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Kat Dakuu 05-18-2015 06:24 PM

A False Sleep
Birth Name: Ran Youngjae [란 영재 (N)]
Americanized: Terrance Nan [Terrance 난 (S)]
Age: 23
Nationality: North Korean
Appearance: 5'5" with a lean and strappy sort of muscle. Pale. His black hair is usually well kept and he wears glasses most of the time and his eyes are the standard Asian brown, a little narrower than some. Has a calm look and gentle smile.
With glasses, Without
Occupation: A sleeper agent in a cell of three with a leader on the outside. He works in the new York public library and is skilled with old books.
Personality: he's the quiet, seemingly meek one that no one suspects. He has a mild and pleasant nature it seems, but in reality is quite cold. Easily calculates, easily tosses things aside. He has a loyalty that goes to a fault and would not hesitate to kill or to die for his country. His country and his cellmates are all he has, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't turn on one of them for is cause, as would all of them. It is how they were trained. Beneath that collected surface he always portrays is an anger and bitterness. He's been lonely a long time and even if he doesn't know it, he longs for someone to share his secrets with. The fact that he's gay is his most closely guarded secret because it would ruin his mission, and yet it is the secret he wants to share the most.

CycloneKira 05-30-2015 10:45 AM

Name: Kevin Roberts
Age: 22
Appearance: Slim face, black hair that is either extremely neat or extremely messy, depending on where he is. When he's not in college, he usually wears T-shirts with odd prints on them along with a pair of jeans or shorts. At a glance:


Occupation: College student - studying Computer Science
Personality: Talks very less, or sometimes doesn't talk at all, when in public. He's pleasant enough when approached, though. He has no friends; his best friend is his twin sister, Kayla. In spite of his solitude, he is pretty much happy with his life. He isn't concentrating on finding love at the moment. He is too busy with his studies. Even in his free time, he constantly writes long computer programs. He often goes to the library to research on programming techniques, and to escape his home when he is tired of having to hear the noise coming from the streets outside. He lives alone, except for when his sister comes for visits. He is also a chain smoker.
((Kat Dakuu: Sorry it took so long. I got the profile up. Would you like to start?))

Kat Dakuu 06-01-2015 02:48 AM

An American face reflected in the bathroom mirror. Though he had the slight figure of an Asian, dark hair and eyes, everything about Terrance was undeniably American. He was and never had been anything else. I am Ran Youngjae no longer. In reality, that person died a long time, but the name still sat in his mind in a way that he could almost call it his own. Now, standing in the middle of a house in New York City, the last of his North Korean youth faded away. The child who grew up in Hyesan and later found family in Pyongyang amongst those who would give an orphan purpose had been replaced by one more suited to this world.

“This is a nice place isn't it? Americans sure know how to live big!” a voice said from behind him. Terrance turned to see his other two countryman dragging in their belongings and looking around the pre-furnished house much as he was. Johnathan and Michael (once Kibum and Sungho) smiled at him. Or Michael did. The tallest of them, Johnathan, had a face that never smiled.

Officially, the three were cousins. In reality, the other two were from the southern provinces of the country where he was from the north. But in America, they were family as they had been raised since he was eight and they ten and twelve. Together they made up one cell of sleeper agents with their leader on the outside. They settled down in the enemy country’s city and took on American jobs and American names while always having an eye to the sniper’s scope. With the fake pasts created for them, no one would pick them out from the herd. No one would guess Terrance hadn’t been born in America.

Michael hooked one arm around both of his cousins’ shoulders. “Shall we go out to celebrate becoming Americans?”

CycloneKira 06-02-2015 09:21 PM

For what felt like the hundredth time that day, Kevin Roberts rolled his eyes at his twin sister, Kayla. He simply concentrated on cutting the vegetables in silence, not bothering to answer her. Apparently, Kayla was not pleased with this reaction. She scolded him, trying not to sound too harsh but at the same time hoping to get the point across. This time, Kevin decided he couldn't remain silent any longer. His sister really needed to understand some things.

"Listen, Kayla," he said, putting the vegetables aside and turning to her, so she had his undivided attention. I don't have that kind of time right now, okay? I'm a college student, I have my studies to worry about. I can't just go looking for a girlfriend as I please." He paused.

"I'll try once I finish this year," he promised, to appease her. Hopefully it would keep her at bay for the rest of the year, at least. He was in fact constantly trying not to groan. His sister did this to him every time she came to visit. She would come over and as their conversation proceeded, she would somehow turn the subject to him getting a girlfriend.

But how on earth was he supposed to tell her?

She had no idea he was gay. She would go on and on about getting him a girlfriend when the fact was not that, he wasn't interested in getting a girlfriend, but that he wasn't interested in girls entirely.

Kayla looked at him teasingly. "Don't tell me," she said, her eyes narrowing in mock-suspicion. "You're not gay, are you, Kevin?" The question had obviously been posed for fun. But Kevin saw his window.

"Yes, Kayla," he said, to the complete surprise of his sister. As a matter of fact, I am."

Kat Dakuu 06-02-2015 10:44 PM

Michael's idea of celebrating turned out to be a club. Heaven knew why. They of course, had not been trained to lay low as a sleeper cell, but to blend in. This included living every bit the life of an American from the welcome to the neighborhood parties, the friends, the jobs, and all the way to marriage. Not that Terrance could care less. He sighed as Johnathan parked their single car in front of some swanky looking place. The sun wouldn't even set for another hour.

"Well come on, we're going to have fun right?" Michael exclaimed as he led the way inside. Johnathan and Terrance followed behind, neither looking as thrilled. Terrance grimaced at the silhouettes of naked women on the sign. Unfortunately, it was always going to be like this. He had to hurry up not to get left behind and submitted himself to the idea that he would dance with women for the night.

CycloneKira 06-03-2015 06:48 PM

Kevin was starting to wonder what would have happened if he hadn't told his sister that he was gay. She was already killing him for not telling her earlier. "I've been trying to hook you up with some of my girlfriends for the past two months, and now you're telling me you're gay?!?!" she screamed at him. She'd been trying to hook him up? When had that happened? Then he shook his head. All those times when she'd dragged him to those ridiculous parties... So THAT had been her motive.

"Kayla, just think for a minute, okay?" he said. "How do you suppose I could have told you about this? You think I could just walk up to you one fine day and say, "Hey Kayla, I want you to know that I'm gay!" or something? Not that I didn't want you to know..." He trailed off, not completing his sentence. Kayla noticed that he was uneasy and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, don't worry about it," she said. "I'm glad you told me." Kevin smiled at her, thankful that she was so understanding.

Kat Dakuu 06-04-2015 01:00 AM

The inside of the club thrummed with a heavy party beat that could be felt more than heard. Honestly, it just seemed like senseless noise. Terrance had no appreciation for it and judging by Johnathan's face, he didn't either. But then, it was hard to tell with that guy even with as well as he knew his two cellmates.

"Don't frown so much," Johnathan muttered, speaking for the first time in hours. He only said that before he headed to the bar for drinks, but it did leave a small smile on Terrance's face. He pushed up his classes and put on the cool, friendly attitude he'd grown accustomed to before following Michael out onto the dance floor. He quickly got caught up by two young girls, probably younger than him, and started to dance.

CycloneKira 06-04-2015 07:15 PM

Kevin was extremely pissed off. Less than thirty seconds after Kayla had left, he had been dragged out of his house by some people he vaguely knew from his class to this ridiculous club in some place he knew nothing about. That was his fault, he supposed. If he got out more, he might have known where this place was at least.

Inside the club, Kevin had to do everything in his power to keep himself from covering his ears with his hands. The volume of the music was horribly high, making him feel the distinct urge to run back the way he came. All too soon, the group began dancing and Kevin was forced to join in. Soon, however, when he was sure that nobody was paying him any attention, he slowly moved away from them all, went out of the building and stood in some corner behind it. He took out a smoke from his pocket, lit it and puffed on it. If anyone asked, he could just say that he'd found a really hot girl and had gotten... carried away. He decided to stay there until they left.

Kat Dakuu 06-05-2015 07:06 PM

A couple songs passed. More than a few dance partners passed. Terrance decided that was enough and decided to go find his two 'cousins' and at least sit with there where he could pretend at friendly. He saw the two of them at the bar though and the thought of sitting there made his face twist. Instead, he threw some water on his face in the bathroom and slipped out a back door to check his phone like he actually expected something to be there. It made him look busy though.

The sight of another person out back made Terrance freeze before he calmed himself and went to the opposite wall to lean against it. He tried not to cough on the smell of the smoke and focused on his phone, not the least bit interested in conversation. He said a terse 'Hello' and that was it.

CycloneKira 06-08-2015 02:08 PM

Kevin was finally calm. Being away from the horrendous noise of the club was doing him some good. He continued to smoke, until he was surrounded by the fumes, so thick they were almost white. His buddies were probably so busy enjoying themselves that his absence wouldn't bother them. They might not even have noticed that he wasn't there.

Kevin was nearly startled to hear a strange voice close to him. It was a man, with brown eyes that were subtly narrower than usual. He was probably of Asian origin. Kevin returned the greeting with a slight "Hello" of his own and continued to smoke. After a while, though, he looked up at the other man, who seemed to be having trouble.

"Want me to put it out?" he asked, referring to the smoke, which was clearly bothering the other.

Kat Dakuu 06-09-2015 01:12 AM

Terrance always knew how to hide what he was thinking or feeling. He'd been trained that way, even if it was he didn't like to breathe cigarette smoke. His body must have betrayed him though because the stranger noticed and his voice left the young Asian startling, his eyes jumping up from his phone. "Oh, not at all. Please do as you will. That's your right after all," he said with a plastered-on friendly smile. He tried not to be snide in his head about American rights.

Just as he was about to turn back to his phone, he breathed in too deep. Terrance instantly let out of a cough and his eyes darted back to the stranger. "...Excuse me." He dropped his eyes again, cursing in his head.

CycloneKira 06-09-2015 01:10 PM

Kevin raised an eyebrow. His right, huh? He looked at the other man for a bit, before shrugging and going back to smoking. As the other coughed, however, he looked at him with his greenish gold eyes. He shook his head lightly and dropped the cigarette on the ground, stubbing it out with his shoe.

"You don't have to be so nice to people," he said. "Especially if it's at your expense." He walked over to the man and held out a hand. That was unusual for him; he never introduced himself to people.

"Kevin Roberts," he said, a slight smile on his face.

Kat Dakuu 06-09-2015 06:21 PM

Terrance felt miffed that the other man put out his cigarette even though he felt relieved by it. It just went against his pride since he said he could deal with it. He shook his head ever so slightly. "I'm not being nice. It's just not any of my concern," he said, still in his mild voice. When the man offered his hand, he forced himself not to hesitate to take it.

"Hello. I am Terrance Nan." He didn't plan to share his name with anyone here, but it would be rude not to offer his back in such a circumstance. Despite the name he gave not being true, he said it with ease. His accent too offered no hint that he'd been raised outside the country. He always did have a knack with languages. "Sorry for intruding on your private time out here."

CycloneKira 06-11-2015 02:14 PM

Not any of his concern? Kevin briefly thought that it had obviously bothered him, but decided not to press the matter anymore. He nodded at the other man politely on hearing his name. He had been right about the Asian origin part. He smiled a little at the other.

"No worries, Terrance," he said. "It's about time I left anyway." He looked at his watch and his thoughts were confirmed. This was the time when his friends had decided they would head back. "It was nice meeting you." He turned to walk away, and then stopped and tilted his head back.

"And, um, you might want to get yourself away from this place, seeing how I pretty much filled it up with smoke. A few meters would do." He had just decided to give some last minute advice, for what it was worth, which was probably nothing. The other man might not even take it, after all. But it didn't matter to Kevin. He had given the advice; it wasn't his business whether the man listened or not.

Kat Dakuu 06-11-2015 06:10 PM

"Yes, it was quite nice to meet you," Terrance said when the other decided to leave. He hoped it wasn't his fault, though it shouldn't matter either way. Terrance did the obligatory niceness and that was all that he required of himself. "And thank you. I will keep that in mind." He sighed and watched Kevin go. Now that some of the smoke had cleared, he got a good look at the other, but of course, only as he was leaving. And he just had to be Terrance's type. Go figure. Probably for the best that he left.

Terrance stayed outside for a minute, wanting to do his own thing despite Kevin's advice, but he went back inside anyway. He sat at the bar and ordered a water to wait for his two 'cousins' to finish their night of fun. When they did leave, Michael had a date which he vanished with and Terrance and Johnathan were left to go home alone.

CycloneKira 06-13-2015 05:01 PM

When Kevin rejoined his friends, he had to answer their questions with the answer he had pretty much rehearsed before going back: "I met a girl, and... you could say I got carried away," with a grin and a wink. That answer earned him some hoots and a backslap from one idiot. At least, the answer kept them from asking any more questions.

They had all gone back home in Carson's van, and of course, Kevin was the last one to get dropped off. Typical. By the time the van reached his place, Kevin had gotten so impatient, that in another two minutes, he would have blown a fuse. This was why he didn't socialize very much. People were just so goddamn stupid. Even so, he put on his best smile and waved at the guy as he drove off, in a friendly fashion. Then he sighed and sat down on the front porch of his house, and took out another smoke.

His sister would kill him if she knew he was smoking so much. He tried his best not to smoke in front of her. He knew she meant well, but... he just couldn't stop. It was almost a part of him now.

Kat Dakuu 06-13-2015 07:11 PM

When Michael did come home the next morning, all he could talk about was the girl he met. You'd think he'd totally forgotten their mission and would elope with the gal, but Terrance recognized the distant look in his eyes sometimes. The look that said, 'my two lives are as separate as North and South Korea. Sometimes Terrance envied that ability of his because he couldn't separate his lives as well. Either he had no alter life or the two would bleed together. As much as he avoided socializing though, his house was abuzz with energy until Monday morning when Johnathan woke him with a knock to the door five minutes before his natural body alarm would wake him.

"First day of work today."

"Yeah." Terrance said back in response. And that was the end of conversation. He got dressed in a white button down shirt, put on his glasses and smiled like an American before he headed out to the New York Public Library where he would spend the rest of his life in this country working.

CycloneKira 06-14-2015 07:21 AM

Kevin was extremely sleepy, for he hadn't slept last night. He had stayed up late working on that program. There was something missing, some little detail that he had left out. It needed some tweaking somewhere, for sure, otherwise it should be working perfectly fine. He looked at his watch and briefly wondered whether he could try something wth the program, but decided against it. He was on time, but he would be late if he sat down on the program now. And the professor wasn't lenient with late students.

As he headed out of his house, he noticed a man in a white shirt and glasses walking by. Why did he seem familiar to him, Kevin wondered. And then he noticed the brown, slightly narrow eyes and smiled slightly. The other seemed dressed for work. Kevin wondered if he should greet the other.

He sighed. Best to stay away from the man, he thought. The last thing he needed was another "friend" to drag him wherever he wished. Hoping the other wouldn't notice him, he continued on his way to college.

Kat Dakuu 06-15-2015 04:39 AM

Terrance had a one track mind, the sort to just go about his task without observing the world around him. He unfortunately did notice the familiar face from the other a few nights ago. As they passed, he said a brief hello. He couldn't even stop himself though he should have. Feeling like he may have been too obvious, he ducked his head immediately after and hurried on his way, refusing to make eye contact or even wait for an answering 'hello' should it come.

After a short subway trip, he reached the library and found himself checking out customers. Of course it would be the place to start, but at a library as extensive as this one, he had a lot of opportunities. And a lot of books. More books than he could ever want in his life. As long as he was here in America, he might as well go and get lost in these shelves at least once in this pathetic life of his.

CycloneKira 06-16-2015 11:25 AM

Even though he had half-expected it, the "hello" surprised Kevin when it came. There was no way to explain it. It had just surprised him. He turned around to look at Terrance, but the other was hurrying away, as if afraid of a response. There was no time to reply to the greeting. Kevin shook his head and continued on his way.

The rest of the day went on as usual, with Kevin phasing in and out of the classes and generally waiting for the classes to end. When it did end, Kevin packed up his bag, went home to drop the bags and headed straight towards the library. He smiled at the woman at the reception as she checked his card and went over to the reference section to pick up the book he had been working with for the past few weeks. He took the book and went over to one of the computers and started working.

Kat Dakuu 06-16-2015 05:35 PM

Terrance slid his eyes over the library in between checking out a sticky handed child and her mother. He had to save a pen from leaving with that kid. The check out desk sat just caddy-corner to the reception area and the wide doors that welcomed in visitors. He sometimes watched the people coming in because the work itself was boring. He spotted a familiar face and cringed openly, turning away and hiding his face.

Lacy, the girl who worked next to him leaned over to check on him. "You alright Terrance?" She followed his gaze to a young man walking to the reference section. Lacy nodded once. "Yeah, he's pretty cute isn't he?"

Terrance looked up sharply. "What? I'm just saying!" she exclaimed. He turned his attention back to a balding man with ten books to check out. If Lacy was saying things like that after one day, he needed to be a lot more careful.

CycloneKira 06-17-2015 12:51 PM

Kevin stayed in the library till late in the evening, barely noticing what was going on around him. His greenish-gold eyes reflected the light from the computer screen as he worked, without a single break or distraction. He made a subtle change in one of the lines in the program and ran the program, certain that it would work exactly the way he wanted it to. Surely enough, the program executed all the commands perfectly. A wide smile broke out on his face as he copied the code into an email and sent it to his professor. He was happy that he was finally finished. And when he was happy, he usually felt chatty.

He got up to put the book back in the reference section, when he spotted Terrance. "Hello," he greeted the other cheerfully. "We've been running into each other quite often lately, haven't we?"

Kat Dakuu 06-17-2015 06:28 PM

Terrance had been doing a fabulous job of keeping all his emotions to himself. He just checked out the customers with the pleasantest, most closed-off expression a person could manage. But then, he heard Kevin's voice and couldn't help but turn toward him. With a very careful smile, he just nodded his head. Since he was being too obvious, he would try very hard to be anything but right now. "Yes indeed. I wonder why? Did you find everything without trouble today?" Despite acting so foolishly that morning, Terrance tried to make it very clear right now that Kevin was just another customer. Even if maybe, he stared a little too much.

CycloneKira 06-18-2015 10:20 AM

Kevin smiled at the other. "Yes, I did," he said. "I finished a tricky piece of work just now. I'm glad that's done." He looked at Terrance. "So, you seem to work here," he said, his tone making it a question.

While talking, Kevin realized that he thought Terrance was quite good-looking. He paused a little as he had the thought. Well now, wouldn't Kayla be proud of him, for showing interest in something other than his college studies. Well, he thought, there was a high chance that the other wasn't gay like he was. So, he already had no chance with the guy. Forget him, Kevin didn't have a chance with any more than twenty people, probably.

Kat Dakuu 06-20-2015 01:59 AM

"Yes, I do. Though this is only my first day," Terrance said. He didn't see any reason not to answer the other's question since he seemed intent on talking to Terrance. It would also be suspicious if he went out of his way to ignore Kevin. He could feel Lacy staring at him though, or at least, he very much imagined that was what happened behind his back and it made him itch even though he'd been trained to face down the barrel of a gun. "A-anyway, it has been very nice to see you again. Perhaps it will not be the last." Great, now he sounded even more obviously into this person standing in front of him. That's what he thought, but the reality was, he kept his voice even except for the barest hiccup.

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