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FelineOrchid 12-24-2008 05:29 AM

Feliz Navidad!! Feline's Art Freebies & shop!<3
Merry Christmas everybody!! <33
It's been a whole year already! It sure went by fast and let's celebrate it with lots of fun activities! lol *knows how lame that just sounded xDD*

This is a Christmas thread!! Chat with me, buy some goodies, and take some of my freebies ;DD Also I will be drawing some people who stay and chat and or have awesome avatars lol <33

Just some random samples of my art, pixel art is in my shop = siggy.. my drawing art samples aren't updated on there though so here's some more recent stuff.
what you most likely will be getting is a black and white pencil drawing or some of my tablet lineart ^_^
CG Chibi CG anime

1. intro
2. rules
3. freebies
4. goodies
5. customers

FelineOrchid 12-24-2008 05:29 AM

~ Be nice to everyone in thread!
~ Follow all basic Roliana rules
~ Keep text to a literate level
~ DON'T steal any of my ideas and or images!!

FelineOrchid 12-24-2008 05:29 AM

Ok, so I plan on drawing some art for freebies if I get the time.. but since I have school and Christmas cleaning to do, it may be a difficult task..

I also planned on doing more pixel freebies like making cookies and such, we'll see how it all turns out for time ;DD

For the moment I made a cute snow globe freebie for everyone! Hope you like him ^^
Make sure to save him to your own computer or server <33

YAY! completed first drawing freebie for Leasfy! hope you like her <33

FelineOrchid 12-24-2008 05:30 AM

Here's my shoppie for Christmas!
I plan on adding some more stuff here, but for the moment I have my Muga Lates up! <33
Here's the type of muga lates to choose from, the hot chocolate, capachino, coffee, and egg nog!
Here's the color choices and remember you can always ask me for a different color ;D. The snowflakes are an added design to go over the color you choose.
Muga faces! here's some cute , mad, sad kind of expressions to pick from.


Order Form:

want a name on image: yes/no
if so what name:
Type of Muga late:
Color of Muga:
Design on Muga:
Face expression #:
Blinking: yes/no

each Muga Late costs 20g
Blinking is extra 10g
{{Pixel Buddies}}
This is a place where I'll put all kinds of goodies! <33

Pixel Presents:
Pixel Avatar Dolls and other goodies that are animated popping out of a present box that you can choose the colors for!!
I made these during the event and had them at a reduced price.

- It takes me awhile to put the box together.. so be patient
- I may take items off to make it easier to pixelate
- Cost now ~ 170g
- it is an extra 30g if you want the little pixel doll separate along with the pixel box ^^


Base Choices:

"I found these doll bases on a website called Precious Pixels KH ( ) and give full credit to the artist, 'Hannah Malcolm' ( [email protected] ) who gave me permission to use them on by the rules page on her website"

Skin Tone Choices:

Present Box and Ribbon Choices:

These take me almost an hour or more to make... so yeah bare with me XD


Working on:

FelineOrchid 12-24-2008 05:30 AM

leasfy 12-24-2008 05:32 AM

can I post now? :ninja:

FelineOrchid 12-24-2008 05:35 AM

yuppers <33 lol

leasfy 12-24-2008 06:10 AM

wheee!!! I get the first post <3
why hello there feliz
somehow you looks familiar
-easily forget things-

FelineOrchid 12-24-2008 06:22 AM

lol Hey leafsy!! <33
hmm indeed you look familiar too ;DD

leasfy 12-24-2008 06:23 AM

-stare at your panda-
is it a pet? if so can I eat it? :drool:

FelineOrchid 12-24-2008 06:26 AM

NuuuU you you.. can't eat Seiu! He's my friend!! xD
*hides my panda*

leasfy 12-24-2008 06:34 AM

but but animal is supposed to be eaten :gonk:

FelineOrchid 12-24-2008 06:36 AM

T_T *watches Seiu hide from hungry leafsy*
pandas are eaten??? o3o

leasfy 12-24-2008 06:37 AM

i even eat pie's dragon
just dont tell pie Px

FelineOrchid 12-24-2008 06:38 AM

O.O; dragon sounds kind of good >3< xD
makes me think like it would taste like chicken hehe

leasfy 12-24-2008 06:39 AM

it tastes like.. err i dunno
but i have a friend who ate dog before ; ^ ;

FelineOrchid 12-24-2008 06:41 AM

lol, I'd be surprised if you did know ;D

really? my history teacher keeps saying he was served cat at a resturant ...>.>;

leasfy 12-24-2008 06:50 AM

whut?! which restaurant is that D<
so cruel D<
-doesnt realise she is also cruel fo eating animal xD -

FelineOrchid 12-24-2008 06:52 AM

Isn't it! I think they were trying to pass it off as chicken...O.o;;
think some buffet place...ToT

lol *doesn't know how cruel I myself am either* x3

leasfy 12-24-2008 07:02 AM

so cruel!
meh I only eat pet likeyoucow , dragon, bunny etc etc xD

FelineOrchid 12-24-2008 07:07 AM

ehehe! *sneeks eye at the word you" *shift eyes* xD
cautiously moves towards door

leasfy 12-24-2008 07:39 AM

` 3 `

oh man! i thought mene hates me D:
:gonk: i was having hard time to even click any link Dx

FelineOrchid 12-24-2008 07:40 AM

lol same here.. kept getting the data base error ToT

leasfy 12-24-2008 07:44 AM

i hope that would not be happening again xD
man where is my other two partner in crime for my thread :gonk:
i wanna flaunt it asap :cry:

FelineOrchid 12-24-2008 07:48 AM

lol I hope they fix that fast.. lol it's an event though, so it's always going to have some errors and such ^^;
OoO partners in crime eh xD

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