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Kiyoto 10-07-2012 09:24 PM

Welcome to RavenWood,

School Rules:

1. Fighting within the school grounds, unless in the training rooms is forbidden.
2. Going out of dorms after hours will result in detition.
3. Killing is concidered a high crime.
4. Cheating will not be tollerated.
5. Insubordination will not be tolerated
6. Disrespect, and failure to follow orders is concidered insubordination, and will not be tollerated
7. Threatening other students and teachers is taken as an offense and punishable.
8. Animals are not allowed outside the animal center.
9. Skipping, being late to class will not be tollerated.
10. Being out of uniform during school hours is not tollerated.
11. Distruction of school property is not tollerated.
12. Access to restricted area's is prohibated, and will not be tollerated.
13. Failure to continually complete assignments, may result in punishment.
14. Pranks, bullying, and rudeness towards others are not tollerated.
15. Restricted use of school materials (books, computer's, equipment) is prohibited.
16. Weapons are not allowed by any means, all equipment must be registered with the office, and will be kept safe until needed.
17. Spray paint, drugs, and alcohol is forbidden, anyone caught with it will face expulsion
18. Students attendance to annual gatherings are mandatory.
19. Rules are subjected to change, they are the code of the academy.


Room A:
1. Aries Dusk
2. Aiden Flynn

Room B:
1. Zayne Bloodsoe
2. Rune Lafel

Room C:
1. Kyan Mancaruso
2. Shinji Naruka

Room D:
1. Celeste Radford
2. Gabriela Dragomir

Room E:
1. Alexzander Byren

Teacher's Room A:
1. Vincent Darkwing
2. Nathaniel Flynn

Teacher's Room B:
1. Chris Tranata
2. Christopheer Wyeth

Headmaster's Room:

James Stone


Accepted Profiles

Kiyoto 10-09-2012 10:08 PM

Vincent Darkwing

Vincent paused for a brief moment, looking out the window of his soon to be classroom. He was a bit interested to see who the students of this year would be. Many were old ones coming back from previous years, others would be new to the school all together. He sighed slightly, and turned to look at the empty desks. Why had he agreed to come back? He had had a bad feeling about this place for awhile now, and right now being here was not helping. Something was wrong with this place, but he could not bring it up with the headmaster, he had a feeling that would be a very bad idea. He moved to the desk, and slipped out his planner for the next year. He would be teaching the morning sessions of history, and then afternoon sessions of helping the students with their powers.

That would certainly be interesting, the students would come in with mixed levels of experience and power. Some would be just as dark as the secrets that laid in wait inside this school, others would be far to innocent for their own good. He shook his head, tossing the planner back on the desk. This was going to certainly be one hell of a year. He had a feeling whatever was going on was going to boil over soon. He turned away from the desk to move to the door, his hand making its way to the light switch. The room went black, as he flipped it into the downward possition, and a slight buzz remained from the bulbs. The halls were empty for now, but the students were beginning to arrive. He had a feeling most would head for the dorms first, and he himself should probrably do the same. He was interested to find out who the unlucky one was to be rooming with him.

Aries Dusk

Aries sat in the back of the car. A man on either side, and one in the front. They were very weary of him, ready for any move he would or could make. At least that was what they though. He doubted any of them could be prepared for what he could really do, but at the moment he was sedated. The pills clouding his mind. He closed his eyes for a moment, letting the thoughts sink in. He was being transfered to some school, to help with his mind and his powers. He had perfect control over them, but according to these guys, he had no control at all. He was alright with it in his own way, not having to be locked up in a cell anymore. The padded white walls constantly around him had begun to get on his nerves a bit. He paused, wait, was that him thinking or....

He opened his eyes, looking down at his shodow wrapped around his feet., To anyone else, it was just a shadow, no one would ever know the truth. The dostors thought he was hearing voices, well he was, but the main one was of his shadows. His shadow was a creature few knew about. He called them the Dark Ones. They were naturally dark and evil creatures. They usually hid in people's shadows, attatching themselves to a "host". They fed off of that person's energy and life force, until eventually they killed their host. He couldn't very well tell the doctors this, or anyone for that matter. They would and often did thinnk he was crazy. It was one of the main reasons he had been locked up in the first place.

The car slowed, soon stopping. He looked out the window at the tall buildings on the right. It was a strange place, but he guessed it would have to do for now. The guards stepped out, soon taking him out of the car. He herd a slight hiss, and his shadow extended itself towards the school a bit. "Quite eager to get inside eh?" he asked. The guards regarded him with a look. He merely smiled lightly, and they led him inside. The driver stayed behind to get his things, and he was led inside to the officce. He sat outside as the other's talked to the secretary, and then soon came out. Obviously the headmaster wasn't in right now. They looked him over, giving him a stern warning that they would be watching, and visiting often. With that, he was left to find his dorm on his own.

Kilia 10-09-2012 11:51 PM

Zayne Bloodsoe

Zayne was sitting in the back of an unmarked police car, sunglasses over his eyes as he appeared to be sleeping. The middle-age male in the front, growled slightly, grumbling to himself as he smoked his cigarette. Though Zayne was not truly sleeping, in fact he had perfected in pretending to be a sleep sometimes, at the moment he was watching the cop in the front seat.

He knew the male was uncomfortable around him because of his two different eye colors, though they never mentioned, it was said to say that this cop, saved him from his parents when they tried to kill him. He looked out the window for a few minutes as he let his mind wander, watching trees pass the window, even watching them give away to streets and the town.

Soon when the car pulled to a stop, he gave a bored yawn, stretching some as he rolled out the car, looking around slightly before he nodded towards his care giver as he snatched up his duffel bag, taking the paper from the male, before he watched the vehicle speed off. He looked at the paper for a few minutes, thinking for a few minutes as he stared at it, turning on his heel before he headed off towards his dorm room.

Kiyoto 10-10-2012 01:51 AM

Rune Lafel

Rune lounged back on his bed. He felt to lazy at the moment to put his stuff away. He placed his hands behind his head. A smirk formed on his lips, he always seemed to have it. It was part of his image. Everyone saw this kind of cockiness with him, he was confident. He didn't care about the others in the school. They were all little pawns to him, little rabbits fit for the picking. He chuckled, this was going to be fun. He glanced over at the second bed in the room. He was set to get a roomate today, and he was curious to find out who they stuck him with. If it was one of those goodie guys who were supposed to change him, he would chew them up and spit them out. If it was someone like him though, he would certainly knock them down a few pegs.

He finally brought himself to stand up, pulling off his t-shirt. He grabbed the red hoddie that he usually wore, putting it on. He was more comfortable like this, and even though it was dress code, most knew by now it was pointless to try and get him in trouble. He looked out the window and smiled, it was a good day for a hunt. He was looking forward to going out tonight after the others, including his roomate, had gone to bed. He slowly began to pull things out of his bags, putting them away. Clothes and junk littered the floor as he did, he had an odd system of organization, but it worked for him. He wished his roomate would hurry their ass up. If not, he was going to swipe some of their storage. He was more of a dominant guy himself, he could deffinetly hold his own against these guys. It was all a game to him.

Kilia 10-10-2012 02:27 AM

Zayne rolled his eyes as he committed the map to memory before he headed off to his dorm room, not bothering to look around as he walked, considering it was now packed full of other students. He already hated this place, not even caring if this was where he was going to be living at for a rather long time, even out of the school year also.

He hated the cheery blossom trees, he hated the bright colorful buildings, none of it suited him, none of it made him feel comfortable in his new surroundings. He gave a slight sigh of relief as he walked into the darker looking dorm, he barely looked at the numbers on the dorm doors before he found the room that was assigned to him.

He was told that he was going to have a roommate, already hating the poor guy before he even met him, he finally tossed the door open, well opened it loudly so the guy, if he was in there, could hide what ever it was that he didn't want to be known. Though you wouldn't be able to tell it by his serious face, but he was slightly surprised to find a handsome male sharing the room with him.

For a brief moment before he realized that he would have to hide his difference from the person, which just pissed him off even more. "Great.....they stick me in a room with a pansy." he grumbled as he just tossed his bag onto the free bed, still looking at the male from behind his dark sunglasses, glad he couldn't see his eyes at the moment. After a few minutes of what would seem like sparks flying, he turned from him and finally shoved what few things he owned away in his section of the room storage space.

"First off, I don't like you and you don't like me. I don't want to be friends. I am not interested in you in the least bit. So stay out my way and I will stay out yours. So just stick to your side of the bloody room and we will have no problems." he said to him in a voice that was just as serious as the look on his face as he finally took the sunglasses off, revealing blue eyes to the male.

Kiyoto 10-10-2012 02:44 AM

For a moment Rune watched the guy who busted in like he owned the place. His tough guy attitude and the words that came out of his mouth seemed to brush right over him. For a moment after he finished speaking and removed his glasses, there was silence. That was, before Rune bursted out laughing "Wow mate, someone woke up with a stick up his ass this morning eh?" He shook his head, looking away now to his bag again. He couldn't help but laugh again it was amusing to him that this guy honestly thought he gave a damn. He was cute though, and did have a nice body. Perhaps Rune would take that body for a spin later. His smirk grew, the though brought about another wave of laughter, but he held it back.

He turned to face the guy after a moment. "Name's Rune by the way, and I really don't give a bloody damn if you like me or not. I go where I want, do as I please, and say what is on my mind. If you have an issue with that then you can take your ass someplace elsse. Good enough mate?" He had a slight accent, which seemed to be Austrillian. His manner of speaking similar to that as well. He didn't much care for his language, though he would have to curb it a bit around the teachers. This guy however was nothing more then an ant benieth his boot. He crossed over to his closet. He tossed his bags in the bottom, before shutting the door. He turned, leaning his back against the door, his eyes sliding up the male. His tongue ran over his upper lip as they did.

Kilia 10-10-2012 03:12 AM

Zayne had at that point, tucked his sunglasses, glasses, and spare contacts away in the night stand next to his bed before Rune could see what they were that he was hiding, last thing he needed was for the guy to think he was a geek, no matter how much his foster sister said he was sexy with the glasses on. Though the fact that his words were ignored, didn't bother him, but the fact that he was being laughed at was pissing him off even more, he didn't basically live on the streets for some party jock guy to laugh at him like he was some geek.

"Tch. Bloody annoying." he said allowed, his eyes narrowing at him before he laid down on his new bed, the accent was sexy, only for about the first sentence then it just got annoying to him, just making him even more livid then he already was. He stayed calm though as he narrowed his blue eyes at the male, laying down on his bed before closing his eyes, tired of him.

"Oh Rune, your so hot and sexy with an accent, i just love your name. Since your such a party dude, can you through one for us officially being a couple?" those were the words that were sarcastically spilling out his mouth in a clearly fake female voice, it was clear that something had changed, considering he was slightly different from before as he gave Rune a sultry look from his bed.

Kiyoto 10-10-2012 03:29 AM

Rune smirked at the guy "correction, maybe it was another guy up your ass." He laughed, pushing away from the door, and moving to his bed. He leaned over the male for a moment, his face inches from his. "Oh don't worry big boy...perhaps one day you'll be lucky enough to be screaming my name." He winked, before pulling away with yet another laugh. Man this guy was trying to hard, he thought he was such a badass, but from where Rune was standing, he was either tying to appear this way, or seriously just a wierd guy. Either way, Rune was going to have fun with him. He walked out of the door, letting him sit there with his laugh still in his ear.

He headed out back, making his way to a set of stairs. He pulled a cigarette out of his back pocket. He pulled his lighter out, flipping it open to light the end. He slid his tongue along his upper lip, before slipping the cig between his lips. He let the smoke curl off into the air, before taking a deep breath. The flavor in his mouth was disgusting, but it was a distraction from a few things. He pulled the stick out, letting the smoke escape from his slightly parted lips. It curled around his head a bit, before vanishing as well into the air. This year may be more interesting then he gave it credit for. If the other rats were as fun to play with as this Zimmy character. He laughed lightly. Zimmy and Gummy, sounded pretty good to him.

Kilia 10-10-2012 04:23 AM

"You wish." Zayne mumbled to him as he yawned, settling down to sleep, having closed his eyes to try and get some real sleep, not bothering to open his eyes to look at the male as he leaned over the bed to look at him. But the comment that he had said to him about him screaming the male's name, pissed him off to the point that he shot out of the bed, going after the male, not going to let him get away that easily. Just his luck, he found the male smoking on the stairs, his roommate, of all the things he was roomed with a smoker, disgusting was the word that went through his mind.

He stood there behind the male for a few minutes before he leaned over and snatched the cigarette from his lips before putting it between his own lips as he glared at him. Grabbing him before he shoved him against the wall, glaring at him as he thought for a few minutes, blowing the smoke into his face. "The only one that will be screaming anyone's name will be you screaming mine. I won't take your shit." he said to him in a low and deadly voice as he blew more smoke into his face, snorting at him before shoving him into the wall again, letting the cig drop to the ground before he stepped on it, turning to head back to the dorm room to get some sleep.

Kiyoto 10-10-2012 04:37 AM

He laughed at the male, as he went on his rampage. "Oh my, seems I hit a nerve" he reached an arm around the male's hips. Being stronger then the average guy, he easily lifted him, backing him against the wall. He moved his body between the other's legs, pressing his hips against the other's. "Look, I don't really care if you are going to put up with my crap or not, nor would I ever scream the name of a man who can barley keep himself in check. You are an interesting Zimmy I must say though, I will have plenty of fun playing with you." With that, he leaned in. He caught the male's mouth in a strong kiss, forcing his tongue in to slide along the other's, letting him taste the cigarette on his tongue. He then pulled away, letting him fall on his but on the stairs, before once more licking his lips.

He turned away, his more animal side was showing at the moment. Powerful, agressive and dominant. If this guy wanted to play, he better be prepared for just what he was getting himself into. Rune was oddly hungry now, being him worked up an appitite. He could eat a lot, but his body remained fit. It was from his work outs, he made sure he stayed in peak performance, so no one would be able to get in his way. If this Zimmy guy was trying to win in a test of brute strength, Rune would easily break every bone in his body. If it was a battle of the minds he wanted, well then, Rune would play his little game. He made his way to the cafe, a few people already there. He took up his usual table in the back, looking at the menu for the lunch hour.

Kilia 10-10-2012 05:03 AM

Zayne was far from happy as the male decided to take advantage of the situation, from what he had intended it to be, which had been a simple confrontation of him bullying the male into realizing he should leave him the hell alone. He didn't need this mess, to be showed up in the physical strength, his blood was boiling from the thought. Then the situation got worse, the male making him seem like a female of all things and french kissing him! He was outraged, already having to put up a fight to break free, like getting his foot on the male's stomach before he tried to shove him away, which didn't seem to be working.

He was slightly shocked to find the male's tongue in his mouth, for one he didn't peg the guy as gay or bi, which ever one he is, two this only made him bite down hard on both their tongues until they bleed. Not caring that he was dropped or that they were now both bleeding, he wanted him to know that this was not over and he was not going to tolerate him just doing as he pleased with him. What made him feel even more disgusting was the fact he could feel his blood in the male's mouth. A flash of danger glinted in his eye, raising his fist up before releasing it with his fingers spread out, turning his loose blood into a ball of spikes.

He couldn't help but smirk at the thought of the male being in pain for a few minutes, letting him know how it felt to feel something he didn't want to feel. The best thing about his blood was that every single drop of it he could control, even the bits that slid down Rune's throat would be tiny spike balls, hurting him further until Zayne fell a sleep on his bed, going back to his nap after he locked and barricaded the door so he wouldn't be disturbed. "Bleed to death you little piece of crap." he mumbled to himself as he finally settled into his nap.

Kiyoto 10-11-2012 08:16 PM

Aries paused at the dorm, there seemed to be a second bed. He wondered why they would put him with someone else, maybe the people here were stuipid. He did not do to well when presented with others, he was more of a loner, watching from afar. People made him curious, but they also disgusted him. They could be such a pain in the backside at times. He slowly sat his bag on the bed, his others had already been brought in. His mind was still hazy from his medication, and he thought about taking a nap for a bit. His hand pressed against the bed, it was firm, but not to firm. He would have to get used to it. Pulling his bag over, he opened it to reach inside. He slowly pulled out a human like skull, the hollow eyes looking back at him. "What an odd place this is, don't you agree Uncle York?" he sat the skull on the table by his bed, not looking away from the eyes.

"I do not know why we must stay here, they are in no way in our league..." his shadow streatched out a bit, pulling towards the window and up onto the wall. Even on the glass, he could see it, the distinct darker area in the shape of a person. "An what do you see eh?" he crosses the room. In the courtyard he manages to see two other guys, one had the other up against the wall kissing him, before dropping him. The two soon parted ways. The one had reminded him kind of of himself. He tilts his head, this was quite an odd place indeed. Without hesitation, he turned on his heel, scooping up the skull in one hand, and moving to the door in a mere few strides. He would investigate this place. Yes, that was it, he would see what this place was all about.

Roka 10-11-2012 09:07 PM

Nathaniel Flynn

Nathaniel grunted as he pushed down the trunk to the car, eyeing his younger brother, who had went straight to shotgun and put his headphones in. With a sigh, he turned to his sister. "Well... We're off." He pulled her into a tight, short hug, and got in the car, clicking on his seatbelt. "Ready, Aiden?" He questioned, to which he got a look in response. Same old, same old, same old. He could only hope he'd be more vocal around the other kids.

Some amount of time later, they arrived at the school. As soon as he parked, Nate went to the trunk and pulled out both suitcases, then faced the hardest task: waking up Aiden from the long nap, "Cera?" Nate questioned, lightly shaking his brother's shoulders. After a grunt and the slapping of gloves against his arms, he handed Aiden a map. "I believe you're in the student's dorm A. I don't know how far away that is from my dorm, the teacher's dorm A..." he trailed off, and watched Aiden curiously. Once he was assured the boy was fine by himself, he went off in search of his own dorm.

After a few minutes, Nathaniel managed to stumble upon his dorm. He hesitated before opening the door, and saw two different beds. He chose one, and set his things upon and around it, and laid back. Now... we play the waiting game. Who rooms with me?

Aiden Flynn

Aiden woke slowly, slapping Nathaniel's hands away from his body. He hated being touched. There was too much of a risk...

He grunted as he heard he'd have to room with someone else. He wasn't much of the talkative type, and this was just another thing that could go wrong. He was sure that by the end of the month, some freak accident would leave his roommate writhing in pain on the floor, his last breath escaping him, and the paramedics would have no way to help him. No antidote. Nathaniel had used all of it on Amela that one time...

Grabbing his suitcase, he followed the map that would lead him to his dorm. When he arrived, he wasted no time opening the door and almost bumping into the boy who was walking out. A quick side-step prevented any part of him touching the boy - even though Aiden himself was covered from his neck to his toes. "I would be more careful if I were you. You could have died." He stepped around the boy and took the bed that was open, placing his stuff over it. He didn't miss the fact that the other kid was carrying a skull... What kind of place was this, anyways?

Kiyoto 10-11-2012 09:32 PM

Vincent pulled out his keys, unlocking the door to his dorm room. He opened the door, and paused when he saw another man already laying on one of the beds. Oh joy, his roomate was already there. He entered without a second look, crossing to one of the desks. He tossed his books down, and his keys, before turning back to close the door. Slipping off his black coat, he tossed it on the bed, loosening his tie a bit and undoing the top button of his shirt. He then picked up one of his bags, opening it. He didn't miss a beat. Most were slightly intimidated by him. He was over six feet, long limbed, and broad. He worked out on his downtime, and kept himself in top shape. He needed to, he helped out with the guard shifts sometimes, and he had to be ready for anything.

Aries paused as the male passed by him, and then entered his room. So that was his roomate eh? When he spoke about death, Aries smiled a bit. He turned around, following the male back in. "That would be fine with me" he said simply, before sitting down on his bed. He sat the skull in his lap, facing it so the eyes looked out towards the other male. He leaned down a bit to it and whispered, "an interesting one indeed." He nodded, looking back up at the male. His dark eyes never leaving him, and his expression never changing. He kept it blank, watching the other's every move, noting everything he could about him. Aries had an excelent memory, and he was always interested in learning more and more, all he could, especially about the people and things around him. Information and knowledge was power after all.

Roka 10-11-2012 09:50 PM

Nathaniel turned his head slightly when another man entered the room, and slowly sat up as the man set about situating himself in the dorm. He seemed graceful in his movements, and Nathaniel took note to not get on this guy's bad side if he could help it. Although, if he did, it wasn't anything a little touch of his power couldn't fix for a few hours.

"I'm Nathaniel Flynn. I will be teaching the English class," he stated in a light Irish accent, not bothering to try to hold it back. He walked over to where the man was standing and held out a hand, waiting for the other man to introduce himself.

Aiden stared at the other male, wondering why in hell he would be so nonchalant about death. Was he being mocked? He kept his expression neutral as he began unpacking some of his things, staying on his half of the room as much as he could. "We need to make some rules. Let me begin. Rule one: Don't come in contact with my skin. Rule two: I like to be alone. Don't force conversation." Aiden glanced at the other male, watching him. He seemed to be watching Aiden, but the gaze didn't make Aiden any more nervous. He was used to stares.

"I'm Aiden. But since you'll probably end up breaking the first rule within the next month, I don't really need to know your name."

Kiyoto 10-11-2012 10:01 PM

Vincent paused for a moment as the man walked over. When he introduced himself, Vincent took note. So he was the English teacher now. He slowly sat down his bag, turning to face the man. He looked him over a bit, and could sense a decent amout of power in him. He looked at the hand outstreatched to him, and slowly took it in his own. He looked the man in the eyes, not nervous or afraid. His grip was firm but not crushing, he knew first impressions were powerful themselves. "My name is Vincent Darkwing, I am the History teacher, as well as one of the teachers in the Power Development classes."

"Aries" he said with a smile "Aries Dusk." He leaned back, holding the skull up at arms length, looking into the eyes. "I have no intrest in touching you or anyone else for that matter, and do not worry, I prefer being alone as well, so you should have your privacy quite often." This guy was amusing, they had a few things in common, that was good. He could tell this guy was hiding something, but then again so was Aries. His shadoww moved up the bed, finally settling on the wall behind him. It looked to be standing, even though Aries himself was laying. He tilted his head back to look at the form, his shadow was always darker then normal peoples, and it never went away even in bright light. It was an odd thing, and a few priests were convinced he was carrying the devil with him. That was amusing to him as well, they had no idea what laid in wait in the darkness.

Ravina Darkholme

Her boots clocked on the floor with every step, echoing down the hall with ease. Everyone fell silent as she passed, making her steps that much more noticable. She walked with confidence and grace, fluent movements, never missing a beat. Her hips swayed slightly, from side to side as she made her way along. No one would have guessed the truth behind her, and to them she was shrouded in mystery. Everyone knew the rumors of the headmaster, a beautiful woman with fiery hair, and an even more explosive personality. A slight smirk formed on her lips, and she lifted a hand to run the fingers through her hair. She made her way to the stairs, climbing up them slowly. She herd voices of students, but they stopped as soon as she approached. This was going to be such a fun year, she was going to enjoy adding more people to her little collection. No one would guess what was really going on here, but they soon would, and when they did....

She paused at a window, looking out over the grounds. They were beautiful, full of life and beautiful, it disgusted her. Beauty and girly things were not her style. She liked the bold and the dark, the mysterious and the creepy. She was quite the woman. She turned away, finishing her ascent to the top of the stairs. She walked along to the end of the hall, where large dark red doors stood. The crest of RavenWood on them. She pushed them open, closing the doors once she entered, locking them. She made her way to the back, pulling down on the crystal statue of a raven that sat on one of the dark bookcases. Her office was a bit normal, dark wood floors, with a red carpet that led up to the elegant desk. A fireplace and chairs, a bar off to one side, and the large bookcases that reached to the high ceilings. A crystal chandelire lit the dark room, and candles were around as well.

As she pulled down on the statue, the bookcase behind the desk slid forward. It exposed a set of stairs, spiraling downwards. She walked down them slowly. She soon reached a lab like room down below, that led off into halls and labryths of other rooms. She took the one in the middle, and made her way along. She knew exactly where she was going. She finally reached a room where a male sat in a wheelchair. She moved to him, sliding her hand along his shoulders, as he staired blankly at the wall. "Don't worry Lance...soon you will have everything you need. For now howver, I need your talent" she removed her glove. She touched the back of the other's neck, and a small gasp came from him. She absorbed his ability, and smiled. Pulling her glove back on, she looked at him. "Your power to nullify the abilities of others comes in quite" she says, before turning, and walking out.

Roka 10-12-2012 02:38 AM

Nathaniel returned the firm grip, nodding his head slowly. "Nice to meet you. Power Development?" he paused, taking a second to word his next question correctly. "Maybe sometime you can give me a few pointers? I'm sure you've met people with my powers before... Nothing special. I'm a Healer, which is a blessing and a curse itself. I can heal any bodily injury you can think of, but it draws on my own energy, and thus I can't heal myself." He took a moment to move back to his side of the room, glancing at the other man as he spoke and began making his side of the dorm home. "I can also put a person in a coma-like state... Again, that uses my own energy supply, so I can't do it to myself. I can't really control for how long they stay that way, but I can narrow it down from a few hours to a few days, I guess it just depends on the person." Nathaniel took a deep sigh, and then continued, "Then again, those may not be powers you can assist me with."

Aiden watched Aries as he moved, mostly in the way that his shadow didn't seem to fade... or flatten when Aries himself laid down. He smirked slightly. "Oh, no. You can touch me, I don't really care. However, if you, or anything else comes in direct contact with my skin..." He trailed off and removed one glove, reaching over to his night stand, where a complimentary bunch of flowers sat in a vase. He plucked one of the fullest ones out with his gloved hand, and caught Aries's eye before stroking it with the fingers of his ungloved hand. In seconds, the flower began to turn brown with the poisonous oil now spreading through the petals. One by one, the brownish-black petals dropped from the flower and onto the floor. He then put a gloved finger to his lips in a "Shh" motion, pulling his glove back on and laying back. He opened the telepathic link through him and Nathaniel and reminded the man to have Amela send his custom-made bedsheets, pillow cases, and other things he had forgotten to pack (or couldn't fit) in his suitcase.

Celeste Radford

With a huff, Celeste put down her last suitcase on her bed. She had stuffed all of the things she could manage in them, and her body was regretting it. Her father had been the one to put them in the car, and take them out when she arrived, and she had refused to let him help her bring them to her dorm. She had to get away from his emotions. His were too strong. He thought he was going to lose her, just like he'd lost her mother...

She grunted and flopped on the bed, crossing her ankles. Running a hand through her chestnut-colored hair, she wondered who her roommate would be - if she had one.She decided not to worry about that and set her thoughts on what classes she would be taking. Everyone here seemed relatively young, the teachers included. Is that because we all have powers? she wondered, and reached out with her mind to get a feel of everyone's emotions on the first day back at RavenWood. Happiness... Sorrow... Regret... Fear... Lust... Woah, totally didn't expect that one.

She grabbed her key and headed back out the door, her muscles still sore and groaning with each effort to move. But she had to meet someone, to make a friend or something. She needed someone to talk to. And quickly.

Kilia 10-12-2012 03:08 AM

Zayne jerked, sitting straight up in his bed, he was sweating, clearly something had been wrong, he blinked his two different colored eyes at the empty plain room. Everything was blurry but he knew that he still had to decorate his side of the room, at least to paint it black. He yawned for a minute or too before he pulled his glasses out the drawer next to his bed, having taken his contacts out before his nap. He had no clue what the schools rules were on the rooms, but they really were not going to like what he had planned.

He pulled out a sketch pad as he sat in one corner of the room, looking at how it was set up before he quickly sketched it down on the paper, keeping a serious look on his face as he drew it to how he wanted it to be, which was kind of dark and morbid then it was now. Once he was finished with it, he couldn't help but wish he had the power to just make his drawings come to life, maybe then his life would have turned out far different then it was at that moment.

His head snapped up when he heard the knob starting to turn, he quickly stashed his sketch book under his bed, stashing the glasses away as he pulled out his contacts and quickly put them in, sadly inside out, which meant that he could feel them scraping his eye lids.

Bangarang 10-12-2012 04:37 AM

Kyan was watching the cameras. Laughing at the people that got lost and confused. Smirking at others when they got to their dorms. And making a mental list of all the hot guys he has seen. He raised a hand and opened a new stream, going through the school files to match names to faces, as well as backgrounds. Where they came from and what their GPAs are and such. He closed both streams and opened a new one, looking at his dorm number and his classes. He simply nodded and smiled big when he found out who he had for history.

"Oh Vincent Darkwing, why are you such a puzzle to figure out? Good thing I enjoy a challenge." he said to himself. He smiled as he closed the line and continued walking to his dorm room. So far he was alone. He hated being alone. His blonde hair swayed in his face as he looked around and messed up one bed, marking it as his. It was by the window. He liked people watching when he was studying. That's a lie, he never studied. He would just open a line and take the answers from the computer that the teacher used.

Pushing his glasses up his nose, Kyan walked out of his room and headed out to people watch. He enjoyed watching the poor innocent Freshman. Always easy to con into a kiss or several. Thats when he felt a slight tingle feeling on his left. He opened a recording form just a bit ago, between two guy in the stairwell. He smiled as he watched the audioless fight go down, resulting in one of them leaving. He followed the other back to his dorm room using the cameras. "Finally some fun." He said watching the other draw with his glasses on. He smiled widly as he got up and went to the dorm room. He just walked in, he wasn't on for knocking or annoncing his entrance. He laid on the extra bed and looked at the other. "Paint me like those french girls Jack!" he said putting a hand behind his head and smiling sweetly. "Oh sorry! Paint me like those French girls......Zayne." He said searching for the others file during that pause. "Such an interesting little spat in the stairwell my friend. Care to talk about it? Oh sorry, I'm Kyan. Now talk, hot stuff. But first...." he got up and went to wear he saw the other put the glasses. He slid them on the others face. "Much better." He said pushing up his own.

Kilia 10-12-2012 05:54 AM

Zayne watched the male as he walked into the room, not liking him one bit as he ran a hand through his black hair, not saying anything other then scowling at what he was saying and even more mad about the fact that he actually knew his name. He stood there and watched as the male acted like the room belonged to him, it was just pissing him off even more. "Get out of my room and how the hell do you know my name?" he said to him as he growled slightly, snatching his glasses off his face and shoving them back in the drawer, it was pointless considering the fact he had his contacts on at that time. "Bloody people." he grumbled, turning to face away from him, trying to ignore him and the comments about what happened on the stair way. Though all of this was making him mad, he couldn't help but want to know why the male knew such things considering the fact there had been no one there and he liked to be a private person.

Bangarang 10-12-2012 06:03 AM

Kyan looked at him, unphased by his actions. he just laughed a bit. "Sorry. I can see electronic wavelengths. I have your filed pulled up right now. Bit of a temper you have. No wonder your Gpa is like that. Though your roommates isn't any better or worse. I'll stop prying now." He said raising a hand and closing the line. He stayed where he was but only sat on the edge of the bed. "It sucks having a dominate roommate, huh? I enjoy it actually. I can't stand having submissives. No fun. Always...well agreeing with what I say. Then again most people do since I can pull up their darkest secrets with a flip of my hand. People really need to stop posting stuff about their lives on the computers or talking about them over the phone. Oh sorry, just rambling. Let me start over. I'm Kyan. And you are?" He said with a soft voice. He held out his hand to shake the others. "By the way, I'm very submissive, if in the right mood. Also, your eye is getting irritated. I would fix your contacts before it cuts open your eye."

Kiyoto 10-12-2012 07:06 AM

Vincent listened to the man spek. He so freely gave away information about himself, and about what he did. He didn't even know Vincent, but that didn't seem to matter at the moment. He paused for a moment when the man was finished, and turned to him. His arms crossing over his chest. "It depends on you in the end" he says simply. People were different, and so were powers. If a person wanted control and better range, it depended how hard and far they were willing to work and go. Vincent himself had no problem doing what needed to be done, but then again he was very bold and brave according to the other teachers. To himself, he was just..him.

Aries tilted his head for a moment, before sitting up after the other laid down. He looked at the petals on the ground. "Nice trick" he said, with a smile that could have been real or not. His shadow left the wall, moving over to the dead petals poking at them with a shadowy finger. He looked down at it. "Yes I know" he says, no one spoke, "it isn't the least bit odd, then again with you everything else seems perfectly normal." He picked up the skull again, "we will just have to keep him on a tighter watch, wont we Uncle York." He smiles, looking into the hollow eyes of the skull. His hand gently moving to brush a small bit of dust awau from the back of it.

Rune walked down the hall towards the dorm. He was bored already with the people here, no one worth his time. When he stepped into the room, he noticed a boy who seemed to be getting on Zimmy's nerves. A smile spreads across his face, and he would have been more then happy...if the guy wasn't laying on his bed. He walked over, picking him up by the back of his shirt, and turning him around to face him. "An odd one arn't you" he said as more of a statement then a question. This guy was deffinetly holding his attention for the moment, he hoped him and Zimmy would provide a bit more entertainment then those other ones had.

Kilia 10-12-2012 08:31 AM

Zayne continued to ignore him but now it was getting difficult, without fixing his contacts, he turned around and glared at the male. "I want to kill you now." he said to him as he continued to glare at him, his eyes already starting to bleed, though it didn't bother him. His anger was starting to show, which was clear by the fact that his blood seemed to boil some when you looked at it. "You already know my name and that stupid little power of yours is going to get you killed." he said in a mean and vicious voice.

Just then Rune had walked back into the room, he growled even more before a evil smile crept onto his face, chuckling a bit as his eyes locked on Rune. "Oh lovely your back. Well then i will leave you and your girlfriend alone now." he said in a mean, spiteful and vindictive voice as he snatched up his back pack, and quickly exited the room, planing to get free of the two people that he hated more then anything, planing to pull a disappearing act.

Bangarang 10-12-2012 03:54 PM

"Sorry killing is against school rules. Also it's my mouth that would get me killed most likely." Kyan said before being picked up by the shirt. He looked at the other up and down. He smiled softly as he reached his hand and opened the school files once more. "So your Rune. I was wondering when I was going to meet you. Change for me. I want to see your other look. It says here that you can change into a beast form...right? Well seeing is believing." He said closing the line and putting his hands together on his lips.

"Also if this wasn't my school uniform I'd be very pissed. I tend to only wear silk or cashmere. Except for underwear. I don't wear those." Kyan said with a smirk. He looked at the read jacket and his mouth dropped. "Your like little red riding hood! She ends up being this were-wolf and her red cloak stops her from turning. Is it the same with you?"

Roka 10-12-2012 06:14 PM

Nathaniel nodded, somewhat disappointed by the answer, but continued unpacking things. "I figured you should know that much about me, seeing as we'll be dorm mates for the year." He left the statement as it was, for he didn't really expect the other man to tell him what powers he possessed.

A tingly feeling came over him, and he knew within a second that Aiden was contacting him telepathically. It was an eerie feeling... almost as if the boy was there, himself. Having been reminded to contact Amela for his things, he pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed the home number. "Dia duit, Nathaniel. What troubles you?"

"Amela, deirfiúr," he replied, the Irish word rolling off of his tongue. "Can you send the boy's things? Bedsheets and whatnot. You know what will happen."

"It is already done. It should arrive before the end of the day, dheartháir." He thanked her, and said his goodbyes in Irish. Vincent didn't need to hear all of the "I miss you" speeches and other things like that.

Aiden watched with a careful eye as Aries's shadow moved off the wall to poke at the poisoned petals. He raised an eyebrow when the other male began talking to the skull again, and he watched the interaction. Aries treated the thing as if it was his pet... or his best friend. Aiden didn't see a distinction between the two, so he left it as it was. "Interesting," he muttered, wondering again why they would pair him with another person. He was tempted to take a look into the other's mind, but refrained. He was a weak telepath, and he would probably use up the rest of the day's energy if Aries had a protective mind barrier.

I won't use many Irish words, but when I do, I'll make sure to put the translations down here.
Dia duit - Hello
deirfiúr - sister
dheartháir - brother

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