Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Valentine's Event 2008 ~ Spread the Love! (
-   -   ♥ Black Black Heart v 2.0 ♥ {Aiya p/u pg 38 BBR pg 39! & (

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-11-2008 02:39 AM

♥ Black Black Heart v 2.0 ♥ {Aiya p/u pg 38 BBR pg 39! &
Well folks, I've gotta say it, I'm digging the Love vs Hate stance this year, as opposed to most places where it's lovey dovey bull every where you turn your pretty, bitter little head. I just thought I'd show my support and let you know what side I'm on, if only playfully for this week, eh? ;D

Every year of my entire life, even in childhood, I have campaigned against this wretched holiday which sees fit to tell me how I feel. Be it with biting anti-valentine's cards, leading the great candy heart war of 2002 (which resulted in one end of the school yard to the other COVERED in the chalky demons; so many detentions, but so worth the idea and providing the ammunition.) or just being an all around sourpuss. :]

Raise the flag, ready the cannons, and fire at will. War is on!


Originally Posted by Black Black Heart 2.0
As I begin to lose my grip
On these realities your sending
Taste your mind and taste your sex
I'm naked underneath your cover
Covers lie and we will bend and borrow
With the coming sign
The tide will take the sea will rise and time will rape

Black Black Heart
Why would you offer more
Why would you make it easier on me to satisfy
I'm on fire I'm rotting to the core
I'm eating all your kings and queens
All your sex and your diamonds

- Black, Black Heart; David Usher (Note: 2.0 is an alternate cut and secret bonus track on the Morning Orbit CD; it's technically the one you hear on radio and television, but is not in fact the original song X3)

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-11-2008 02:41 AM

[2] .: Rules:.

Frankly, I'm going to repeat myself by adopting the same attitude as last time.

And that would be (word for word XD_ the following: Rules.

For once, I'm not going to give you my usual fifty page schpiel about my personal rules, I'm going to keep it short and simple.

Follow the tos and don't be a jerk.

Treat others as you'd like to be treated at all times, it's, not hard. But I'm really tired of seeing people who just can't seem to do it.

This is a SAFE ZONE. I honestly, just don't give a fuck what drama you may have with whoever, it stays outside of this thread. If I'm talking to user A, we're having a good ol' time, User B is also a friend who comes in and chats, but they hate each other; please, just have the decency to respect your host. If you wanna chat with me or whoever else you came to see, go right ahead. No one's forcing you two to get along. I like to include everybody personally when I speak so no one feels ignored, but, I don't want it to start crap. So please, just don't.

With the addition of look, I don't care if you like this holiday or not. I personally don't like arbitrary holidays that tell me what I'm supposed to feel when I can easily celebrate or not celebrate love any other day of the year as much as I please. If you like it, that's great for you. I don't. *shrug* But I won't flame you if you come in here all lovey-dovey (I can't promise I won't light heartedly rib or mock, however), so respect my stance too, okay? I'm not as bitter as you may be lead to believe. XD


To our love send a dozen white lilies
To our love send a coffin of wood
To our love let all the pink-eyed pigeons coo
That people they just ain't no good
To our love send back all the letters
To our love a valentine of blood
To our love let all the jilted lovers cry
That people they just ain't no good

- People Ain't No Good; Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-11-2008 02:46 AM

[3] .: About Crys :.

(Extremely out of date photo by like three years. But I like it so shh. XD)

Y'arr, about moi~.

Real Name: Unsurprisingly, Crys. (Pronounced like Chris, not Cries since people keep making that mistake XD)
Gender: Female...ish. More like a gay man trapped in a woman's body. Seriously.
Birthdate: February 28th, 1988. (Rl/OC artsu or item gifts pl0x? *shotbrickedstabbed* ...nevermind. ;o; </3 )
Marital Status: Amusingly, despite my anti-valentine's, viva singles awareness attitude, very happily in love with Matthew. (Murchu Volpe).
Likes: Art, music, literature, pixeling, Mene, writing, movies, cheesecake, roleplaying, sleep, my friends, respect and being congenial
Dislikes: People, patience, spammers, arrogance, drama, rudeness, Matthew. ;D

I think I'm fairly easy to get along with because I dislike drama or confrontation of any sort, and like trying to make things pleasant and enjoyable for all. I am however a pessismist and a highly bitter and scathing individual when provoked. But I have yet to see a user get on my bad side, so. <3


Breaking my back just to know your name
Seventeen tracks and I've had it with this game

I'm breaking my back just to know your name
But heaven ain't close in a place like this
Anything goes but don't blink you might miss
Cause heaven ain't close in a place like this
I said heaven ain't close in a place like this
Bring it back down, bring it back down tonight
Never thought I'd let a rumor ruin my moonlight

Well somebody told me
You had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year
It's not confidential
I've got potential

Ready? Let's roll onto something new
Taking its toll and I'm leaving without you

-Somebody Told Me; The Killers

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-11-2008 02:48 AM

[4] .: Art-ish Samples/Potential Shoppu:.

Y'aar, should I find a spare minute, I'll likely be inclined to offer my art services in the way of headshots for a small fee (preferably the cheap event shop items pl0x! *_*) or art trades.

Currently I have a list longer than my arm of art I need to do either for Menewshans, for Menewsha itself in an attempt to apply for pixelist, commissions and art trades outside of Mene, and personal pieces such as birthday art or valentine gifts. :] But I love de-stressifiers so I may sporadically offer just the same.



1. ---- Currently Closed ---


1. --- Currently Closed ---

Freebies to do
1. --- Closed ---
2. --- Closed ---



****Art Trade List

None until I finish from the previous event thread. Note to the past art trade people!! I am so sorry. DX I finished your guy's pieces some time ago, unfortunately there was a power outage and I lost all unsaved data I had running in photoshop, and since didn't have time to do them. But I'm working on them as we speak and should get them to you asap. T___T

(To do:
1. Dystopia
2. Fiona
3 Sakura_Madison )

Current WIP: <--- VERY in progress CG. Line art done by the talented Miss Ise. Character = mine. ]<


If you want to plug in
For a high-voltage connection,
Show me cold hard cash
And I will turn on my affection.

- Meet Me In The Red Room; Amiel

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-11-2008 02:50 AM

[5] .: Auction! :.

Because I'm a masochist and haven't learned from the several other bouts of rejection, I will be holding a event long auction in this thread to try out a new style~!

The winner will be receiving one monochrome headshot piece in the following style of their avy/OC/rl self in this style.

*Click the Thumbnail To Enlarge!)*

Older Practice Piece: http://petulantreflection.deviantart...okiko-67935028

Current Failed WIP (to be redone cause it pissed me off, hence not being on my DA XD) (Character copyright to Navidian)

The catch here? You may only bid in Valentine's items. Be they event items from 2007, or the 2007 shop items (ie: the broken heart dress) or the current special event store items. Currently I'm not accepting this year's chocolate based event items, but they may be subject to change if I like them and want sets. xD

Auction Start: Now
Auction End February 17th, 0:00AM EST
Starting Bid: 100g item equivalent.
Autobuy: Pure Hatred Set or Bitter Set. or All Bustiers. + Regret items.
What You're Bidding On: One bust up in monochrome colour of your choosing.
For Autobuy: Two sets of couples in the spirit of valentine's day. XD


"We have a dance in the brothels of Buenos Aires. It tells the story of the prostitute and a man who falls in love with her. First, there is desire. Then, passion. Then, suspicion. Jealousy. Anger. Betrayal. When love is for the highest bidder, there can be no trust. Without trust, there can be no love. Jealousy, yes, jealousy will drive you mad."

- Intro to El Tango De Roxanne; Moulin Rouge

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-11-2008 02:52 AM

[6] .: Contests, Freebies and What Have You :.

Should I feel the innate and sadistic desire to pit you against each other in a battle of the death; this is where it will be located. Orrr... you know, have you be the first to post on whatever page. I'm not picky.


Gravity plays favorites, I know it cause I saw.
Honest to god officer it's awful. [Awful...]
Down at work, I'm getting too familiar with the floor
Trading in my talents by the mouthful.

Hate to break it to you, but it's out of my control,
Forces go to work while we are sleeping. [Sleeping...]
If I could attack with a more sensible approach
Obviously that's what I'd be doing [Right?!]

- Gravity; The Dresden Dolls

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-11-2008 02:57 AM

[7] .:Links Out Of This Forsaken Hell-Hole:.

Currently N/A. Want to be added? Let me know.


Sweetness, sweetness I was only joking
When I said I'd like to smash every tooth
In your head

Oh ... sweetness, sweetness, I was only joking
When I said by rights you should be
Bludgeoned in your bed

- Big Mouth Strikes Again; The Smiths

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-11-2008 02:59 AM

[8] .:Reserved For Future Use. :.

Wonderful Things I've Recieved During The Event

This lovely love potion by the talented Xuvrette! Get your own in her thread!


Y'arr, okay, so the auction isn't going as expected, and I really want to pick up some extra cash, plus I needed the pixeling samples if I stand a chance at all at a last minute application to pixel for Mene. ;o;

So I bring chu, for the duration of the valentine's event only, pixeled kittehs!

Their entire appearance depends on you!

For 50g, you tell me a name, a gender, a personality type, and your favourite Menewsha item, and I'll make chu a kitteh, like so.

Ze finished sample:

Simple, single item based colours: 50g
More than one item base: 75g
Custom like above, or non-item based kitteh: A special event store item. >: Cause, I don't want to do many of these.


Originally Posted by Order Form
Show Me Ze Kittehs Pl0x! DX
Username: Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
Kitteh's Name: Lolita
Gender: Female
Item Base: V-day hairpin
Personality: Quixotic
Payment: Free ;D


Show Me Ze Kittehs Pl0x! DX
Kitteh's Name:
Item Base:


I recall the way that Stephanie said to me callously
It's not me it's you
And I remember just how Julianne held my hand headline ran
It's not me it's you
Seems the old equation's holding true: one from two equals blue
And nice guys always lose

First we're stuck like glue
Then you say we're through
All that you can tell me is that it's not me it's you

It's not me it's you
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na
It's not me it's you

- It's Not Me It's You; Prozzak

Murchu Volpe 02-11-2008 03:03 AM

Posting for a wenis kiss! :'3

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-11-2008 03:15 AM

Hush you. *sets to work editing*

Murchu Volpe 02-11-2008 04:10 AM

But I can't kiss my own wenis~ T3T Nobody can~

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-11-2008 04:18 AM

XD Shush and find me the answer to the first clue. Lyrics up, now grabbing refs. Ugh.

Murchu Volpe 02-11-2008 04:24 AM

I only just now got enough chocolates to be able to see it, now to get lookin'. D; <3

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-11-2008 04:26 AM

XD It's probably something obvious but I don't have patience right now.

Murchu Volpe 02-11-2008 04:36 AM

Ees frustermating me. D8 I can't find it~

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-11-2008 04:37 AM

XD; *pets* We'll figure it out.

Murchu Volpe 02-11-2008 05:37 AM

Yey openness~ :3 And yey item-findingness and yey lover. ♥ *kissucuddles*

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-11-2008 05:38 AM

*snugs* Check out my dislikes. *bapped*

Murchu Volpe 02-11-2008 05:44 AM

Yeah, but too bad for you I scrolled up and saw my name again under Marital Status~ ;D <33 Hee... oh and btw, I bid 200g. :3

Dystopia 02-11-2008 05:45 AM

Hey Crys! =D

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-11-2008 05:46 AM

XDD You can't bid, you didn't read the rules!

Hey Anna~. <333 I need to redo your pic. D: *points to first page* Photoshop om nom'ed it because it's the devil. :] *luff*

Dystopia 02-11-2008 05:47 AM

*slaps Photoshop upside the head* >O

xD Haha. What are you drawing?

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-11-2008 05:50 AM

It needed that. O<

I was drawing your avy in L's pose eating cake like you asked. XD It took me forever to get it down too, cause I've decided that pose is hard. D: And then my computer goes *fizzlepopdie* so now I'm doing it over? XD Much to my dismay struggling with the position. XD

Dystopia 02-11-2008 05:53 AM

xD A lot of people hate the position.
o-o; Maybe I should let you to draw my current avatar in a different pose? ._. *patpats*

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-11-2008 05:54 AM

It's an amusing position. XD But it's all 'nuuu, I won't let you draw me! *cackle*'

If you want~. it'd be a load off. XD <3 Your current avy is sexy. *wants those wings too*

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