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Chunsa-chan 10-28-2007 08:30 PM


Have a question about how the event works? Candies? This-or-that?
In here will be the answers to the frequently asked questions.

Have a question? Feel free to ask it in here!
For this event, you collect Candies, and trade them with NPCs to get the items.
They randomly appear, on any page, on any part of the site.
They look like this.

You 'claim' the candies, and after a certain amount, a box (in the same fashion of the candies) will appear saying you have a clue. Solve the clue. 'Talk' to the NPC, and you will gain an event item.

There are several hiding spots that will appear over the course of the event.
The Candies are at a 15% ratio. Every 100 pages you visit, you should have more or less 15 candies, depending on your luck.
Clicking the claim button is how you gain the candies. You must click it, or you won't get to keep the candy.

The candies are not pop-ups, so it should work with a pop-up blocker on. (I myself have a pop blocker on, and am still getting candies.)
  • You have to collect candies to get the items.
  • A clue will appear that will hint to where an event item is hidden.
  • You candy will be exchanged with the NPC to get the item.
  • You must 'talk' to the NPC to get the item. You 'Talk' by clicking on them.
  • The candies you don't use will carry over to tomorrow.
  • Like rollover minuets, only sweeter. ;)

You CAN still get the item released today until the end of the event.

The items will be spaced out, and released one per day. That is why you (as of now) are only getting six clues. Because we are only on Day SIX.
You can get more than one of each item, as long as you have the candies for it.

There are going to be a few... interesting introductions coming out during the event. I won't spill anything else about them, you have to wait and see! :twisted:

When collecting the Event Items, the NPCs will be in the same place for everyone. HOWEVER you are not allowed to tell/ask anyone where the Event NPCs are!

You can ask for clues from others to help you though.

Something to help you in telling the differences with NPCs!!!

NPC means Non-Playable Character.
There are different kinds of NPCs.
On Menewsha we have General NPCs (Mr. Mayor)
Story Line Specific NPCs (Jeryck, Cecilia)
Then we have Special EVENT NPCs. (The one's featured in the banner at top)

To get the Items, you must find the EVENT NPCs.
Unlike normal NPCs they do not have thier own profiles, but instead float on the site in random places, waiting for you to exchange candy with them.
The 'Special Event Store' has all of the event commons for Halloween inside.

Get them now, because they are HALF OFF.
After the event, they will be put into the regular stores for FULL price.

Everyday a new clue will be released.

These clues point to various parts of the sites, where an NPC is hidden.

You trade candies by clicking on the NPC. A window will appear, asking you if you would like to trade "x" amount of candies for an item.
(Yes means yes, No means no)

You can only get the clues after you have gotten enough candies to see it. To see the clues again, click the 'CANDY' link under your gold count.

Day One
Candies needed for Clue- 6
Candies needed for Item- 6
Item- Hallowpop

Day Two
Candies needed for Clue- 10
Candies needed for Item- 10
Item- Ghost Kitties

Day Three
Candies needed for clue to appear- 10
Candies needed for Item- Just 10
Item- Pumpkin Candy Holder

Day Four
Candies needed for clue to appear- 10
Candies needed for Item- Just 10
Item- Pumpkin Mask

Day Five
Candies needed for clue to appear- 10
Candies needed for Item- Just 10
Item- Spooky Hairpin

Day Six
Candies needed for clue to appear- 15
Candies needed for Item- Just 15
Item- Lunar Staff

Day Seven
Candies needed for clue to appear- 15
Candies needed for Item- Just 15
Item- Yumeh Ears and Tail

This is still under construction, but feel free to ask questions while I work on it.
We want you all to understand everything, and enjoy the event to the best of your abilities!

::::: Last updated Nov 03, 2007.

Sagitar 10-28-2007 08:32 PM

okay.. how do we get candy?
and what does it look like? =)

Aero 10-28-2007 08:32 PM

  • xD

    I have no idea where or how to find candy.

    Forums? Shops? Main pages? Halloween threads in this forum?

L o g a n 10-28-2007 08:32 PM

I can't find candy. D:

Do you need pop up blocker turned off?

Mozzetti 10-28-2007 08:32 PM

  • Sagitar just asked my question. 8DD

Azureile 10-28-2007 08:32 PM


Will the candies be in a pop-up window? owo have they even started falling? xD

Sorry to add to the flood of incoming questions. xD;

Rasengan 10-28-2007 08:36 PM

is the candy on random places? Or is it in specific places , like in the same place for everyone...

Seiki Nova 10-28-2007 08:36 PM

I have a question.

Where are all the people that were complaining that the event wasn't coming fast enough?

Sugar Rush 10-28-2007 08:37 PM

Does the npc change places for everyone or is it in a set place?

Mr. Mayor 10-28-2007 08:38 PM

Great job Chu!

twizted child eve 10-28-2007 08:38 PM

Do we have to have a pop up blocker turned off to see the candy?

MaraciaNiAsa 10-28-2007 08:38 PM

> > what is the event at all? I've really only heard rumors...

Chunsa-chan 10-28-2007 08:39 PM


Gimmie a moment guys, I'm writing up as much as I can about those candies.

So stem further candy questions untill I'm done, and I'll get to whatevers left after. please. <#

Ferra 10-28-2007 08:39 PM

Candies will possibly show up on every web page, it's just a matter of luck if you see them. :3 They don't open up in a separate window, but rather a mini-window that will appear atop your current page.

(Hope it's alright I throw this in while you're working on it Chunsa. ^^;)

Sapphire May 10-28-2007 08:40 PM

Where do we go to find candy? Forums? Shops? Games? And do we need to allow pop-ups to see the candy? =P

>w< I'm typing in orange for the Halloween event >w<

Seiki Nova 10-28-2007 08:41 PM

I have my pop-up blocker on, and I get candy just fine.

The way candy works, is you have a 15% chance of getting a candy every time you load a page. This means that you will get roughly 15 candies every 100 page loads. Sometimes it's more, sometimes it's less. It just depends on your luck.

You will need to click on the candy, so no bots : D

suppi 10-28-2007 08:41 PM

ferra; Are the candies like the little pumpkins things your avatar is holding? ^^;

Aero 10-28-2007 08:41 PM

  • I haven't gotten any yet. XD Any pop ups I mean. o3o

M i r o 10-28-2007 08:42 PM

I think everyone's heads rolling now. xDD

Joico 10-28-2007 08:44 PM

What do the candy look like? just a link or a picture?

Fuumuu 10-28-2007 08:44 PM

Hey, thanks. <3

I needed clearing up on the candies as well. <3

Happy Halloween~ <3

Ferra 10-28-2007 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by suppi
ferra; Are the candies like the little pumpkins things your avatar is holding? ^^;

Nope, the candies are like little candy corn pieces. ^^ They appear in a rectangular box though, so it's hard to miss.

Naeru 10-28-2007 08:44 PM

15% chance? @@;
feels like 1% lol xD

*hasn't gotten a candy yet* @@;

suppi 10-28-2007 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Ferra

Originally Posted by suppi
ferra; Are the candies like the little pumpkins things your avatar is holding? ^^;

Nope, the candies are like little candy corn pieces. ^^ They appear in a rectangular box though, so it's not too hard to miss.

Ooh, I see. Then what's that pumpkin stick thing you're holding? xD;;

nescia 10-28-2007 08:45 PM

Okay, I have a question that isn't related to candy!

Will anymore items be added to the special event store during the event?

I'm still stunned by how many there are... :shock:

Thank you for your time and consideration!

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