Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Easter 2013 (
-   -   * The Naked Nation - SHOW OFF THAT GORGEOUS PANTY/MANTY!!! >D * (

Antagonist 03-31-2013 06:34 AM


In honor of Mr. Mayor, the Naked Nation (Easter Edition) this time will encourage underwears to be worn instead of none at all. ;)

As usual with the thread, have fun!

Antagonist 03-31-2013 06:34 AM

Thread is open~

hummy 03-31-2013 06:36 AM

lol, cute title

momochan 03-31-2013 06:37 AM

-grinds on threads-

ClockReject 03-31-2013 06:37 AM

-molests thread-

Antagonist 03-31-2013 06:38 AM

Thanks Hummy, I had wanted to go with being naked, then I remembered the poor Mr. Mayor and thought, why not...we can just get naked again later. XDDD

= A= *stares at Momo*

---------- Post added 03-31-2013 at 02:38 PM ----------


Make that, *stares at Momo and Clock = A=*

momochan 03-31-2013 06:39 AM

you said to show off out panties!
we're showing them off!
But in our own way!

Antagonist 03-31-2013 06:39 AM

By grinding on the thread? XD

ClockReject 03-31-2013 06:40 AM

who really needs panties?!
-whips them off-

momochan 03-31-2013 06:40 AM

Yes. :D
the best way to show them off!

clock: whoooo! -throws dollar bills at-

---------- Post added 03-31-2013 at 02:43 AM ----------

I just looked at the original thread's banner.
Good ol' times. [heart]

Antagonist 03-31-2013 06:43 AM

XDDD Poor panties. :P

ClockReject 03-31-2013 06:44 AM


Antagonist 03-31-2013 06:45 AM

They don't work here in Taiwan either. > 3>

momochan 03-31-2013 06:47 AM

clock: that's right! You guys use maple leafs.

anti: What kind of currency does Taiwan have? Yen?

ClockReject 03-31-2013 06:48 AM

yes, we pay for everything in maple leafs and syrup.

Antagonist 03-31-2013 06:49 AM

lmfao No, Yen is for the Japanese. We use NTD or New Taiwan Dollars here. At least, I think that's what they're called...

---------- Post added 03-31-2013 at 02:50 PM ----------

Oh we also call them yuan.

ClockReject 03-31-2013 06:51 AM

weren't they trying to create a universal currency thing?

momochan 03-31-2013 06:51 AM

Dan: it doesn't show at all but I don't know that many currencies. xD

clock: I knew it!

ClockReject 03-31-2013 06:51 AM

momo; don't forget the beavers.

Antagonist 03-31-2013 06:52 AM

Universal currency? Like for the whole world? [:?]

@Momo: I only know a few myself. But Yen. [XD]

ClockReject 03-31-2013 06:53 AM

Nisty; yeah, I heard something about it, but I don't think anything actually happened with it or maybe something did, I can't remember exactly.

momochan 03-31-2013 06:54 AM

Dan: I tried! xD I knew you didn't use Euros or Dollars.
Yen was the only thing I could think of.

clock: Oh, I thought you guys used moose.

ClockReject 03-31-2013 06:55 AM

moose = vehicular.

Antagonist 03-31-2013 06:55 AM

I wonder if they would work...I mean currency rates would be hard to get them all the same for the entire world...

I only recently learned that China uses RMB... I mean, I've always known that they used 人民幣, it just didn't occur to me that in English initials it would be RMB, so I had been confused for a while when it was mentioned in a letter. XDD

momochan 03-31-2013 06:58 AM

Gold. Gold is a universal currency.

currency rates are just about always changing.
so I think getting a universal currency would be extremely difficult, maybe impossible.

Clock: ahhh. Excuse my ignorance.

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