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Furious 07-17-2017 01:35 AM

Breaking Bad
Anyone here watch this show? I recently got into it and binge watched it until I finished it.

I'm torn as who my favorite is. They're all kind of awful and great in their own ways haha. I really sympathize with Skylar, though. She went through hell and back. Jesse is probably my second fave though. Dumbie got way in over his head.

hummy 07-17-2017 01:40 AM

I LOVE this show and Better call Saul, too!

Furious 07-17-2017 01:48 AM

Ohh nice!

I've watched a bit of BCS, but not too much. I haven't been able to get into it as much as BB. It's still good though! I can't get enough of Mike, so he keeps me interested haha

hummy 07-17-2017 01:50 AM

Mike is the guy you need to be friends with, yeah?
i binged breaking bad after it ended, so good.
you should watch Better Call Saul more.
you get to see Mike there, too.

Furious 07-17-2017 01:53 AM

Mike is the real MVP, once he's got your back you're set for life haha. But yeah I agree, I defs need to watch it more. I think I just got so attached to breaking bad it was hard to adjust to a different cast of characters as the main focus, y'know?

hummy 07-20-2017 02:49 PM

Yeah, I totally agree Mike is someone you want in your corner. I don't know where you are and watching it so I don't want to say anything in spoil it things. I never watched Breaking Bad while it was on I've been just watched a couple of episodes one weekend when nothing was on and I got totally hooked. And I never thought it was something that I would really like but you can't hooked with the characters and he'll life takes you to places you never thought you'd be. Because all in all he's a good husband a good father and all around good family man who's a drug dealer a serious drug dealer. But not for the sake of dealing drugs for the sake of taking care of his family I think everybody can relate to that.

Apicula 08-18-2017 02:56 PM

I binged that show hard to catch up in time for the last season when it was still airing and part of me has kind of meant to go back and do a rewatch sometime.

Fun fact the episode Ozymandias is one of the few fictional things to ever make me openly weep. That episode was so beautiful but painful.

hummy 09-02-2017 01:39 PM

I don't know which episode that one was spoilbar me what happened

Apicula 09-03-2017 03:19 AM

I haven't seen this episode in forever, but I swear I'll always remember it because, wow.


Hank gets executed, Jesse gets taken and as he does Walter tells him he watched Jane die, Walter gets into a confrontation with Skyler and kidnaps their daughter (and we got that scene where she collapses in the road sobbing and covered in blood), and Walter ends up leaving to live out life with a fake identity.

hummy 09-03-2017 06:30 PM

Ooooh yeah O.o

Consarn 09-12-2017 02:37 AM

Man I loved that show!
I watched the first two episodes of Better Call Saul but then life took over and I didn't have time for tv. I should really get back into it.
Also I agree with you Apicula. That episode was INSANE.

hummy 09-14-2017 01:45 AM

yep. everyone needs a 'Mike' in their life =3

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