Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Valentine's Day Event 2009 (
-   -   CG Art Freebies by Toxi? <3 pick-up: Dystopia p9, 4ng3l p18 (

Intoxicate 02-17-2009 11:36 PM

CG Art Freebies by Toxi? <3 pick-up: Dystopia p9, 4ng3l p18
Hi there C:
Toxi - that's me - will be giving out freebies until the end of the event! :]
Chances are they'll be less detailed than my samples, but... still.


"Cute" Style

....they're probably not going to be as good but whatever XD;;
Post, stick around and chat, etc.

...if you've had a commisson waiting on Mene, I might be quitting, so
you can cancel your trades <___<

Esmereina 02-17-2009 11:40 PM

Awww Toxi.. i would love an art freebie from you... if thats ok..^^

how are you dear?

clubcouture` 02-17-2009 11:42 PM

O; nicee art.
(I want one please >_<)

Anyways, whatsup?

shinigami2 02-17-2009 11:42 PM

aw they are adoreable <3
I'd like one too O////O if you don't mind <3
what's up?

4nj3L 02-17-2009 11:43 PM

Your art looks absolutely lovely!!!! If it's not too much trouble I'd like a freebie too please.

Alyssia 02-17-2009 11:43 PM

Oh wow these are really adorable~ I'd love one. Do tell me though how it is that you're coloring them. I've wanted to open an art shop for so long...but outside of general life getting in the way and my lazyness...I really do lack the software to do the coloring. I do have one more questions though...are you only doind mene avatars?

Lastly good luck <3

Intoxicate 02-17-2009 11:43 PM

@Esmereina - I'll consider it C:
I'm good, I haven't really been paying any attention to this
event so I'm really far behind. XD //shrugs

@clubcouture - Nice avatar, so I might XD;
I'm alright, not doing that much except, well, procrastinating... You?


clubcouture` 02-17-2009 11:44 PM

The event is pretty easy so you could catch up pretty fast.
D; You don't even have a pillow though xD lol

Esmereina 02-17-2009 11:45 PM

oh i understand... ^^ i am glad you are ok..but did you say you were quiting mene??? O_O why? :(

Intoxicate 02-17-2009 11:47 PM

@4ng3l - your avatar's kinda, uh, bare? XD

@Alyssia - Thanks C:
I'm using SAI painter? xD //shrugs

Yeah, I procrastinate A LOT, I could do my commishes a lot quicker, but I've
got a lot of work IRL. //shrugs

I do OCs too -nodnod-

@clubcouture - See? I really don't know what's going on xD
Should probably read the FAQ, but it's a huge wall of text OTL

@Esmereina - Mhm. Well, I just don't visit this site much,
and all I really do is change my avatar, post in the AC board,
and link people to a gigantic art dump xD;;;;


Esmereina 02-17-2009 11:49 PM

@Intoxicate: aww.. im sorry to hear you don't find it as enjoyable though..:( i would be sad to see you go..cause we haven't even got to be friends yet... and i get sad when i miss friendships that haven't even started yet.. ^^; <3
so are you in college?

clubcouture` 02-17-2009 11:50 PM

Basically ever 30 minutes your Health Points and Attacking Points will restore.
Your Health points will decrease when other users hit you. Your AP will deplete when you hit other users.
hit = fight

You should only hit people that AREN'T on your team (Black Skull)

You can use the feathers to buy presents.. blah

The Pillows represent the ranks people are in

Vixen with a Vendetta 02-17-2009 11:52 PM

Holycrap! o.o
-makes grabby hands at the beautiful art- I wish I could get some like that. D:

Fat chance though. x-X;

Anywho, how's it going?

Esmereina 02-17-2009 11:54 PM

if i knew how to do art.. i would so do one for you Vixen dear...but not that talented...:(

luckily there are people here who are... thank goodness for mene artists, ne?

Vixen with a Vendetta 02-17-2009 11:55 PM

Haha even when I do run into good artists, I don't get much art, Esme. :P Don't worry about it.

I tend to get new art once... every three or four months.

4nj3L 02-17-2009 11:55 PM

All you have to do is wack the person who isn't n your team. You only have 10 attack points, and they get refreshed every 30min mark (i.e 1, 1:30, 2). After you've collected at least 24 feather trade em on the front forums page of this event with a by clicking one of the red heart boxes in the bottom right.

Intoxicate 02-17-2009 11:56 PM

@Esmereina - Aww, that's sweet thinking XD <3
Umm, no, I'm only a sophomore in high school. (haha, sophisticated moron.)
But I'm not kidding when I say I have a lot of work, stupid 'public elite'
school :<

@clubcouture - Thanks for summarizing it for me! :D
I wish I had more AP OTL

@Vixen - n u n;;
lols. I dunno, I choose pretty randomly. I have to be honest though,
that make-up is something I don't typically draw.
I'm doing okay, you?

@4ng3l - Thanks for explaining it to me, too :3

clubcouture` 02-17-2009 11:59 PM

Do you go to school in New York?

Vixen with a Vendetta 02-17-2009 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by Intoxicate (Post 1764029244)
@Vixen - n u n;;
lols. I dunno, I choose pretty randomly. I have to be honest though,
that make-up is something I don't typically draw.
I'm doing okay, you?

Is that a good thing? o.O

I don't really expect to get a freebie anyway. I'm kinda here just to drool on your work. :B

I've been better, actually. This break hasn't been going to well for me and a bunch of other things I'm sure you don't want to hear about. :P

4nj3L 02-17-2009 11:59 PM

Your welcome. You can also get .25 of a feather ever time you post as well (and something else also goes up to when you post I think).

Intoxicate 02-18-2009 12:03 AM

@clubcouture - It's further south, in NJ... and if anyone
bothers to look that up they'll know for sure where I go OTL;;;

@Vixen - Probably not, but I'm tempted to try anyway. < u <
Haha, I've still got such a long way to go in that respect...

Well, I don't know if someone like me would be much help, but
if you want to talk about it, I'm here. :]

@4ng3l - Alrightie~ :]
I wish these AP things would reset a bit faster but that's only because
I'm behind Dx

Dystopia 02-18-2009 12:05 AM

Toxi should draw Hasu like she did with the second example. =D *shot dead*

;3; Whai are yew quitting, ladee?

Vixen with a Vendetta 02-18-2009 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Intoxicate (Post 1764029327)
@Vixen - Probably not, but I'm tempted to try anyway. < u <
Haha, I've still got such a long way to go in that respect...

You should try it. ^^ It's actually rather fun to play with. I like drawing eyes with that kind of make-up. (I have a very realistic traditional drawing style so it's not very popular on Mene here)

I dunno how much of it I should voice here since it involves members on Mene. xD Though, in real life, a bulk of my frustration is coming from the fact my father is getting laid off so we're having to pack up and get ready to move.

AND LOVE SAiiD NO 02-18-2009 12:10 AM

O0hh pretty arts -nod-
how is everyone

Intoxicate 02-18-2009 12:11 AM

Hasu is so cute....hurhurhur. >D

I just don't come around here that much, or at least not
as much as I used to. I'm kind of getting used to the faster
communities, too <A<;;

@Vixen - Hmm, maybe. n n ;

Oh, well, that's not necessarily good then TAT;;

It's never easy moving and leaving behind a lot.... but there's always
a place for you wherever you go. :yes:

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