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KageShio 02-15-2011 10:06 PM

Morbid Curiosity ~Crimson Valentines~ Event art ~Pick up: Emma and Biggles~

Hello one and all, and a happy St. Valentines(or singles awareness, if you please) Day. It's event time once again and Morbid is back on the map. As per usual I shall be offering up interestingly dark facts and stories as well as event art.

Feel free to stay and chat, gush about your latest crush, or mourn the loss of the last one, whatever is on you mind.

1~ Welcome

2~ Art
3~ Rood for thought
4~ Reserved

KageShio 02-15-2011 10:18 PM


I am able to offer both digital and traditional works this time, please specify. There are only three spots to claim at a time, so slots are limited. I shall only be doing one free piece a day, and two paid requests at a time. You may request couples, though I will have to ask for 50g more.

With the exception of couples, all paid requests are only 150g



2~ Blueblackrose
3~ Lilith W
4~ Open
5~ Open
6~ Open

Emma Corrin X
Cardinal Biggles X
Flink :X
(Scanner fixed!)

KageShio 02-15-2011 11:07 PM

~Food for thought~

Morbid tidbits to quench the lust for learning. Strangely enough, it is a bit harder than one would think to find facts about love, romance and the current holiday to suit this thread, so I as any of you who might know anything from a small fact to an old tale to step forth. I shall add your knowledge to the Morbid list. As for now, here are a few Phobias to be on the look out for this time of year:


Androphobia - Fear of men.
Anthophobia - Fear of flowers.
Caligynephobia - Fear of beautiful women.
Cardiophobia - Fear of the heart.
Chiraptophobia - Fear of being touched.
Ereuthophobia - Fear of blushing/ Fear of the color red.
Erotophobia - Fear of sexual love or sexual questions.
Gymnophobia - Fear of nudity.
Gynephobia - Fear of women.
Hedonophobia - Fear of feeling pleasure.
Homophobia - Fear of sameness, monotony or of homosexuality
Isolophobia - Fear of solitude, being alone.
Mertophobia - Fear or hatred of poetry.
Mnemophobia - Fear of memories.
Oenophobia - Fear of wines.
Paraphobia - Fear of sexual perversion.
Philophobia - Fear of falling in love or being in love.
Philematophobia - Fear of kissing.
There are some very strange Phobias out there. Just remember, for it to exist, someone, somewhere must have had it.

Agyrophobia - Fear of streets or crossing the street.
Allodoxaphobia - Fear of opinions.
Anablephobia - Fear of looking up.
Arachibutyrophobia - Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Deipnophobia - Fear of dining and dinner conversation.
Dextrophobia - Fear of objects at the right side of the body.
Ergasiophobia - Fear of work or functioning. Surgeon's fear of operating.
Epistemphobia - Fear of knowledge.
Euphobia - Fear of hearing good news.
Geumaphobia - Fear of taste.
Hellenologophobia - Fear of Greek terms or complex scientific terminology.
Hereiophobia - Fear of challenges to official doctrine
Levophobia - Fear of things to the left side of the body.
Macrophobia - Fear of long waits.
Namatophobia - Fear of names.
Novercaphobia - Fear of your step-mother.
Panophobia - Fear of everything.
Phobophobia - Fear of phobias.
Psychophobia - Fear of mind.
Walloonphobia - Fear of Walloons. (don't know what a walloon is? Neither did I, here is a Wiki on it.)
Zemmiphobia - Fear of the great mole rat.

and of course, the ever-popular Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear of long words.

KageShio 02-15-2011 11:08 PM


Morbid Curiosity is open!

Cardinal Biggles 02-15-2011 11:10 PM

Oh, may I get in on the free artsies?
Splendid thread idea, btw.

Emma Corrin 02-15-2011 11:13 PM

I'll take a freebie ;)
Draw my avi looking maniacal yet happy?
Traditional please :)

KageShio 02-15-2011 11:14 PM

Hello Cardinal Biggles, Seeing as you are the first one here, you may indeed claim the free art for today. What is it that you wish me to create for you? Oh and Thank you, I have had morbid at almost every event for about a year now.

Hello Emma Corin, I'm sorry but Biggles was the first to claim today's free slot. You can either pay for a slot or try to get the free one tomorrow.

Cardinal Biggles 02-15-2011 11:14 PM

Ah, I just realized that you have done some art for me in the past. Well, if you would rather ditch me to allow someone who hasn't had the chance at your art, just say the word. I would understand.

Edit: No, no. Let emma have it.

KageShio 02-15-2011 11:15 PM

If you insist, I can give it to her.

Cardinal Biggles 02-15-2011 11:16 PM

Yes, let's do it that way.
I am perfectly fine paying the 150 gold.
Traditional please

Emma Corrin 02-15-2011 11:16 PM

I thought the first 3 slots were free? o.O;
-that's what your post says anyway-


I am able to offer both digital and traditional works this time, please specify. As I said, the first three requests are free, so slots are limited.
But whatevs haha
I don't have any money and have classes so I doubt I'll get the free slot tomorrow XD
Thanks anyways :)

Are you sure Cardinal?

Cardinal Biggles 02-15-2011 11:17 PM

Of course, Emma :)

Emma Corrin 02-15-2011 11:18 PM

Aww -snugs-
Thank you <3

KageShio 02-15-2011 11:21 PM

There, it has been fixed, sorry about that. Now, Both of you would like traditional, Emma has requested a psychotic yet happy look, and I assume they will both be of your avatars, correct?

Cardinal Biggles 02-15-2011 11:23 PM

Yes. I don't see this avatar changing anytime in the next few days, as I am enamored of it.
Would it be possible to get a thoughtful and wry expression on mine?

KageShio 02-15-2011 11:25 PM

Thoughtful and Wry, I believe I can do that. You can either pay through donation or trade. By trade I will accept the gold after the piece has been completed.

Emma Corrin 02-15-2011 11:26 PM

Yes, I'd like my avi drawn haha
It's sort of a murderous Valentine's Day look ;)
Perhaps even have my avi licking a drop of blood that's running down her cheek?

KageShio 02-15-2011 11:28 PM

Oh, I like the sound of that. I can work on both of these tonight and have them scanned tomorrow.

Emma Corrin 02-16-2011 12:32 AM

Can't wait <3
Thank you both again!

KageShio 02-16-2011 12:34 AM

You are very welcome. For those stopping by: One slot left for tonight!

KageShio 02-17-2011 04:08 AM

Cardinal Biggles: and Emma Corrin: : Your requests are finished, however my scanner is giving me grief. I shall fix the problem tomorrow and get them uploaded as soon as I can.

I shall be adding two more paid slots and tomorrow there shall be two free slots, for I shall only be able to be on tonight and tomorrow, I have a busy weekend coming up.

Cardinal Biggles 02-17-2011 04:09 AM

Oh, thank you, Kage! Don't worry. There's not much you can do about technical difficulties.

KageShio 02-17-2011 04:13 AM

You are welcome, and thanks for understanding. My electronics love to rebel.

Kiako 02-17-2011 04:20 AM

Oh, might I ask for some arts? :eager:

KageShio 02-17-2011 04:22 AM

You may indeed. Since you are the first tonight, would you like to claim the free slot?

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