you, but I fail at texting, so I said I'd relay the message next time I called you. However, I found you here, so I might as well tell you now. xD

Seito 04-18-2009 12:44 AM

*le gasp* my chicken!!

xDDD I noticed. Tell her hi back? xD oh! show her the email I sent you. xD Ask her if she recongizes all of them.

xSad_Eyesx 04-18-2009 12:54 AM


xD Yeah. Can't help but get distracted by pretty things. <33 Food especially. *eyes the last of the orange flavored chicken*
yup...really shiny things :)
food is good too *oh look a nice
big chocolate chip cookie on the table*
I'll be right back XD

Seito 04-18-2009 12:54 AM

chocolate chip cookies?! SHARE!!

LennaHime 04-18-2009 01:02 AM


I haven't seen you in 50trillionyears. T___T

*feeds cookies*

xSad_Eyesx 04-18-2009 01:02 AM

*waves plate of chocolate chip cookies around*
Do you really want one?

Fine...since I'm such a nice person
I'll share with everybody ^_^

Seito 04-18-2009 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by LennaHime (Post 1764340555)

I haven't seen you in 50trillionyears. T___T

*feeds cookies*

LENNA!! *tackles glomps* How's life?
COOKIES :drool: lenna is god.


Originally Posted by xSad_Eyesx (Post 1764340558)
*waves plate of chocolate chip cookies around*
Do you really want one?

Fine...since I'm such a nice person
I'll share with everybody ^_^

COOKIES!! *tackles glomps*

LennaHime 04-18-2009 01:06 AM

You are super nice, Sad....;D *steals cookie*

@Seito- Okay~ Did not get awesome internshippy thing I wanted from forever ago, but I shall survive, for I have pizza rolls and evil plan to not work at hardware store regardless. Also, biochemistry is tasty too, but keeps Lenna super duper freaking busy all the time. :3 How are you?

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