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~LONGCAT~ 02-01-2015 12:49 AM

Living Sounds - FINAL DAY - will go until the end of event
Brought to you by the fabulous Mythos

~LONGCAT~ 02-01-2015 12:49 AM

You walk into a darkened showroom. Tables and chairs circle around the stage. Instruments sit aside, but there is no one there to play them. The whole room seems empty, but you feel drawn into it. Taking a seat you wait to see what happens.

Welcome to Living Sounds. A display of historical images brought to life. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but what happens when we put that picture to music? How many words is it worth then?

Several historical photos were found in the archives at Town Hall. And it's up to you to bring them to life. Strike up the band and play us home.

~LONGCAT~ 02-01-2015 12:50 AM

How to and Rules
Each day will present you with a different picture found in the Mene archives.
Find a song that you feel brings the picture to life.
Link the song. Youtube links are acceptable.
Write a short piece on what you think is happening in the picture. (1 paragraph minimum) ((That's 4 sentences folks!))

I will accept 2 entries per person per day.
No mules (with the exception of charity mules)

~LONGCAT~ 02-01-2015 12:50 AM

~LONGCAT~ 02-05-2015 02:14 AM


Day OneX


Originally Posted by Elirona (Post 1773200388)

Nicki Minaj - Bed of Lies

A well-to-do socialite of the age is meeting up with a man she's been in a relationship with for two years. She observed him, without his knowledge, being unfaithful to her. Because of this, she is giving him a scornful look, but he's too oblivious to realize that. She also knows that he bought those flowers for her with her money.


Originally Posted by Captain Howdy (Post 1773201504)

Reverend Horton Heat ~ Bad Reputation

This young lady has been unfairly dubbed the town squeeze. She just enjoys the company of certain gentleman, is all. Nothing wrong with that. But now every Tom, Dick and Harry comes crawling out of the sewer, thinking she's locked and loaded for a good time. Like this dumb rube here, telling her she's got a bad reputation and frankly, he likes it a lot. But he's about to feel the business end of her purse.


Originally Posted by PrincessKasumi (Post 1773201910)

There is this young lady who can no longer handle this man. This man who only takes and never gives, when he does its very rare. The day he promised to take her to the movies is the day she stands up and tells him it's over. Hence the scorn look on her face and his dopey smile as he is oblivious about whats about to happen.


Originally Posted by Angel Spirit Girl (Post 1773204449)

The girl on the street looks quite upset. She could scream or burst into tears at the slightest thing to come next. Whatever it is that is making her sad and angry, the guy wants to cheer her up. He really loves her and wants to make her smile with some flowers. Perhaps a movie will get her out of her shell.


Originally Posted by LaVida (Post 1773205336)
Entry #1

He broke her he wants her back.


Originally Posted by Dystopia (Post 1773205503)

This young man regales his beautiful date with a shower of honest compliments. But before he can finish, she's slapped him with her purse and gone on her way! "What did I say?" he wonders, bewildered.


Originally Posted by Woodlandnymph (Post 1773206809)

Reel Big Fish--She Has a Girlfriend Now
"How many times do I have to tell yah, Jimmy. I don't need no man!" It was really the last straw. He had followed her around town like a lost puppy for the past few weeks. Now he had the nerve to show up here, while she was on her date.

"Honest, Lily! I'll do anything to get cha back! Just wait and see," Jimmy exclaimed, smiling knowingly.


Originally Posted by Nephila (Post 1773207011)

Someone confessing his love and apologizing for previous behavior. The look on her face has him wondering "Do I want to Know" He had hoped the flowers would help him "crawl back to you"


Originally Posted by fairywaif (Post 1773207134)

She was tired of all the men coming around, and her friends trying to "fix her up with that nice boy next door". She had thought she was here for a girls night out and what does she find? She had been duped. The boy smiled at her incipiently while she tried to remember her manners. "My dear, I am afraid you must be mistaken. I am just her to watch a movie. I do not want flowers, nor your kisses. I am going to go in now, please do not sit next to me in vain hopes of winning my affections, as it would be quite futile. I may not fall in love but I am not heartless." With that she swept into the theater to watch Slightly Scarlet. She had never fallen in love before, and she doubted it would start now. If she did fall in love it would be on her own terms, at her own time. Personally, she'd rather live to a ripe old age surrounded by cats.


Originally Posted by Ivvy (Post 1773207478)


Our Lady friend is livid tonight. She has reached the end of her rope with her sweethearts wandering eye as of late. She gives him a stern look as he tries to swoon her. She is mapping out a way to tell him he better quit his tom catting ways if he doesnt want a one way ticket to bachelor-vill. She just has to figure out the words to get it through his thick skull.


Originally Posted by EirianHikari (Post 1773208862)

This looks to me like a scene when the guy is trying to back the girl. He seams to be happy to see her, but not the other way around. Perhaps they had a falling out and he is trying to say he's sorry.


Originally Posted by Angel Spirit Girl (Post 1773209388)
I thought up an even better song for day one than the first one.

This player has played his last play on this girl. She caught him up to his shifty antics and she is now done with him. His two timing rear has been kicked to the curb and his flowers are about to get curb stomped. Wait - does the card on those flowers have some other girls name on them? He'd better start running...


Originally Posted by DariaMorgendorfer (Post 1773209466)

It's Frannie and Sam's anniversary. Frannie was expecting an engagement ring however when Sam approached Frannie's family to ask for her hand, they turned him down. Frannie was ordered by her family to never see Sam again. Frannie snuck away for the evening to go on a final date with Sam, upset with her family for being so narrow minded. Sam surprised Frannie with flowers and a movie and played this song to try to cheer her up. It didn't work. Poor star crossed lovers.

Harriet was promised the blind date of her dreams by her Aunt Girty. "Oh Harriet, have I got the MAN for you, he's going to inherit a fortune and he's so charming". Reluctantly, Harriet agreed to go on a blind date with her Aunt's best friend Eleanore's son. Imagine her surprise when she got to the theatre and saw slimy old Howard the creeper awaiting her. Howard is a known womanizer who has had more girlfriends than See's Candy has chocolate flavors. Harriet knew she was going to be stuck for a long evening with Mr. Sticky fingers. Thankfully she had a plan B arranged just in case her blind date turned out to be a dud. Hidden in her purse is her pet rat Mumford. When the timing was right in the movie, Harriet pulled Mumford out of her purse, "accidentally" deposited him in the popcorn bowl. When Howard reached in for a kernel he was greeted with a sharp BITE, screamed, and ran out of the theatre. Harriet and Mumford enjoyed the remainder of the movie and popcorn in peace.


Originally Posted by Iroase Delschatten (Post 1773209874)

Ah, Jimmy. Lovestruck Jimmy. He's never fallen so hard for a dame as the one and only he sees walking down the same street each day as he hands out tickets for the latest screening. Many days he has prepared for this one moment. No more staring out of the ticket booth, today is the day he'll approach her and ask her out. When finally the moment came, the love of his life looked down at him and said, "Who the hell is this loon?"

day twoX


Originally Posted by Woodlandnymph (Post 1773210924)
Day 2:

Dust Bowl Dance--Mumford & Sons

The lands were parched.....the earth dry. No one could recall the last time it rained long enough to keep the seeds in the ground instead of in the stomach of the corbies or blown off in the steady wind. It was the bank's turn now to take the land. But they can't spin gold out of nothing. Swallow your pride. Follow the caravan westward.


Originally Posted by Elirona (Post 1773211365)

"Today is the day I'm going to tell them," says Johnny. "Today is the day." Johnny approaches his Ma and Pa who are intently observing one of their chickens, who they think to be ill. They look up at him. His mother smiles, but his father gives him a deathly glare. His father never approved of anything Johnny did, even when he first picked up the guitar. "Ma, Pa, I'm leaving for the big city. I'm leaving for N'orleans."


Originally Posted by star2000shadow (Post 1773212457)

(and if it doesn't show up heres the youtube link)

When i saw this picture i Instantly thought of Sinead O'Connor - Skibbereen.
its a couple who've gotten so far behind in their taxes that the land owner has come to chase them out. possibly resorting to burning their home down. of ocurse in this one the mom's still alive, which is a good thing.


Originally Posted by Captain Howdy (Post 1773212602)

Nick Drake ~ Day is Done

Ma and Pa worked this land, for as long as I can remember. Even before I was born. They made the farm what it is today. Or what it used to be, I should say. Everything we had was paid with their sweat and blood. "We've weathered so many hardships," Pa said, "but no man can best the fickle hand of nature." The dust storms came seemingly out of nowhere, taking the crops as they blew through, leaving vast stretches of nothingness in their wake.

Ma tries to smile. "Life will be better out west." But I can hear the despair she tries so hard to hide. Pa sits alone on the porch at night, staring off into the black emptiness. He says little. When the night is cold, some get by but some get old. And it seems he's growing older right before my eyes.

It's not fair, to work so hard and see it come to naught. To have a dream, then see it ripped away from you. But I guess there's nothing left to do, when the day is done.


Originally Posted by Angel Spirit Girl (Post 1773214033)
Here is my entry for day two :

This is a sad farm family scene. They are struggling to make ends meet with their farm. The father is telling his son how hard it is to make the mortgage payments. They are planning to sell some acres to get cash.


Originally Posted by DariaMorgendorfer (Post 1773214978)

The potato famine hit the Lang family hard. Their crops dried up, their cows milk dried up, even their chickens eggs dried up. The Langs knew their son Nelson was an amazing inventor, but had no idea he'd magically save the day. Just before their land about repossessed, Nelson created a new fangled machine that allowed the family to keep their home. His invention made it possible for the family to turn the farm's dust into bricks, which could be sold for home making. The materials to make the bricks were free and in abundance since dust was literally everywhere! The Lang family was able to make enough funds from their dust bowl bricks to save their home and even build an add on to the chicken coup. Nelson truly saved the day!

Times were tough for Johnny's family. The dust bowl had hit and his family's crops were all but useless. Johnny was stubborn and determined, he was not going to let his family down. He decided to challenge the Devil to a fiddle duel, if he won, he'd save his family's farm, however, if he lost...The Devil would take his soul!
Johnny played and played, he played until his fingers bled, he played so well, and so loud that even the Devil knew he was beat. Johnny won against the Devil that day, saving his family, the farm, and his soul.


Originally Posted by Dystopia (Post 1773217853)

This young man reminds me of Hercules. He doesn't want to settle down on the family farm. He wants to go on adventures and be a hero. :3


Originally Posted by Seito (Post 1773217923)

Smile, We Have Each Other - The Spinners

The McDonalds may not be the richest family in the world. Life was hard on the farm. There was no glam or glory to be found here. The fields didn't always yield crops, the economy had crashed and money was difficult to get. But it didn't matter as long as they had each other, they could smile and find happiness.

day threeX


Originally Posted by Seito (Post 1773218989)

Everyone is going to do this one BUT I DON'T CARE

"Lot 666, a chandelier in pieces" - Phantom of the Opera (Opening Scene)

Let's frighten away the ghosts from so many years ago. This was once a beautiful opera house at the height of fame and fortune so many years ago. Until a dark and tragic accident took place. No one knows the full story but to this day, it is said this place is haunted by ghost. Tread lightly.


Originally Posted by Elirona (Post 1773219194)

"The Strip" from the 2008 Gypsy revival

"Gypsy" Rose Lee, a small time strip tease artist, is on her rise up to world fame. The people in the audience has come to see what the phenomena of this woman is, and if she lives up to the hype. Her act is sexily singing "Let me entertain you," while directly addressing the audience and removing just one of her gloves. It drives the crowds wild, and everyone loves it.


Originally Posted by star2000shadow (Post 1773219234)

i believe this singer has a wonderful voice like so:

youtube link


Originally Posted by Woodlandnymph (Post 1773226538)

Live version...just as awesome if not grainy and unfocused video...worth the watch!
Diva's Lament from Spamalot, Sarah Ramirez

She rampaged about the stage. "How dare they give me such a fleeting role?! This theater would be NOTHING without my talent and charisma. The spotlight is mine and mine alone!!! *$&#@&!!!!! &@*####!!!"

The stage manager and the theater's janitor looked on, shocked as the diva Amelia LaGuna spun on her heels back and forth upon the stage after the first rehearsal...She must have though she was alone, and so decided to let off a little steam. The stage manager whistled, and shook her head while all the janitor could do was look on with horror. He'd never heard a well bred lady say those kinda words before.


Originally Posted by Seito (Post 1773218989)

Everyone is going to do this one BUT I DON'T CARE

"Lot 666, a chandelier in pieces" - Phantom of the Opera (Opening Scene)

Let's frighten away the ghosts from so many years ago. This was once a beautiful opera house at the height of fame and fortune so many years ago. Until a dark and tragic accident took place. No one knows the full story but to this day, it is said this place is haunted by ghost. Tread lightly.


Originally Posted by Elirona (Post 1773219194)

"The Strip" from the 2008 Gypsy revival

"Gypsy" Rose Lee, a small time strip tease artist, is on her rise up to world fame. The people in the audience has come to see what the phenomena of this woman is, and if she lives up to the hype. Her act is sexily singing "Let me entertain you," while directly addressing the audience and removing just one of her gloves. It drives the crowds wild, and everyone loves it.


Originally Posted by star2000shadow (Post 1773219234)

i believe this singer has a wonderful voice like so:

youtube link


Originally Posted by Dystopia (Post 1773227267)

A musical performance of everyone's favorite Disney movie...

The audience member in the back has been brought against her will. As she sits through the performance, she realizes... She really needs to fart. She manages for most of the performance, until this particular song comes on.

Let it go? Well, if you insist.


Originally Posted by Angel Spirit Girl (Post 1773227338)

Oooo! Taking in a show with your sweetie. The dark back rows are just the place for a cuddle. But, just when you are starting to whisper sweet things to them they go "Shhh!". Are they that interested in the entertainment, or not that interested in you?

day 4X


Originally Posted by LaVida (Post 1773229043)
Going to post this before someone else does XD

Entry #1

It seems like the pink panther is at the museum today :) - come and see it when you can ;3


Originally Posted by star2000shadow (Post 1773229189)

youtube link

Heartless done by KIDZ Bop


Originally Posted by Babyblueyez25 (Post 1773229747)
What Hurts The Most this scene reminds me of a relationship ending he's told her he can't do this anymore and she just stands and watches him leave too shocked and hurt to speak. This song came to mind straight away.
"What hurts the most is being so close, and having so much to say but watching you walk away. Never knowing what could of been, not seeing that loving You is what I was trying to do"


Originally Posted by Elirona (Post 1773230294)

Fall Out Boy - XO

A woman, after exiting a relationship with an abusive man, is suspecting that he's stalking her. She hires a private eye, who is pretty ineffective. Nearby her home, the abusive man, followed by four of his friends, are planning on helping their friend get revenge on the woman who thought she could leave him. To do this, they disguised themselves as barrels. The private eye, having a stroke of luck, comes across them in the barrels, but doesn't know how he can approach them without getting seriously injured.

Also, this picture was super hard! :P


Originally Posted by Woodlandnymph (Post 1773234949)

Benny Hill--The Edwin Davids Jazz Band

Agent Clifford looked high and low for the famous whiskey smuggler Benson. What he didn't know was that Benson was a step ahead of him till *SMASH* one of the whiskey barrels bowled him over . Benson stuck his fingers in his ears and stuck his tongue out at the F.B.I agent only to jump up in the air and run when he was pursued hotly by the slightly smoshed, and mostly drenched Clifford.

They ran in and out of the marble arches of the nearby building, missing each other by a hairs breath. Benson dashed inside....which meant the next few minutes were spent in an amusing and predictable scene involving multiple doors and...well you get the picture. It all ended when Benson slipped on a conveniently placed banana peel and Agent Clifford fell on top of him.


Originally Posted by Seito (Post 1773236083)

A good detective is a hard boiled one, like the detectives of noir. But for Scott Ardland at best he was a soft boiled one with a golden heart. What he really needed a partner to balance himself out. Some who could be the cold logical detective reasoning to his passionate heart. But a partner would have to wait. Crime was all time high in the city and the dark streets offered no protection to anyone.

(Doh hope I made it on time. Can't remember)


Originally Posted by Dystopia (Post 1773236389)

The young man in the back is a'sneakin' past authorities, and what better song for a'sneakin' than this one?


Originally Posted by Angel Spirit Girl (Post 1773237378)
Was my entry for yesterday too late??? I do not see it in the collection for that day.

Here is today's entry :

Who is this guy, and why is he following me? All I want to do is have a glamorous time at the exhibit opening tonight. On the other hand, he does not look like he is up to any good at all. I think I will alert a security guard and put a stop to this.

day 5X


Originally Posted by Babyblueyez25 (Post 1773237950)
California Girls this is the first song that came to my head when I seen the image. Two friends chilling on a beach in Cali during the summer [yes].


Originally Posted by Woodlandnymph (Post 1773239328)

"Wash that Man Right Out of My Hair" from South Pacific-- Mitzi Gaynor
Broadway Revival Version--kinda awesome

Betsy dragged Suzanne down to the seashore after she heard Billy broke up her. "None of that moping about the house for you, girl. Time to wash away that sadness. That's the good thing about a little sea salt and sun!"

A few hours later, Suzanne was laughing and playing in the sand with Betsy, all her cares forgotten.

"That boy doesn't know what he's missing out on!" Sue laughed...."Now, let's go check out those boys playing volleyball again."


Originally Posted by Angel Spirit Girl (Post 1773240190)
Here's my entry for the new picture :

Here on the Golden Coast everything is hot - the sand, the music, the food, the clothes, and even the people -- in more ways than one. Wherever you are from, you make like the locals to fit in because everything is cooler where it is hot. Here come two lovely ladies now. No bikinis on? Dark hair? Hummm. They must be from out of state.


Originally Posted by Elirona (Post 1773240610)

By the Sea - from Sweeney Todd
(pretend that instead of Mr. Todd, it's Ms. Todd. :P)

Two women, standing by the shore, are contemplating about their life together. They dream of living by the sea, enjoying the nice breeze along the English Channel. They plan to live a secluded life and get married. Both have been alone for most of their lives up until they met each other.


Originally Posted by LaVida (Post 1773240983)
omg, I had the same thought XD

Elirona>> didn't see that coming XD but such a nice surprise :)

---------- Post added 02-18-2015 at 10:16 PM ----------

The girls dare each other to try surfing.
"Look! That guy over there's doing it! It can't be that hard!"


Originally Posted by Captain Howdy (Post 1773241337)

HorrorPops ~ Horrorbeach

Missy and Claudette were just two fun loving girls taking a much needed vacation in the seaside town of Fairview. All they were expecting was sun, sand and plenty of boys. But what they weren't expecting... was murder!

Horace Beach, known to the locals as 'Horror Beach', saw witness to a series of gruesome and mysterious crimes. Twenty years ago, over the course of one hot summer, ten people were butchered. Their body parts left strewn on Horace Beach. Authorities worked night and day to catch the killer, but he or she... or it... was never found. Autumn came and the murders ceased. And the case went dead.

But now unfortunately, our two heroines arrive in Fairview right when the killings begin again. Danger lurks around every turn! Can Missy and Claudette survive the wrath of this faceless monster? Can they survive... Horror Beach!


Originally Posted by star2000shadow (Post 1773241832)

Surfin' USA Beach boys

when star saw the picture alls he could think was 'Surfin' USA' by the beach boys. i remember listening tot hat cassette until it stopped playing. but i can so see two girls out and gettign set to go surfin.


Originally Posted by Seito (Post 1773243213)

Lilo & Stitch - Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride

There's nothing like a day at the beach. The sun is out, the waves are great and it's a beautiful day. Mary Ann doesn't want to go into the water, wrapped in her towel but Samantha is determined to get her friend out into the water. There isn't anything fear in the water! It's just like a roller coaster ride, take a deep breath and fly.


Originally Posted by Dystopia (Post 1773243314)

These easygoing friends have decided on an impromptu trip to the beach to enjoy themselves. They don't need to make plans to get together and have fun together!

~LONGCAT~ 02-05-2015 02:14 AM

Q: Does it have to be an "old timey" song? Those are hard to find! D:
A: Nope, any song genre any time period. But please use the writing portion to explain WHY it's a good song.

Q: I heard you don't like X or Y music.
A: Yeah, there are some types of music I don't like, but I will try to not let that interfere with judging how the song fits the theme.

Q: I'm deaf.
A: Pick a song based on lyrics. I don't want to make this exclusionary to anyone! :3

Elirona 02-13-2015 07:18 PM

Nicki Minaj - Bed of Lies

A well-to-do socialite of the age is meeting up with a man she's been in a relationship with for two years. She observed him, without his knowledge, being unfaithful to her. Because of this, she is giving him a scornful look, but he's too oblivious to realize that. She also knows that he bought those flowers for her with her money.

Captain Howdy 02-13-2015 09:22 PM

Reverend Horton Heat ~ Bad Reputation

This young lady has been unfairly dubbed the town squeeze. She just enjoys the company of certain gentleman, is all. Nothing wrong with that. But now every Tom, Dick and Harry comes crawling out of the sewer, thinking she's locked and loaded for a good time. Like this dumb rube here, telling her she's got a bad reputation and frankly, he likes it a lot. But he's about to feel the business end of her purse.

PrincessKasumi 02-13-2015 10:11 PM

There is this young lady who can no longer handle this man. This man who only takes and never gives, when he does its very rare. The day he promised to take her to the movies is the day she stands up and tells him it's over. Hence the scorn look on her face and his dopey smile as he is oblivious about whats about to happen.

Angel Spirit Girl 02-14-2015 04:11 AM

The girl on the street looks quite upset. She could scream or burst into tears at the slightest thing to come next. Whatever it is that is making her sad and angry, the guy wants to cheer her up. He really loves her and wants to make her smile with some flowers. Perhaps a movie will get her out of her shell.

LaVida 02-14-2015 08:10 AM

Entry #1

He broke her he wants her back.

Dystopia 02-14-2015 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by ~LONGCAT~ (Post 1773188787)

This young man regales his beautiful date with a shower of honest compliments. But before he can finish, she's slapped him with her purse and gone on her way! "What did I say?" he wonders, bewildered.

Woodlandnymph 02-14-2015 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by ~LONGCAT~ (Post 1773188787)

Reel Big Fish--She Has a Girlfriend Now
"How many times do I have to tell yah, Jimmy. I don't need no man!" It was really the last straw. He had followed her around town like a lost puppy for the past few weeks. Now he had the nerve to show up here, while she was on her date.

"Honest, Lily! I'll do anything to get cha back! Just wait and see," Jimmy exclaimed, smiling knowingly.

Nephila 02-14-2015 06:29 PM

Someone confessing his love and apologizing for previous behavior. The look on her face has him wondering "Do I want to Know" He had hoped the flowers would help him "crawl back to you"

fairywaif 02-14-2015 06:49 PM

She was tired of all the men coming around, and her friends trying to "fix her up with that nice boy next door". She had thought she was here for a girls night out and what does she find? She had been duped. The boy smiled at her incipiently while she tried to remember her manners. "My dear, I am afraid you must be mistaken. I am just her to watch a movie. I do not want flowers, nor your kisses. I am going to go in now, please do not sit next to me in vain hopes of winning my affections, as it would be quite futile. I may not fall in love but I am not heartless." With that she swept into the theater to watch Slightly Scarlet. She had never fallen in love before, and she doubted it would start now. If she did fall in love it would be on her own terms, at her own time. Personally, she'd rather live to a ripe old age surrounded by cats.

Ivvy 02-14-2015 07:41 PM


Our Lady friend is livid tonight. She has reached the end of her rope with her sweethearts wandering eye as of late. She gives him a stern look as he tries to swoon her. She is mapping out a way to tell him he better quit his tom catting ways if he doesnt want a one way ticket to bachelor-vill. She just has to figure out the words to get it through his thick skull.

~LONGCAT~ 02-14-2015 10:42 PM

Getting this up to date! :3

EirianHikari 02-14-2015 11:19 PM

This looks to me like a scene when the guy is trying to back the girl. He seams to be happy to see her, but not the other way around. Perhaps they had a falling out and he is trying to say he's sorry.

Angel Spirit Girl 02-15-2015 12:33 AM

I thought up an even better song for day one than the first one.

This player has played his last play on this girl. She caught him up to his shifty antics and she is now done with him. His two timing rear has been kicked to the curb and his flowers are about to get curb stomped. Wait - does the card on those flowers have some other girls name on them? He'd better start running...

DariaMorgendorfer 02-15-2015 12:48 AM

It's Frannie and Sam's anniversary. Frannie was expecting an engagement ring however when Sam approached Frannie's family to ask for her hand, they turned him down. Frannie was ordered by her family to never see Sam again. Frannie snuck away for the evening to go on a final date with Sam, upset with her family for being so narrow minded. Sam surprised Frannie with flowers and a movie and played this song to try to cheer her up. It didn't work. Poor star crossed lovers.

Harriet was promised the blind date of her dreams by her Aunt Girty. "Oh Harriet, have I got the MAN for you, he's going to inherit a fortune and he's so charming". Reluctantly, Harriet agreed to go on a blind date with her Aunt's best friend Eleanore's son. Imagine her surprise when she got to the theatre and saw slimy old Howard the creeper awaiting her. Howard is a known womanizer who has had more girlfriends than See's Candy has chocolate flavors. Harriet knew she was going to be stuck for a long evening with Mr. Sticky fingers. Thankfully she had a plan B arranged just in case her blind date turned out to be a dud. Hidden in her purse is her pet rat Mumford. When the timing was right in the movie, Harriet pulled Mumford out of her purse, "accidentally" deposited him in the popcorn bowl. When Howard reached in for a kernel he was greeted with a sharp BITE, screamed, and ran out of the theatre. Harriet and Mumford enjoyed the remainder of the movie and popcorn in peace.

Iro 02-15-2015 01:46 AM

Ah, Jimmy. Lovestruck Jimmy. He's never fallen so hard for a dame as the one and only he sees walking down the same street each day as he hands out tickets for the latest screening. Many days he has prepared for this one moment. No more staring out of the ticket booth, today is the day he'll approach her and ask her out. When finally the moment came, the love of his life looked down at him and said, "Who the hell is this loon?"

Shadami 02-15-2015 03:37 AM

I'm not sure i'm gonna enter this. but love the idea long!

~LONGCAT~ 02-15-2015 03:40 AM

Day two starts now!! :3

Woodlandnymph 02-15-2015 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by ~LONGCAT~ (Post 1773188787)

Day 2:

Dust Bowl Dance--Mumford & Sons

The lands were parched.....the earth dry. No one could recall the last time it rained long enough to keep the seeds in the ground instead of in the stomach of the corbies or blown off in the steady wind. It was the bank's turn now to take the land. But they can't spin gold out of nothing. Swallow your pride. Follow the caravan westward.

Elirona 02-15-2015 04:36 AM

"Today is the day I'm going to tell them," says Johnny. "Today is the day." Johnny approaches his Ma and Pa who are intently observing one of their chickens, who they think to be ill. They look up at him. His mother smiles, but his father gives him a deathly glare. His father never approved of anything Johnny did, even when he first picked up the guitar. "Ma, Pa, I'm leaving for the big city. I'm leaving for N'orleans."

All times are GMT. The time now is 01:49 PM.