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Zollie 03-30-2018 01:50 PM

Easter Dreams
So care to tell me what you do for easter? No it doesn't have to be a religion question, I'm asking how do you feel about it? Like for me an easter bunny is a rabbit who runs around giving hope to children by leaving gifts of surprises. The easter bunny represents hope - a reminder not to lose hope through the year.

I hope that makes sense but I never use it towards a religious term. I just like the fantasy idea that goes with it.

This won't be a fancy thread or well planned out, I just wanted my own thread :P

Yes I have seen ROTG - Rise of the guardians.

Nephila 03-30-2018 01:58 PM

Eat all the chocolate eggies and hide from the stoppers!

Vinny XIII 03-30-2018 03:04 PM

Personally, I was raised in a religious home so I had to do all the church stuff and what not, but after moving out it changed to just having meals with the family. We do brunch with hubby’s side of the family and dinner with my side. Though now we’re starting to think up some new traditions cause we have a little one on the way!

hummy 03-30-2018 03:05 PM

Family feats

Inzanebraned 03-30-2018 06:15 PM

As a kid, I was sent to Sunday School on Easter morning since we lived across the street from the church...
This gave my grandma (with whom I lived) to pull out the Easter basket she had purchased without my knowledge and have it waiting for me when I got home.
After emptying the basket I would use it to gather eggs that I had dyed in the previous days that were hidden for me to find.
Many years my egg hunt would take place indoors because it was usually raining.
Then my mom and at least one of my aunts would come for ham dinner.

hummy 03-31-2018 01:56 AM

one year my jerry springeresk family got Into a 'family feud' over an Easter ham.
during Holy Week! now none of us live in a trailer...but we sure act like trash!
no offense meant to anyone who resides in a trailer...just meaning my family acted. like. TRASH!

hummy 04-01-2018 08:02 PM

I have more! hummymother'sbrother used to eat the feetsies off of all of his nine brothers and sisters! then he would place them back into the baskets and act all innocent. see the bottoms were the only solid parts of the Easter bunnies. Plus everyone would notice a headless bunnie[bunny[

Nephila 04-02-2018 04:21 AM

That's so bizarre!

hummy 04-02-2018 04:56 AM

you have no idea

Nephila 04-02-2018 02:12 PM

Was this while he was young or did he do it to the kids Easter treats? Cuz I'm picture a pretty odd old man doing this. XD

marnie 04-02-2018 04:28 PM

it started while he was young but continued to an uncomfortable age

Nephila 04-02-2018 04:35 PM

Oh dear so my vision isn't that far off. lol.

hummy 04-02-2018 10:59 PM

it is not. this is the uncle that tried to kill hummy when she was five!

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