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secretdae007 12-23-2012 10:25 PM

Ring the Slaying Bells with the Thread Killers
Ring Ring!

Ever been the last person to post on a page with no response? Feel like you killed the thread? We welcome you here then!

Where is here, you ask? This is the official Thread Killers thread for Winter Nights 2012!

Here, we can support each other through those hard times here on Menewsha during the event when people aren't quite in the posting mode.

- Follow all the rules of posting here on Menewsha [here is a refresher course of some of those rules]
- No begging
- No flaming and/or harassing anyone
- No spamming and/or bumping
- no swearing or anything that would be deemed profanity [if it is censored with * or - I don't mind, I just don't really care for seeing it]
- no double posting [if you do so by accident, please get a Moderator to delete it]
- no page stretching
- Literacy is appreciated. I won't be a grammar master but too much chatspeak will lead to me asking you to leave the thread.

secretdae007 12-23-2012 10:26 PM

Ring ring! May the thread be open to all!

Suspense 12-23-2012 10:38 PM

Good eveninggg/morning/etc! *Waves*

EDIT: *Kills thread* hahaaa!

Amane 12-23-2012 10:54 PM

*le nope*

Not here, Suspense. [lol] When thread killers get together, the thread ends up nearing immortality. Strange reverse effect.

hummy 12-23-2012 11:40 PM

happy holidays my fellow threadie silencers!

Amane 12-23-2012 11:48 PM

*weeps tears of dazzlement at event store items* I wonder when I should do calculations?

lunanuova 12-23-2012 11:52 PM

Hello Thread Killers!

Amane: I just looked through the event store for the first time. And now I realise that this event's commons will be the death of me. How amazing are they?

Amane 12-23-2012 11:55 PM

I know! Those coats on the last page! [gonk] There are so many… And there are pants I really need! Plus a couple rainbows. ;D;

lunanuova 12-24-2012 12:02 AM

I'm loving both the sets of coats, plus the skirts, the tweed pants... everything!

Amane 12-24-2012 12:08 AM

I wouldn't mind the fingerless gloves, either. The tops look great! As you said, pretty much everything.

Seridano 12-24-2012 12:41 AM

/pops in to ring the bells

~LONGCAT~ 12-24-2012 12:43 AM

Hey fellow killers! in the festive mood?

secretdae007 12-24-2012 12:57 AM

-throws funfetti throughout thread-

~LONGCAT~ 12-24-2012 01:01 AM

*bats at funfetti and tries to eat it* nomnom fun!

hummy 12-24-2012 01:36 AM

funfetti is Fun!

Ling 12-24-2012 02:13 AM

I almost missed this thread, the word 'killers' lured me in though. >D

secretdae007 12-24-2012 02:25 AM

-runs around thread, ringing bells-

Snowwhite Rose 12-24-2012 02:35 AM

Merry Christmas!

I would have made every other letter red or green, but I got chewed out once on another forum site. Plus, that's a lot of work.

~LONGCAT~ 12-24-2012 02:36 AM

YAY! Bells! my grandmother collected bells, she had a couple dozen little ceramic bells. For a long time I hated the sound of bells because all I could think of was the sound of to pieces of ceramic grating on each other.

The Real Nikki 12-24-2012 02:43 AM

Every event, I need to pop into my favorite Threadkiller's threads and say my quick hello (:

Ling 12-24-2012 02:44 AM

*dances around* [boogie]

Snowwhite Rose 12-24-2012 02:51 AM

That dress (top and skirt?) that Amane has on looks festive. What is it called?

Edit: Probably won't see an answer to this, as I'm getting off for the night. Oh, well. Night, Threadkillers.

hummy 12-24-2012 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by Ling (Post 1771413699)
*dances around* [boogie]

*watches the show*

~LONGCAT~ 12-24-2012 03:42 AM

*flops around* why? why is there so much food that I can't eat yet? forget holiday meals with the family I want to eat the stuff now.

hummy 12-24-2012 03:46 AM

sneak down later

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