Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   -   The Whitewolf Shaman 250 Gold A Day Charity! WELCOME BACK WOLFIE PARTY TIME!!! COME BE GIVEN FREE STUFF! (

The Whitewolf Shaman 02-04-2010 01:55 AM


A good deal of you have met me, seen me around, chatted it up, and generally spent a lot time having fun hanging out with me. Many of you have helped me since I made the big move to Menewsha from Gaiaonline in November of 2009. Donating, gifting, even working extra hard to get me an EI set during the Christmas event. It is my turn to help you out as well.

I've made the announcement that this thread would be started, and many of you were anticipating the opening, so here it is at last. My charity thread, and I hope that we can all have fun and enjoy the time we spend together here, and most of you will leave my thread feeling happy and grateful. I have faith in this very thing because I will be giving away at least 250 gold every day that I am online.

Now before we get into all of the fun and games and everything, we need to go over a few things, so without further adieu, read what I have to say in the following few posts before you post in the thread please.


Table of contents:
Post 1 Introduction
Post 2 Introduction of mule
Post 3 Rules
Post 4 Thread Details
Post 5 People Who Have Donated
Post 6 People Who Have Received Donations
Post 7 White list
Post 8 Black list

Whitewolfs Spirit Guide 02-04-2010 01:57 AM

This name is more important to me than just some random mule. My spirit guide has been with me my entire life, and has helped me in some of life's most difficult of situations. Since I was 9 years old, I have had a personal relationship where I speak to and deal directly with this spirit guide. My name, and my mules name are both direct tributes to my spirit guide and are meant to express the love I have for her.

As a mule, Whitewolfs Spirit Guide has helped me to obtain some of my most treasured rare items here on Menewsha, and so I've enlisted the help of Whitewolfs Spirit Guide once again in this massive task of making others as happy as I have become on this website.


Table of contents:
Post 1 Introduction
Post 2 Introduction of mule
Post 3 Rules
Post 4 Thread Details
Post 5 People Who Have Donated
Post 6 People Who Have Received Donations
Post 7 White list
Post 8 Black list

The Whitewolf Shaman 02-04-2010 02:00 AM

Every thread needs them, mine is no exception, so here they are:

Rule #1: Always, ALWAYS abide by Menewsha's TOS. You can locate these throughout Menewsha, and there is a link on every page. Even if you can't find it, here it is ----> TOS - Menewsha Avatar Community so you can't say you didn't have prior warning.

Rule #2: Do not beg. It is a Menewshan rule, so I shouldn't have to post it here as well, but it is an important rule, so there it is.

Rule #3: Do not start drama. Nobody likes drama, nobody wants it here. This is a peaceful and loving thread, and I am giving my hard earned gold away to people out of the kindness of my heart. Don't bring drama in my thread and we will have no problems.

Rule #4: Don't take offense if I didn't give anything to you, I only have so much to give each day. Keep coming in, you will likely get something eventually.

Rule #5: This may not seem to be a very important rule, but it is probably one of the most important ones, so keep this in mind please. If you are going to donate gold or items to ME donate to The Whitewolf Shaman. If you are going to donate gold or items to MY CHARITY donate to Whitewolf's Spirit Guide. This will make it easier to distinguish between the charity funds and my personal funds. I would hate to have someone donate a CI or EI and not specify that it is a gift for the charity, and I get in trouble for scamming, I don't want that, this is no scam. I want things to run smoothly, so please, do me this one service if you are wishing to donate.

I could go on forever making a do and do not list of rules, but you all know how to act, just be civil and have fun and we will get along great. Show kindness to others and others will show kindness to you. That is a key rule to life.

My own philosophy for life is "Its all good" I live by this motto and you should too, because life is too short for drama, strife, animosity, pain, hurt and anger. Life is a thrill ride, so all of the stress shouldn't bring you down, but rather give you a challenge to overcome. Accept it and enjoy it since in the end, you will be grateful that you had the challenge and you were able to defeat it.

I'll try to make you happy by helping in what little way I can to assist you in completing your personal Menewshan quests, by giving my own gold away, so do what you can to help me by keeping the thread fun, active, and friendly.

Thank you.


Table of contents:
Post 1 Introduction
Post 2 Introduction of mule
Post 3 Rules
Post 4 Thread Details
Post 5 People Who Have Donated
Post 6 People Who Have Received Donations
Post 7 White list
Post 8 Black list

The Whitewolf Shaman 02-04-2010 02:01 AM

This thread will have many things for you to do. Chat it up with your friends, hang out with me (since I'll be spending most of my time online in here from now on) and various contests will pop up every now and then.

As you probably know, the main thing I will do is this:

Every day I am online, I will give one lucky Menewshan 250 gold. This is no contest, there are no rules or regulations to receiving the 250 gold, I will just pick someone and give them 250 gold, every day I am here.

However, I like keeping you on your toes. When many people are here, you might just see a random question pop up, or I might throw something out there for you to say. You'll never know when its coming, but prizes will be given in this thread. With that being said, I have a few things I'd like to open the thread with, a couple of interesting but fun ideas I've been kicking around.




Our Next Page Prizes Are:

Every different poster on page 300 is gonna get something nice.

page 500 - festival ribbon


Table of contents:
Post 1 Introduction
Post 2 Introduction of mule
Post 3 Rules
Post 4 Thread Details
Post 5 People Who Have Donated
Post 6 People Who Have Received Donations
Post 7 White list
Post 8 Black list

Whitewolfs Spirit Guide 02-04-2010 02:02 AM


Staria - Donated me this website, the entire 09 Halloween item set, a cloak, and my cute little red and black voodoo hat.
star2000shadow - Donated 102 gold.
IRK3N - Donated 1000 gold.
sadrain - Donated 1055 gold, the entire 09 winter set, the entire 10 valentines set, black heart eye patch, Pyotr's Sword, one of the white mice.
Silenia - Donated 200 gold, Festival Ribbon.
Vixen with a Vendetta - Donated an Order Armor.
Death_to_the_reaper - Donated 225 gold.
M i n u x e - Donated 143 gold.
Newbie Charity Mule (AKA Cora Lorington) - Donated Sable Fur-trim Cloak and Dark Grey Nosy Mousie
Seiishiro (AKA Esmereina) - Donated Red Calliope pants, Red Calliope Shirt, Red and Gold Asp Crown
Lilith W - Donated Juicy Grape Gumball Bracelet and Red and Gold Olympic Shorts
Clair Voyant - Donated 147 gold.
Aaeza - Donated snowy Fur-trim Cloak
Porkbackfat - Donated Kitsune and Caboodle
DariaMorgendorfer - Donated the desperately needed 100 gold to open the charity.
Vicktoria Valentine - Donated five strawberry sugar cookies!
Kai La Morte - Donated blood lotus, green present, and star crest
Rosebleed - Donated 4000 gold.
Kai La Morte - Donated 1810 gold I believe (my math may be a little off)

Others have donated CIs, SNGs, and various other items and gold, but my tracking of these items and gifts have gone lost in the winds, and I do apologize for the lack of recognition, but I do want to say that I love you all for your kindness, generosity, and the love you have shown to this thread. Thank you everyone.


Table of contents:
Post 1 Introduction
Post 2 Introduction of mule
Post 3 Rules
Post 4 Thread Details
Post 5 People Who Have Donated
Post 6 People Who Have Received Donations
Post 7 White list
Post 8 Black list

Whitewolfs Spirit Guide 02-04-2010 02:03 AM


IrishGumbo - First 500 gold donation from the charity.
sadrain - 500 gold donation for being a great help to me, and spending 4 hours with me in the thread without anyone else making an appearance.
Silenia - 50 gold for being first to post on page 10 during the contest.
Ava - 500 gold donation from the charity.
Aaeza - 75 gold for being first to post on page 20 during the contest.
BillNyeTheScienceGuy - 500 gold donation from the charity.
Stress - 500 gold donation from the charity.
IrishGumbo - The Entire Christmas 09 EI set for winning the Newbie Grand Opening Contest.
Strawberry Octopus - 500 gold donation from the charity.
Kah Hilzin-Ec - 500 gold donation from the charity.
Keyori - 500 gold donation from the charity.
The Liztress - Won the Obakemoro CI for having the 500th post.
Dragoness129 - 500 gold donation from the charity.
sadrain - 500 gold donation from the charity + Strawberry Sugar Cookie for guessing my favorite x-box 360 game AND for dealing with an unfortunate trade issue that came about during the trade for said cookie.
Dragoness129 - 1000 gold donation from the charity.
NoeleneRose2 - 1000 gold donation from the charity.
Death_to_the_Reaper - 1000 gold donation from the charity.
Bloodstainedwings - 500 gold donation from the charity.
d2hiriyuu - 500 gold donation from the charity, also received both the Obakemoro and the Dark Crystal for having the 1000th post.
Sakura_Madison - 500 gold donation from the charity.
monstahh` - 500 gold donation from the charity.

I've also lost track of who I've donated to, but I assure you, many have been donated to indeed, and many more will come, for every day I am here, donations will be given.

Table of contents:
Post 1 Introduction
Post 2 Introduction of mule
Post 3 Rules
Post 4 Thread Details
Post 5 People Who Have Donated
Post 6 People Who Have Received Donations
Post 7 White list
Post 8 Black list

The Whitewolf Shaman 02-04-2010 02:06 AM


As of this time, my white list consists of every Menewshan, especially the mods and the wonderful staff of this great website!

Table of contents:
Post 1 Introduction
Post 2 Introduction of mule
Post 3 Rules
Post 4 Thread Details
Post 5 People Who Have Donated
Post 6 People Who Have Received Donations
Post 7 White list
Post 8 Black list

The Whitewolf Shaman 02-04-2010 02:06 AM


Please, PLEASE don't ever find your name here...


Table of contents:
Post 1 Introduction
Post 2 Introduction of mule
Post 3 Rules
Post 4 Thread Details
Post 5 People Who Have Donated
Post 6 People Who Have Received Donations
Post 7 White list
Post 8 Black list

The Whitewolf Shaman 02-04-2010 04:05 AM


If you want to represent the charity, pop one in your signature! Just copy the code below the picture, and paste the code in your signature.


Originally Posted by Seridano

PHP Code:



Originally Posted by dragoness129
PHP Code:



Originally Posted by Death_to_the_reaper
PHP Code:

[URL=""][IMG][/IMG ][/URL ] 

DariaMorgendorfer 02-04-2010 04:21 AM

FIRST POST! Does the happy dance....

The Whitewolf Shaman 02-04-2010 04:22 AM

I was wondering who it would be! Thanks for stopping in Daria :heart:

Mobsy 02-04-2010 04:29 AM

Aw, crud! I lurked, and stalked.. And still didn't get the first post! :gonk:

Whitewolfs Spirit Guide 02-04-2010 04:30 AM

Threads been open for about a half hour Aaeza. But thank you for coming in :heart:

Mobsy 02-04-2010 04:31 AM

:O Oh, really now? Where was I? *Laughs knowing full well that she got off the laptop*

DariaMorgendorfer 02-04-2010 04:32 AM

PPPSSSTTT, Can I be added to your donations page please? Hehe!

Mobsy 02-04-2010 04:34 AM

You do that as if you can actually whisper.. :rofl:

IrishGumbo 02-04-2010 04:37 AM

Thank you for your most generous donation <33!
I can go buy the top i want x3

Whitewolfs Spirit Guide 02-04-2010 04:37 AM

Sorry about that Daria, I was in such a hurry to get the posts created, I forgot to add you :gonk:

Mobsy 02-04-2010 04:38 AM

:D Hooray! *Dances around* Lol, :gonk:<- Is such an awesome face!

IrishGumbo 02-04-2010 04:38 AM


Thank you again, sooo much ;O; I love this outfit that im making, and i really love it moar now. its not so bad being pantless. X] <33

Mobsy 02-04-2010 04:39 AM

*Contemplates the removal of her pants.* Hmm..

IrishGumbo 02-04-2010 04:41 AM

See? i told you :3

Whitewolfs Spirit Guide 02-04-2010 04:41 AM

You are both quite silly, it was nothing Gumbo, I'm glad I could help you with the avatar, I've been keeping my eye on you and figured yesterday that I would probably choose you to get the first donation then. Unfortunately I didn't have the time to make the thread until tonight, but at least everything worked out as I had imagined.

IrishGumbo 02-04-2010 04:42 AM

awwee. <33
Im so glad you chose me X3 Have you seen the mac that i created yet? :3

Mobsy 02-04-2010 04:43 AM

And now.. I'd like to propose a toast *Raises a glass of viscous fluid* To Wolfie's new charity! May it live long and prosper!

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