Menewsha Avatar Community

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mewmew07 05-25-2010 10:12 AM

Jubilee freebie art for Mew?
To celebrate the event, I'm looking or hoping to get some event freebie art of my current avatar. I kinda don't feel like going in the freebie threads, when they pop up, and chat and chat and chat for the possibility of getting art. So I hope that some of those people will come to me and want to draw my avatar.

If you draw my avatar, draw it with both eyes open, her happy, and standing.

Also, you can chat here, even though I have a chat thread in the event as well.

So, come on in!

Art I have received:

By Heart_of_Aeon
By last survivor

jazzkitteh 05-25-2010 10:41 AM

Your avatar looks absolutely ADORABLE! I might see if I can sketch something for you once I am done with my shop commissions. =P

mewmew07 05-25-2010 10:48 AM


Which avatar do you see? Since I changed my avatar back to an old one. It's the one in the heart bustier and ruffled panties?

Which reminds me, I should change my siggy too.

linapoo 05-25-2010 11:02 AM

Hey Mew ~ I'm just wishing you a good morning before I wander off to go to school. XD
And I hope you get lots of freebies! >3<

mewmew07 05-25-2010 11:04 AM

Thank you so much lina!

It's only 1:03am here, but I guess you can call it morning.

I hope you have a fun day at school and get lots of As!

linapoo 05-25-2010 11:07 AM

Oh wow, XD It's about 7 AM here.
Haha thanks. I have only two days left of school!
Thank the world........ OTL

mewmew07 05-25-2010 11:09 AM

I finished school last last Friday. So this is my second week into summer for me.

jazzkitteh 05-25-2010 11:09 AM

I see the sexy pantys and bustier. =P I looks super cute!

mewmew07 05-25-2010 11:13 AM

Thank you!

Just making sure you know which avatar you said you loved. LOL.

linapoo 05-25-2010 11:15 AM

Wahh summer flies doesn't it? ;A;
Wish school would do that. -shot-

But yess. I have to go now. ; u; Nice chatting with you!
Even though it was short. XD

mewmew07 05-25-2010 11:20 AM

School can sometimes go by fast. When you're in college.

Talk to you later.

Metatron 05-25-2010 01:53 PM

Sorry, I'm not much of an artist.

Good luck getting art!

Vye 05-25-2010 07:41 PM

I may draw you a freebie, we'll see if I have time after the convention.

Alexagirlie 05-25-2010 07:47 PM

Hey Kitty!


f i get time around my other freebies I'll do you a quick one for fun :P
i have a thread going XD Ive never done a freebie thread before

Flis 05-25-2010 08:42 PM

I would, but I really suck at drawing :(
Maybe I will try, but if I never post anything, thats cause I was unhappy with it.

mewmew07 05-25-2010 11:31 PM

Thanks for some interest guys.

You don't need to be a great artist to draw me. As long as you put a little effort in the art and it doesn't look like a 5 year old drew it, that's all that matters.


No one wants to come drop by here?


No one wants to draw me or at least wish me good luck?

K-LEE 05-26-2010 03:27 AM

-Posts in the thread by request- :3


mewmew07 05-26-2010 04:24 AM

Thanks so much Kyo!

[.Shampoo.] 05-26-2010 04:28 AM

Sup Kyo & Kitty :heart:

mewmew07 05-26-2010 04:35 AM

Don't call me that on here Shammy!

But how are you?

[.Shampoo.] 05-26-2010 04:39 AM

Okies than >//<; I edited the post XP

Kinda bored... you?

- A k i - 05-26-2010 04:45 AM

Very Cute Avi

mewmew07 05-26-2010 04:47 AM

Thanks A k i!

Shammy: I am a little bored, but it's ok. At least people are here chatting.

[.Shampoo.] 05-26-2010 04:57 AM

Event bring it out in people ;)

mewmew07 05-26-2010 05:08 AM

My threads were dead until I asked Kyo to post in them to bring them up.

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