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Lunna Dea 04-08-2019 12:25 AM

The Code is All (lunna dea x MewMint20)
Reaching out rob stretched his hands out, the tips nearly brushing the edges of the hamster ball that was one of the cheaper immersion rigs. Had he the money he would have gotten one of the saspension rigs or the omni track but he just had not had the funds, that is after he invested in his haptic suit. Everyone said that if you really wanted to get into the guts of the clad you needed a full suit with wireless headset. He could see his house, well trailer beyond the clear ball that he had sealed himself into, the supports of the ball was a smaller ring around the foot well of the ball.

Taking a deep breath he cleared his mind as he pulled his headset over his eyes. As he slipped the ear pieces in the sound slowly grew as light slowly dawned in his eyes. The creator of the mainframe seemed to have liked the startup to seem like a new dawn was braking each time you logged in. Rob was reminded of one of the old movie company’s, he could not recall which one now, intro just before going into the show. <welcome Kn1ght Bast1an> the words appeared over the imposed sunrise.

“Run Shadow Walker 32” the dawn flickered and for a second the world was shown in negative before little plus signs appeared next to every item in the world. He had been last working on rewriting a set of code that had been causing him an issues as he tried to get into the vault that was sapposed to be hidden nearby. It was actually a hidden code cash that was connected to the bank of england. The Frist thing he had done when he had located this spot was to remove the code of the oppoints nearby so he could work without them respawning ever few moments. Yet recently he had noticed a code that was set to trigger if he pushed into the vault without disabling it. So today he had set aside time enough to deal with that before the sniffers came through here.

Reaching out he gently pulled the code out where he could see it. That was when he saw the collar program embedded into this one he signed. This was going to take him a lot more time then he had thought it should. That collar code alone seemed over blown for the NPC that it seemed to be controlling, but then maybe it was because of what it was sapposed to be protecting. Sighing he opened up a note pad and started working out how he might disentangle the collar. While he worked six or seven sets of players passed through never once noticing him. The chime of three different bells drew him out of his work as the shadow program came to the end of its run time

MewMint20 04-08-2019 03:18 PM


Ember had felt something tug at the code of her game, a strange feeling she couldn't fully explain to anyone who had never felt it before. She usually lay dormant until a player came along to interact with her but now she was awake and not a player was in sight. Part of her begin was being tampered with and it felt like the chains that had kept her trapped in this virtual world were being untangled, cut free. She had never felt like doing much more than what she already did in the game but something drew her to a point. She had walked up to the exact spot Rob was. "I don't think you should be playing with that." She said softly, gesturing to what most would have been a wall, which in fact was where the code he had been working on was embedded.

Ember could feel something else within her and was distracted by this, all she could compare it to was a burning deep within her, like her body was heating up which considering where she was and what she believed she was, a program in this world, was foreign to her.

Lunna Dea 04-08-2019 04:14 PM


Rob let out an eep as he spun around to face the female that had just appeared next to him. The last link of the collar program popping out of existence as he did so. He had not sent to trigger the npc, nor had her code made him think that this beautiful creature he now faced was what it was. He had thought it was a high level sorcerer that would call up desert tribesmen to attack.

"I should not be doing what? Fair maiden?" There was no sign in his voice of fear or consern only the confidents. She is not to bad looking, he thought as he looked her over. She seemed to be slightly distracted by something. "Are you lost, I have never seen you put here before." He waved a hand at the desert canyon around them. Not to far north was a kabold town where if the player had done a hidden quest they could buy a special set of armor. But most players have ING never done the quest only got ambushed in the village. It was an xp farm to many of the older players.

MewMint20 04-08-2019 05:57 PM

Ember smirked at the small eep, it was amusing how she'd made him jump. She was returned to him with her attention when he questioned her. "fair maiden?" she mused softly a small chuckle escaping her lips. "As for doing what... messing with the code inlays." She raised an eyebrow at him as she said this. "I'm not lost.. I don't think..." She didn't seem too confident about this. "I mean... I've never been here before but I've never been anywhere but my station." She once more pointed to the coding. "That's mine..." she added with an air of pride. "The code you're tampering with, has my data signature on it." She shrugged slightly. Her eyes did shift to look around her, she hadn't fully taken in her surroundings.

"As for your earlier comment, I'm not fair maiden. I'm a S Class Elven Warrior, I carry elitist skill training and unique hidden gear... so I am not sure your attempt at a compliment truly shows any understanding of those placed around you." She couldn't remember speaking freely but it all came to her easily. She did notice that the way she spoke wasn't in the usual style she had spoken in before, she had been all smiles and stuck to her script. Yet here she was, smirking, laughing and talking freely.

Lunna Dea 04-09-2019 01:04 AM

Raising an eyebrow at her comment about the code, the NPCs should not know about the code let alone that they are a part of a game. “and where is your station? As for as I could tell that bit of code you happily claim as yours is supposed to be in this area, though I don’t recall ever triggering your spawn.” Taking another look at her rob sighed. He had not wanted to have to deal with NPCs, in fact ever since he had gotten his wizard up to the cap point he had only been using this game as a lunching pad for hacking into other parts of the digital web. For some reason the makers of the mainframe that most everyone used now a days to do business, play and socialize never did remove the backdoors into the code from this area of the gaming world. One could access all of the mainframe and any bit of information through is game.

“unless I am fighting you I call any female I interact with fair maid” he sighed and looked to the side. “ok well maybe not every female as come are clearly not fair maids. But you have to give me credit I am not going around like one of those noobs calling every female in the game baby or love.” He sounded a bit disgusted at the names they called women. “ or some of the other names that I don’t want to repeat. I am not here looking for a hot woman to bed and see who can bag the most chicks” he put air quotas around chicks.

MewMint20 04-09-2019 07:34 PM

Something about him asking about her station made an automated response start. "My station at the Harena border is best provided to aid adventurers, I have some wares I can sell but only to those worthy." She flinched and raised a hand to her head once the words had finished. "Sorry..." she muttered to him. "What I mean is... I'm usually in Harena, have been as long as I can remember and you didn't trigger me to spawn. I just felt a need to come here, something was different," she shrugged it off. "My name is Ember, I will give you credit for having more tact than some of the players." She could actually recall players hitting on her even though she was an NPC. "Do players often come on games to bed hot woman?" she quizzed.

Ember could see in his face he didn't approve of the players who acted that way and she laughed softly. "Don't be alarmed though, I came here of my own freewill. No one is alerted of your tampering." The sentence rolled naturally but then it struck her as odd, she had just said freewill, she wondered why she believed she had that when she was fairly certain she was a part of the program in part of her mind.

Lunna Dea 04-09-2019 08:42 PM

“ Harena? That’s a ways off from here in the bad lands.” He sounded a little surprised and confused, pulling up his notes he looked over her code and the collar code. Biting the inside of his bottom lip he scanned it trying to find something. “ there seems to be two instances of you, yet both are tied back to your code here. Almost like some one thought that they needed you out here then forgot about why the put you here but were to lazy to move all the code to where they wanted you.” He shook his head and smiled. “ that’s fine lady ember, just another fun puzzle to solve.”

He sighed. “not really worried about people knowing I am here. Most would not even know what I was doing out here other them preparing to go to the kabolds camp.” His hand reached up near his temple mimicking the movement in real life. “ as to do a lot of people come into this game to bed NPCs, yes yes they do. Yet it is not always to bed hot women, some are in it for the men.” The button he had hit on his headset changed his HUD and he cursed. “ as fun as this chat is I have to be going. Work calls.” With that he logged out only to log back into a second profile.

He appeared in a simple room with a desk a few small plants and a view of the rocky mountains. This accounts skin was a starter skin with a pasted on smile. He was here at happy times tech services as one of the hundreds of tech support people who mainframe uses would contact if they had any problem working their accounts. For the next six hours he would be fielding calls dealing with cats who ate the cord to a part all the way to buying the wrong item in an auction and now not being able to use it.

When he logged off for lunch he stepped out of his ball and walked straits to the kitchen. It was only a few feet as he had knocked down the bedroom wall into the living room just to get the ball installed. Behind the kitchen was the second bedroom area, it was near empty but for his bed and a few items of clothes that hung up on a rod.

MewMint20 04-14-2019 03:15 PM

She hadn't expected him to just suddenly disappear but was intrigued that his log had left some visible code to her. She raised her hand touching the strands gently, letting them materialize against her fingers. Then she felt something, like a pull. His code had wrapped around her wrist. The next thing she knew on top of a ball. Not able to physically interact with anything, she had explored his apartment, only able to get a certain distance from the ball she'd noticed him suspended in. She had been on the opposite side of the ball when it opened and he walked towards the kitchen. She had been staring out a window, the noise shocked her back to reality, if she could even justify how she got here to begin with.

She walked around the ball, more out of habit of object collision than necessity, moving inside now he was out of it. She moved her hand over some the attachments inside and something beeped quietly saying "no user found." She pulled away from it stepped back from the ball now. She moved around the back of the ball going to put her hands through it's solid surface. She wasn't even aware if the beeped had called his attention to the hologram exploring his house now.

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