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Kirin Rosenbaum 09-12-2017 02:15 AM

Loosing My Religion (Kurt/Logan)
Kurt wandered through the forest that is on the grounds of the mansion. He had had to get away from people. Nothing in his life made sense anymore. He had found out that he was literally of demon blood and to top it off he was having feelings for one of his male teammates. He sunk down tot he ground his back against a tree. He just wanted the pain to end. He looked down at his claws. With only a moments hesitation he sliced into his wrists. If he was lucky he'd be dead before anybody would find him.

Immy: There you go sorry it took me longer to get to.

Immy 09-21-2017 05:07 AM

Logan picked up on a new scent as he glanced around 'Blood? Why would there be blood?' he had an amazing sense of smell it came down to things and even when he didn't try. He followed the source running towards it, what was going on that there was blood? Not much but enough as he trailed it all the way back to some trees. "Elf?!" Logan found the other one just sitting there with bleeding wrists, his voice was toned with worry as he stripped off his shirt ripping it in half quickly wrapping both wrists up. "Come on elf, what are you doing?" He could tell with how they were cut that they were self inflicted but why would his furry elf do this now of all times? Did he miss something or not see something happening? Picking up the elf in his arms he made sure both arms were in the elf's lap to get out of view of others. Walking as the sun shown down throughout the trees thinking this would be nice if he wasn't in such a panic to get the other one back to safety.

Some time later Logan was able to get Jean to help him patch up Kurt's wrists and keep him in the medical bay until he would come back to his senses even if it was just a bit. Logan stayed next to Kurt the other time, even had a book that Jean suggested Logan would read since she refused to read Kurt's thoughts. He had to explain things later of what happened on his own, not forced through mindlinks.

Kirin Rosenbaum: here you go.

Kirin Rosenbaum 09-21-2017 10:12 AM

Through the haze of blood loss Kurt hear a voice. It was Logan. Of course Logan had found him. What with his keen sense of smell. He heard ripping fabric and went to pull away as his wrists were being wrapped, but he didn't have the energy to do that. He felt himself being picked up. He leaned against Logan as he was being carried. His mind going to places he knew it shouldn't and he fought of the wicked thoughts that came to his mind.

At some point he had passed out. His eye fluttered open and he found himself in the medical bay. He tried to sit up but the world spun and he laid back down.

Immy 09-22-2017 12:30 PM

Logan reached out dropping his book that Jean passed to him and caught Kurt so he wouldn't hit the headboard or the wall. "Easy elf, how do you feel?" obviously he wasn't feeling good but the reasons as to why baffled him. "Lay back down, no need to over work yourself." Jean had bandaged his wrists so that they were covered and protected. The blood had stopped and almost were the cuts healed but not fully. The institute had a mini healer that could heal very minor things such as cuts and scrapes but anything more was overkill on them.

Kirin Rosenbaum 09-22-2017 09:06 PM

How did he feel? He felt like his whole life had lost meaning. Everything he had thought had turned out to be false. He felt the rosary in his pocket and he had to fight back an angry sob. For a good chunk of his life he'd been told he was a child of God. That God loved him and created him. But that had turned out to be a lie.

"I feel thirsty." Kurt said his voice a bit scratchy. He sat up slower this time and didn't get dizzy. He leaned against the head board.

Immy 09-23-2017 04:14 AM

Logan had a pitcher of water next to the bed just in case thanks to Jean as he poured Kurt a glass. Handing it over to the fuzzy elf he let the other mutant get a drink. Logan watched him, his eyes caring more than usual. Once he would finish the water and put the glass back down. Logan asked him a serious question "So you ever going to tell me why?" as simple as that, why did he do it? Why would he try to take his own life? Didn't the elf see he cared a lot about him? Couldn't he see that Logan wanted to protect him?

Kirin Rosenbaum 09-23-2017 10:38 AM

Kurt finished the water and set the glass down. He heard Logan's simple question. A simple question but would he tell him? He just wanted to say that Logan wouldn't understand. Because how could he? How could a man like Logan, who had said on more then one occasion that he had never been into religion, understand what Kurt was going through? He took the rosary out of his pocket and looked at it. He angrily through it across the room with has much strength as he could muster. He then pulled his knees to his chest.

"Most of my life I heard that I was a child of God. That God loved me." He whispered. "But I'm not a child of God. I'm the child of a demon. And God hates demons."

Immy 09-23-2017 04:12 PM

Logan waited for the other to speak, when he did he listened carefully. Watching the other throw it across the room he sighed mentally going to sit on the bed next to the elf. Logan figured it was because Azazel was his father and his mother mystique, she did get around at times. Not that it would matter especially at a time like this. "If there is a god out there he doesn't hate you. You don't bring ill will to others, you don't hurt or kill them unless provoked then you attack to protect yourself or others. If he hates you so much he bring his sorry ass down here and say it to my face." Logan growled taking the other into a hug almost hesitantly as he tried to calm him down. Jean said to try a softer approach and not so ...well Logan approach. "Look, if he didn't like you then you wouldn't have been taken into a kind gypsy family and raised in a church that you were always allowed to go into. Never refused, never forced out, and never shunned by any churches you went to. So as I see it, he's testing you wondering how you would react to being an angel in blue fur."

Kirin Rosenbaum 09-23-2017 06:15 PM

Kurt leaned against Logan. He felt safe in his arms. Though he was a bit surprised at the softness in Logan's tone. It was a change. He wasn't sure if he believed what Logan was saying to him but he stayed quiet.

Soon he went to speak but then his tummy let out a grumble. "

"I was going to say I was hungry but my stomach beat me to it." He said a small smile tugging at his lips.

Immy 09-23-2017 06:32 PM

Logan chuckled when the other mentioned something about food. "Well i doubt Jean wants me to take you out of here to get anything, unless you want to go out and get something to eat. I'm sure we can sneak out and here, the professor told me to give this to you. It's an image inducer." Logan put it on the blue elf's fuzzy wrist pressing the button as it changed the outer form of Kurt. Blue-black hair just above the shoulders, his fuzz skin was now a peach like shade if not a bit lighter. Yellow eyes still but a bit more light hazel than as yellow as his normal eyes would reveal. "I'm glad he kept your eyes the same rather than change that image of them too." the tail was gone, the fur was skin, and he almost missed the blue version of the elf. "Now he says you have to let it charge each day but it's up to you if you want to wear it. He wants you to be able to interact with more than just mutants in the outside world without having to worry about appearances.

Kirin Rosenbaum 09-23-2017 11:31 PM

Kurt watched as he put the image inducer on his wrist. He winced a bit as his wrists were tender. He gasped when his hands changed. He looked at himself in the mirror. He could get used to looking like this. Even though he was still a demon underneath.

"I'll charge it at night." He said. He moved to the edge of the bed. "I think I could go for eating out." He stood slowly not wanting to over do it.

He had to admit he was looking forward to some alone time with Logan.

Immy 09-24-2017 04:01 PM

After putting the image inducer on his wrist, he forgot about the marks so he rubbed the wrist the watch was put on. Not saying anything as he listened to the blue elf speak and stood with him. "There's an old place not too far just outside of town we can go to, it won't be that crazy there and they already know me." Meaning they didn't hate mutants. Logan suggested the car but it was alright either way, the car or the motor bike. "Which do you prefer?"

Kirin Rosenbaum 09-24-2017 08:26 PM

"The car might be better." He said with a small smile. "Though maybe... when I'm feeling better we could go for a ride on the bike." He was afraid with having lost a good amount of blood he'd not be able to stay on the bike. "I will have to thank the professor the next time I see him for the image inducer." He honestly never wanted to take it off. Though he knew that even wearing the watch he'd still be a monster.

Immy 10-02-2017 09:48 PM

"Now you can't just play with the thing changing to this and that, the professor says it will wear out faster that way. Though I'd rather see you in blue, it doesn't look half bad on you." Logan said as he led Kurt where the car was parked in the garage but he kept an inch or two away from him just in arms length in case. Logan opened the car door to the red convertible (which was Scott's) to let Kurt get in then he would close it behind him. Making his way over to the driver side he got in starting the car waiting a moment only to drive out of the garage which was already opened. At least he wasn't trying to hit on Jean again right now so its not like Scott could complain. The wind on their face was cool yet warm with the sun shining down on them as he relaxed into the car's seat. No seatbelt though, he could heal.

Kirin Rosenbaum 10-03-2017 02:23 AM

Kurt smiled a bit hearing that Logan preferred him in blue, though he didn't prefer himself that way. As they walked to the car he was a bit disappointed that Logan didn't put his arm around him. Though he knows he hadn't shown Logan that he was interested in him that way. And he did respect Logan for that. He made no comment that they were taking Scott's car out, he figured that would be between Logan and Scott at some point. He buckled up as they pulled out of the garage. He enjoyed the wind on his face as they drove. He started to say something to Logan about not being buckled up, but he stopped himself.

Immy 10-03-2017 01:16 PM

(sorry been busy with either work, emotions, mind, or what not lol)

Logan noticed the elf was about to speak "Say it, I know you have something you want to say." Logan never really used Kurt's actual name and always called him fuzzy or elf or blue. Not out of disrespect it was just habit since he gave everyone nicknames and didn't like being so formal. Jean was known as Red, Scott as Shades or four eyes, Xavier (if logan was moody) would be called bub, and so many more nicknames were used. Logan knew it would take some time before they would get there, so the silence would either be awkward or enjoyable.

Kirin Rosenbaum 10-03-2017 07:11 PM

"It's nothing." He said with a small smile. "It really is beautiful out here." HE said with a smile doing his best to change the subject.. Though he was still very lightheaded from the blood loss. He should have grabbed a snack before leaving the mansion. He ran his fingers through his hair the same way he has always done.

Immy 10-17-2017 03:01 PM

Logan glanced over while driving but back at the road too, he had keen senses so unless something popped out of nowhere he would be able to sense it beforehand. Reaching for Kurt's hand he reached out for the elf's hair instead pretending to put some loose hairs back. He wasn't going to go into asking too much if the other didn't wish to go into it, withdrawing his hand he kept silent not sure what to say. That or he would mess it up making things worse. After some time later of a quiet and smooth drive they appeared at an old fashioned diner Logan would normally pass heading to the school. Turning the engine off he looked over with a genuine half smile "You ready?" Logan asked.

Kirin Rosenbaum 10-19-2017 01:02 AM

Kurt looked at the diner they had pulled up to. It looked quaint.

"More then ready." He said. He got out of the car but when he stood the world started tipping. He sunk to his knees with a groan. "Should have eaten." He muttered squeezing his eyes shut. He really did wish the world would stop spinning.

Immy 11-02-2017 05:10 PM

Logan noticed quickly that the other was falling over and was by his side around the car in an instant. Logan was good with speed, maybe not like super speed but fast enough as he helped the other mutant up. "Come on, let's get you some food. Try not to stand up too fast." Logan realized he should have made him eat an apple or something so soon after what happened. Slowly he helped the elf to his feet holding him somewhat against him just for balance. "You okay?" Logan was worried about Kurt, not only after what happened but the after affects and yeah it bugged him not knowing.

Kirin Rosenbaum 11-02-2017 09:29 PM

Kurt stands slowly the world spinning a bit. "I'm fine." He mumbled as they made their way inside. He should have eaten before they had left the mansion. Though he could admit to himself that he liked leaning against Logan as the two of them walked. He wondered what might have happened if Logan had found him later then he had. Would he have died? A shudder ran through his body at these thoughts and he did his best to push them away.

Immy 11-06-2017 02:23 PM

Logan found them a booth in the back and sat across from Kurt but they could still be almost next to each other since it was a curved booth. The menus came as Logan asked for coffee this morning, it was too early for beer right now. He looked to curt "What do you want to drink?" he asked as the hostess stood there somewhat timid yet smiling, her brown hair in a high ponytail somewhat messy. Her chocolate brown eyes eager proving this was her first job. Though she stayed quiet holding the metal tray to her chest. She wore a casual diner dress which was a baby blue with a white apron and classic sneakers.

Kirin Rosenbaum 11-06-2017 02:42 PM

"Some orange juice would be nice," Kurt said. He really liked the look and feel of this place. He hoped that he wasn't frightening the waitress. He knew he was in disguise but he knew he still looked different. He was still very conscious of being out in public. He ran his fingers through his hair not making eye contact. He really did hate feeling this way.

Immy 01-05-2018 05:36 PM

Logan noticed some discomfort from Kurt but didn't say anything on it, they weren't fully alone right now. "Coffee, black. And how about the breakfast plate - make it a large." for two people basically this way they can both share and if they don't eat much - if Kurt didn't eat much then there would be less to worry about. "Will do boys, hey hun" The waitress caught Logan's attention as she spoke to Kurt "I don't know what kind of day you're having, but smile. You're too nice looking to frown, besides it will give you wrinkles." She winked walking away with a hum in her voice and a smile on her face. Logan smirked but was trying not to laugh. "Looks like you got someone to like you and you just started going here." Logan would make it a habit for the two to drive out here.

Kirin Rosenbaum 01-05-2018 10:14 PM

Kurt blushed at the waitress' comment. "She doesn't know the real me." He mumbled softly. Once their drinks came he sipped at his juice. He was glad to be spending sometime with Logan. He was glad that Logan hadn't been turned off by him having feelings for the older mutant. His stomach growled as the big platter of food was brought out by the waitress.

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