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CK 07-18-2010 10:11 AM

{Coconutty Luau} An arty game of mix'n'match where you create the party guests!
Coconutty Luau
An arty game of mix'n'match (where you create the party guests)!

As someone who collects artist trading cards, one of my favorite cards to see (though I never collected many) were mix'n'match cards. In most cases, the mix'n'match cards of this type were three cards of a humanoid figure of head, torso and legs.

I'll be tweaking this to play in the forums and I hope you all participate in one way or another. ;)

Let's make some party guests!

PS: Please forgive the plainness of my thread for now. Will try to pretty it up a little after I've had some sleep. D:

(Same song - choose whether you want the lyrics or to watch the video clip. xD)

CK 07-18-2010 10:11 AM

How To Play: Mix'n'Match
It's fairly simple - draw a "card" for the mix'n'match based on what was posted before. Please use this blank card to draw your part.

Card 1: The Head
In this block, draw a head and neck, matching the blue guidelines for where to attach the neck.
The head can look like anything you like. It can be tiny. It can fill the entire space. It can be a person, a character, an animal - anything as long as it fits within the guidelines properly and could be properly labeled a "head".

Card 2: The Torso (and arms)
In this block, draw the shoulders (using the blue guidelines for how thick the neck part will be) down to the hips (using the blue guidelines for how wide the hips will be). Add arms (or wings or tentacles or whatever appendages appropriate) please!

Card 3: The Legs
In this block, draw the legs from the hips down (using the blue guidelines to judge how wide the hips will be). You don't actually have to show them as "legs". It can be a skirt or whatever would be on the bottom of the creature you've decided to draw.

- Don't feel constrained by what the person above you posted! If you feel like drawing the torso of a manta ray whereas the head was of President Abraham Lincoln, draw yourself a manta ray.
- You don't have to color your card, but it's encouraged.
- You don't have to add a background to your card - that's up to you.
- You can draw in any style at all you like!
- You don't have to be an amazing artist - everyone is welcome to participate. :3

CK 07-18-2010 10:12 AM

How Else Can I Participate?
Want to participate in this thread, but don't have the ability/confidence to draw a card? Feeling too constrained by the size of the blank card to want to draw a card yourself? You're in luck - I've got some things you can do!

1) Compile cards!
Piece together any three cards posted and create a guest for the party! Remember: If you compile three cards together, you get to name the guest!
If you're feeling particularly inventive, perhaps you'd like to add a background?

2) Draw the "party guests"!
If you see a coconutty guest that you think would be fun to draw - go for it! I'd love to see people's interpretations of the mixed and matched party guests!

3) Stick around and chat!
Keeping the thread alive itself is very appreciated. :)

CK 07-18-2010 10:12 AM

Party Favors!?
Why yes! The Coconutty Luau has party favors too!

What are they?

No idea.

But I will be giving away gifts at the end of the event to those who participated. The more you participate, the bigger the gift is likely to be. It will probably be varying levels of gold, perhaps some of the new commons, and maybe some rares.

CK 07-18-2010 10:12 AM

The Party Guests
When three cards have been compiled together, they get listed here when I have a moment to do so. ;3 Remember that the person who compiled the cards first gets to name the party guest. ;)

Guest One: Marvin

Guest Two: Samg (Nicknamed "Samg...?")

Guest Three: Burrina Squiggleworth

Guest Four: Snibbly von Anderschmitt, Duchess of Springtime
(Click here to meet this guest!)

Guest Five: Baron von Thundersnatch
(Click here to meet this guest!)

Guest Six: Bubbarinasaurus Rex
(Click here to meet this guest!)

Guests Six & Seven: Maria Goatzee & A. Frodonkee
(Click here to meet these guests!)

Guests Eight, Nine & Ten: unnamed by their parent. how sad
(Click here to meet these guests!)

Guest Eleven: Splendora Cuddles
(Click here to meet this guest!)

CK 07-18-2010 10:12 AM

Parts is Parts
Parts for you to mix'n'match to make guests!

- Michalangelo the Ninja Turtle (by CK)
- Wolverine-owl-derp-thing (by Zeapear)
- FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF face (put to template, but not drawn by Keyori)
- Maiko face (by CK)
- Ms. Freckles (by Bellybutton)
- Diddums (by Sidhe)
- Wormy (by blueblackrose)
- King Fro (by bellybutton)
- Dinosawwrrr (by Sidhe)
- Snowman (by Arikana)
- Green haired guy (by The Liztress)
- Bunny-Hamsterface (by Kent)

- Thug Life Chick (by CK)
- Tall, Dark, and Somewhat Geometric Guy (by Keyori)
- Robo-torso (by CK)
- Squiddly pooch (by Iroase Delschatten)
- Ladybird (by Keyori)
- Pear-shaped (by Arikana)
- Some Guy's torso (by Kent)
- Chubby bubby (by Bellybutton)
- Guy holding ice cream (by The Liztress)

- Dancing with hula skirt (by CK)
- Tree Stumpy (by Zeapear)
- Harpy legs (by Arikana)
- Ballerina legs and tutu (by CK)
- Flowery (by Bellybutton)
- Sporty legs (by blueblackrose)
- Satyr legs (by Kent)
- Afrodonkey legs (all five of 'em) (by Arikana)
- Swimtrunks (by The Liztress)

Seito 07-18-2010 10:39 AM

*invades ck's thread* <3

zeapear 07-18-2010 10:44 AM

This looks like It's going to be fun! :rofl:

CK 07-18-2010 10:44 AM

Oh noes! I've been invaded. :ooo

EDIT: Awesome, Zeapear. xD Looking forward to seeing if you participate. xD Need to scribble up the first card unless someone else wants to have the first go. xD

Seito 07-18-2010 10:45 AM


Your thread belongs to us now!

zeapear 07-18-2010 10:45 AM

Zea might create a head :ninja:

CK 07-18-2010 10:47 AM

:rofl: @ Seito - does that mean I don't have to pretty up the thread anymore? 8D

Zeapear - Awesome. xD That means I can take a break and rub some medicines into my owie wrists. 8D

zeapear 07-18-2010 10:48 AM

Aw, I hope you wrists get better while I draw xD

Seito 07-18-2010 10:49 AM

Hmmm Maybe? xD Seito is lazy though.

CK 07-18-2010 10:51 AM

The weather is a brat. xD And from the forecast on google, will be a brat for several days. Sadpanda!

zeapear 07-18-2010 10:56 AM

Zea has made a quick scribble :ninja:
It's a wolverine... owl... derp... thing...
I'll make a better one later xD

CK 07-18-2010 10:57 AM

LMAO. I love eet. Especially as it includes a derp in the type of beastie it is. xD

Seito 07-18-2010 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by CK (Post 1767853773)
The weather is a brat. xD And from the forecast on google, will be a brat for several days. Sadpanda!

*kidnaps CK*

Weather doesn't change here.

zeapear 07-18-2010 10:58 AM

:rofl: Thanks CK~
edit: While randomly looking at your name and wondering what it could stand for the first thing that popped into my head was 'Captain Kirk' xD

Iro 07-18-2010 11:09 AM

This looks fun to do. :O

zeapear 07-18-2010 11:13 AM

Heya Iroase! O:

Rylynne 07-18-2010 11:33 AM

This looks awesome, CK! =O <3<3
Although, I'm confused how you "collect" cards. xDD;;

Iro 07-18-2010 11:35 AM

Hello, zeapear! :O
I assume she meant that you go through the thread for those who have done the 'parts', then 'collect' them to compile. xD

lunanuova 07-18-2010 11:42 AM

I love playing this game! It's such a good idea to do it like this though! I hope I can join in!

CK 07-18-2010 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by zeapear (Post 1767853802)
:rofl: Thanks CK~
edit: While randomly looking at your name and wondering what it could stand for the first thing that popped into my head was 'Captain Kirk' xD

LOL. Well - I go by "Chella" IRL and "Klawzie" most places online. xD
Most people call me "Calvin Kline" xD


Originally Posted by Iroase Delschatten (Post 1767853862)
This looks fun to do. :O

\o/ I hope you participate when you can! xD


Originally Posted by Rylynne (Post 1767853991)
This looks awesome, CK! =O <3<3
Although, I'm confused how you "collect" cards. xDD;;

Yay! I hope you play too. :3


Originally Posted by Iroase Delschatten (Post 1767854000)
Hello, zeapear! :O
I assume she meant that you go through the thread for those who have done the 'parts', then 'collect' them to compile. xD

Yep! That's it. xD No specialness needed in the thread game. Zeapear posted a head, so the next person should post a torso and the person after should draw legs. xD (It's totally fine if you decide to draw parts ahead of time and just post when you see a spot is free. xD)

And anyone who wants to come along and mix and match cards willy-nilly throughout the thread to compile a party guest can do that too. ;)

In my first post, I said I collected cards IRL. Artist trading cards and all. >_>

If I'm being confusing still, sorry. D: It's almost 7am and I'm sotired. D: Not sure how much longer I'll be awake. @_@


@ lunanuova - Yatta! \o/

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