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Kat Dakuu 12-16-2015 05:14 AM

Born of Winds and Sand
Name: Aaheru
Age: 21
Species: carpet chameleon
Appearance: He's short, maybe 5'5", but has a defined muscle tone in his upper body. His skin is a darker golden tan and his hair fluffy and white with two longer, wavy tails that frame his face. It fluffs back and downwards rather than to the sides. From the roots to an inch or two in, the color can change due to the layer of nanocrystals and a speckling of scales that goes down slightly onto his forehead, but this is mostly covered up by his bangs. Eyes are black. There are scales on his cheeks, trailing down slightly to the sides of his neck. Larger patches of scales cover his chest and some on the side of his calves and the backs of his hands. Like his hair, their natural state is an ivory white that can change colors. He has a prehensile tail that is mostly white but shows the black and orange patterning toward the base. His left ear has two gold ring ear piercings at the top.
His clothing choice would be loose and mostly in tans and gold with white and red as accents. Wears sandals. He'd manage to look grand, wearing gold bracelets or rings to show off (but the material is entirely fake). Based on egyptian at least somewhat.
Weapon: an Egyptian style scimitar that belongs to his father.
Personality: He's cocky, in your face, annoying, and talks big, or rather, talks a lot in general. He's also the naive, easily cowed, timid sort that hides his lack of skill behind a mask of superiority. In reality, he's dishonest, pathetic, and terrible at conversation without irritating everyone present. Despite acting like a little princeling, he's not one and ends up cute despite his efforts. He shows his emotions easily because of his scales and it irritates him to no end.

Wings of Writing 12-16-2015 05:24 AM

Name: Ajani Paradisae (it's part of the scientific name of the bird)
Age: 21
Animal: Greater bird of paradise
Appearance. Tallish 5'10". Ajani has darker tan skin with a multitude of darker reddish colored feather patterns all over his skin, like the feathers he would have if he was actually a full bird. The feather patterns even reach up and onto his face though they frame his features rather than covering over top of them. He’s got a fine and thin nose and yellow eyes. His lips are full and plush and a dark red/plum color. His hair is actually feathers, the fine hair like yellow and white feathers that make up the tail of the greater bird of paradise. They hang long (reaching around mid neck length) and lose on his head and have a tendency to puff up and react to any particularly strong emotions. Finally the top part of his arms are covered in a layer of dark reddish purple feathers with a spattering of darker green feathers throughout, something akin to wings, though he’s not able to fly like some bird hybrids. Instead his look more like a regal capelet. He’s rather fit looking and has a lean sort of musculature, spent from his time training to be a fighter for his clan.
His clothing is loose and designed not to irritate the feather son his shoulders, therefore he wears mostly tank tops of earth tone colors with thin straps and leather type capri pants. He's also been known to walk around shirtless cuz it's just more comfortable than having his feathers out of place.
He carries a large staff that's just a bit taller than him and is quick to use it if he think necessary to defend himself.
Personality: He’s rather solitary, preferring to live on the outskirts of his clan’s home. He doesn’t have a problem socializing though and is actually quite friendly when he does. He’s just more comfortable being by himself, finding it calming and relaxing. He spends a lot of time training or scouting out the surrounding forest and cliffs of his home land.

Kat Dakuu 12-16-2015 10:43 PM

The cliffs were dangerous. Everyone said it, over and over again like he couldn't understand the first time. Aaheru wasn't dumb though. Sure he crept up the last rock to where he felt the wind rushing over the cliff's top, but he wasn't an idiot. Up here, the sun warmed his skin and scales, keeping him comfortable. No place really compared to here when it came to catching sun. As a part reptilian race, such things mattered. Unlike those dumb birds that dwelt in the forest, his clan deserved this contested land. What did they need this for when they got the favored trees? Letting out a little huff, he hefted his scimitar before sneaking forward.

Aaheru wore a cocky, but cautious expression that matched his unskilled grip on the weapon. Though only warriors and those with a specific task and warrior escorts were allowed on the cliffs, he went and climbed up from the desert lands below anyway. To his right, an ocean crashed against the cliffs and not far ahead, a blanket of green stretched out in the opposite direction of his home. Aaheru grit his teeth. A second later, he grinned outright. "Well isn't this the stupidest rule ever?" he complained, twirling his scimitar in one hand. "There's not even anyone out here! Hah! I can win this territory all by myself!" He stopped, nearly tripping over a small rock. Righting himself, he noticed something not far away.

By now, he'd wandered farther than he realized and if he gave himself a chance to think about it, he might feel uneasy, but something far more interesting consumed his mind--a flash of oranges and red. He realized in an instant that the intrusion was one of the bird clan and his nemesis. The scales along his cheeks and his hair began to shift with aggression, turning bright with varied colors, though the tips of his hair stayed white as it always did.

Aaheru charged forward until he came right up to the enemy and thrust his scimitar out with his dark eyes narrowed. "Stop right there, bird! This is reptile territory now! How about your flit back to your stinky green trees!" he demanded, ending with a smirk. Yeah, he could totally do this. He sounded so commanding no one could say no. Right?

Wings of Writing 12-16-2015 11:14 PM

It was the time of day when Ajani was assigned to patrol the edge of the forest, which was easier done outside the shelter of the trees, even if it increased the risk of running into a stupid lizard. He'd been marching back and forth along his section of the forest, shirtless due to the heat of the day. His feathers gleaming in the bright sunlight as he rested his staff against them. He had it held loosely in his right hand, prepared for any trouble, but not particularly expecting any. The lizards, he wrinkled his nose at the thought, were generally smart enough to not climb the cliff, even if they seemed to think they had some stupid claim to it, even though it was obviously just an extension of the birds' territory.

Just as Ajani was turning to march back the way he'd come, having reached the limit of the section he was meant to patrol, a small and angry thing approached him rather quickly. His immediate reaction was shock, the feathers on his head puffing up to their full height with the surprise. However, he soon processed that it was a lizard, and his feathers flattened back out as he frowned a little. The much smaller man seemed someone clumsy and even though he had a sword in his hand, it didn't look like he was particularly skillful at using it.

Ajani scoffed, shifting his staff slightly so that it'd be easier to bring it up into a fighting stance if his hunch was wrong. He rumbled out, "Does the little lizard really thinks he stands a chance?" condescension lacing his tone as he eyed the other.

Kat Dakuu 12-17-2015 01:33 AM

Standing only a few feet away, Aaheru realized too late just how much bigger this bird was than him. He shifted his grip on the scimitar, readying himself more. His father would kill him if he figured out Aaheru 'borrowed' the weapon. He was training to be a warrior, he announced. They forbade it, but he went off and did it anyway. Still, his father would kill him. Flushing slightly as his eyes widened and a flurry of colors rippled over his scales, Aaheru jabbed his weapon in warning.

"Don't belittle me! I'm a great warrior unlike a useless pretty bird like you!" he yelped. As he shifted, he revealed the tail curling out behind him. Now it quivered with the force of his fury and passion. Absolutely no one wrote off Aaheru. Before he could talk himself out of it, he jumped forward with a wild slash of his weapon.

Wings of Writing 12-17-2015 01:56 AM

Ajani couldn't surpress a chuckle, completely sure from the way the lizard was wielding the weapon that his words were definitely not true. He had no training, any one with training would hold the weapon much steadier.

However before he could really process that thought the lizard was suddenly leaping at him, sword first. He shifted quickly, bringing up his staff to stop the sword in it's track, twisting his staff around to move the sword out of the way before whipping it around to hit the lizard, with enough force that the blow should knock the smaller man over. He was not interested in messing around like this at the moment, and he had every intention of ending it quickly.

Kat Dakuu 12-17-2015 03:08 AM

Aaheru tried to swing his sword like Imhotep showed him that morning, but once he started moving, the swing just came out without his one morning's worth of training. He felt the momentum, then felt it stop. Before he could even comprehend what was happening, he went tumbling over backwards with a squeak. "A-ah! What?!" The scimitar spun away from his hand, laying uselessly on the rocks. Aaheru was too stunned to even think about grabbing it again. In an instant, all his scales turned black with submission, all the way down to the ones on his legs revealed from beneath his rumpled robes.

Wings of Writing 12-17-2015 03:20 AM

The moment the lizard was on the ground Ajani used the end of his staff pressed to the center of his chest, effectively pinning him to the ground. "Really, are you what the lizards have to offer for warriors? If so, we should have captured this area long ago." He paused, considering the others, eyes drifting over the scales he'd seen change several colors during the exchange, before he frowned, certain he'd encountered stronger lizards in the past. "Or, you aren't a fighter at all and thought, what, you could just come up here and do everything yourself?" He raised an eyebrow, the feathers on his head slightly mimicking the motion.

Kat Dakuu 12-17-2015 05:54 PM

Aaheru paled even as his scales turned fully black. His eyes went wider and for a second, he tried to speak and found words unable to get out. He was bested and so easily. How could this be possible? He just wanted to do something for himself and prove to everyone who looked down on him that he could be strong too, because he knew without a doubt he was strong. It was just that no one believed him. When the bird outed him for exactly what he was though, the anger came rushing back. Staring on his cheeks, orange began to sweep along his scales again and he grabbed hold of the other's staff with both hands, using his strength to shove it away from him.

"Don't look down on me! I may not be a snake or a crocodile, but I'm still strong! I don't care how much you knock me down. I still want to fight with you!" he exclaimed as he got his feet back under him again.

Wings of Writing 12-17-2015 07:21 PM

Ajani stared incredulously at the lizard as he stood back up, baffled that someone would even try to keep fighting when they clearly weren't able. It would only result in the other getting hurt seriously, and how could he not realize that? Ajani really didn't want to fight the lizard, he had no interest in beating on just random people. He scowled at the other man, his feathers sitting flat against his scalp.

"Look, I really don't want to fight you." he said, deciding on trying honesty, maybe the stupid lizard would see sense. "I don't enjoy hurting people who shouldn't even be in this situation. I don't care what type of lizard you are, you're still a lizard," that was said with a hint of distaste, "I just want you off this cliff." He stared at the other, eyes focused completely on him.

Kat Dakuu 12-17-2015 07:42 PM

Aaheru balled his fists, stilled miffed beyond belief at the bird's dismissal. He glanced down, realizing his scimitar still lay on the ground. Could he grab it? After a half second of thought, he decided that was unwise. Really, he didn't want to fight as much as get this bird to acknowledge he could be an opponent. Maybe not now, but at some point. He would get what he wanted.

"N-no!" Aaheru squeaked. "This is my cliff! I told you already!" He stamped one foot, pointing to the ground with emphasis. "What do you even want it for? Aren't those trees enough?! We need...for the reptiles it's..." he stammered on, working his way into a speech if the dumb bird would let him.

Wings of Writing 12-17-2015 08:23 PM

Ajani stared at the lizard completely and totally confused as to what was actually happening before his eyes. He literally did not sign up for this. It was supposed to be a normal day, a normal patrol, not an encounter with some little lizard who apparently thought he had something to prove. Why he felt he needed to prove to Ajani, was beyond him. Maybe he was just unlucky.

He was torn between trying to stop him and just walking away, though walking away was probably a bad idea. After all he still needed to make sure that the lizard left the ledge, no matter how annoying he was. "Would you please shut up?" he groaned, "I legitimately do not care. You aren't supposed to be here. I don't care what you think you have to prove or not. All I want is to do my job and go on with my day. So leave."

Kat Dakuu 12-17-2015 10:53 PM

"T-t-that-!" Aaheru continued to stammer, turning redder with each passing second until the all of his visible skin down to his chest flushed crimson. His scales couldn't decide what color to be and streaked mixes of red, orange, and teal before they betrayed him and started to turn dark again. He huffed loudly before pulling himself up straight. A different look crossed his face, resembling the confidence he wore at the start of their encounter. Half a breath later, he spun away, leaving the tails of his hair and the white cords of his robes fluttering.

"Fine then!" He flung a hand up in the air like he couldn't care less about this conversation. "I'll leave you for now because I'm getting bored of you." He turned back, jabbing a finger at the bird. "But don't think this is the last of it. I'll be back!" With that, he snatched up his scimitar and stalked away before his scales could finish their traitorous change of color.

Wings of Writing 12-17-2015 11:04 PM

Ajani stared after the lizard, not moving a muscle, the only movement in the wind ruffling through his feathers. He just watched as the lizard scurried away, glad the disturbance was gone, but very confused as to what it even was to begin with. It took him several minutes to really move from that position as he tried to process what had just happened. Once he did, he returned to his march, wondering if the encounter was something worth reporting or not. If it had been a warrior, definitely, he would have since that could be the beginning of an attack. But it seemed likely that it had just been a kid doing something stupid and risky that he shouldn't. It was just weird.

Kat Dakuu 12-18-2015 03:59 AM

Aaheru scampered back down the cliffs, sliding on the rocks every so often in his hurry. When he reached the edge of his village, he slid to the ground, hiding behind a rock as he buried both hands in his hair. He found himself trembling, even the end of his tail curled tightly in a spiral. "O-oh god! What did I just do!" he gasped. Now that the confrontation ended, he could think about it, think about and despair. He couldn't believe he did such a thing. But no, he needed to do that. He lifted watery eyes to take in the cluster of stone, square buildings that made up their village. The compact ground gave way quickly to loose sand and in the distance, winds stirred it up into the air. Still, it wasn't far from the ocean or the rivers that fed into it so the sparse trees with their deep roots offered shade here and there.

"Aaheru! Where have you been?!" a voice boomed. The young lizard jumped, realizing too late that a figure cast shade over him. A fist clenched in his hair, yanking him up and out of his hiding place. "I told you not to make more trouble for me! Did you even go to the market or did you..." The man trailed off as he caught sight of the scimitar at Aaheru's feet. "Brat!"

"Father! I just borrowed it!" he whined as his scalp burned from the yanking on his hair. He found himself forcibly dragged to the edge of the village where little houses bunched together, climbing against each other without even a walk space between most. "And you didn't give me enough money to buy anything useful!" Just before he was shoved into the short entrance of one of the homes, Aaheru glance back to the cliffs with a determined gaze. Yeah, he would definitely go back there as soon as possible. He had unfinished business.

Wings of Writing 12-19-2015 08:44 PM

After finishing his patrol, Ajani headed back home, his immediate plan was to mention to his commanding office, who happened to be his older sister, what had happened and see what she thought. If it was worth bringing up to the counsel of elders he would if she told him. But he really hoped it was something that could be considered a once-off weirdness and then promptly ignored.

He walked back into the village and looked around. There was an interesting combination of tree houses that went up and into the bigger trees in the area, with draw bridges connecting them and huts in and between the bottom of the trees on the ground. His own home was up in the trees, but since he was hunting out Irie, his sister, he stayed on the ground since she preferred to live within the trunk of a large tree.

It didn't take him long to get there and as he did, he passed an assortment of hybrids, from the super colorful macaw and parrot hybrids to the more drab sparrow and dove hybrids all going about there daily business. He smiled, glad things seemed normal and hoped that it'd stay that way for the future and there wasn't some impending war or something with the lizards.

"Irie!" he called, once he'd walked into the door of her home, not bothering to knock, "Something weird happened on patrol today. I need to know if I just ignore it or report it in to the higher ups."

Irie poked her head around the door. Irie, having taken after their mother, was not a bird of paradise hybrid, but instead a lilac breasted roller. She too had the tattoo like feather markings all across her skin, though they were a mixture of light brown and white markings. She had almost a necklace of lilac feathers covering the front of her chest. The feathers on her head her a mixture of light teal, dark teal, and lilac feathers. Her eyes were completely black. She herself looked quite tough, every bit the warrior, despite her colorful appearance. "Hm, Ajana?" she asked.

"I ran into a lizard, a chameleon probably cuz his scales kept changing colors, but he wasn't a warrior. Mostly seemed like a kid on a mission to prove himself. I don't think he was a threat, though he had a sword and was determined to fight me. It was weird."

Irie shook her head, she considered for a second before saying, "Keep an eye on it. If it keeps happening, it'll definitely be a problem, but I don't think we need to raise any alarm bells yet. It's probably like you said a kid. But we don't need the lizards thinking this is something they can do to prove themselves, so if it keeps up, we'll put a stop to it."

Kat Dakuu 12-21-2015 07:13 PM

Days passed under the heat of the sun. The reptile's village on the edge of the great river, never moved that fast. And even if it did, Aaheru wouldn't know. Far away from the river's oasis, the farthest edge of the village wasn't privy to much, least of all knowledge. From the roof of his home though, he could see the towering buildings and stone courtyards that gleamed with shells. In the farthest distance, the palace stood. The leafy fronds of trees could be seen even from here as the village didn't have far to grow with the river and cliffs hindering it in both directions. That's why the buildings stacked so close onto each other, creating levels of homes and walkways on top of them, like another city atop a city.

The palace though, with it's square stone arches and carvings of warrior snakes always drew one's eye. As a child, Aaheru saw it up close when their current pharaoh succeeded. He could never forget that sight of one young man and lines of gleaming warriors. More than anything, he wanted to be like that.

Aaheru hopped down from the roof he crouched on, using the wide open windows as a stepping stone. The design let sunlight warm the sensitive bodies of those inside and in his opinion, made ladders obsolete. He once again carried his father's scimitar but in a grip with more confidence. It took days for him to escape his chores, but he'd been training in secret again and this time, he'd make something of it. Before anyone could stop him, he took off for the cliffs at a run.

Wings of Writing 12-30-2015 04:45 AM

The next few days passed rather normally for Ajani: he slept, ate, went to training, and went on patrol. He also hung out with family in friends in down time. And through the course of the week and just the normal humdrum of life, he had almost completely forgotten about the bizarre encounter. Really the only remaining thought he had about it was that it probably wouldn't happen again, and it definitely wasn't something he needed to be concerned about.

As such, when he went to patrol on a particular sunny Wednesday, the only thing on his mind was counting down the hours until he could return home. It's all that had happened the past several days, and most days he'd been on patrol. Generally, the most interesting thing he could expect on any given patrol was an encounter with some bit of wildlife or maybe seeing a particularly pretty flower or sunset. Not anything terribly exciting, and certainly not anything he could qualify as a threat or every worth reporting.

Kat Dakuu 12-31-2015 10:22 PM

Aaheru scanned the far horizon. It was sunny today, the sort of weather than made reptiles want to just find a spot and lay. But he wouldn't do that. Today, he had a mission, so with that in mind, he headed toward the far side of the cliffs where he'd last seen his new 'friend'. It didn't occur to him that the bird boy might not be there and he supposed it would be find to taunt other birds, but he'd attached himself to this one. It was this bird he wanted to look him in the eye, perhaps because they seemed to be the same age and yet in such different positions.

From behind a large scattering of boulders close to the ocean-side, he inspected the trees. There was movement toward the left, farther back in the trees. He gazed at that for a second before turning away with disinterest. As expected, he found the bird he looked for outside of the trees' protection, patrolling like the other day. When he got close, Aaheru jumped up from behind his cover and waved his scimitar to get the other's attention. "Hey! I told you I would be back!"

Wings of Writing 01-03-2016 06:01 AM

Ajani jumped a little bit at the sudden voice, having zoned out as he was walking back in forth because of the fair weather. It made him want to find a nice part of the forest to just relax and take in the heat and breeze. It was not the type of day where he really wanted to be on patrol, but it wasn't like he had much choice; this was his duty.

As such, he really wasn't paying the kind of attention he should to what was going on around him, and hadn't really seen the lizard approach. He scowled at him, feathers raising up due to the slight surprise. "What do you want?" he growled, not immediately recognizing the lizard as the one he'd seen the other day, though the longer he stared the more familiarity began to settle in and his scowl deepened feathers flattening against his head. "You again?!" he exclaimed, "Did you not learn the first time?"

Kat Dakuu 01-06-2016 11:16 PM

Aaheru pouted at the bird for a second before raising both hands in a shrug. "Uh...not really," he answered, just a bit cheeky and challenging behind the nonchalant gesture. Aaheru never learned well. Lizards must be stubborn by nature because he father was the same, just in entirely different ways. "Anyway, it's great to see you again. We should have some fun today as well! Wanna fight?" A grin flashed over his face as he lifted the scimitar as if to show he'd been training.

Wings of Writing 01-07-2016 09:04 PM

Ajani narrowed his eyes at the lizard, "No, I made it pretty clear last time, you aren't worth my time." he spat. "What would fighting me even begin to prove? You aren't going to beat me, and there are literally no witnesses." He looked the lizard up and down. He really didn't want to fight him again. He would because it wasn't like he'd let the lizard get past him into the forest, but he'd much rather just shove him off the cliff or something and not have to deal with him again. Seriously, why'd it have to be him the lizard had found, and not one of the other patrol guards.

Kat Dakuu 01-08-2016 01:23 AM

Aaheru waved his weapon in a threatening manner, or at least he thought so. Defeating the bird boy wasn't on his mind though. Sure he wanted to fight and a part of him boiled with the desire to win, but it wasn't as simple as that. He needed to come here and confront this guy again, and he would need to again. Ever since the first time they met, he felt the gravitation that made no sense at all. "Yeah. Maybe it makes no sense," he said with a shrug before grinning. "But you're interesting. I kinda like you even though I hate you!"

Wings of Writing 01-08-2016 03:05 AM

"You're crazy you know that, right?" Ajani asked, taking a step towards the lizard, spreading himself out larger to make himself look more threatening and making sure his footing was solid. It was moments like this he wished he was a bird of prey, then he'd have wings and he was sure that would intimidate just about anyone. He knew it used to when he was a kid. "Seriously, what's to stop me from pushing you off this cliff, right now?" He made a move with his staff as if he was seriously considering it, "Then I'd be rid of you."

Kat Dakuu 01-08-2016 08:15 PM

Aaheru glanced toward the cliff edge without moving his head. With a fall like that, not even the toughest reptile could get away without serious injury. He didn't even know how to swim. And yet, he just didn't want to go back home and forget why he came. "You wouldn't do that. That is...wouldn't there be consequences?" he gambled. With how tense their people's relations were, someone would get angry even if he was just a brat from the lower city. "Besides, don't you get bored walking back and forth along these empty cliffs? If they belonged to me, they wouldn't be boring at all!"

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