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secretdae007 11-02-2012 11:18 PM

Spooky Thread Killers are Spooky! O.o
Happy (belated) Halloween!

Ever been the last person to post on a page with no response? Feel like you killed the thread? We welcome you here then!

Where is here, you ask? This is the official Thread Killers thread for Halloween 2012!

Here, we can support each other through those hard times here on Menewsha during the event when people aren't quite in the posting mode.

- Follow all the rules of posting here on Menewsha [here is a refresher course of some of those rules]
- No begging
- No flaming and/or harassing anyone
- No spamming and/or bumping
- no swearing or anything that would be deemed profanity [if it is censored with * or - I don't mind, I just don't really care for seeing it]
- no double posting [if you do so by accident, please get a Moderator to delete it]
- no page stretching
- Literacy is appreciated. I won't be a grammar master but too much chatspeak will lead to me asking you to leave the thread.

secretdae007 11-02-2012 11:19 PM

Okie dokey, you can post while I get some real stuff here.


Last Poster
One great tradition of the event thread killers threads is the last poster contest! Since event forums get locked after the events, the last poster in this thread is considered the "Thread Killer" and will win 10,000 gold!

Page Contests
Once the page is filled, Dae will use this random number generator to select a winner. Prizes will be random. Prizes will be awarded on the following pages:

pg 10
pg 20
pg 30

DuZo 11-02-2012 11:22 PM

Hi :3
What's up? :>

~LONGCAT~ 11-02-2012 11:22 PM

WHOOOOOO!!! *runs in nekkid*

Ling 11-02-2012 11:23 PM

Dae! I've been waiting for this thread to pop up!

secretdae007 11-02-2012 11:23 PM

Did you ping me earlier, Ling?

Ling 11-02-2012 11:27 PM

Yes I did, just to my thread, it's currently at the bottom of this event forum, it needs some activity,I don't want to kill my own thread with the third post!

secretdae007 11-02-2012 11:33 PM

Ling: -salutes-

Hello DuZo

-throws some clothes at ~LONGCAT~-

~LONGCAT~ 11-02-2012 11:34 PM

Nuuuuu!!! My only weakness.... wait... are these fleece!? They are warm and fabulous! I think I need to play dress up!

Ling 11-02-2012 11:35 PM

LONGCAT looks cute and warm.

secretdae007 11-02-2012 11:36 PM

~LONGCAT~: Warm fleece-iness! It's getting chilly and you need clothes. -nods-

Ling 11-02-2012 11:43 PM

Oh yeh, that's right, it's almost winter up the Northern Hemisphere.

secretdae007 11-02-2012 11:48 PM

Indeed it is. It's getting very chilly and with the hurricane, it's been worse because many people still don't have power.

~LONGCAT~ 11-02-2012 11:49 PM

Oh I'm very glad we have power again. I was tired of being a blanket monster with so many socks.

Ling 11-02-2012 11:51 PM

Yeah, I've seen photos from the hurricane in the US, it must be terrible to have to go through that, and the worst thing is you can't even really blame anyone or thing, apart from mother nature.

secretdae007 11-02-2012 11:53 PM

~LONGCAT~: We were incredibly lucky because we didn't lose power at all but a lot of our family did.

Ling: Well, with an election coming up in a few days, how this is taken care of will be very important. And I'm sure there are people blaming people over it either way.

Mikio 11-02-2012 11:53 PM

Helluh!! ;D I like this threadie, I shall stay and chat away with you lovely people!

~LONGCAT~ 11-02-2012 11:53 PM

I took some when I came home and made a mene photo album. Lets see if i can pull it up here...
near Atlantic City NJ after Hurricane

Mikio 11-02-2012 11:54 PM

Oh god you guys live in the US, the hurricane and everything oh noes :'(

secretdae007 11-02-2012 11:56 PM

iDinosaurKid: Hello! Thankfully, there weren't as many casualties as there could have been. Short of power loss, my family has been really lucky.

~LONGCAT~: Do you live all year long at the shore?

Mikio 11-03-2012 12:00 AM

:'( I hope things get better. I'm in England so we have none of that really. I love the US though.

~LONGCAT~ 11-03-2012 12:02 AM

I just moved down here to live with my in-laws. But yes we're here year round. The ocean is beautiful in the winter, crunchy white snow and a grey blue ocean... <3

secretdae007 11-03-2012 12:04 AM

:iDinosaurKid: Yeah, sometimes the weather can get a little rough. But this is the worst hurricane we've had in a long time.

~LONGCAT~: I hope you didn't have too much damage. <3

~LONGCAT~ 11-03-2012 12:06 AM

The bird feeder fell down. and that was the extent of the damage done to our house. Three streets over they had to gut the first floor because the ocean came into their house. So we were really really lucky... and on the high end of the island.

Mikio 11-03-2012 12:08 AM

Oh :( stay indoors. And stock up on food and other supplies so you don't need to go out to buy more. Which I think you have all done anyway xD
And LONGCAT, whew lucky. Must be terrifying to suddenly see the house coming down because of the ocean hitting it omg.
Wow. I'm glad we don't get these things over here. You should all move here until the coast is clear! :D

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