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Vaneria 12-24-2009 03:44 AM

Contest Giveaway
I am going to host a small little Poetry Contest and give prizes cuz I don't need my gold but I won't just give it away. I will wait for 3-5 people to join and then judge. I don't care about spelling as long as I know the word.

Round 1:
Create a poem based off the word Love (It can be hurtfull love, ignored love, good love, anytype of love just don't be explicit or you won't get anything)


1st place: 100 gold
2nd Place: 75 gold
3rd Place: 50 gold
4th Place: 25 gold
Others who tried: 10 gold


1st: AngelOfTheShadowRealms
2nd: Juneberry
3rd: Vanilla Mocha
4th: fireanne
Runner up/s:` B u t t e r, QueenOfTheShadowRealms

` B u t t e r 12-25-2009 09:08 PM

Is this still open?
Cause if so, I'll give it a go.
: )

Vaneria 12-27-2009 03:28 AM

Ok kewl-Create a Poem about love. (can be happy, sad, confused, anything)

Vanilla Mocha 01-03-2010 05:42 AM


How long does it need to be?

This is Love
What you see hear, is called love
It unites two souls together
Together these lovers join to rise above
Always there, despite the weather.

Juneberry 01-03-2010 08:21 PM

I'd love to join in! (no pun intended)

"To Love"
To love is to give
To love is to take
To love is to have someone whom is precious to you.
To love is to have your heart wake.

Love can be pleasant
But love can hurt
It can make you feel high as the sky
Or buried in the dirt.

Do not fear love
Love is not bad.
Though it can cause tears,
Not all tears mean that one is sad.

Vaneria 01-04-2010 11:45 PM

@Vanilla Mocha: No shorter than 1 verse (aka 4 lines-so you're fine)
One more person and I will judge them so round two can begin.

QueenOfTheShadowRealms 01-05-2010 12:57 AM

(Nice picture big sis-vane)

Out in the distance
a rose stands tall
Red as fresh blood
and soft as a cloud

The rose stands
for love and hate
The petals are love
the thorns are hate

Its your choice to chose
the path you wish to take
but beware love can be hate
as hate can be love

AngelOfTheShadowRealms 01-05-2010 01:05 AM

"One boy;One girl"

Feeling lost in this lonely world,
Two hearts beat: one boy, one girl.
One boy with pain, he's been torn apart.
One girl with hurt and a broken heart.

Feeling lost in this lonely town,
They lose themselves inside the crowd.
Walking along a crowded street,
Their hearts match, their eyes meet.

And when the rest of the world comes crashing down,
They'll stand by each other without a doubt.
Feeling loved in this lonely world,
Two hearts meet: one boy, one girl.

fireanne 01-05-2010 05:23 PM

Q? dose it have to be a ryming poem or just a flowing poem?

long have we been with one another
long we have feared, pained, screamed and hit.
long have we held, Loved and stod by when no one else was there
long have we been more then you and I
long we have been one.

i hope this ok for my husbands of 16 years :)

Vaneria 01-05-2010 11:27 PM

Thats good. And no it doesn't have to ryhme. As long as its a poem I don't care how it goes. I am waiting on one person to respond and if they don't respond before tonight is up around 11pm then they will just have to wait until round 2.

Juneberry 01-06-2010 11:38 PM

Are we allowed to enter more then one round? I'd love to go through another round 8D

Vaneria 01-07-2010 08:47 PM

yes you are allowed and now I will see who the winners are.



Juneberry 01-07-2010 09:09 PM

I got second place? Woah- yay! -dances happily 'cause she did well- <3

Vaneria 01-07-2010 11:08 PM

Look for the link Vaneria's Round 2 Giveaway in the contest page.

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