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Bloodyrosethorns1 04-19-2012 09:40 PM

Mortal Chance

Humans have destroyed themselves and their home Earth. Nothing remains of their world except for the few pitiful "tribes" they have made, trying to stall the inevitable.... extinction. Other races from all over the universe are coming. Trying to claim Earth as their own. Some of the races feel sympathy for the few humans that are left and try to help them recreate their world and make it thrive once again. But those feelings are not widely spread. Many of the races want to end humanity, for they had their chance and ended up killing themselves and their planet. Humans now live as wild as the animals that once thrived in their forests, living off the land and have learned to correspond with the few animals that are left. These few "tribes" are mostly hidden in huge rotting trees, under ground, or among the trash heaps. Each of these "tribes" have to live and work with each other to survive, though some of them would rather slit the others throat, they have learned to live without war. Now the humans numbers are increasing little by little. Causing the other races to panic. The humans have learned to live and now they have a chance to come back once more, but not if the other races have a say about it. Training the few talented people they have, the humans prepare for war. But they are not alone, each warrior they have trained the races who are on their side has given them gifts with granting each warrior with a special ability for battle.

Please PM me your skeleton:

Gift(s): can have up to 3
Where you live:

1. No god moding
2. Please no text talk
3. Please write Semi lit
4. Please be active! (I'll understand if you have a block!)
5. Have Fun!!!!!

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-26-2012 04:36 AM

Username: Bloodyrisethorns1
Name: Crystali Granium
Personality: Crystali is kind,gentle,and vicious when need be
Bio: Crystali is the daughter of the ruler of Zior. Therefore it's princess. Crystali's race is trying to exterminate the humans by sending her to make friends with them so they can be destroyed from the inside out. Crystali is willing to go to any lengths to destroy humans and make the planet beautiful again.
Age: 134
Where you live: In "Tribes" with humans

Andraus 04-26-2012 05:32 AM

Username: Andraus
Name: Necro Ultor
Personality: Calm, and Good-natured, but Serious in Combat.
Bio: Necro is Part of the 'Ark' Tribe. It is a Tribe that has been Trying somthing, Sense Earth itself died : Build a Terra-former. Ever Sense Earth died, the Group has kept Forming, and Re-forming, Stealing Technology from The other race's that are hostile to humans, to Succesed in this goal. When A Ingenius Race known as the Titan's came, they gave Necro, And about 30 other Childern, a Machine Called a 'Nano Forge'. It was Abled to Rebuild almost Anything by Molecule, along with Various Upgrade's that could be made.

Now 21, Necro think's he see's the Dream that his Tribe started Almost complete. He and a Group are being Sent out to Search for One Final Component, so that they can Activate the Terraformer. A AI known as 'Delta', which could Process Information, 1 File every 5 seconds. They've located it at the 'Sear's tower'. They pray they're not too late.
Gift(s): The Nano Forge. A Pre-war Power Suit
Age: 21
Where you live: Chicago
Pic :

A Drop Ship, Titan made, Was hovering near the Sear's tower. "Recon, Squad. Sit-ret. "Came from the pilot, speaking to the Ground team. "Immidiate. Grid Kilo 2-3 is hot. Recommend Mission Abort."Said the Captain. "Roger Recon......its your call Sarge."The pilot spoke up. Necro Came from the back, and looked at the tower, then pointed. "Were Going in.......Get Tactical, Soldiers!" he shouted. Their was the Sound of Ammo Shuffling, Reloading, and Suiting up. "Ultor. Get That Data Processor. This is the Last place on the united States that Hold's that Chip. That Data is Priority One ."The Commander spoke to Ultor threw the Comm link. The Drop Ship Settled down, and each one of the Troopers dropped out, scoping out the area. Little Did they know, they were being Watched by a Zior Assault squad.

(There. An opening for your charecter)

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-27-2012 05:17 AM

Crystali hid behind a tree trunk about 400 ft. from the measly humans. 'They have no right to live on this planet anymore!',she thought harshly. Crystali had grown up watching the humans destroy their once beautiful home. She absolutely hated the retched race, they were as clueless as a newborn chick. Crystali rather hated cute and charming things. Her mission was to infiltrate their camp and destroy them from the inside out. To accomplish this mission she had to use her charming and awe-striking looks and "personality". Tucking a strand of her now dimly glowing hair, Crystali moved towards the revolting humans.

Andraus 04-27-2012 05:22 AM

Several Gaurdsmen immidietly aimed for Crystali. "Drop your weapons, fools! she's un-armed!" Necro hissed. "Brandy, torick, jason, and amanda. Go to the top of the Spire, and Retrieve the Processor "he said. The four left. Necro lifted his arm, and the shroud felt down, revealing his Nano-forge. He pointed it directly at the girl "Who are you. State your busniess" he said.

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-27-2012 05:45 AM

"I.....I got lost.",Crystali said, making herself look terrified. "I'm from the Patriot tribe.", she said referring to the tribe that lived in a huge hollowed out tree in what was left of a rainforest. 'How dare they point their weapons at me!!', she thought. "I heard all the noise and came to find this.",Crystali said, gesturing to the surroundings.

Andraus 04-27-2012 12:00 PM

"The Ark Tribe is Conducting a Search for a Pre-war Artifact here. What is your understanding of it?" he asked her, pressing a button on his nano-forge. you could see it charging with power. "Sir, Package is Secured. We are making our Descent."said a voice from his comm link.

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-27-2012 08:26 PM

"Well there's not much left!",Crystali said with a laugh. Then putting on a bewildered expression, she said,"Well I don't know much, except that it must be very important if you're going to such great leangths in search of it. And your equipment is very heavy-duty, so that indicates that you were expecting more than just to walk out with it unscathed." Peering at the nano-forge and raising an eyebrow, Crystali said,"Oh, am I that much of a threat that you are going to shoot me?"

Andraus 04-27-2012 08:36 PM

"No. that spot your sitting on leads to the sewer. Its going to collapse in Five seconds "he said. Just then, the ground trembled, and collapsed under you. Necro grabbed your arm, and lifted you up, then held up the Nano-forge. You saw Blue specks fly out, and the ground reassmbled beneath you. he then settled you down.

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-27-2012 08:42 PM

Though she had been trained for this mission, Crystali was still very shaken when she was put down. "Why would you do that?!", she demanded, trying to stand up but only exceeding in falling right back down. Sitting on the ground, Crystali just sat there staring at him and looking like she'd seen a ghost.

Andraus 04-27-2012 08:54 PM

He held up a Strand of her hair, and smiled. "Please miss. Im a Professional. "he said, and placed it on the Nano forge. "S.A.
M. Give this DNA trace a scan, and give me intel. "He said. You saw it scan the hair sample, and then give a detailed bio on the DNA sample "well well.....a Zior huh? Haven't seen one of you in chicago for years. "he said, holding up his rifle.

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-27-2012 09:07 PM

"Yes, I'd thought you'd figure that out earlier but I guess I was overestimating you. Well I have no reason to fear you, go ahead and shoot. My people will not care, they are not here.",Crystali said with a solemn smile. Picking herself up from the ground and dusting herself off, she stood before his rifle. "Shoot!"

Andraus 04-27-2012 09:16 PM

He pulled the trigger. It Made a Clicking noise. "Bang....Your dead. "He said, lowering it. "Your not worth it. If i tried to kill you, it would make humanity as bad as you were. It also helps im in a good mood. We have a chance to restore our planet. "He said. YOu saw the soldiers return, and hand me the chip. "S.a.m. Is this what we're looking for, for the Terra-former?" he asked. "Correct. Delta is a Sufficent Chip to power the Systems of the Terra-former. All that is needed now is the Activation code, from the Elder's."

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-27-2012 09:24 PM

"Oh you humans are clueless!",Crystali said with a savage snarl. "You haven't learned! You might be able to collect the pieces you need for that piece of scrap metal, but soon enough those human-made parts will decinigrate, and you'll be left with nothing but an empty tin can!",she said with a laugh. Walking towards him, she said,"You humans havent gotten the slightest chance! You said you wouldnt be as savage as we are, but look at yourselves. You kill and kill. You dont truly understand why we want you EXTINCT!",Crystali pronounced the word extinct as clear as she could.

Andraus 04-27-2012 09:39 PM

"Not all of it is human made. With the Titan Induced Titanium Alloy, that building will last forever, as long as the power cells arnt Destroyed. but I'v had enough of Explaining to you already. "He said, then turned to the soldiers. "Hand-cuff her, and bring her with us. Touch her, and il kill you. I may not like their kind much, but that doesnt mean I want a war. We dont have enough people for that. "He said. "Our main concern is getting the Terra-former online. "He said.

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-27-2012 09:50 PM

Two men walked towards Crystali with handcuffs. Seeing the hesitation in their eyes, she said,"Hurry up men, before I get old. I don't bite. Not yet anyways.", Crystali said with a wicked smile. Once in handcuffs, she turned to him,"What is your name mortal?",she asked.

Andraus 04-27-2012 09:57 PM

"Necro Ultor. "He said, you then heard wild laughing, and saw a bunch of Savages from the Slither Skin tribes. "Shit! we got Hostiles! Amanda, Get on the Radio, and Get us an Evac! Rest of you, set up a Defendable Perimiter, and protect the Assest's. "he said, including the girl. you then watch everyone get into defendable spot's, me pulling you with me, and getting behind a Fallen truck.

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-27-2012 10:08 PM

"I need no protection!", Crystali yelled. Ripping away from his hold, she ran towards the savages. They walked towards her, with evil smirks on their faces. "Stop!",she screamed. Without having use of her hands, Crystali had to improvise. Giving them a sweet smile, she said loudly,"Scredm di kretyi refoi lo paish!" Giving ear peircing screams, the savages fell to the ground, blood pouring out of their ears,boils appearing on their skin, and many gashes appearing on their skin, giving off goo.

Andraus 04-27-2012 10:14 PM

Necro Grabbed her, and Placed a Strange Sticky Material around her mouth. Noone knew it was duct tape anymore, so it made it hard to remember the name. "Thanks for showing us your Ace in the hole. "he said. You then see The Ship land near us. All the soldiers mounted up inside, and you were placed inside what appeard to be a Hibernation chamber. "Stay here....and be good, please? I dont want to see you hurt."he said.

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-27-2012 10:49 PM

The lowly human didn't understand that what she had just performed for him was mere child's play. Inside the chamber Crystali threw herself against the glass, trying to break free. But her efforts were futile. Her mind was beginning to get foggy. Crystali stumbled over her words when she mumbled from inside the sticky material,"I still don't know your name." She stumbeled and fell to the floor, then the whole world went black.

Andraus 04-27-2012 11:28 PM

When you awoke, you saw that you were outside, being held by me. You saw a Great, giant Structure rising from the ground. You also saw soldiers of the Ark tribe eveywhere, and machines and aircraft gathering. it looked like they were preparing to make their last stand, to defend this place. "Everything our Fore-fathers worked for has come to this.........This Terra-former is the last Chance We humans have at restoring our planet. I pray with my very life that we Succesed. "he said. He then removed hte Material from her mouth. "Can you stand, miss?.....Also, you asked before. Im Necro Ultor. The reason I didnt trust you, was because a group of your kind killed my family years back."he said.

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-27-2012 11:50 PM

Realizing where she was, Crystali said,"Put me down this instant!" When she stood up she replied,"Then you will die on your wish! And of course I can stand!" Crystali was a little more than flustered at the fact that he had carried her. Brushing herself off, she said,"I'm assuming that you want to know mine.",Crystali said with a sly smile.

Andraus 04-28-2012 01:53 AM

"Crystali Granium, daughter of Novak Granium, High king of the Zior. "he said. He then held up his Nano-forge. "I could also get your blood-type if i wanted, along with a personal bio. But Its my believe that some secrets are best left hidden "he said, the pressed his hand on the door. It opened, and you saw a Master-piece of Human Technology, mixed with Titan Advancements. You see titans and humans fixing any power leak's, system crashs, and failures. You then come into a Big control room, where you see the Heart of the beast : The power core of the Terra-former. You Saw A Elder looking Human, and titan.

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-28-2012 03:15 AM

"What's this your playground?",Crystali scoffed. Walking over to a titan, observing its enhancements.

Andraus 04-28-2012 03:21 AM

(Titans are an Alien race, not a weapon .-.)

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