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finx15 10-23-2015 10:16 PM

Sailor moon ((finx and Lady Chello))
Name: Lorinda Hunter
Senshi name: Sailor Phoenix
Age: 16
Regular appearance:
Senshi appearance:

Name: Erik
Age: 17
Regular appearance:

Lady Chello 10-24-2015 12:27 AM

Name: Yume Knshisha
Senshi name: Sailor Dream
Age: 16
Senshi appearance:
side: Good

Name: Ivan Sullivan
Age: 17
Evil Warrior Name: Chaos Dragon (Known as the Dark Night. Many call him Dragon.)
Powers: Dragon has the power over illusions and mind manipulation. He is also gifted shadow creation. This ability allows him to form anything he wishes from shadows.

finx15 10-24-2015 01:45 AM

Lorinda rushed to class it was her first day of her junior year in high school and she didn't want to be late. She tripped over her own shoes as she shoved them on as she ran cursing then with a gasp slammed into a fellow classmate who she had only seen a few times. "Sorry!' she looked at the other girl and offered her hand to help her up. "I wasn't paying attention. I hope I didn't break anything." she sighed.

Lady Chello 10-26-2015 07:17 AM

Yume was excited for another year of school. She had already prepared notes for class along with her paper to escort her summer reading list. Yume loved to be prepared and to do her assignments a head of time. This year was her junior year of high school. She had been wrapped up in her plans for the many clubs she was in, she didn't notice the girl who was falling until it was to late. "Ahh!!!" Yume said in surprise as the pair collided. " Oh, it's my fault as well. I shouldn't have been lost in my schedule for this year. I got excited because I made the student government this year. I will be helping with events for the school, and decorating for prom." Yume said as she took took the girls hand and smiled looking the girl over." Oh, how silly of me. I'm Yume. Or if you like Dream. The upper classmen Nick named me that a few years ago sadly." Yume said as she frowns slightly. "However its ok if you call me that. At least you want call me that out of bitterness and envy." Yume said giving the girl a warm smile. "Any how are you ok?" Yume asked as she reached down picking up her papers for her English class that she had first in the mornings.

finx15 10-26-2015 01:33 PM

Lori blinked at the her surprised at how eager she was for school and everything that went with it. "We're in the same grade." She grinned finally managing to find her voice. "My names Lorinda but I go by Lori was short. I'm fine not a scratch on me. I like Yume just fine and I won't call you dream if it makes you uncomfortable." She frowned and helped her pick up her papers.

Lady Chello 10-28-2015 04:02 AM

Yume looked up as she smiled warmly at Lori. "Lori really? That is a very beautiful name!" She said as she finished picking up the last of her things. "Thank you for your help. It's hard to believe that school has started again. So what class do you have first? " Yume asked honestly curious. " I'm sorry for being rude, I don't have many friends because I just transferred last year. Most of the people here are already grouped up. " Yume said as she looked up at the wall clock. " Oh my, look at the time we need to get to class. It wouldn't be good to be late for the first day!"

finx15 10-28-2015 02:07 PM

"I'm not really sure what I have first." Lori blinked blushing at the compliment she had been given. "Yeah don't want to be late on the first day the teachers would be watching us for the whole school year." She grimaced at the idea then glanced at her schedule. "I have math first." She grimaced more.

Lady Chello 10-28-2015 04:38 PM

Yume stared Lori as she saw her grimace. " Math isn't that bad early in the morning. At lest you get it out of the way first. I believe I have English first. Come on I"ll be happy to walk you to your class. Mines across the hall from yours. " She said as she smiled warmly at Lori. " I'm sure that you'll do fine in the class. " Yume said as she smiled even more at Lori.

finx15 10-29-2015 02:13 AM

"I suck at math but hopefully this year I'll understand it." Lori sounded more hopefully then she had meant to and blushed softly. "Looks like there are even more new kids this year." she frowned as she noticed a black haired boy hanging out in the parking lot next to a blue motorcylce. ''Nice bike though."

Lady Chello 10-29-2015 02:28 AM

Yume stared at Lori following her gaze as she saw a black haired boy hanging out in the parking lot near a motorcycle. " Wow he is rather handsome isn't he?" She asked as her gaze found another handsome guy standing in front of a black sports car. He had dreamy blond hair and striking golden eyes. " Hey Lori look there is another over there." She said pointing him out. " Do you think they are new here?" She asked wondering.

finx15 10-29-2015 03:42 PM

"It seems that way I haven't seen him around before." Lori frowned at the two boys a soft blush on her face. "At least there good looking." She joked chuckling softly. "They'll be late if they don't hurry." She headed inside not sparing the boys a second glance.

Erik spotted the two girls his eyes resting on the pink haired girl a soft smirk forming on his mother. Well both girls were good looking the pink haired girl was beautiful, he wondered if they were his targets. He glanced at the boy next to him and smiled "hopefully this will be easy and we can get out of this dump."

Lady Chello 10-29-2015 09:09 PM

"Agreed this place is making me feel ill." Ivan said as he looked over to Erik. He paused as he noticed the beautiful blue haired girl who had spotted them along with her pink haired friend. " Humm...this assignment might be fun after all. There are lovely beauties here. Shame we can't have them on our side. Why don't we have a little fun while we are here? " He said as he pulled out a shadow seed and smiled. " We need to find out who here has the purest hearts and strongest dreams. " He said as as black aura came from the small seed that he let fall to the ground. The seed vanished into the ground almost instantly as he grinned wickedly. " By the end of school we will know who is the strongest and have some idea who our targets may be. "

Yume looked to Lorie as she saw the blush appear on her face. She looked back to the boys as she smiled. "Come on Lori we have to get to class. I'm sure we will get to meet them. " She said as she turned and headed to Lorie's class. She waited outside of the door as the teach suddenly appeared and looked at her. He looked down at her schedule as he picked it up and read over it. He then returned it as he walked inside and came back out with a new Schedule for her. "Some of the teachers didn't come back this year. I'm afraid your Schedule along with many others has been changed. We are sorry for the inconvenience. But as luck would have it you have my class first." The mas said as he smiled warmly at her.

Yume wasn't sure if she believed this but it appeared she had no choice. She looked at the paper the man gave her as she saw he spoke the truth. "Oh, well somethings can't be helped." She said thinking that this sudden change was very odd. She wondered what happen to the teachers. Yume walked into the classroom as she took a seat near the front of the class. She save the seat beside her for Lori if she wanted it.

finx15 10-30-2015 10:38 PM

Lori plopped down in the seat next to Yume pulling her books out. "This is pretty good actually we can become better friends that way." she smiled at the other girl then turned to look at the teacher her happy smile staying in place longer then it really should have.

Erik nodded and headed inside smirking more. "We can have all the fun we want and if we get to know more people then we can figure out who are target or targets are." he headed for his first close blinking when he found the girls from before shared his first class he chuckled wondering if it could be this easy.

Lady Chello 10-31-2015 01:10 AM

Yume nodded hearing Lori as she smiled soft. "Your right. Just odd they chose now to inform people. " She said as she turned and saw the dark haired male enter the room and the bland haired. "Hey look we get to have class with them." She said as she blushed softly turning suddenly so not to be rude and stare.

Ivan followed as he laughed entering the room seeing the girls. "I think we may have a captive audience with them already." He said as he saw the Pink hair girl staring at them then turn suddenly. This only made his smile grow bigger as he looked to his friend." We could have fun here. We could start with them." He suggested smiling even more at the idea.

finx15 11-01-2015 11:23 PM

"Oh it would be nice to take some time to have a little fun." Erik smirked. "Though that purple haired one doesn't seem as taken by us as her friend." he blinked as said girl glared at them it made him want to hid for some reason. "She's intense."

"We have names you could just asked." Lori snapped then huffed turning her gaze to the front of the class. "I'm Lorinda you can call me Lori." she glared at them once more. She didn't bother to see if they would say there name's in return for some reason she had a slight dislike for them.

Lady Chello 11-02-2015 02:48 AM

Yume looked to Lori as she frowned slightly. " Lori it's not very nice to act that way they are new. " She said softly so only Lori could hear her. However she felt something a little off about them as felt a slight cold. She looked over her shoulder one last time as she stared at them before turning back around. She was sure the chill was coming from them. Yume felt her head starting to hurt for some reason as she looked around seeing some of the other students starting to look as if they where getting sick. She was a little unnerved by it but the Teach came in and started his lessen. However halfway through Yume noticed a few students falling to the floor as she jumped up and froze as she swore she could see a black aura of some short around the fallen students. " Something is right. " She said as she closed her eyes and open them again but she open them and saw the aura still.

Yume turned as the teacher dismissed the class and called for help with the fallen students. Yume quickly bolted from the room not waiting for Lori as her own head ache seemed to be getting worse. She stopped once in the hallway as she saw more student falling to the ground. " What on earth is going on here?"

Ivan stared at Lori not really impressed with her she wasn't his type. He watched the class as he saw how rapidly some of the students fell victim to his dark seed. They were feeding it at a surprising rate. "So many dreams so little time." He said as he looked to Erik. " Maybe we should leave and see if any" He said looking to Erik hoping he understood his real meaning. Only the strongest would be able to not pass out. They would become weak over a long exposure to the dark seed but wouldn't pass out like the weaklings before them had. It was still early so about another hour they would know who their targets where.

finx15 11-03-2015 02:50 AM

Lori blinked at all the fallen students a soft frowning forming over her face. She glanced over as Yume hurried off then grumbling followed after her. "It's like a horror movie or something." she mused studying the students. "They seem alright besides having passed out for no good reason." she looked up at Yume. "Somethings off about this. I hope we aren't breathing in carbon monoxide or something like that."

Erik grinned at Ivan and stood chuckling looking around. "Doesn't seem like most of them are very strong." he laughed kicking one of the other students then cursed as the teachers began to worry. "We might be in trouble." he sighed. "I'll take care of them."

Lady Chello 11-03-2015 07:49 AM

Yume looked to Lori as she saw her. " Maybe that would explain why I keep seeing this black aura around people. Maybe we should head outside and see if we feel better. I don't think we will get in trouble." She as she noticed some other students heading outside having the same idea. " Or we could go see the school nurse and see what she has to say about it. It doesn't look like our class was the only one hit by this outbreak. I'm sure there are more students already in the infirmary." Yume said honestly a little worried with how many people had passed out already.

Ivan looked to Erik and put his hand out to stop him as he looked at the teachers who started to fall victim to the dark seed. " There is no need. The seed is growing in power it will weed out all and leave only the strongest. By that time the school will by empty. I doubt any here have what we are after. Besides when it's done everyone will just think it was a outbreak of something. I have no intent on killing these people. We are here for one purpose my Prince. " He said as he looked to Erik.

finx15 11-04-2015 02:48 AM

"Don't call me that." Erik mumbled shifting at the title he had not been a prince for many years. "I'm just Erik here." he reminded him then noticed the girls from before. "Ivan." he nudged the man. "Those two look to alert don't you think?" he glanced at him a slight smirk on his face.

Lori thought a moment. "If it's CO gas we should get outside." she looked to Yume. "It would be the best idea so we don't pass out like the others." she glanced at the door. "What do you think?" she asked the other girl.

Lady Chello 11-04-2015 03:41 AM

Yume thought and then started for the door. " No your right lets get out while we can." She as she worried for the others not sure what was going on. She open the door as she noticed even more people falling as she looked around at the people. Yume ran over to one of the passed out girls as she checked her pulse. " They aren't in danger it just looks like they are sleeping. This is very strange. I don't understand." She said as she looked to Lori. " It looks like we are the only ones standing. I just don't understand what is going on." She said as she looked to Lori for answers.

Ivan lookd to Erik as she raised a brow at the young man. " You can hide all you would like it wont take your title away. You are what you are just as I am what I am. Humm your right what would you like to do with them? " He asked as he stood there wondering what Erik had in mind for the girls. " They don't really look like a danger." He said honestly not believing the girls where the targets they where after.

finx15 11-06-2015 08:49 PM

"They are the only one's not affect they have to be the ones...why aren't they transforming though?" Erik frowned then grinned. "I don't think they know yet...oh that's just to perfect." he laughed. "And only the two a's seems to be our lucky day." he glanced at Ivan. ''If we attack they may remember that would be more our luck." he chuckled.

"It would seem that way...I don't understand it either." Lori rubbed her arms feeling spooked. "I think we should get out of here." she was worried as she looked around. "Hey those boys are still upright." she happened to notice Erik's predatory stare and shivered

Lady Chello 11-07-2015 03:56 AM

"Let's stay away from them. " Yume said as she started to walk to the parking lot. " Come one if we hurry we can get to the bus. I will take a tarty mark if it means we can stay alive." She said as she turned and started to run. However she froze as a sudden black wall appeared around them." Please tell me that I'm not the only one who can see this black wall. Oh my lord it's black thorns that make up that wall?" She said as she looked closer at the wall. " We are in trouble I hope this is just a night mare. "

Ivan looked at Erik as he leaped forward and transformed into his knight form. "Shadow Seed come forth take the form of nightmares!" He commanded Nightmare Seed appeared at it let out screams suddenly sprouts formed around every person except Lori and Yume as it started to drain them again. " Nightmare Seed destroy those puny girls!" He commanded as he watched the Nightmare seed.

finx15 11-07-2015 06:42 PM

"Holy Hera." Lori gasped as she saw the Nightmare seed using something she had seen on a movie. "What the hell is that thing?" she stepped in front of Yume feeling the need to protect her. "I will not let you harm her." she growled feeling strange. "What are you?"

"Not to sound puny but we are your worst nightmare." Erik smirked a little watching Ivan wishing he could transform that but he was no knight only a prince with nothing really special to show for it. He gasped as a light enveloped the purple hair girl. "Oh great." he grimaced as the girl began to transform. He would have to transform if the other one gained her powers as well he would have no choice.

Lady Chello 11-07-2015 07:20 PM

Yume looked up as she saw the monster her eyes narrowed seeing the monstrous Knight that appeared. She was surprised as she watched Lori jumped in front of her. "Huh?" Yume said as she saw a light appear around Lori. However before she could focus on her friend she watched the monster send out a black wave of liquid at them. " No you don't!" She yelled as she moved past her friend to protect her. The wave of darkness hit Yume and wrapped around her. However a slight glow could be seen from inside the dark mass. The glow started to get brighter as the dark mass started to evaporate into rainbow colored flecks of light.

Ivan was impressed as he heard the Nightmare seed scream out in pain and anger. " So this is the power of the dream crystal. And the power of the Phoenix maybe?" He said as he watched the girls. " The dream crystals is tempting but the power of the phoenix is even rarer. If I took that girl and made her my puppet I would be unstoppable. The dream crystal can only go so far. But the power of the phoenix could make me immortal. And bring forth your family. Shame the worlds fate has been left to these weak girls who don't even know what they are. I bet I could break the dream crystal right now. " He said as he laughed and feed his nightmare see more darkness making it grow in power as the monster cast another wave of darkness at Yume. Suddenly the light vanished as he allowed the monster to absorb the students and teachers feeding on their fear as the nightmare seed made them have horrid nightmares.

finx15 11-08-2015 01:14 AM

Lori finished her transformation and blasted the creature with a ball of fire growling a little. "Leave my princess alone!" she turned to the men eyes analyzing them. "You two...your the reason for this." she grabbed her pen transforming it into her wand. Her next blast hit Erik square in the chest sending him flying.

Erik landed with a grunt and rolled to his feet. "Ow." he grimaced transforming into a suit of simple grey glaring at the girl. "Leave them goth alive the more power we have the better." he smirked pulingl his sword from his pocket.

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