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Mr. Mayor 12-23-2011 05:23 PM

Travel Timetable and Destination Information: Now at Rochelle Harbor!
All times are in MST (PST)

Day 2 - 24th: Leave Menewsha Central after brunch, served on board in the dining cars.

Departure time ~ 11:00AM........ Arrival in Garland ~ 12:30PM

Information on Garland

Travelling across the coastal plains, we head for our first destination.

Garland is a small but beautiful lakeside town, situated in a river valley in the low hills to the northwest of Menewsha. It has become a popular destination for weddings and other celebrations.

Legend tells of the impending nuptials between two influential local families. Garland's pretty chapel is on a small island in the center of the lake, the groom was there, nervously awaiting the arrive of his beloved, but disaster struck her bridal barge as it was crossing the lake! It capsized in a freak accident and his bride-to-be was drowned! The poor young man could not live without the love of his life, and died, of a broken heart.

The tragic couple were buried, side by side, in a special tomb outside the wedding chapel. Many visited to lay flowers and pay homage to the lost lovers. Today it is seen as good luck to visit the grave; to make a wish and maybe leave a small token for good fortune, many people travel from far and wide to tie the knot and share other celebrations in Garland.

Mr. Mayor 12-24-2011 08:51 PM

Day 4 - 26th: Leave Garland in time for lunch on board.

Departure time ~ 1:00PM........ Arrival in Reinsend ~ 2:45PM

Information on Reinsend

Turning southwest from Garland, we will be climbing into the foothills of the central mountains, heading for the village of Reinsend. A slower journey this time, giving you all the more time to enjoy the changing scenery as we move from the low hills and deciduous woodland, onto higher ground and through evergreen forests.

The village of Reinsend has long been known for its domestication of the reindeer that inhabit this part of the island. The villagers have a long tradition of building sleighs, sledges and carriages from the plentiful forests around their homes. All of the carriages used on the whole island come from here.

At this time of year they celebrate with bonfires and dancing and a festival they call the Sleigh Parade. Maybe we'll get to see it!

Mr. Mayor 12-24-2011 08:53 PM

Day 6 - 28th: Leave Reinsend after a late breakfast.

Departure time ~ 10:00AM........ Arrival in Icy Peaks ~ 1:00PM

Information on Icy Peaks

Travelling further southwest it's a slow crawl up through the heights of the mountains now. The track travels around the outer, eastern slopes of the crags that form the high inner ring of Menewsha's tallest peaks, to reach Icy Peaks on the southern slopes of the very tallest mountain. The scenery is spectacular (or terrifying if you're afraid of heights!), with the train creeping along narrow ledges over yawning precipices, sit on the mountain side of the carriage if you're of a nervous disposition!

The hidden mountain town of Icy Peaks celebrates their heroine, the Ice Queen, during the Winter Nights festival. Folklore tells of how she protected the citizens from a long-ago invasion, by taking the quiet town from its location out on the plains, and moving it to a secret place in the mountains. Citizens build ice sculptures in the lady's honor and rumors abound about sightings of her.

Now of course the village is safe from invaders. Unless you include the dragons which inhabit the inaccessible inner valley created by the ring of mountains. None have been sighted from Icy Peaks though, so we should be safe...

Mr. Mayor 12-24-2011 08:54 PM

Day 8 - 30th: Leave Icy Peaks at noon, lunch served on board.

Departure time ~ 12:00PM........ Arrival in Saint's Pole ~ 1:15PM

Information on Saint's Pole

Travelling due south now, we come back down into the foothills and head for Saint's Pole!

Saint's Pole is another one of those curious villages many Menewshans have heard of, but few have visited. A hundred years ago, a small band of artisan elves moved here so they could set up a village to produce their clever wares, lead by a gentleman elf everyone remembers as 'Good ol' Nick'. Though the elves have since moved on, artisans serious about their crafts - and toymaking in general - seek out Saint's Pole to study with masters.

Every year during Winter Nights, the residents exchange gifts of their preferred crafts to show off their skills.

Mr. Mayor 12-24-2011 08:57 PM

Day 10 - 1st: Leave Saint's Pole late morning.

Departure time ~ 10:30AM........ Arrival in Rochelle Harbor ~ 12:45PM

Information on Rochelle Harbor

Now we have a straight run, down out of the hills and across the southern plain to the coastal port of rochelle Harbor. The train line is built upon a causeway as it draws closer to the coast, as the area, though beautiful, is treacherous with tidal marshes. Whilst not safe for the unwary human, these marshes are a haven for wildlife, becoming home for many migratory birds during the winter months.

Rochelle Harbor is this winter's host for The Sugarplum Village! Ths is not a true village at all, but a traveling seasonal fair run by a confections master and her students. This is the first year it has visited Menewsha and I am excited to visit it!

Mr. Mayor 12-24-2011 08:58 PM

Day 12 - 3rd: Leave Rochelle Harbor after lunch.

Departure time ~ 2:00PM........ Arrival back in Menewsha ~ 4:15PM

And so we travel full circle! Back to our starting point at Menewsha Central. We should be arriving back home mid afternoon. After hopefully having had a wonderful time!

Happy Travelling!

fireprincess 12-24-2011 09:03 PM

Reading everything I can actually feel like I'm looking out of a train window!

Shadami 12-24-2011 09:29 PM

We aren't actually in Garland yet correct?

Mr. Mayor 12-24-2011 10:56 PM

We are! Did you miss the brunch? That's a shame, it was delicious!

Shadami 12-24-2011 11:01 PM

i guess the time confuses me.

Mr. Mayor 12-24-2011 11:14 PM

I shall put some time information in the first post, it's hidden in the last one at the moment!

Shadami 12-24-2011 11:17 PM

was time zone are we doing it based on.

Mr. Mayor 12-24-2011 11:23 PM

Menewsha time my dear *smiles* But sources tell us that that corresponds with the mysterious PST that other people use *nods*

Roachi 12-25-2011 12:41 AM

Awesome story, the harbour is named after me :P ;)

Fiona_Watergate 12-25-2011 01:10 AM

hello Loves how are you guys?

Shadami 12-25-2011 02:06 AM

so in that case... brunch was an hour after I asked if we had arrived..

jellysundae 12-25-2011 02:11 AM

Nope, brunch was served before the train left Mene town :yes: According to the timetable, anyway :ninja:

Shadami 12-25-2011 02:40 AM

Er.. I mean we arrived an hour after I asked.. yeah... exactly what i meant..

jellysundae 12-25-2011 03:35 AM

Oh, yes! lol. I read that as...brunch was an hour after you'd asked...sorry :lol:

Shadami 12-25-2011 03:17 PM

That's what I said ^^;; but what I had meant was arrival :D

Jeannesha 12-27-2011 03:45 AM

Now I get it!

Day 2 took us to GARLAND.

Day 4 takes us to.... sleighs? reindeer? Who knows?

Shadami 12-27-2011 08:52 AM

i wonder if we get an item that has a reindeer feature. or amkes us appear to be in a sleigh.

`Haru 12-27-2011 03:32 PM

The train's schedule is very handy, Mr. Mayor. And the descriptions are definitely peaking my curiosity too lol.

Ps. I'm hungry for lunch. :ninja:

Jeannesha 12-27-2011 04:19 PM

If I read the Mayor correctly, the Arrival time is when the EI will come?
And that's PST...

So the EI will come at 3:00pm today?

I think it's going to be a sleigh too...

`Haru 12-27-2011 05:19 PM

Oh, oh, I'm hoping it's a reindeer friend tbh /laughs.
But a sleigh would be just as cool :yes: <3.

The EI's are almost like souvenirs from our trip haha. x')

All times are GMT. The time now is 04:41 AM.