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Sikira_Uchiha 06-10-2008 10:41 PM

Sikira x Neko (When All is Said and DoneŠ)
((When All is Said and Done is a Copyrighted storyline by me))

I got off the bus. I was egaer if anything to start my first day of boarding school. Snakara's Academy was said to be a great place. Still i was nervous...

Nekochan5345 06-10-2008 10:44 PM

Emmet walked off the buss and into the courtyard...'where's Misruru?...' he looked around, his bright red eyes scanning accost the students. 'Not here i gess' emmet sighed to himself and turned around,slamming into the girl who was standing behind him. "OW! Shit! Uh im sorry"

Sikira_Uchiha 06-10-2008 10:46 PM

Misa shook her head, "Oh no it is okay! I shouldn't have been standing so close...I'm new so I'm just....yeah" Misa ended lamely blushing.

Nekochan5345 06-10-2008 10:49 PM

Emmet chuckled, he wondered what the girl was. She was very pretty, not that he really cared that much about her looks. But she seemed to have bashful accuardness about her, which he did think was cute. "No its fine, so your new are ya? welcome to hell's high school how may i help you?" he said goofy

Sikira_Uchiha 06-10-2008 10:59 PM

Misa giggled shyly, "well you could help me find my dorm room!" Misa looked up at his eyes, "Oh! Cool!"
Seeing how rude ad forward that was Misa blushed, "Uh sorry I just ment-your and Albino right? That is just sooo cool! Lucky!"

Nekochan5345 06-10-2008 11:03 PM

"Yup! Albino boy! though Lucky probably wouldn't be the right word, i get as red as a lobster in the sun"he smiled goofily "But the eyes are pretty bad ass!" He giggled. "So wheres your room?"

Sikira_Uchiha 06-10-2008 11:05 PM

Misa smiled and shrugged, "wherever room 314 is..."

Nekochan5345 06-10-2008 11:09 PM

he paused. 'is that where i saw that one shadow guy?' he wondered then shook away the thought. "Righto! 3rd floor!" then he turned and marched off into the main hall of the school. Every inch was full of elegant deicore.

Sikira_Uchiha 06-11-2008 07:07 PM

Misa ran after him. She was happy to have found some one who could show her around. "Wow!" Misa gasped looking around the hallway, "It's amazing!"

Nekochan5345 06-11-2008 07:09 PM

He smiled widely,"Yup! welcome to your new home!" He took a bow to add more drama. Leting her look around the halls at the other students who where lounging in between classes

Sikira_Uchiha 06-11-2008 07:12 PM

She gave a small laugh at Emmet's antics. Misa shivered as she looked around trying to avoid looking into or at anyones eyes. "It's huge..." She said simply.

Nekochan5345 06-11-2008 07:16 PM

Emmet became slightly uneasy when he saw her nervous expresion and looked over at the other students who where staring at her curiiously. He gave them a glare that screamed, 'What! Havnt you ever seen a human before?' He turned back to her and bloked her from there sight, a goofy smile back on his face, "And this isnt even the main building! its just the entrance hall. You should see some of the other buildings!."

Sikira_Uchiha 06-11-2008 07:19 PM

Misa nodded her head trying to close her mind to the images she was seeing. "O-o-okay..." She stuttered eager to get out of the main hallway. Away from all that she was seeing. She shook following Emmet.

Nekochan5345 06-11-2008 07:22 PM

He looked back at her every few seconds as they walked, she didnt look up at any of the other students as she walked. He felt bad for her for some reason. When he reched room 314 he turned and smile, "Here we are!"

Sikira_Uchiha 06-11-2008 07:25 PM

"Ah thank you...ah I never got your name," Misa smiled, "My name is Misa..."

Nekochan5345 06-11-2008 07:26 PM

He held out his hand, "Names Emmet!"

Sikira_Uchiha 06-11-2008 07:30 PM

Misa smiled shaking it firmly, "It's nice to meet you!" She smiled her eyes could tell his aura was pure and just. She felt the flow of energy pass through his skin flowing into her. Misa let go of his hand. Not wanting to drain him of his energy.

"So what classes are you in?" Misa asked still smiling her eyes shyly meeting his.

Nekochan5345 06-11-2008 07:34 PM

"Biology II, World Cultures, Pshycology, Gym, and know the usual stuf..."he shruged.

Sikira_Uchiha 06-11-2008 07:40 PM

"Ah" Misa said taking out her schedule, "Lets see I have Chemistry, Biology II, Phsycology, Gym, Algebra II, World Cultures, Reincarnation Studies, Japanese....and also Alchemy" Misa blushed realizing how much work she was going to have.

Nekochan5345 06-11-2008 07:44 PM

Emmet whas stunned by all the classes, "I-I didnt even know we had Reincarnation Studies..." He was neerly falling over, his brain not able to imagine THAT mutch homework. The alchemy sounded cool though 'If its an elective im SO taking it!' he shook it off, "Well we have most of the same classes,"he said. 'and one more when i sighn up for that kick ass alchemy class WOHO!' he thought to himself with a smirk.

Sikira_Uchiha 06-11-2008 07:48 PM

Misa smiled, "Yeah....I'm a bit of a genius but still with this much homework it is going to take me at least an hour...or maybe even two..." Misa shrugged.

"Well I hope they let you take Alchemy! But it is good that we have classes together..."

Nekochan5345 06-11-2008 07:51 PM

He laughed, "Yea it is! Im glad!" He paused suddenly,'Did i mention to her i wanted to take Alchemy?...' he thought for a moment then shoved the thought aside. "So...i know this is a little rude...but ive been so curious about it i might go crazy! So i apologise in advance but...uh...what are you anyway?" He blushed afraid she might suddenly decide to slap him.

Sikira_Uchiha 06-11-2008 07:55 PM

" I'm a medium..." Misa looked down shuffling her feet, "I see things and stupid stuff like that...but I'm human so I'm trash or whatever..."

Nekochan5345 06-11-2008 07:58 PM

Emmets jaw neerly droped to the floor. He hadnt seen a jenuine human in this school since, well, NEVER! Even the teechers wernt fully human. Some where mutant humans yes, but not humans with powers like clanvoyance. "A-are you being serious?...."

Sikira_Uchiha 06-11-2008 08:03 PM

Misa nodded slowly, "Yeah..." She kept her eyes on the ground watching the building aura somewhat scared to do anything else. She knew she would be hated if she came here. But she had to! She had to learn to control her powers what few she had. Plus she was tired of being moked by the other humans at her old school for being amnormal and freak. At least here she would fit in, in that department....

Or so she hoped...

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