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Glammy 01-18-2008 11:39 PM

Cake goes where? ///freebies and lala
Cake goes where?

Welcome to my little corner of the event.
Here I'll be giving out free art, and maybe occasional gold donations. Maybe. I'm a cheapskate so...hmm D:

Arts Given

  • Please don't beg. Asking/ dropping subtle hints is ok. But annoying 'I WANT's wont get you anywhere.
  • Be nice.
  • Post "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mene' & Glam" if your wanting a freebie.
  • Have fun.

Arts Gotten
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda + whitebeast

Dystopia 01-18-2008 11:40 PM


Epix win! First post! =D

EDIT: o_o; WTF happened to my poor tags??

LennaHime 01-18-2008 11:40 PM

*points to mouth* Cake goes HERE. XD I luv cake.

Happy Happy Happy Birthday Mene' & Glam ^o~

Glammy 01-18-2008 11:41 PM

nooooo~ Cake goes here :points her month:


:"3 ♥

Epix indeed D:

Dystopia 01-18-2008 11:42 PM

@ Glammy - xD Just in time, too. I was about to crave and buy art from you.

LennaHime 01-18-2008 11:43 PM

*takes out giant palstic swords* Must we duel for the cakeness, or just split the cake? XD

Dystopia 01-18-2008 11:44 PM

@ Lenna - On guard! *folds up Fan* xD Uhh... *holds it out*

LennaHime 01-18-2008 11:45 PM

@Dystopia: FWAAAA~!

...wait..I dun wanna hurt your pretty fan...*sniffle* Split the cakies? XD

Dystopia 01-18-2008 11:46 PM

@ Lenna - Uhh... If I can have a piece with the rose, I'm down for that.

LennaHime 01-18-2008 11:48 PM

;3; Fine. You can have that piece. But I want a corner piece...cause the corner pieces of cake usually have more icing. XD

Yeah 01-18-2008 11:48 PM


When did this happen? I was on yesterday and don't remember seeing anything about an event, then I log in tonight and, there it is.

Sapphire Rein 01-18-2008 11:48 PM

xD While I'd LOVE a freebie, I don't have an avatar to have a freebie of so until I do, I'll refrain from posting what you ask me too.

Other than that, LOVE your pretty avvie. ^_^ Very elegant looking. <3

LennaHime 01-18-2008 11:48 PM

Hiya Yeah~!
There's been a thread in Community Discussion for awhile talking and planning this...but its user run and a little random. But thats always fun fun fun~!

`chaa lau 01-18-2008 11:49 PM


o ___o <333

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 01-18-2008 11:49 PM

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mene & Glam. <333

Must make birthday arts for Glam when I finish setting up my thread elsewhere. D:

Pink-White-Chocolate 01-18-2008 11:50 PM


Yay! Menewsha is one year old! -dances-

`chaa lau 01-18-2008 11:50 PM


LennaHime 01-18-2008 11:51 PM

If Lenna didn't leave her tablet at college, she would make artsies...buuuut no. .__.; Whoopsies.

Maybe on Monday when I get back...boing~

Glammy 01-18-2008 11:51 PM


ohnoes~! Cake wars ;___;

uuh, I'm going be very on and off for a while. Power problems + doing art :3

@Sapphire Rein
awww, that's ok.
uh, if you have any original character type things, you're welcome to post them.

Annnd~ Thankyou ♥ I wasn't sure if it worked or not.

@Sapphire Rein
I just woke up and was all 'Uuuuh. User run waaaaa?'

...and then went back to bed 8B

@Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
:"o ilu ♥

Ferra 01-18-2008 11:54 PM


But I am excited to see what's in store for the birthday event. :3 *hopping around threads*

Dystopia 01-18-2008 11:54 PM

*stares at title* ... Cake goes here. *points to her mouth*

LennaHime 01-18-2008 11:55 PM

Okie dokie. See you later then Glammy...:3

Sometimes its just kinda amazing that Mene is a year old already. :X It's seems so...grown up already! *huggles baby Mene*

Glammy 01-18-2008 11:57 PM


Glam is off line for a while~~~~

Sapphire Rein 01-18-2008 11:57 PM

*points to siggy* I posted in Mai's freebie thread expecting not to get anything since I don't really have an avvie but...LOOKIT WHAT SHE DID FOR ME! *excited* <333

And as far as posting something for freebies here...>.> I have too many ideas to try right now. xD Maybe another time though. Have fun giving out freebies and such though. ^_^ *working on her entry for the pixel contest*

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 01-18-2008 11:57 PM

Ilu too even though you always forget who I am? x'D <33 I'll get to it shortly. See you Glammeh~. <3

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