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jellysundae 01-18-2012 10:38 PM

OMG it's our birthday!!

Excuse my technicolour yelling, but at least I didn't subject you to my terrible banner-making skills this year!
But seriously, it's our 5th birthday, we'll be starting kindergarten soon! :shock:

Now! Because of stuff that's already been talked about here and here and here, we are having to go for something different this year!

So, we're using this opportunity to unveil our first Cash Shop item!!! Our prototype if you will!

This is going to be an annual birthday item. That means it will be available, for a short period only, every year around the site's birthday!

We don't have a proper cash shop, so our only option is to put it in the CI shop, but that at least means the preview will work ok, so give it a squeeze and see if you like! :D

This most adorable Yumeh plush can be yours for the paltry sum of 250 Mennies, and he will be available until the end of the month!

We know this is going to upset some of you, please understand that at this point in time it really was this or nothing. We had the item ready to go into the cash shop, but no cash shop to put it in; and much as we'd love to have been able to give you your usual click-and-collect birthday freebie, there's no item to give, and no means to distribute it if we did have one. So I hope you don't hate our compromise, actually, I'm really hoping a lot of you love it!
Happy birthday us!!

You are, of course, free to give as much freeback as you like on this, positive or negative. Just please make it constructive. Feedback is no use to us if it doesn't tell us why.

Seito 01-18-2012 10:41 PM

\o/ Yay! Happy Birthday Mene! 8D <3

And Yumeh plushie! *squee*

Siri 01-18-2012 10:42 PM


Wordstreamer 01-18-2012 10:43 PM

I think it's adorable--and I also think that it's neat that it'll be around every year for the birthday. My only question is, what does Yumeh think of having his own plushie? (Is this an honor, or an affront-everyone will be picking up and cuddling a little version of him! :lol:)

Siri 01-18-2012 10:46 PM

Btw, I particularly like it because it's one item, just in different poses. :)

jellysundae 01-18-2012 10:47 PM

Maybe it's like a placebo? Or something...dunno what word I want xD He'll probably be relieved that the plush will get squished instead of him :lol:

I'm now sure I got the date wrong. Just as I'm sure lots of people will inform me if I have :P In my mind our birthday is the 18th, for reasons best known to my mind, it's not telling me them :lol:

2 days more cake, woohoo! \o/

Nephila 01-18-2012 10:48 PM

OMG! Has it been 5 years?

I love the pose where we catch the cat by the tail... if only there was a helicopter over the head pose. XD

...and umm well I WAS good for menes until March. Now I must haz Kitteh and sell kitteh.

other than that..tis about time an item like this was made. I hope to see more and a possible shop in the future so it's easier for you guys to put them up. *goes to buy kitteh*

TaiyoTsuki 01-18-2012 10:49 PM

Awwww! Too CUTE!

Wow...Menewsha's five already? Sheez....

Apricot 01-18-2012 10:49 PM

*makes grabby hands* So cute! I need money. :<

Kultura 01-18-2012 11:05 PM

149 mennies and no more text donations? fml.

Emma Corrin 01-18-2012 11:07 PM

I think that the item is adorable, but the use of the terminology "Cash Shop" just made me cringe. I honestly hope that a Cash Shop is not coming to Menewsha because it ruins sites. It inflates prices, decreased the worth of gold, and just wastes RL money. Prime example: Gaia Online. If there is one created here, I'm honestly going to be extremely disappointed with Menewsha. That's just my personal opinion. :/

I get that you guys probably want to try and generate more RL revenue or something, but a Cash Shop is honestly just going to ruin this site and I can't see myself staying if it gets way out of control like I'm 99.9% sure it will. A lot of people, myself included, don't have money to constantly put into a forum site like Menesha. CIs every month are bad enough on the pocket, but when you add in Cash Shop items where the only way to buy them is to buy them with real money or to pay the prices in the market/exchange? It's going to make getting items on here even harder. I mean, the Auctioneer items and SNGs are bad enough. Can you imagine putting Cash Shop items into that mix? I dread the scenario and the outcome on both the economy and on the users.

Not trying to be a downer here, just giving my honest and personal opinion.

bl4cksh4dow 01-18-2012 11:08 PM

Ahhhh omg!!! Yumeh plush!!~~ Must hoard lots of Yumeh :drool: :heart:

Happy Anniversary!! ^O^ <33

Nephila 01-18-2012 11:12 PM

I don't know about that Emma, The Cash Shop items at Kinsaki were kinda the only thing really keeping thier head above water when I was moding there. When a new person comes they see a store of shiny items they like and purchase. I think that as long as we don't see a new item every other week it'll be fine.

...but that's not what came back to say.

So I bought a few of the plushie kittehs...and it won't let me put them up on the Marketplace yet. Did I break it?

jellysundae 01-18-2012 11:18 PM

Emma Corrin: needs to re-read this post :)


Nephila: I've no idea :gonk: I wonder if it's because it's a cash item...this is a different categorisation to all the other items on the site, so the MP might not be set up to accept it, or something...I might need to switch Yumeh so the system thinks he's a CI *ponders*

zigbigadorlube 01-18-2012 11:22 PM

I absolutely love this item and will be purchasing it right away! I've been waiting for a Yumeh plush/cat pet forever! I got so excited when I saw someone wearing one. *Dashes off to get one of her own*

jellysundae 01-18-2012 11:23 PM

Neph, someone else has just listed one, so it might just have been things being stubborn =O

Nephila 01-18-2012 11:23 PM

Oh dear, well good luck figuring it out. I wonder if I can trade it ok the regular way...

Cherry Who? 01-18-2012 11:25 PM

Oh, finally, I can cuddle with Yumeh without risking severe injury! :heart: He's so cute!

hummy 01-18-2012 11:27 PM

i love you guys!!!!!
happy birthday to menewsha!!!!!

had to post in size five font!
seriously, ♥ you all so very much!!!!!

zigbigadorlube 01-18-2012 11:27 PM

Hm, I just wanted to mention something I just noticed when I went to buy the item. The item is only 200 mennies but there's no option to get just 200 mennies, you have to get the extra 50. I don't mind getting an item for cheaper but it'll probably bug me having those 50 mennies left over well...forever possibly. Who knows when another item will be released that will make up the difference?

Codette 01-18-2012 11:27 PM

I love it I want it! As soon as someone can sell one, please I want one!

Nephila 01-18-2012 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube (Post 1770395722)
Hm, I just wanted to mention something I just noticed when I went to buy the item. The item is only 200 mennies but there's no option to get just 200 mennies, you have to get the extra 50. I don't mind getting an item for cheaper but it'll probably bug me having those 50 mennies left over well...forever possibly. Who knows when another item will be released that will make up the difference?

As someone with OCD I feel your pain...I'm doing my best to ignore that right now. hehe.

Ok Jelly, Now what to put it up for *ponders* I can't seem to search for it.

zigbigadorlube 01-18-2012 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Nephila (Post 1770395735)
As someone with OCD I feel your pain...I'm doing my best to ignore that right now. hehe.

Ok Jelly, Now what to put it up for *ponders* I can't seem to search for it.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. ^^;

Cherry Who? 01-18-2012 11:35 PM

Nephila - Here's the marketplace page for it if that's what you were looking for. :)

Chunsa-chan 01-18-2012 11:35 PM

PlushiePlushiePlushiePlushiePlushiePlushiePlushieP lushiePlushiePlushie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Going to snag one now!!!!! <3

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