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Silver Storm 04-15-2018 05:11 AM

Heart of the Prince [chellybean x Silver]
Castle of Avalone
Prince's Bedchamber
(More possible pictures to come)
Name: Sebastian di Avalone
Nickname: Bash (to those close to him)
Age: 28
Height: 6'3"


Originally Posted by chellybean1985 (Post 1774071732)

Name: Rogan Delonie Graves
Nickname: Ro (Only for a very select few)
Age: 32
Height: 6'0

chellybean1985 04-16-2018 12:10 AM

Name: Rogan Delonie Graves
Nickname: Ro (Only for a very select few)
Age: 32
Height: 6'0

Silver Storm 04-17-2018 10:15 PM

Sebastian lay in bed, his dark haired head still buried in the fluffy white pillows. For the moment the castle was fairly quiet but he knew, as he dozed in and out, that soon he would be drug from the warmth and comfort of his bed. He could only hold off his princely duties and responsibilities for so long, but for this moment, here in bed, he was just a young man of twenty eight years dreaming his dreams. Sure those dreams were probably different than the average man but some where still the same. He dreamed of his future, perhaps not the one that his parents and everyone else was trying to force on him, but a feature that he got to pick, one where he was happy. Perhaps one with that special person that made his heart sing when they were near.

chellybean1985 04-18-2018 12:23 AM

Rogan swiftly made his way through the quite castle sending friendly greetings to the staff that passed him by. When he arrived at the princes doorway he gave a quick knock but walked in before he got an answer. "I'ts time to rise and shine your highness! There is much to do today!" Rogan went around and opened the curtains to let the sunshine in. He turned and saw Sebastian sleeping in bed his dark hair tousled from sleep and smiled softly.

Silver Storm 04-19-2018 05:38 AM

"Five more minutes," Sebastian mumbled, his voice thick and deep with sleep. He hated waking up in the mornings, maybe not as much as he used to, now that Rogan was the one waking him. Besides, it was possible that he had been laying here daydreaming and thinking about the older man. Sebastian had always thought the man good looking, from the moment that Rogan was assigned as his adviser. As time went by the crush only grew instead of dissipating. Princesses and countesses threw themselves at him, driving crazy by his 'aloofness' as they called it. He wasn't trying to be aloof but it was hard to pay the shallow, silly girls any attention, when his mind and heart were elsewhere.

chellybean1985 04-19-2018 11:56 PM

Upon hearing Sebastian grumble his voice thick and deep with sleep it made his heart twinge he loved the sound of his voice when waking it it was his favorite part of waking the stubborn prince he was quite fond of but as much as he would love to just watch his gorgeous sleeping face the one he knew he was falling for. He knew he shouldn't that not only would nothing come of it but it would almost certainly get him killed, but he couldn't help it every time he saw his handsome face it made his heart twinge. He shook the thought out of his head walking to the bed and lightly shaking Sebastian's shoulder. "I'm truly sorry your highness but you have a tight schedule you must keep so you need to wake up now.

Silver Storm 04-20-2018 05:06 AM

Sebastian's heart jolted in his chest at Rogan's touch before racing like a run away horse. Could the prince be blamed for being stubborn in waking just for the hope of a touch from his advisor. As much as he wanted to keep lying there, he couldn't ignore Rogan's entreaty to awake. Sebastian would do anything the older man asked of him; he just didn't have it in him to deny the man anything in his ability to give. "Fine, 'm up," he grumbled rolling over and sitting up. He rubbed a hand over his face, trying to scrub away the last remaining vestiges of sleep.

chellybean1985 04-21-2018 12:55 AM

Rogan chuckled as he watched Sebastian grumble while rolling out of bed rubbing his hand over his handsome yet half awake face. He felt the sudden sensation to want to reach out and touch his princes adorable sleep soaked face so he spun around going to the other side of the room and grabbing a wash basin and filling it with fresh water returning to Sebastian's bedside setting it on the table beside the bed. "Here wash your face it will help wake you up your highness." He smiled at the lovely younger man handing him a was rag to dry his face with afterwords.

Silver Storm 04-21-2018 02:52 AM

"Thank you Rogan," Sebastian said as he climbed out of bed. He splashed his face with water, washing away the sleep, before grabbing blindly for the towel. His hand grabbed Rogan's instead of the towel and he felt a jolt of attraction shoot through him, but he quickly slid his hand down to the towel and pulled it too his face, trying to use the cloth to hide the blush painting his cheeks. He would have much rather stayed holding on to Rogan but he doubted the older man saw him like that or would ever see him like that. Besides, Sebastian was expected to marry some princess to form an alliance or whatnot and start popping out heirs like a crazed rabbit. No one cared if that was what Sebastian wanted or even what he wanted. It was his duty, and on any other thing, he would give his everything for his people. The one thing he wanted in this world was to choose who he married, to marry for love and not duty.

chellybean1985 04-21-2018 08:15 AM

Rogan watched as Sebastian washed his face and reach for the towel but missing grabbing his hand instead Rogan's heart jumped in his chest at the sudden contact thankful that Sebastian had his eyes closed because he didn't know if his face portrayed his sudden jolt. He could have sworn that he saw Sebastian's face turn a slight shade of pink before he covered his face with the towel drying it. Rogan shook his head slightly at the thought there was no way Sebastian would have blushed because of him it must be his wishful thinking, he convinced himself. Rogan cleared his throat pulling himself together. "Your highness if you are ready you are expected at breakfast." Rogan said not being able to meet Sebastian's eyes fixing things on Sebastian's shelf so as to not look strange not looking the younger man in the eyes.

Silver Storm 04-22-2018 08:13 AM

Sebastian groaned as Rogan reminded him of breakfast. Another meal with his parents where they badgered him about all his responsibilities as prince and heir to the throne, reminded him of all his shortcomings and general frustrated and irritated him. He looked up to make some sarcastic, sassy remark only to see his advisor toying with the items on a shelf. Was the man avoiding eye contact with him or was it just Sebastian's imagination. "Rogan are you all right?" He reached out and laid a gentle hand on the older man's shoulder, resisting the urge to run into through Rogan's dark hair instead. "Something on your mind?"

chellybean1985 04-23-2018 01:36 AM

Rogan fiddling with things on the shelf heard Sebastian groan and was about to turn back towards him when Sebastian layed a hand on his shoulder making him twitch slightly. No your highness I am fine, it's noting to concern your self over." He said trying to keep his voice light but not knowing if he was to since he could bearly think whenever Sebastian made contact with him. He took a breathe to calm himself and turned to Sebastian masking his feelings with a polite smile.

Silver Storm 04-23-2018 06:32 AM

Sebastian studied him for several moments, before shrugging it off. "If you say so," he replied with a nod. Sebastian turned to the task of getting dressed and trying to make himself presentable for breakfast. He tried to smooth down his tousled black locks but kept running his hands through them and messing them up again. It was one of his ticks when stressed or irritated, and his family's nagging, pressuring ways definitely counted as that. "Tell me there will be time for a ride after breakfast," he nearly begged Rogan, knowing that he would need an escape afterwards, a chance to clear his head before facing the day ahead. Out on the back of a horse, thundering through the woods, was one of the places he felt the freest, one of the ways to work out any problem and clear his mind. Talking things out with Rogan always helped too, but this wasn't exactly something that he could talk out with his advisor as it had to do with the other man.

chellybean1985 04-23-2018 07:09 AM

Rogan let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding when the younger man didn't press the issue. He could surprise a small affectionate smile as he watched Sebastian try to smooth down his hair while continually messing it back up again. Rogan knew how stressful it was for Sebastian to be around his parents as they lectured him about everything under the sun especially getting married although he couldn't figure out exactly why he never pursued any of the hordes of women always throwing themselves at him but he was secretly was glad that he didn't have to see the younger man with someone, he didn't know how he could handle that. He smiled knowingly when Sebastian practically begged him to go on a ride after breakfast and although he really didn't have that much time for such a thing Rogan knew he must be stressed about something knowing the younger man always went riding when he was troubled about something so he would make sure to move things around to make space for Sebastian to have at least a short ride after breakfast. "Yes your highness you have a small amount of time to go for a ride after breakfast I will have them ready your horse so it will be waiting for you when you finish with breakfast." Rogan paused debating for a moment then turned back to the younger man. "Is there anything bothering you your highness?"

Silver Storm 04-23-2018 06:27 PM

Sebastian sighed with relief to find out he would have time for a ride, but Rogan's next question had him running a hand through his hair again. He paced over to the window and stared out, not really seeing the sights outside it, as he mused how to answer or if he even should answer. He felt like he needed to talk to someone about this, even if vaguely, before he exploded and so he tentatively began to speak. "I know that a good king is to be selfless, putting his people before himself. But is it to much for him to ask them for one selfish thing? One thing that would harm no one, but give him great happiness, perhaps even make him a better king?" He desperately wanted to look at Rogan, gaze into his handsome face, but Sebastian knew that if he turned around right now, everything he was feeling would show on his face.

chellybean1985 04-23-2018 08:04 PM

Rogan watched as the younger man paced over to the window peering out in deep thought. He could hear the sorrow and desperation in Sebastian's voice and it pained his heart greatly it took everything in him not to go and embrace the younger man and make all his worries disappear. Instead he kept his tone serious but comforting walking up to Sebastian placing his hand lightly on his shoulder. "I do not believe that wanting a little slice of happiness for yourself is selfish your highness, I do believe that a happy king rules much stronger than an unhappy one. What is it your highness desires? I will do all in my power to obtain it for you." Rogan would flip the world inside out if it meant that Sebastian would find happiness.

Silver Storm 04-24-2018 06:48 AM

Sebastian was slightly startled at the hand on his shoulder but he welcomed the touch, even pressing into it a hair. "I desire the chance to fall in love with and pursue the one who has my heart, not some flighty princess who only desires my title and my kingdom. I want the chance to marry for love, not duty and to make the greatest alliance. I know not if they even share my feelings, but I want the chance to find out, to choose for myself, no matter who they are." Sebastian rested his forehead to the cool glass with a sigh. Part of him was a tad embarrassed that he had gushed his feelings like a girl, but he could always be himself with Rogan; the other man never seemed to judge him. Plus it felt good to get it off his chest, even if he still hadn't admitted that Rogan, his advisor, was the one who had stolen his heart.

chellybean1985 04-24-2018 07:04 AM

As Rogan stood there listening to the younger man talk about the desire to be free to love whomever he chooses and not for political reasons it lifted his heart only to send it crashing down into his stomach. Hearing that Sebastian did indeed have feelings for someone made him both happy and sad, all he ever wanted was for the younger man to be happy but every time he imagined him being romantically involved with someone it felt like his heart was about to crack and shatter into a million pieces. Rogan's hand slightly tremored while he thought this. "You deserve to be happy your highness, just tell me the name of the one whom your heart seeks and I will speak to her on your behalf to find out if she shares your feelings or not." Rogan could not cease the worsening tremors in his hand so he simply gave the younger mans shoulder a quick squeeze dropping his hand back to his side.

Silver Storm 04-24-2018 07:19 AM

Sebastian felt strangely cold at the loss of Rogan's touch. Had he sensed a tremor in the hand before it was pulled away? He pushed the thought away and focused on Rogan's words. His heart hurt in his chest, pounding with fear and the potential of rejection, as the man who held his heart demanded a name. He hardly realized that his hands were combing through and tugging on his hair in response to the agitation in his mind. He finally lifted his hazel eyes to meet Rogan's, only to find the other man awaiting his answer. To late to turn back now, and at least you will finally know. "It is not a she who has caught my heart," he started in a voice that had gone low and raspy with nerves and emotion. "His...his name is Rogan Delonie Graves." He couldn't meet his advisor's eyes as he prepared himself for the older man's rejection.

chellybean1985 04-24-2018 07:35 AM

As Sebastian turned towards him meeting his eyes he was preparing himself mentally to have his heart shattered but to not let it show on his face. As he was listening to the younger mans answer he heard what sounded like his name...maybe it was just wishful thinking...his mind playing tricks on him or maybe he had gone mad! Rogan cleared his throat but could not keep the shake out of his voice. "I am sorry your highness my ears must be playing tricks on me today...can you please repeat the name...I-I must have heard you wrong...d-did you just say..." Rogan couldn't even manage to squeeze the words out of his throat for if he was truly going mad he didn't want to further embarrass himself by thinking it was his name Sebastian had just spoken.

Silver Storm 04-24-2018 07:49 AM

Sebastian raised his head when Rogan seemed flustered by his answer, even more so when he heard the shake in the other man's voice. Was Rogan trying not to laugh at him and his stupidity at falling for his advisor? Sebastian took a deep breath, steeling himself to speak the name again. For Rogan had asked it of him, and even if the name was about to crush Sebastian's heart, he could not deny the older man anything in his power to give. "I said Rogan Delonie Graves." His words were clear and easily said, even if he couldn't quite meet the man's eyes. "I...feel...for you Ro. I know it was probably foolish and wishful thinking on my part but I couldn't help it. You stole my heart before I even realized what was happening," he rambled on, his hands continuing to mess with his hair, unable to stop the words pouring out of his mouth as the nerves got to him.

chellybean1985 04-24-2018 08:17 AM

Hearing the words pouring out of Sebastian's mouth his heart jumped and started racing a million miles an hour. He had fallen for the younger man in spite of him knowing that nothing would come from it but he actual heard the words he had dreamt of hearing. It felt like a dream, Rogan couldn't contain himself any longer and suddenly embraced the younger man. "If that was foolish Bash then call me a fool as well for I have fallen for my prince and I as well did not realize it until one day it just smacked me in the face and I was terrified that if I spoke a word of it to you it would only lead to you reliving me of my duties or banishing me from the kingdom for my foolishness. Not even in my deepest dreams did I imagine that you would ever feel the same." Rogan pet the back of the younger mans head as he said this.

Silver Storm 04-24-2018 09:58 PM

Sebastian was startled, but for a moment, to have the older man embracing him but he quickly relaxed. His own arms wrapped around Rogan as his head dropped to the man's shoulder. Standing here like this, hearing Rogan's words, Sebastian felt all the tension drain out of him and for the moment he was truly relaxed. "I could never banish you Ro; it would break my heart. And how could I relieve you of your duties, when your advice and wisdom are the only ones I truly trust." Having Rogan returning his affections and holding him like this, experience his dream coming true, only made Sebastian more determined. "I don't want any princesses or duchesses, all I want is to spend the rest of my days with you Ro, I only want you by my side."

chellybean1985 04-24-2018 10:53 PM

As Sebastian returned his sudden embrace laying his head on Rogan's shoulder he felt his whole body relax. He would be content to just stay like this forever with the younger man in his arms. He heard Sebastian's wish to never marry a princess or duchess, it made him very happy because he also didn't want to apart from the younger mans side. "My dearest Bash there is no place I would rather be then at your side." Rogan rubbed the younger mans back in soothing circles. "I am not sure how I can manage this on the political side and i'm quite sure your father will never agree to it but I will at least try to maintain your unmarried status and as much as I hate it we must keep this secret from everyone, I don't think they will be as understanding of the matter and I fear they will take me away from you." He held him tighter trying to banish the thought.

Silver Storm 04-24-2018 11:18 PM

Sebastian sighed, knowing that Rogan's words were wise and true. For now they must stay a secret; his father would never agree even going as far to tell Sebastian that a king's first duty was to his people not his own happiness. Though Sebastian's mother would want him to be happy, and probably in time approve as she observed how happy Rogan made him, she would never stand up to or disagree with his father. "Only until I am king," Sebastian vowed. "When I am king, I will find away for us to be together and there will be nothing my father or anyone else can do about it. With you at my side, I know that I can be a great king." Sebastian wasn't sure how Rogan planned to keep him unmarried, but as long as the other man could do that, Sebastian vowed to find a way for them to one day be together and not have to hide it.

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