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linapoo 10-08-2014 10:15 PM

Turn Offs
What's your turn off for anime?

I tend to dislike bad and Mary-sue characters. Emotionless MCs or those other characters without any substance. They just have a stereotype and some lame background. I can handle stereotyped characters like tsunderes, yanderes, etc as long as they have some complexity and development. It's not fun when you've seen the same character 10000 times but in different make up. It's like a bad actor. so basically, I dislike shows that are rip offs and just trying to make money without any care for direction of the story. I guess that's good and all for the industry if they are able to make money off what sells, but man. It's so boring to watch 8(

I also dislike overused storylines and things I've seen thousands of times. I can understand themes will be similar, but it's getting to a point where I've been there done that. Usually, series based on manga or novels tend to the better ones.

onsenmark 10-11-2014 05:17 AM

Stuff that's over-hyped.

I'll give an example. When Naruto was big, everyone raved about how great it was. I watched the first episode, and it did nothing for me. It was all that hype.

For-Chan Cookie 11-03-2014 08:18 PM

I hate tsunderes. I hate that they just hit people in fits of emotion. Like, I don't care if you're jealous or insecure or whatever, you don't have the right. And it's a really popular trope, it shows up all over the place and I really don't enjoy it.

I don't like anime that is adapted from dating sim games. It's usually a condensed awful version of what's probably already pretty awful. It's even worse if it was originally a yaoi dating game, because then they neuter it to some sort of ambiguous almost boy-love story, but not quite.

I also don't care for anime that is adapted from light novels, mostly because there are just not enough episodes to squeeze it all in. So they hint at a main story line that they never get to! It's very frustrating. So I will likely enjoy the anime, but be left hanging in the end. ;_;

In sports anime, there's this idealized "ace" or "genius". Basically a prodigy in their chosen sport and they are put up on a pedestal and it's often hammered home that no normal person can reach this because they were born with these abilities and hard work and passion will not let you reach their level. Which I think is a lot of bullshit. I mean, they tend to push hard work and improvement too, but it's often kids that already have amazing skills that train to become more amazing. It's just something so tightly woven with the genre. For example, a kid with little to no experience in a sport will come in and decimate someone that's been doing this for years. All because this kid is a prodigy. The kid might not even know the rules of the game or any terminology or skills, but they're a prodigy, so they blow away the competition. It's really annoying. Can we just have a sports anime where the kids practice really hard and triumph because they didn't get lazy and lean on any magical prodigies or something? Is that so much to ask?

There's loads of other things, but that's it off the top of my head.

Aimless.Wanderer 12-26-2014 01:33 AM

I don't like anime with weak MCs, male or female. Mostly female; it really irritates me when a female character always has to depend on the male character to save her from something that she can clearly get out of if she thought for herself (i.e a situation where a group of girls are harassing her for talking with the 'Prince Charming' of the school) I used to like those types of anime and manga when I was first starting out on anime because I was like every other teenage girl; I wanted to have a Prince Charming that was everyone's ideal guy fall in love with someone like me. But now that I look back on it, it was something that is really embarrassing; the guy was almost always an asshole the whole series and the girl was left to stretch herself thin just to accommodate to the guys needs. And then there is always the guy who is always a gentleman towards the girl MC and he's always kinds towards everyone, and he ends up marrying some minor character that I don't really care for.

If it were me choosing between those two guys, I would pick the other guy over the cold a**hole in a heartbeat.

I don't feel very comfortable with watching yaoi/yuri anime either. The whole concept doesn't settle well with me, and the characters are often really shallow/horny for the other character that they are crushing on. I've tried watching that anime and I never want to watch it again (call me old-fashioned, but that's just me) It's not the fact that I hate it or anything; I just can't sit through it comfortably like my other friends do. I don't judge anyone for watching it, but I just can't do it.

The idealized 'ace' in sports anime is also another character that I despise as well. They often have very little to almost no character development at all and they are often overhyped for the specific reason of being the best at what they do. It's like they have no flaws to work on and they are just cruising along in the anime just being themselves.

I have a pet peeve of predictable character developments too (the a**hole character becomes a better person, the villian ends up becoming the good guy, etc.) I've seen many character developments in many stories and I guess I can just sniff out what happens next in the story if it's blatantly obvious. The one thing that makes a good anime in my opinion is a really unpredictable character development that actually fits in with the story and isn't something random that has never happened before.

There's more that I probably haven't thought of so far, but for now, these are the ones that I dislike the most

Quantum Angel 08-09-2015 07:17 AM

The one big but minor thing that can make me actually give up on something I otherwise like is the art style.

Now, I have a very wide variety of styles that I can appreciate, but, for instance, when it's something that's supposed to be drop-dead beautiful, super serious, shiny, polished, etc., etc., but the anatomy is absolutely nightmarish, it tends to break my suspension of disbelief. Code Geass was one I dropped for this reason. I was enjoying the story, and I LOVED the way the faces - especially the eyes - were drawn...but I could not get over the noodle people look everyone had going on when the camera zoomed out.

Most of the other things, if I'm enjoying the premise enough, I can tolerate...but damn will I revise the hell out of it in fanworks. A few examples of pet peeves, with things that I watched in spite of them:

‣ Stagnant characters. Gundam Seed is a major example of this. Let me be the first to say, I ADORED the character Kira COULD and SHOULD have been. But then, we find out, Fukuda writes about like Stephenie Meyer in that he makes his main character a shameless self-insert and changes major plot plans on a whim based on fan reactions and his mood. The result was, not only was Kira cheated out of character development - he remained the same irresponsible little shit he was in the beginning of the series because we can't ~tarnish his innocence~ because ignorance and innocence are CLEARLY the same thing - but so was VERY NEARLY EVERYONE WHO HAD A SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF INTERACTION WITH HIM.

...sadly, by the time I realized that Kira was only ever going to be responsible when it was convenient to make him look good, I was too hooked on the story to give it up. So instead, as I rewatch it and rage about What Could Have Been, I have begun conceptualizing a live-action fan remake. It will be the third that I write. The other two will be mentioned here as well as the things they are based on also have major pet peeve elements...

‣ The mirror twin of the above: "Hello, my name is _____, I'm 12 years old, and this is my Sonic the Hedgehog OC!" Or, disproportionate character development. Red Ranger gets all the cool stuff, everyone else is Worf. Bleach is a HUGE culprit here and I blame my brother for making me like it. But dammit, the concept is so fun, and the universe is so full of potential, and there are so many great characters...just, only one of them ever gets to...actually do anything useful. He and I are doing a live-action remake of that, too, because that universe has way too much potential to just piss away like that.

‣ Flashback abuse. I have no problem with flashbacks to backstory - sometimes they can be poorly done, but that's a minor annoyance at worst. What I hate is flashbacks to things that happened FIVE MINUTES AGO. Cluster Edge was a series I loved in spite of this, but it was painfully obvious that the animation budget for that series was roughly a pocket full of change and a case of beer. I'll be damned if I'm not going to go back and edit out all the pointless flashbacks - which probably comprised about a third of the entire length of the series - before I watch it again, let alone show it to anyone else.

‣ Passing the Idiot Ball because it's convenient to the plot. This is probably one of my worst pet peeves; it rarely ruins a story for me because it tends to be short-lived but when it happens, oh boy does it ever make me rage - especially when it's easily avoidable. For example, I am rewatching Gundam 00 with several friends and in one of the episodes we watched today, a group of possible allies, possible enemies (turned out to be enemies, surprise) boards the protagonist faction's ship...and are promptly allowed to do whatever they want. In fact, the person who explicitly gave one of them permission to wander around the ship unsupervised was the brilliant, perfectionist tactical forecaster, i.e., someone who should have had a lot more foresight than that. This character proceeds to break into the supercomputer that controls everything about the protagonists' organization, and is discovered by the character who is the (at this time, very strict) custodian of said supercomputer...who questions this stranger for about 2 seconds, receives no answers (no, really, she just says "It's a secret~!" as her answer for everything), and then lets her go without another word.

The exact same resulting plot could have been achieved in a way that actually makes sense with minimal effort. Since they have access to this supercomputer, if they had been detained, they could just let themselves out, and even create an emergency to distract the crew while they made their escape (in fact, a perfect excuse already happens within that episode). But no. That would make too much sense.

...this is the other series I'm doing a fan rewrite of. This is one of the scenes I just rewrote. Can you tell.

There are other things, but they're less pet peeves and annoyances, and more...things that actually genuinely cause me distress on a much more than "fairly irritated" level. These are things which, CAN make me stop reading/watching a thing because they are actually harmful and I do not need that in my life nor do I need to be supporting it. But sadly, even a lot of things that mean well play into it sometimes. When that happens, all I can do is make fan works to correct it. For instance:

‣ Double standards; e.g., men can be anything, but women can only be perfect tomboyish-attitude-yet-girlishly-sexy badass, or cutesy submissive perfect wife arm candy. Sadly because this is so widespread it would be hard to avoid everything that has it, but that doesn't mean I don't hate it and when it is too exaggerated, I will drop a thing. Dear media: More Harley Quinn types and other female antivillains, antiheroes, and everything in between, please and thank you.

Though, gendered double standards are the most common ones but far from the only ones that make me want to flip tables.

‣ Queerbaiting/villainous queercoding/general mistreatment of LGBT characters. This is where my love-hate relationship with Gundam 00 gets intense. They had, a first in the franchise, a major character who was canonically about as queer as a three-dollar bill. It was confirmed that he was intersex, nonbinary, or (most likely) both. It was confirmed that he was transgender (it is stated in no uncertain terms that the state of his physical body vs. his gender identity is important to the ship's doctor). It is confirmed multiple times over that he, a person who leans toward the masculine end of the spectrum, had romantic feelings for another main character who was male, and in fact this led to positive character development for him. You can see where this would be really exciting to me.

But then, I'm GUESSING Bandai decided "Whoooa, hold the phone, we're being waaay too progressive here; it's going to alienate the hateful basement-dwelling troglodytes who buy a lot of model kits. ...what do you MEAN Gundam is supposed to have an ideology of peace? Don't give me that! MODEL KIT SALES!!11" And then they proceeded to introduce a large group of villains, closely linked to the main character mentioned above, all similarly queer; being one of them was supposed to make you evil, apparently. And they started shoving the most horribly forced different-sex pairings on most of the characters who were shown to be good.

This series did great things too, hence why I stuck with it and still am active in the fandom for it, but I'm not going to lie, I felt pretty betrayed. And the joke is on me, because now as I write my remake, I have to get a bunch of the very same models that Bandai sold me out to sell, so I can film the battle scenes. It's a good thing I like them anyway.

‣ You know what, why don't I just say "showing the author's harmful biases" in general and call it a day?

RinLin 07-05-2016 10:55 PM

Most MCs in reverse harem series. They mainly lack personality, and seems to go along with anything their male suitors are up to.

I also hate yanderes. They are not cute in any way, they are obviously psychotic freaks with raging jealousy issues.

MercyGrim96 07-08-2016 03:01 AM

I don't like any anime that gets too slice of life. It has to have a decent plot and characters, and some small amount of action at some point to keep me interested. Take Soul Eater NOT for example, I read the whole manga and decided to watch the anime, but I can't finish it because it's just to slice of life and slow paced for my tastes.

Another thing that turns me away from an anime is bad voice acting, doesn't matter if it's dubbed or subbed, if the voice doesn't fit the character I just can't watch it.

Another thing, and I think this stands for most people, is if the animation is weird or really crappy. There are quite a few animes that I think I would really enjoy if it weren't for the weird or crappy 90's animation.

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