Menewsha Avatar Community

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PK 12-25-2007 02:34 PM

.||By The Fireside|| -> An Artshop & Hangout.

Here's to hoping that the banner shows up xD

Well hello everyone and welcome to By The Fireside, a warm and cosy place for everyone to hang out and just plain have fun. This place will also double as an art shop run by me because, well, it's Christmas and i thought i would have share some of the Christmas joy by creating some eye candy for all of you. In return for some of those amazing Special Event Store items, of course, as i can't afford them currently due to saving up for something huge (a.k.a the Valentine's Day Hairpin) D :

From time to time, there will also be freebies given out as well as contests held so be on the lookout! :0

Now, this will be my first time doing such a thing, so i hope you all behave (or try to anyway -chuckles) and i do hope you all enjoy what you see and enjoy the thread in general :3

Just making a little note here for those that i know there are those that are waiting for me to put up my art auction still. I'm super sorry that i haven't, it's just that i've been really busy with getting ready for Christmas and everything. But i WILL hold one. Eventually xD Maybe even once this event is over ;0

The post has been officially set up! So, as of now, each and everyone one of you may feel free to post to your heart's content xD ♥

To finish off, i'd just like to say...
Merry Christmas to everyone across the globe!
I hope you all have a good one ^^
I know that i am here in Australia.
♥ PK

1. Introduction (you are HERE)2. Rules ♦ 3. Pricing & Examples ♦
4. What I Want For Christmas ♦ 5. Slots ♦ 6. Contests/Freebies/Etc ♦
7. Reserved ♦ 8. Reserved ♦ 9. Reserved ♦ 10. Reserved ♦

PK 12-25-2007 03:04 PM

1. Introduction ♦ 2. Rules (you are HERE)3. Pricing & Examples ♦
4. What I Want For Christmas ♦ 5. Slots ♦ 6. Contests/Freebies/Etc ♦
7. Reserved ♦ 8. Reserved ♦ 9. Reserved ♦ 10. Reserved ♦


Well like every other thread (and art shop) out there, this one too, also has rules that you must follow. Otherwise, i daresay Menewshan staff as well as myself won't be very happy, now will we? xD

♦ Please follow Menewsha's rules.
♦ No fighting, whining, etc. We don't want anyone to get in trouble, now do we?
♦ No bugging me for free art whether it be by posting here or via messages. I've had terrible experiences with that happening : x -shudders-
♦ Have fun!
Oh and by the way, i have the right to add any more rules should i feel i have the need to :3

Art-related Rules:

♦ No stealing, tracing, editing without my written permission. That's an obvious one though, no?
♦ Payment is up front, just before i show you your art or after i've shown you a water-marked version. I hate art thieves with a burning passion >0
Slots are unlimited or until i close them. I don't want to be overwhelmed unless for a good reason xD
♦ I can draw anything you want, but keep in mind that these areas are out of range...

xxxxx - Nudity.
I'm not sure if Menewsha allows tasteful nudity? Well, in any case, just to be's not allowed xD

xxxxx - Grotesque violence.
Why? Same reason as above. I'm not sure if it's allowed.

xxxxx - Overloaded avatars or characters.
That is, anything with like hundreds of accessories and clothing that is all over the place and the hair goes anywhere and everywhere.
♦ Here's what i will draw though...

xxxxx - Interesting characters/avatars/quads (fursonas, animal characters or just normal animals) etc.
xxxxx - Accessories. As long as they're not overloaded : x
xxxxx - Backgrounds. For higher priced items or higher amounts of gold only though.
xxxxx - Mechanical things such as robots.

PK 12-25-2007 03:09 PM

1. Introduction ♦ 2. Rules ♦ 3. Pricing & Examples (you are HERE)
4. What I Want For Christmas ♦ 5. Slots ♦ 6. Contests/Freebies/Etc ♦
7. Reserved ♦ 8. Reserved ♦ 9. Reserved ♦ 10. Reserved ♦


So you've come straight to the pricing and examples section, eh? xD I knew you could resist the art -evil cackle- But seriously, this is where i get down to business and show you everything you need to know :3

This section will be split into two, showing both human and quad / animal examples so that anyone interested in buying art may be able to pick whichever they would like best. There will also be a little section for those late Christmas gifts that people may want to buy ♥

I'll edit this later (i have to head off to bed soon, haha) xD

PK 12-25-2007 03:49 PM

1. Introduction ♦ 2. Rules ♦ 3. Pricing & Examples ♦
4. What I Want For Christmas (you are HERE)5. Slots ♦ 6. Contests/Freebies/Etc ♦
7. Reserved ♦ 8. Reserved ♦ 9. Reserved ♦ 10. Reserved ♦


What do i want for Christmas? Well, what does everyone here on Menewsha want on Christmas really? xD Special Event Store items of course!

Here's a list of everything that i will be looking to get. I doubt i will get it all, or even half of it, but even so i'd certainly love to try as goodness knows i really need to be clothed properly xD

Listed them all in order of lowest to highest price. Aren't you proud? ;0

Prices are as follows...
First Row: - 100g to 125g
Second Row: - 150g to 200g
Third Row: - 200g to 200g
Fourth Row: - 225g to 250g
Fifth Row: - 250g to 250g
Sixth Row: - 250g to 300g
Seventh Row: - 300g to 2250g

All Special Store Event Item names and exact prices can be found here.

PK 12-25-2007 03:59 PM

1. Introduction ♦ 2. Rules ♦ 3. Pricing & Examples ♦
4. What I Want For Christmas ♦ 5. Slots (you are HERE)6. Contests/Freebies/Etc ♦
7. Reserved ♦ 8. Reserved ♦ 9. Reserved ♦ 10. Reserved ♦


Please do remember that i can close slots at any time due to the fact that i may be feeling overwhelmed by orders / commissions / real life at the time :3

xxxxxHuman Art - Avatars / Original Characters / Etc



xxxxxAnimal Art - Real Animals / Fursonas / Animal Characters / Etc



xxxxxOther Art - Anything not included in the human or animal art catagory :3



PK 12-25-2007 04:09 PM

1. Introduction ♦ 2. Rules ♦ 3. Pricing & Examples ♦
4. What I Want For Christmas ♦ 5. Slots ♦ 6. Contests/Freebies/Etc (you are HERE)
7. Reserved ♦ 8. Reserved ♦ 9. Reserved ♦ 10. Reserved ♦


♦ No mules please. I will ask a staff member to check if need be D :
♦ No being a sore-loser, or a sore-winner.
♦ No spamming to win. Spamming isn't allowed in general anyway. Conversation, however, is allowed and very much encouraged! ^^
Will add more if i can think of any xD

Contests will be either for a free sketch or gold if i can spare any. They will also be random!

!First Contest!
A random post on page 5 will win a free sketch! Will you be the one to win it? :0

More contests will be put up once the first one is over ^^


---> Freebies will be given out at random times, and on any page. The more you chat (not spam), with others and with myself, the more chance you have of getting a freebie. Please don't just visit this thread once and then vanish into thin air after you get a freebie. It would be nice if you could stay a while and chat, perhaps even make a few friends? xD

PK 12-25-2007 04:12 PM

1. Introduction ♦ 2. Rules ♦ 3. Pricing & Examples ♦
4. What I Want For Christmas ♦ 5. Slots ♦ 6. Contests/Freebies/Etc ♦
7. Reserved (you are HERE)8. Reserved ♦ 9. Reserved ♦ 10. Reserved ♦

Just a random post that is reserved for something. I'm not sure what to put here exactly, but then again, when you have a thread you never really know when you may need an extra post, huh? xD

I may later on edit this to be a FAQ for questions of all sorts.

PK 12-25-2007 04:13 PM

1. Introduction ♦ 2. Rules ♦ 3. Pricing & Examples ♦
4. What I Want For Christmas ♦ 5. Slots ♦ 6. Contests/Freebies/Etc ♦
7. Reserved ♦ 8. Reserved (you are HERE)9. Reserved ♦ 10. Reserved ♦

Just a random post that is reserved for something. I'm not sure what to put here exactly, but then again, when you have a thread you never really know when you may need an extra post, huh? xD

I may later on edit this later on.

PK 12-25-2007 04:14 PM

1. Introduction ♦ 2. Rules ♦ 3. Pricing & Examples ♦
4. What I Want For Christmas ♦ 5. Slots ♦ 6. Contests/Freebies/Etc ♦
7. Reserved ♦ 8. Reserved ♦ 9. Reserved (you are HERE)10. Reserved ♦

Just a random post that is reserved for something. I'm not sure what to put here exactly, but then again, when you have a thread you never really know when you may need an extra post, huh? xD

I may later on edit this later on.

PK 12-25-2007 04:15 PM

1. Introduction ♦ 2. Rules ♦ 3. Pricing & Examples ♦
4. What I Want For Christmas ♦ 5. Slots ♦ 6. Contests/Freebies/Etc ♦
7. Reserved ♦ 8. Reserved ♦ 9. Reserved ♦ 10. Reserved (you are HERE)

Just a random post that is reserved for something. I'm not sure what to put here exactly, but then again, when you have a thread you never really know when you may need an extra post, huh? xD

I may later on edit this later on.

PK 12-25-2007 04:18 PM

I now declare this thread, officially open! :0 So you're now all free to chat, be merry, celebrate and have fun xD ...Even though i have to head off to bed soon, lol.

When i get up tomorrow though, i promise i'll update with examples and everything ;0

`D i n o 12-25-2007 04:21 PM

  • yay!
    1st post!
    i wish you a merry christmas!
    so how are you?

PK 12-25-2007 04:24 PM

:0 My very first poster! And merry Christmas to you also, although mine is basically over. But, then, tomorrow's Boxing Day for me so perhaps not just yet? ;0

As for how i am, i'm very good. I feel very much awake though and i don't want to go to sleep even though i have to xD How about yourself Dino? How are you this merry Christmas? ^^

`D i n o 12-25-2007 04:31 PM

  • sad! I'm so so sad!
    i don't know what to do!
    i think this Christmas is
    sad for me!
    don't worry!
    so what now?
    i don't know what to say!

PK 12-25-2007 04:36 PM

You're sad? Why are you so sad? D :

And well, we can talk about anything really. Like what you've gotten so far for Christmas, had any good Christmas experiences such as surprises from friends or family, what's the weather like over there where you live? That sort of thing xD

`D i n o 12-25-2007 04:40 PM

  • its hot here!
    and i have my present now!
    its A RAZOR PHONE!
    i love it!
    how about you?

PK 12-25-2007 04:44 PM

xD Really? Surprisingly it's cold over here, despite the fact that it's Summer here in Australia. I thought it'd be even hotter than last year D : Or at least just as hot.

It's a good though that it's cold. I hate it when it's hot : x

Ooo...lucky. I want one of those but, yeah, i'm thinking i'll probably get a PS2 instead xD Which i don't mind at all as there are alot of games on the console that i've been wanting to play for quite some time now D :

Let's see...what did i get this year. Hrm...well nothing special really, except for a gold necklace with a snake pendant with diamonds on it ^^ A gift from the parents xD

`D i n o 12-25-2007 05:06 PM

  • omgomgomg!
    sorry if i reply late
    cause I have sa many
    threads to post!

PK 12-25-2007 05:16 PM

xDDD That's okay, i understand. I'm also the same way when i have to reply on many different threads.

Hrm...i guess i should probably head to bed soon.

Lata and goodnight everyone! ♥ And merry Christmas if it's Christmas Day for you :3

PK 12-26-2007 02:56 AM

Aww...well i guess noone's up to spreading some Christmas cheer? xD On this thread, anyway. If anyone's up for a nice long chat, a random conversation or some freebie fun then i'll be on all day xD

Today's Boxing Day for me, but i assume it's still Christmas for quite a number of you? :3

Tilly 12-26-2007 03:14 AM

Happy Christmas! ^__^

PK 12-26-2007 03:19 AM

And the same to you too! ♥
-pats the spot next to her- Come sit by the fireplace so we can talk better? :3

How are you by the way?

woopdidoodoo 12-26-2007 03:20 AM

Hiya PK I founded joo!

Tilly 12-26-2007 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by PK
And the same to you too! ♥
-pats the spot next to her- Come sit by the fireplace so we can talk better? :3

How are you by the way?

Okay. XD

Great, I had a wonderful Christmas, so I'm content. Well, I would be anyways. How were your holidays?

PK 12-26-2007 03:25 AM

Oh my gosh, it's been a while Woopdi! How have you been? xD And yes, you found me ;0

Aww...well that's always a good thing to hear. Although i'm not sure about that last part, haha xP

As for my holidays, well...they just started today so i can't really say how they were? xD Hopefully everything will go smoothly though so that i can say i had an awesome time xD -has something planned-

What about you? Do you have any plans for the holidays?

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