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adoette_graves 11-12-2009 04:24 PM

No title is fitting
lost in the dead air surrounding us

in a world evolving to remain so stale

suppressing the misery we refuse to acknowledge

yes, i know the truth brings pain

and though the lies guarantee such security,

they induce secluded shame

if we exist only through perception

then what we perceive bleeds of distortion

is this confusion we’ve become accustomed to

a cruel joke of the the gods, perhaps?

to create beings consumed in faith

yet void of virtue

we spend all our lives searching

only to come to the realization of what

we already knew

adoette_graves 11-12-2009 04:25 PM

i suppose if anyone can come up with a title for this, input would be appreciated.


does anyone know where i can post my works of literature, they're kinda essays but then again kinda short stories, but its a true story?

adoette_graves 11-12-2009 04:26 PM

FairyTale Lies
we look to the skies with shine in our eyes

and this false hope we carry

such unfounded faith we clutch

as our hearts echo with solemn laughter

we force a smile

and attempt to breathe

dwelling on the lie

that we will find

our happily ever after

adoette_graves 11-12-2009 04:27 PM

Sweet Naive Child
sweet naive child

you’ll someday know the horrors of this world

the magic that it yields

will slowly disappear

and your innocence will fade

sweet naive child

your ignorance will learn

and your eyes will finally see

the ugly truth that you’ll soon heed

sweet naive child

you shall too cry

for the damned

and the fallen

whose souls lay full of lies

cold un-pleased child

this world may seem so cursed

but soon you shall find your own beauty

in this hell-forsaken earth

adoette_graves 11-12-2009 04:28 PM

writtten when i found out my grandma had cancer....
I yearned to bring you promise

I could hear your sorrow,
flowing through the night
Liberated within the darkness
so secure, and yet uncertain

Isn't ignorance the sweetest bliss?
You were always one to protect me
So compelled to shield
my heart from fracture
To preserve it's innocence
But can't you see this is in vain?
Your heart became my own
already broken long ago

Now I can feel you sobbing
You haunt me in my wake
I lay in torment of your secret
I can hear it pounding in my head
And when the sun rises,
oblivious once again
I know you'll greet me with a smile
All will be forgiven
since 'we' are dying
And for your comfort,
I'll pretend to maintain my ignorance.

I didn't sleep that night
as harsh realizations began to unfold
My eyelids refused to surrender
to the inevitable

I didn't dare.

adoette_graves 11-12-2009 04:29 PM

which one is better?
this is a poem i recently found that i wrote about 5 yrs ago, i decided to revise it, yet still keep the original writing style....i will share with you the new version of this poem as well as the old version and i would like your opinion on which one you think better captures the mood ...just curious.....this poem describes all the temptation we encounter and how we willingly allow them to consume our lives. these certain indulgences become our own personal downfall...Snow White was offered an apple and lies were promised to her. she succumbed to this allure but her expectations were shattered and she fell, poisoned by her own reasonable greed.

Snow Whites Apple (revised version)

i placed it in my hand
so pure
the sweetness of this cure
consumed my thoughts
and i drew near
surrendered to temptation
awakened in a trance
i took a bite
slid down my throat
such a lovely taste
i choked
and fell in love
with an assurance so delusional
tenderly poisoned
by this apple
handed to me
by the delight of lies
and of lustful need
so cursed
and felt so free
numb eyes lay closed
yet i could still see
all i left behind
for this destruction
and so i slumber
here in my perception
tainted from such captivation
yet lingering
awaiting for my carcass to wake up
and harvest the wicked apple
that i can only dream of

Snow Whites Apple (original version)

i took it in my hand
so red
so damned
the sweetness of it all
consumed my thoughts
and i drew near
towards the temptation
i took a bite
slid down my throat
i choked
and fell in love with my death
my lost soul
poisoned by the apple handed to me
by the delight of lies and needs
it was all so sweet
so deadly
felt so free
cold eyes were closed
but i could still see
all i left behind
for this apple
even now i don't know how
i let life go
and i sit here
waiting for my body to wake up
and harvest the apple i can only dream of

adoette_graves 11-12-2009 04:29 PM

To be young

and immortal

yet to die a tragic life

is to loathe what you've accepted

but disown what you've realized

this poem is about the different stages of life...which also corresponds to the Triple Goddess concept:maiden/ mother /crone....but written in a humans perspective.....

when we are young we think the world is at our feet, we have our whole lives ahead of us and believe we'll live forever

as we grow older, we accept that we'll never reclaim our youth, and therefor resent that fact

as we are at the end of our lives, we come to realization that the we're soon to perish..yet we attempt to deny it

adoette_graves 11-12-2009 04:30 PM

little doo-dadd
sugar coated words make a candy so sweet

an illusion so real

a taste of deceit

eyes so blind

they claim they can see

a heart so broken

it believes it can beat

adoette_graves 11-12-2009 04:31 PM

Shallow Serenity
the ghosts of our memories live on

and the souls of our childhoods are reborn

i remember.................

we vowed on the sacristy of the pinky

we carelessly proposed petty harmless blackmails

the world was small

and we possessed shallow serenity

we were so naive

but from that naivety

we achieved bliss

adoette_graves 11-12-2009 04:31 PM

i am your disappointment
yet you still strive
to make me your perfect child
i refuse to host self-denial
plagued with a resentful smile
your expectations for me
to be painfully loyal
consume all rational thought
poisoned with a blind,
self-righteous wrath
you stubbornly adore
if you try to force my love
it will only make me despise you more
mother why cant you realize
your desperate attempts
to cling onto me
tainted my fragile mind
with a shameful misery
you'll never know
the normal bond we should posses
was destroyed so long ago
i never forgave you
i just accepted the pain
you will never change
and i will never be the same

Knerd 11-12-2009 08:03 PM

Since each user is only allowed to create on poetry thread, I've merged all of your's together. Please update this thread with all your new poetic writings. :yes:

Essaies aren't actually allowed on Menewsha, but you can post your short stories in the main Lit Spot forum.

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