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hummy 01-04-2019 09:27 AM

Yeah but does does make a lot of smog

Antagonist 01-04-2019 09:30 AM

I'm not much allergic to pollen so I guess it's never really bothered me. I remember my former co-worker who always has a runny nose and sneezes all the time during pollen season though.

hummy 01-04-2019 09:31 AM

I always feel so sorry for allergy sufferers

Antagonist 01-04-2019 09:35 AM

Yeah, it's a huge pain the bum. [gonk] I get allergies from dust I think. I've definitely noticed an increase in clogged nose these days. [headdesk]

hummy 01-04-2019 09:42 AM

I just needs to my head off for no reason

Antagonist 01-04-2019 11:14 AM

It's hard to sleep when your nose is all stuffed up...can't breathe and all. [gonk]

hummy 01-04-2019 11:15 AM

Are you sticking to your schedule? You don't wanna get in trouble

Antagonist 01-04-2019 11:16 AM

Yeah I am. It's only 7pm here so I've still got three hours. :P

Should probably go take a shower first though...

hummy 01-04-2019 11:18 AM

oh, A bubble baths sounds really good right now

Antagonist 01-04-2019 11:34 AM

I haven't had a bath in years. It's all showers for me. [lol]

hummy 01-04-2019 11:38 AM

Me Too! Mostly but I love a good bubble bath

Antagonist 01-04-2019 11:39 AM

I stopped having fun with baths a while frugal side just keeps reminding me of how much water I'm wasting when a quick shower would have sufficed. [gonk]

hummy 01-04-2019 11:42 AM

Frugality is a good quality

Antagonist 01-04-2019 11:46 AM

I guess so, though sometimes I feel I cross over into the stingy/hoarding side. I try not to be but it's hard when I've gone through a lifetime of being told to waste as little as possible and to only use/do something when it's necessary. [gonk] I do splurge occasionally though, usually on food...[lol]

Antagonist 01-05-2019 02:36 AM

*rolls around in the thread*

I wanna go back to sleep but should probably stay up since I've only just got up half an hour ago...

marnie 01-05-2019 03:10 AM

A big slice of Costco cheese pizza and a nap sounds like a winner from me

Antagonist 01-05-2019 03:11 AM

I'll wait another hour before it's time for lunch. [lol] Just sipping on some rose flower tea and trying to keep myself awake for the time being. [ninja]

marnie 01-05-2019 05:23 AM

Do you take any supplements or vitamins at all

Antagonist 01-05-2019 09:09 AM

Yeah, I occasionally pop an iron tablet, and I take Vitamin B every two days and Vitamin C whenever I remember to. [sweat]

hummy 01-05-2019 11:27 AM

Try taking it every day. My doctor had me on it 3 times A-day that was awful

Antagonist 01-05-2019 11:37 AM

I was originally on the iron tablets three times a day but then I read about how eating too much of it is bad so I cut it down to just one a day, but then I kept forgetting to eat it so it ended up being more like once a week. [sweat]

hummy 01-05-2019 11:43 AM

Yeah once a week is not really doing anything for you though

Antagonist 01-05-2019 11:46 AM

It isn't? [:o] Darn. Okay, I'll try to take it more often, like maybe once in two days so long as I don't forget. [sweat]

hummy 01-05-2019 11:52 AM

Yikes I am down to 20% so I'm in a plug it in and charge take my vitamins and hopefully be back in a short little bit question

Antagonist 01-05-2019 11:52 AM

Okay, see you in a bit! :D

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