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iamnotspam 12-27-2013 09:13 PM

Spamdo ~ Game, Chat, & Page Prizes!

Originally Posted by iamnotspam
Someone has stolen all of my spam! [:o]
Thank you for coming on such short notice, my friend(s)!
This is what happened: I borrowed my friends' home to host a Spammerade - you know, a spam-themed masquerade? -
as a fundraiser for poor children, but now I have no spam to serve.
I was finishing all of the preparations myself, and only a few of my guests had arrived early enough to have been the thief.
However, not only are they all presently accounted for but I don't think they could have consumed a hundred cans of spam in one day!
The thief must have hidden my spam around here somewhere --
no, of course not in one pile, or I'd've found them already! I'm not that blonde!!
But I have no more time. I must finish my preparations! Please find my spam quickly. Thank you!
Oh and one more thing: beware of the mysterious door. Anything can happen there. Literally anything strange...


1) On your first turn you're already in the Entrance.

2) You have three "iMoves" you can spend per turn on either checking furniture or moving to another room; each choice (of either looking under furniture or going to another room) costs ONE iMove. You can choose to use only 1 or 2 iMoves on your current turn and save the rest for your next turn, but they MUST be used on your next turn. (i.e. Turn 1: you use 1 iMove and save the other two for turn two. Turn 2: you now have 5 iMoves.)

3) You cannot move into the hallway.

4) You cannot take a different turn until I have posted that all currently online players' updates have been accounted for.

5) Every time you find a can of spam you will get +5 points. Every time you find one of the thief's booby traps, you will lose -3 points. Spam and booby traps are not guaranteed to be in the same place every time.

6) The first person to reach 50 points wins the prize, and the game will restart.

7) If you are not nice in this Thread and/or you violate Menewsha's ToS, you cannot play.

8) To take your turn, please fill out and post the following form:


I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to:
iMove 2 to:
iMove 3 to:

iamnotspam 12-27-2013 09:14 PM

My Guests:
James Mustard
Finnegan Plum
Katherine White
Lydia Peacock
Nathaniel Green
Andrea Scarlet
Caroline and Anna Boddy

Potential Thieving Times:


Standing Around Idly:
Coat Hooks:
Shoe Rack:

Top Cupboards:
Bottom Cupboards:

Dining Room:
Glass Cabinet:
Dining Table & Chairs:
Flower Pots:

Living Room:
Television Stand:
Overstuffed Chairs:
Coffee Table:
Board Games Cabinet:
Forgotten Christmas Tree:

Patio Table & Chairs:
Oak Tree:
Left Flower Bed:
Right Flower bed:
Modern Sculpted Bush:
Willow Tree:
Small Pond:

Library & Indoor Garden:
Autobiography Bookshelf:
History Bookshelf:
Geography Bookshelf:
Astronomy Bookshelf:
Science Fiction & Fantasy Bookshelf:
Murder Mystery Bookshelf:
Overstuffed Chair A:
Overstuffed Chair B:
Overstuffed Chair C:
Table With A Lamp:
Other Table Without A Lamp:
Gardenia Flowerpots:
Hibiscus Flowerpots:
Bellflower Flowerpots:
Marigold & Dandelion Flowerpots:

Queen-Sized Bed:
Bedside Table:

Cupboard Under The Sink:
Towel Closet:
A Very Pink Toilet:
Secret Cabinet Behind The Very Pink Toilet:
Secret Space Behind For Extra Towels:

Indoor Pool:
Box Of Pool Floats:
Box Of Pool Toys:
Closet Of Pool Cleaning Supplies:
Mysterious Door:

iamnotspam 12-27-2013 09:15 PM

maidenroseheart: 23
EirianHikari: 15
Damia Flagg: 25
Silver Storm: 15
Liztress: 5
Kirin Rosenbaum: 9
GwenaHikari: 0
Alice Eve: 7
Vox: 10

Damia Flagg: Pocket-Sized Bible + ripped piece of paper + hairbrush + an earring
Liztress: Pop Top
GwenaHikari: a clue
Liztress: a pack of cigarettes and a lighter
EirianHikari: a clue + a clue
Kirin Rosenbaum: Unholy Grail + dead rat
Silver Storm: fake crown
Vox: casette player + a key + a clue + flamethrower
Alice Eve: clue
maidenroseheart: flashlight + clue

Game 1: 200g
Game 2: ???
Game 3: ???
Game 4: ???

Page 5: 10g to the 5th poster. (sadrain: won)
Page 10: 15g to the 3rd poster.
Page 15: 20g to the 8th poster.
Page 20: 25g to the 2nd poster.

iamnotspam 12-27-2013 09:17 PM


@My Friends: anybody want to play? Or chat? :D
@Anybody else: Hello! Please join in the fun! ~^.^~

Want to advertise my Thread? Here's a button! :D

It looks like this:

maidenroseheart 12-28-2013 12:05 AM

hi darling!

---------- Post added 12-28-2013 at 09:07 AM ----------

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: move to kitchen
iMove 2 to: check cabinets
iMove 3 to: check under sink

EirianHikari 12-28-2013 12:09 AM

Hey Spam! Hopefully I did this right, this sounds like fun!

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: Backyard
iMove 2 to: Check left flower bed
iMove 3 to: Check right flower bed

What can I say, I love nature *laughs*.

Kirin Rosenbaum 12-28-2013 12:13 AM

Hello alll.

Damia Flagg 12-28-2013 12:15 AM

Hello Spam. I'm willing to give this a try.
Now if I was hiding some spam where would I put it?
I know where I want to look.

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: move to the Library & Indoor Garden
iMove 2 to: check the Autobiography Bookshelf
iMove 3 to: then check the History Bookshelf

iamnotspam 12-28-2013 12:27 AM

P.S. I won't do this much detail for ALL the turns. xD

It's updated, go ahead and take another turn if you want! ^^~

maidenroseheart: You stride with confidence to the kitchen and begin checking one of the cupboards -- you weren't sure whether to check the top or bottom ones, so you played Eenie-Meenie-Miney-Mo and decided to save yourself the trouble of checking any shelves above your head in the top cupboard by bending down to look in the bottom cupboards (so you'er not sure why you bothered to play eeny-meeny-miney-mo in the first place!). You don't spy any spam amongst the cleaning supplies, but there is an odd shape... Upon looking closer, you find the "odd shape" is actually a dead rat (you can just leave it there or you can keep it, your choice - it won't cost you an iMove either way). When you're done there you turn to the sink to look under it, but it has no cupboards, so you shrug and save your iMove for your next turn.

EirianHikari: The moment you hear there's a backyard, you nearly run into the doors in your rush to head out to the grand ol' nature. When you've reached your destination you take a deep, long, breath of air before you set to work searching the left flower bed. Sure enough there's a recently dug up spot which you re-dig up to find a can of spam. Eagerly you search the right flower bed, but find nothing out of the ordinary.

Damia Flagg: You decide you want to approach this from a very thoughtful perspective, so you take a few minutes to think. You decide to walk to the Library & Indoor Garden -- after all, at best you'll find some of the missing spam, and at worst you might find a good book to read! And speaking of books, you decide to take a quick peek at the Autobiography Bookshelf, but you don't find any spam there. Yet as you raise your arm to check out one of the books, a glint of light shines off something metallic over by the History Bookshelf; you scurry over and find A CAN OF SPAM! Woot! Hey, being smart pays off after all.

Kirin Rosenbaum: Hey there. Btw I took the last name in your username for a story character of mine --
I didn't realize it until now. Sorry (not really)! :P

hummy 12-28-2013 12:37 AM

happy holidays, spammie!

iamnotspam 12-28-2013 12:41 AM

Thanks, hummy! Happy New Year's and I hope you had a good Christmas! [heart]

Damia Flagg 12-28-2013 12:41 AM

Yay! I found a can of spam.
Maybe there is another one in here.
Might as well keep looking in the Library & Indoor Garden.

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: check the Science Fiction & Fantasy Bookshelf
iMove 2 to: then check the Murder Mystery Bookshelf
iMove 3 to: I might as well have a seat in that Overstuffed Chair A there, check around the cushion to see if there are any stuff hiding in there.

Silver Storm 12-28-2013 12:45 AM

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: Go to Indoor Pool
iMove 2 to: Check Pool
iMove 3 to: Check Mysterious Door

Kirin Rosenbaum 12-28-2013 12:51 AM

So what game is this and how do I play?

hummy 12-28-2013 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by iamnotspam (Post 1772351630)
Thanks, hummy! Happy New Year's and I hope you had a good Christmas! [heart]

thank you, you too.
and it was lovely, thank you

Kirin Rosenbaum 12-28-2013 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by iamnotspam (Post 1772351565)
P.S. I won't do this much detail for ALL the turns. xD

It's updated, go ahead and take another turn if you want! ^^~

maidenroseheart: You stride with confidence to the kitchen and begin checking one of the cupboards -- you weren't sure whether to check the top or bottom ones, so you played Eenie-Meenie-Miney-Mo and decided to save yourself the trouble of checking any shelves above your head in the top cupboard by bending down to look in the bottom cupboards (so you'er not sure why you bothered to play eeny-meeny-miney-mo in the first place!). You don't spy any spam amongst the cleaning supplies, but there is an odd shape... Upon looking closer, you find the "odd shape" is actually a dead rat (you can just leave it there or you can keep it, your choice - it won't cost you an iMove either way). When you're done there you turn to the sink to look under it, but it has no cupboards, so you shrug and save your iMove for your next turn.

EirianHikari: The moment you hear there's a backyard, you nearly run into the doors in your rush to head out to the grand ol' nature. When you've reached your destination you take a deep, long, breath of air before you set to work searching the left flower bed. Sure enough there's a recently dug up spot which you re-dig up to find a can of spam. Eagerly you search the right flower bed, but find nothing out of the ordinary.

Damia Flagg: You decide you want to approach this from a very thoughtful perspective, so you take a few minutes to think. You decide to walk to the Library & Indoor Garden -- after all, at best you'll find some of the missing spam, and at worst you might find a good book to read! And speaking of books, you decide to take a quick peek at the Autobiography Bookshelf, but you don't find any spam there. Yet as you raise your arm to check out one of the books, a glint of light shines off something metallic over by the History Bookshelf; you scurry over and find A CAN OF SPAM! Woot! Hey, being smart pays off after all.

Kirin Rosenbaum: Hey there. Btw I took the last name in your username for a story character of mine --
I didn't realize it until now. Sorry (not really)! :P

No worries.

iamnotspam 12-28-2013 01:12 AM

Damia Flagg: You check the Science Fiction & Fantasy Bookshelf, but only find what one could expect there: whims and fantasies. Moving on to the Murder Mystery Bookshelf, you feel a sensation similar to deja vu -- as if you know how this game of detection plays out -- but of course, that's impossible, you quickly realize. Concerned, you move to the Overstuffed Chair A, knowing which one it is by the giant orange "A" painted on it, to sit down (after checking around but not under the cushion first). You take a sigh and sit down only to feel a hard lump under the cushion. Another can of spam?! With eagerness and hope you leap up and tear the cushion off the chair! only to find a pocket-sized book titled The Bible. Do you keep it or do you leave it behind? Neither choice will cost you an iMove.

Silver Storm: An indoor pool?! Really?! You have to see this for yourself! You rush off in the direction indicated and open the door -- sure enough, there's a nicely-sized indoor pool already filled with warm water. Of course, you know what temperature the water is because you jumped in, but in mid-cannonball you reassure yourself that you're only in there to look for cans of spam. You splash into the water and look around but you don't see anything. You get out of the pool intending to go for another cannonball - c'mon, an air view is the best view, right? - when you see a large sign on a black door. The writing says "WARNING: MYSTERIOUS DOOR". Wasn't there a warning about that? But, how bad could it really be? And there might be towels inside, which you know you should probably find one to use. You yank open the Mysterious Door and out comes a rhinocerous in a tux which suddenly rushes over and proposes to you, stumbling over his words as he does so! Do you accept?

@hummy: I'm glad. [hug]

@Kirin Rosenbaum: It's a cross between Clue (a.k.a. Cludeo) and Mystery Mansion - and, of course, spam. :P
All the information on how to play is in the first post. ~^.^~

P. S.: It's all updated! ^^

Damia Flagg 12-28-2013 01:22 AM

There's still so much to check in here I might as well stay in the Library & Indoor Garden.
Might as well keep the pocket sized Bible, never hurts to have another copy of it.
I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: check the Table With A Lamp (lets shine some light on the situation.)
iMove 2 to: check the Geography Bookshelf (Ponders to myself, Where in the world would the thief, or thieves hide all that spam?)
iMove 3 to: then check the Astronomy Bookshelf

hummy 12-28-2013 01:28 AM

good luck spam hunting!

Damia Flagg 12-28-2013 01:37 AM

Thanks Hummy I think we might need it.
Don't you want to hunt for spam with us?

iamnotspam 12-28-2013 01:38 AM

[wha] hummy! I don't know why I didn't think of it before...
Anyway, thanks -- you just gave me an idea for my next spammish game! [sly]

Damia Flagg: Sorry, I want to wait until at least one other person has taken a turn before updating again. [sweat]

Liztress 12-28-2013 01:41 AM

Hm, I do fancy a rousing game of spam hunting.

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: Check the coat hooks
iMove 2 to: Check the shoe rack as well
iMove 3 to: Move to the bathroom

Kirin Rosenbaum 12-28-2013 01:41 AM

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: Indoor Pool
iMove 2 to: Kitchen
iMove 3 to: Backyard

Hope I did that right.

GwenaHikari 12-28-2013 01:50 AM

hey y'all o.o

Liztress 12-28-2013 01:52 AM

Howdy, Gwena!

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