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Castleofglass 07-20-2013 10:39 PM

Game of Thrones fans?
Hi hello I'm kinda just exploring the forums for now seeing as I only hang out near the role playing ones so hello here I am :D

So yeah any GoT fans here?? Honestly there are so few who read the books and I just want some people to fangirl and discuss it with :0 So GoT fans come out, come out wherever you are!

Volucria 08-17-2013 09:35 AM

Am I really the first one to react on this? >.> A Song of Ice and Fire is my favourite book series ever. What strikes me most about it is that it feels more "real" than any fantasy I've read before. The characters and their emotions, the world building, everything makes perfect sense.

I have to admit, though, that I don't like the Bran storyline. :( I hope Martin comes up with something that makes him awesome in the next book. And I'm wondering where Arya is going to end up.

michal123 09-09-2013 06:29 AM

I agreed its a nice book and have a lot of fans your character is also very humble and attractive but plz update the link which you have to post in your thread

Bearzy 09-11-2013 05:38 AM

I've read the first couple of ASoIaF, at least, up to the second book of book 3? But I just haven't gotten around to reading the rest. I like the series and characters, but it's not one of my favourites at all.

Sun 09-11-2013 07:16 PM

I've read all of them thus far. I enjoyed them as i read through, but they weren't something that knocked me off my feet in terms of writing style or content. I much prefer to view the stories via the TV series in this case. I'm really eager to see where Martin takes the Targaryan's stories in particular though, come the next book.

Exaggerated Rebellion 10-19-2013 07:15 PM

I've just started A Feast for Crows, and I'm so much trouble remembering who's who. Names are not my forte, to say the least. @.@

I really do love the series, though. It's so hard to choose one side to root for! The author does an excellent job of making even the biggest asshats in the world become extremely understandable. It's just impossible to choose a favorite character, haha! I can say my favorite book so far is the first one, though. But I think that's just because everyone wasn't dead yet. >_>

Zimmerdale 10-20-2013 04:47 AM

I just like how heoric Martin writes the women. Sansa's my favorite. I understand people think she's a whiny little bitch but I think she's been written to be a true person, for her age. What are girls like at Sansa's age? They'll smile and bat their eyelashes at anyone with status and looks, no matter how crappy they'll treat them. I remembered how I was when I was her age. I thought everything was going to end up Happy Ever After. But such is life and that can never really be promised.

Daenerys (Kahleesi) is also my favorite. The character development throughout the books, how strong, smart, kick-ass she just gets in each book. She's juts so strong after all the crap she's been put through.

I'm a girl who tends to root for the villains because one way or another I have sympathy for them (i.e. Loki, Jareth, Hook...) but let's all face it. Joffrey needs to die (haven't read many books so far but he just needs to die).

As disappointed as I am at first with the changes they made in the show, I still love both the series and show equally. I just like seeing my characters in live action.

But I'm not going to lie. The first three books that I've read have actually taken me a while to read. Nothing too exciting (to me) seems to happen to where I can't put he book down but the question of what will happen next and what will happen to this character and who will Martin kill off next and who will end up taking the Iron Throne is what keeps me ready. About to start A Feast for Crows.


Exaggerated Rebellion 10-20-2013 04:34 PM

And now the all important question: are there spoiler tags on this website?

Well, until I find out, all I have to say for Joffrey is I hated him a lot too, but then Storm of Swords happened... Actually that can be said for a lot of characters. Either I hated or I loved them until Storm of Swords happened.

Zimmerdale: I totally agree with you! Stansa and Dany are also two of my favorites as well. Brienne is another favorite of female of mine. I want her to succeed in her quest so that she and Jaime can get back to annoying each other. [lol] In in the end, I pretty much like everyone, except for maybe Cersei and Ayra. And even then, I totally sympathize with them and don't want to see them fail.

As for the who takes the Iron Throne... I'm torn between Stannis and Dany. On the one hand, Dany is made of awesome and kicking ass wherever she goes, and is most likely to try to make the lives of her people better. On the other hand, Stannis is (spoilers?) actually like "screw your war, I'm actually going to protect my country up at the Wall. Like a proper king should."

Or, least, that's what he's like right now. Knowing these books, anyone can literally change plans between chapters...

I haven't seen the show, for better or worse, but I have friends that reblog GoT pictures and gifs on tumblr all the time. It's actually how I got into the series.

Zimmerdale 10-20-2013 06:31 PM

Exaggerated Rebellion: I'd have to say that I didn't like Cersei at first, but after I really saw her character through the emotions she had to deal with after Jamie was taken away and Joffrey took the throne, I have sympathy for her. She's just doing her duty as a mother and as someone who's trying to find a little happiness for themselves after being just another whore for her husband. I used to think her and Jaime's relationship was disgusting, but then I realized how they truly loved each other and when Jaime returned I wanted to just put my book down and flail. Just sad about the disowning part.

Sorry if that was spoilers for anyone who didn't know.

Exaggerated Rebellion 10-20-2013 06:46 PM

Zimmerdale: I've started to appreciate Cersei a lot more now that I've started to read A Feast for Crows, since you actually get to read from her perspective. I think she's totally insane and paranoid, but given what danger her children are in, it's hard to blame her for it.

I'm really feeling for Jaime, too, after he returned to King's Landing. I mean, he's a total asshole, but given what happened to him... Well, he kind of has a reason to be an asshole now. Plus, given the real reason he killed King Aerys, he does have a heart somewhere in there. However, I sort of get the feeling he's not going to live through the series. ):

Zimmerdale 10-20-2013 06:51 PM

I just keep telling myself that being how many characters have died off in the series already, none of them will survive.

Exaggerated Rebellion 10-20-2013 07:02 PM

I can see Ayra surviving, if she stays out of trouble and doesn't try to announce herself to the world as a Stark. I mean since there's (spoilers removed), and besides, everyone thinks she's dead. She's done a really good job of surviving up until this point, too.

But I'm not about to get my hopes up either.

Tsarevna 11-02-2013 04:49 PM

Zimmerdale and Exaggerated Rebellion -

I would like Cersei a lot more if she weren't so cocky. She could be a really powerful player in the game if she just got over herself. She's putting her children in danger by being such a jerk to everyone - Tommen is about to be in deep crap with the Iron Bank, and Doran seems to think Cersei is out to get Trystane.
Plus she's a big bully to Tommen. Poor kid has had a rough go of it as it is...

Exaggerated Rebellion 11-03-2013 12:15 AM

I'm getting further into A Feast for Crows, and holy hell, do I agree with you now. She's so obsessed with being queen and being paranoid about Tyrion that she doesn't even realize how stupid half of her actions are.

And yeah, poor Tommen. He's a nice kid, he deserves better.

BrotherOfDarkness 11-17-2013 11:01 PM

Well next book out next year... Supposedly! Can't wait!... No honestly can't wait, going to break into George's house now and kidnap him, force him to write quicker! Winds of winter, then dreams of spring after that... Also George has told writers of t.v the general plot of the books just in case they catch up with him! And I know everyone has their opinion, but sorry the t.v storyline is sooo lacking compared to the books. Looking at reading the tales of dunk and egg, prequel novelettes to the song of ice and fire.
Also I think here in the u.k there is a big fan base, surprised when people online from u.s say they have never heard of it!

Exaggerated Rebellion 11-18-2013 01:21 PM

I'll need to get through the last book faster then!

I don't know about the rest of the US, but pretty much everyone I've talked about the show with where I live has heard of it. But I guess there's a lot of people that don't actively use the internet or have any HBO channels, so it doesn't surprise me that some people aren't into it. I've met a few people that didn't know that the show was based on a book series, though. [lol]

BrotherOfDarkness 11-19-2013 08:36 PM

@exaggeratedRebellion That's mostly because like other series/films the book title and t.v have different names. Obviously to yourself you know that game of thrones was only the title of the first book. George r r Martin lives those kinds of titles... A storm of swords... Song of this or other and so on. He has done other unrelated books/ stories/ compilations that have similar titles

P.s what do you guys think of this fan story I wrote... Not complete obviously...

A struggle of seas


His fingers grasped tightly to the rails carved from grey cedar, affixed to the forecastle of the ship, he had awoken early unable to sleep and paced until they had neared Sharp point. Behind him the sail occasionally cracking like a whip, as the oars creaked mournfully, and rhythmically, a comforting chorus to Davos, but even so he shifted his grip slightly, feeling the sweat that had started to creep onto his palms grip to the weathered wood. He leant forward putting his weight upon his arms. He's face taut and showing no emotion, except perhaps the slightest concern, just ever so slight or just the beginning of the leathering caused by the salt spray and coarse wind, the start of his youth disappearing. Davos was definitely not a unhandsome man, but neither did he stand out amongst others. He's clothes were plain and practical, although he never squandered his valuables, he wore quality hosiery, and shirts, he had supplied himself this night with a pair of dark leather brais that covered his entire lower half including feet, allowing none of the cold dark sea to penetrate his under garments, his midnight blue doublet the only thing with any colour appearing on his slender form, a pair of soft black boots that he had been given recently by a new Lysene acquaintance, that offered him fantastic grasp on his deck.
Licking his teeth behind his pursed lips he Peered into the distance where the shadow of land could just be seen to a keen eye. Scattered in the backdrop of the morning mist like needles were what he knew to be the masts of the blockade, all sails furled up, sleeping lazily. It wasn't this armada that made Davos feel this apprehensive for only the second time in his life. He knew many of those slow galleys, and knew his ship better. They would not recognise him from any other lysene trading vessel with his new pastel sails, even if they did, with the wind landward they would have no chance to reach him out this far. No not out this far. Besides they had their orders and wouldn't bother with a smuggler as himself regardless of his current renown. Davos was used to out running many a craft sent on missions to deter entrepreneurs such as himself, or slipping past them often to the embarrassment of their captains. But that was usually one or two, perhaps a small patrol of half a dozen lightly manned craft, but what he planned to do put him on edge, since he was seventeen he had become a cautious man, hence a man still alive, but this scheme put into him an uneasiness that he hadn't been used to. Tonight he knew that he would no longer be a smuggler, but he Davos was a soldier, and the crew of Black Betha would be silently sailing to war. It was going against all his instincts nurtured in him through the last decade. But something else deep down stirred, that guilt that caused him pain everyday, the thought of his two sons coming to harm at the hand of a madman. This was his undertaking to attempt to create a safer future for them, and he was putting his faith into Lords he hopped would stand for the average man. Davos almost laughed at himself, faith was something he used to think belonged to the pious and the gullible, all those fishwives tales, myths and fate, all those things as a younger man he would discredit with some cocksure remark, about creating a mans own fate. Ideas that events and the Gods had since changed.
Davos was finding it hard to make out any landmarks around Storms end from here, but could imagine their route from memory, as if he himself was flying there, in fact as a child he would pretend to be a warg changing into a gull drifting in and out of the coves and inlets. This night he would fly on the dark wings of his ship, Black Betha, hundred good strong oars, shallow hull, and winched keel, capable of operating in the shallows effectively, most important for sneaking in and out of hidden anchorages. She couldn't carry as much cargo due to her shape, as other so called traders, but what was the point of carrying anything if it was going to be sequestered by a corrupt kings collector? Better not get caught, little and often Davos liked to think.
Heading to Buckled hole, a small ragged cove just north of Storms End, he would meet with an agent, by the name of Kipling Musgood, according to his so far reliable source. Kipling was supposed to be some lowly cousin of a Lord of the Stormlands, and loyal to the Baratheon Family. He hoped... However though Davos enjoyed the company of this Lysene Pirate, his source and new acquaintance, this self styled Prince of the Narrow sea. Davos never trusted anyone in his line of work, barely himself included. He assured Davos his motives were purely noble, however hinted that a friendly Baratheon family Ruling the Iron throne would be most profitable, especially if they happened to turn a blind eye to the goings on of a simple Lysene trader.
Black Betha would reach Buckled hole, and fill her hold, and be on their way just before Dusk, but before that he would have to negotiate around Black water bay, and the Arbor fleet led by Paxter Redwyne, a sleuth of a man, and cunning, but despised by some of his crew, Davos would hear rumours from time to time from some seafaring folk that frequented brothels about his unsettling practices, and disturbing tastes.
His stomach turned, he couldn't make out precisely why, from his thoughts on Redwyne, the upcoming errand, or the smell from the pottage being cooked below, it wasn't often that Davos would allow his men to cook on a subtle journey like this but none of them would have anytime after this point to do so, and unknown to many of them this could be their last meal, he thought to himself he owed them that much at least.
Davos finally succumbed to the idea of forcing something down, he turned away from the bow, handed over his place to the lookout, the young oarsman Arnold from Greenstone, and stepped slowly towards the scents of almonds and honey, he knew the cook would have placed some bland fish caught over night in the thick stew, similar to that of the sister stew that was so popular further North. He stepped down and as he walked the weather deck, past open sacks that had been lined up, seemingly full of strips of tattered cloth. He strode towards the ladder, as he reached it, he nodded to Durwin, The Whale Waters his first helmsmen, one of the three men not including himself that knew their real destination. Durwin was a short and stout man, his skin blotched by heavy drinking, and his walk effected by bad gout, no matter what the weather he wore two heavy jerkins, that would cause him to sweat profusely, one underneath of now brown, what colour it was originally none could tell, and a green woollen one on the outside with yellow stitching on its edges. Durwin was never a going to be athletic nowadays but apparently in his youth was a true behemoth of a man, he was not even very cunning, but the knowledge that he held was unsurmounted by anyone he knew,although it could take some prompting before it eked out. He climbed down the ladder and stooped along the passageway beneath the low overhead, all areas and crew quarters including his own were cramped, to increase Berthas cargo capacity, besides Davos wasn't the man to lord over the crew. as he made his way instantly he could smell mixed in with the cooking, and stale sweat, the fresh caulking along the hull and bulwarks, pushing gently past occupied hammocks, listening to the slow quiet beat of the drum to keep the oarsmen in time with one another. He trusted this crew in the entirety, and nineteen out of every twenty onboard he would trust almost with his life, hand picked over years, sometimes Davos wondered what it would have been like to be born on the Iron islands, he'd like to think that the crew he would be able to muster would have been like the legendary crews of the past, loyal to last breath for each other above all others beside the drowned God. But Davos wasn't keen on the idea of drowning, he much preferred to stay on either board his ship, or dry land not beneath the waves. Perhaps if things went awry the crew could gain some mercy in the fact that they had ignorance in the plan, he seriously doubt it however, a flash of a memory awoke in Davos, memories of flame and burning flesh. Yes he seriously doubted it, more reason to keep it as secret as possible and reduce the chance of one carelessly breathed word from one of the hundred and eighty men under his command. One hundred and eighty that he knew all by name,

PrincessKasumi 11-22-2013 09:16 AM

I never read the books but I am watching the showtime series and I love it.

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