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KatMagenta 01-01-2015 06:26 PM

Kat's Memory Containment Area

Welcome to my memory jar thread! Please feel free to add any comments you have. I'll be following the monthly challenges and adding anything else that comes to mind. [yes]

KatMagenta 01-01-2015 06:34 PM

January 1st
My New Year's celebrations were quiet this year. My grandmother came to visit for a "cup of tea" earlier in the day which ended up being a cup of coffee and took over three hours. [sweat]

I haven't been very well since Boxing Day so my first 'meal' of 2015 was a cheese sandwich. Breakfast had been a Beechams brand cold and flu drink but I don't think that counts!

KatMagenta 01-02-2015 05:42 PM

January 2nd
I went outside to buy some more interesting food today- sushi!

Without meaning to sound like a grump I find resolutions to be quite false. I could vow to be more healthy etc. but it's something I should be doing anyway. Instead, I'll try and keep improving overall and to remain positive.

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