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Ice_Cascade 06-02-2010 10:11 PM

Last minute thread
Only about a day left I wanna see how many people I can get to chat in this thread hehe ^^
Chat away. I'm also bored

Yumeko 06-02-2010 10:16 PM

Ello. How goes it?

Ice_Cascade 06-02-2010 10:20 PM

Pretty good. How are you?

Yumeko 06-02-2010 10:23 PM

Feeling rather fat. xD

I had Chinese Buffet for lunch and ate a ton. xD

Ice_Cascade 06-02-2010 10:24 PM

Oh that sounds really good. I think I would do the same thing lol

Yumeko 06-02-2010 10:26 PM

Oriental food is by far the yummiest food in the world. <3

Ice_Cascade 06-02-2010 10:29 PM

Oh yes it is. I love it. I make chicken fried rice but I don't think it's the same. All my friends love it though lol I think they would clean my whole place just to get some of it

Yumeko 06-02-2010 10:38 PM

That sounds really nice. ^_^ I love rice. It's so yummy!

Ice_Cascade 06-02-2010 10:39 PM

Yes it is. I like adding sugar and rice vinegar to it. It's really yummy then

Yumeko 06-02-2010 10:40 PM

I haven't tried that one...I'll have to do that next time we have rice. ^_^ About how much of each?

Are you on Gasket or Sprocket?

Ice_Cascade 06-02-2010 10:52 PM


I use botan rice I usually cook 2 cups of water and 1 1/2 cups of rice. So I do 2 tbsp of rice vinegar, 2 tbsp of sugar and 1/2 ts of salt and I dissolve all that together before I put it in the rice well most of the way dissolved

Yumeko 06-02-2010 11:00 PM

Interesting....I'll have to try that. ^_^

You like sushi?

Amelia Ivanov 06-02-2010 11:02 PM

Are there going to be any more items to build released?

Yumeko 06-02-2010 11:04 PM

Nope. There are only 4.

Ice_Cascade 06-02-2010 11:07 PM

Yes I like sushi

Yumeko 06-02-2010 11:12 PM

What's your favorite?

Ice_Cascade 06-02-2010 11:14 PM

I don't know if this is actually considered sushi but I like California rolls

Zayden 06-02-2010 11:23 PM

Yeah, those are considered sushi. I love all different kinds of rolls. I think they're the best. Eel's really good, too. <3

*Yumeko's mule*

Ice_Cascade 06-02-2010 11:34 PM

I don't think I've ever had eel

Acobjum 06-02-2010 11:36 PM

I love seafood. Shrimp, crab, lobster, oyster, clam, fish. Feed me now!

Ice_Cascade 06-02-2010 11:42 PM

I like shrimp, crab and lobster but the others not so much

Zayden 06-03-2010 12:29 AM

You should try eel next time you go for sushi. It's very yummy. <3

Ice_Cascade 06-03-2010 01:00 AM

I sure will! Although I don't know how soon that will be. Everywhere I go it's so expensive so I don't get to do it very often

N I G H T 06-03-2010 01:37 AM

Good thing the event was extended a little or I would have missed the whole thing. n_n;

Torrinne 06-03-2010 01:38 AM

Sushi discussion? I don't know you, but I approve mightily. ^_~

Is there anyone home in this thread? I'm looking for a place to inhabit for Power Hour, and all my usual haunts are ghost towns.

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