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Ken Iovino 04-29-2008 06:24 AM

Contribution Items Now Available
Hey Mene,

I just wanted to let you know that the contribution items are now available again and we've extended Aprils items until May 5th, 2008. So now is your chance to pick those items up before they are gone forever.

I also wanted you to know that we will be creating a preview item option really soon, so I'll let you know what that's ready.

View Contribution Items

jellysundae 04-29-2008 06:52 AM

A preview option? Nifty!

Tre Le Coco 04-29-2008 07:19 AM

oooh yay im glad your working on the previewing now! Thanks ken ^^ your the best! :heart:

Teive 04-29-2008 07:43 AM

That's way cool. <3 Love it!

Blondheart 04-29-2008 08:56 AM

Ken you're like the wizard of Oz, cept you're the wizard of Mene! I can't wait to see the preview option!

Vappor1 04-29-2008 10:27 AM

Didn't the Wizard lie and stuff and was a fake? =o

Ken can't be. That'd be bad. =P

Thanks for gettin it back up, though! :)

Melody 04-29-2008 12:50 PM

O: previews? You're the best admin ever Ken <333

Box Of Bullets 04-29-2008 01:36 PM

Ouu preview option sweet!
Can't wait, thanks! ;)

Angel Spirit Girl 04-29-2008 01:52 PM

The donation items are back? Sweeeet!

I've been waiting because I need to get some more of them.

I'm glad to hear that we will have a preview option for the stores soon.

We really need previews and a sell back store.

sayuri_nitta 04-29-2008 02:26 PM

Thank gawd for that, we've been waiting for a preview item feature for the shops for a long time =P

jellysundae 04-29-2008 02:28 PM

He didn't say for the shops, I think he might mean for the contribution items :yes:

Though I could be wrong, I'll tie him to a chair and torture it out of him later :lol:

sayuri_nitta 04-29-2008 03:05 PM

Even if it's just one for the contribution items for now it's something, not being able to see how something looks before buying is a real pain in the tushie =P

LeeD 04-29-2008 03:35 PM

Thanks for the update Ken!

Bilbo 04-29-2008 03:46 PM

Previews make me happy! Thanks Ken!

Emo 04-29-2008 05:39 PM

That is absolutly fantastical!
Yay previews 8]

Takuto 04-29-2008 06:49 PM

I can't wait.

Erathene 04-29-2008 07:17 PM

Great, thanks for the update :D <33

Erica 04-29-2008 08:16 PM

Yayyy, I missed you, contribution items. ;O;

-turns wallet upside down-


Okies, er, $2.35 to go for the pretty staff. :sweat:

Kitanya 04-29-2008 08:16 PM

Hurray for previews!! :D

CK 04-29-2008 08:20 PM

Yay and Hurrah! I may need to purchase more of this month's Contribution Items for future art contests. XD;

Aeisha 04-29-2008 08:46 PM

a preview option that sounds great Thank you Ken

Nesseh 04-30-2008 01:01 AM

Whooo Yay Previews! :3
By the way, would the May CI's be out by May 1, still? I wonder. O:

Omi 04-30-2008 01:16 AM

To my knowledge, May's CIs should still be coming out on May 1st. :yes:

CK 04-30-2008 01:28 AM

They had better. ._. I want them as soon as I can get my grubby paws on them.

Fabby 04-30-2008 03:02 AM

P... p... preview option?
Have I told you that I love you today?

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