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Jezriel 09-25-2012 01:06 AM

Guardians of the Star Eater, Rejoice!! *prize on page FIVE*
Hangout for:
Guardians of the Star Eater

Mukashi, mukashi, aru toki ni - Near the end of Celes past, a group of people made plans for next Celes, where we'd have a fan club for the Star-Eater. Well, Celes never happened, and we all wandered off.

The Social Group still exists, even if I'm the only person to have posted in it, lol.

At any rate, here we are at Celes 2012 and the Star Eater again guards the Goddesses as they make merry while we collect Stars.

Join me in sneaking a few side stars to our friend the Star Eater while we post!

: Prizes :
Yeah, I know that's what you're really after. XD
I don't know how popular this thread is likely to be and all, so I'll adjust the list as I go. Right now...

Random person on page 5 will get either 300g or their choice of Starfruit Basket or Star Crest EI from Celes previous events.

Hikaru no Spork 09-25-2012 01:07 AM

*reserving* jic

Jezriel 09-25-2012 01:07 AM *reserving*

Link to the social group =
'Cause it's got all the history and stuff in it. =P

Hikaru no Spork 09-25-2012 01:29 AM

I really doubt I'll need more than that for lists and games and such. Now.... to listen to the echoing music of the crickets inhabiting my brain.

I might poof long enough to play a game of Magic with my family, but I'll be back. @.~

hummy 09-25-2012 01:35 AM

have fun!

Jezriel 09-25-2012 01:37 AM

Trying to! We'll see if the game even appears. After badgering me all day, it seems like they're having a break. I'm not leaving until dragged away, so. XP

BellyButton 09-25-2012 01:37 AM

This looks like a lovely thread. :3

Jezriel 09-25-2012 01:39 AM

Ooh, lookin' good there Belly! I like how the background flowers sort of blend into your hair like embers flying off.

Whimzica 09-25-2012 03:30 AM

-wanders in- hullo all! I'm so excited Celes is back.

Jezriel 09-25-2012 03:31 AM

Yuss indeedy! My favorite of all the events. I'm only a little sad it isn't coded, but... that's how the cookie crumbles.

Velvet 09-25-2012 03:32 AM

All hail the Star Eater. <3

Whimzica 09-25-2012 03:34 AM

@ Jez- Yes, its a bit sad. But I'm just excited its back! Thats a start. :3

Velvet 09-25-2012 03:35 AM

Sabiir, I like your avi. n__n

Whimzica 09-25-2012 03:36 AM

<3 thankyou.
I was trying to go for something bright and bold!

Velvet 09-25-2012 03:40 AM

You did an excellent job. :D

Jezriel 09-25-2012 03:41 AM

It is a nice usage of red and gold items! I admire your restraint in accessories, as well. I have a hard time knowing when to quit adding layers. XP

*contemplates cheezeburgers* Hmmm.... >.>'

Velvet 09-25-2012 03:42 AM

Lol, I have that problem too.

Whimzica 09-25-2012 03:51 AM

Thanks Jez, Vel. xD Yeah, there are so many tiny accessories to Mene that its hard to quit sometimes!

Velvet 09-25-2012 03:58 AM

Mmhm, that is definitely true.

Whimzica 09-25-2012 04:55 AM

Mmm, pickles. ^_^

hummy 09-25-2012 05:04 AM

you look lovely, Sabbie

star2000shadow 09-25-2012 05:27 AM

'peeks into thread in interest'

Whimzica 09-25-2012 08:33 AM

Thanks hummy. :] You are looking very festive!

The Star Eater 09-25-2012 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Jezriel (Post 1771071256)

*looks curiously at smiley and gently nudges with paw*

Whimzica 09-25-2012 03:02 PM

Ooh! Star Eater sighting! :3

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