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Mikio 12-20-2016 10:55 AM

OOC for Rhys & Mikio
I've been meaning to make an OOC for us, so here it is Rhys Luna Emweise:


I'm also free for the next two weeks or so or until I start university again in January so I'll be posting a lot. [sup]

Edit: I also just remembered that we agreed on making the school a boarding school so I'll be editing my character profile to state that Julius lives at the school and that he only visits his home during weekends.

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-20-2016 11:06 AM

Heh. Alright! For now, Jakob is at home, til his parents get sent on the business trip.

Mikio 12-20-2016 11:20 AM

That's alright :D

Mikio 12-20-2016 09:24 PM

Well, my day is over now. It's half ten in the evening. I hope we can post more tomorrow. What days do you work and till when? :)

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-20-2016 11:24 PM

Typically monday-friday, gone from anywhere between 8-430 or 930-6. Shifts change on a daily basis... It's currently 7:33 PM... Eastern standard time.

Hopefully we can get our characters to interact more tomorrow...

Mikio 12-21-2016 08:45 AM

Definitely. It'll be much easier when Jakob moves into the dorms. I'll think of something for today.

Edit: I've made a post :) they should interact a lot more today as they have sports class together and a similar schedule.

Mikio 12-22-2016 11:17 PM

Pretty happy with how today went. Things are only going to get more interesting.

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-22-2016 11:21 PM

Haha. I hope so.
Maybe Jules could give mixed signals, like basically beig a huge bully, then on e in a while getting really frustrated while alone and just kissing Jakob to shut him up...
Inwas thinking that once Jake is in the dorms, things could possibly get a little out of hand... Maybe someone sneaks in some alcohol, or something, and Jules forces Jakob into his bed..? Idk. Then things heat up from there. Maybe Ules realizes he actually likes the little freak, and feels like shit for hurting him like that, because now Jake's afraid of him, avoiding him, etc...?

Mikio 12-22-2016 11:29 PM

I like all of those ideas, I was actually thinking along the same lines x)

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-22-2016 11:56 PM


Too bad its still a little ways off.

Mikio 12-23-2016 05:19 AM

Little ways off?
Sorry if you're not very happy with things :/ I didn't think things were a little ways off.

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-23-2016 02:06 PM

What? I meant it's not happening right away.
Like, we have to wait a while for it to get to that point...

Mikio 12-23-2016 02:34 PM

Oh right. I thought you meant we aren't going in the right direction or things aren't really going the way you want haha. But my bad. And yeah, it's not fun if things are too sudden, leaves out all the good character development.

Mikio 12-25-2016 06:34 PM

Rhys Luna Emweise: Everything okay? you haven't posted for a while. I'm thinking we should do a time skip of some sort to create more excitement, what do you think?

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-25-2016 09:06 PM

Yeah, sorry. Been busy with family and christmas stuff. I'll post tonight. Timeskip sounds good.

Mikio 12-28-2016 12:15 AM

I sometimes notice that your replies are very short, like now, is it possible if you could write a bit more? I feel like you're not really enjoying this or getting anything out of it. Don't want to be doing all the work here, haha. Also, Julius is not blonde.

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-28-2016 12:38 AM

Sorry Mikio... Fixed that typo, and added a bit to it...
Ive got two other rps going right now where my partners character is blonde. Sorry.

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-31-2016 12:24 AM

Hey, so, i figured we could maybe have a fairly uneventful day at dchool for both boys, then do a timeskip saying the next few weeks were the same- perhaps the boys avoiding one another for the most part. Then maybe a scene with Jakob and his father, the man telling him that he has been transferred again, Jakob putting up a fight (something he hasnt done since he was a little kid) and his father giving him two options...
One, go with him, again.
Two, move into the dorms.

He picks #2, obviously, and then they spend a couple days normally, before Julius (maybe drunk after some party or something, coming in late) decides to act upon his feelings for Jakob, and rapes him?

Mikio 12-31-2016 12:40 AM

Yeah, sounds good. We'd have to take this to another site when that happens. I'd be fine with recolor, I'll just learn as we go, haha. I think we'll be fine until that last scene then we should move.

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-31-2016 12:43 AM

Alright :)

Mikio 12-31-2016 06:12 PM

I've been out all day, will post later tonight. Hope you have a great new year!

Rhys Luna Emweise 01-02-2017 07:41 PM

Hows that work? Does each room have its own? Or do the guys all have to share the one at the end of the hall?

Mikio 01-02-2017 08:43 PM

Every room has an ensuite bathroom :)

Rhys Luna Emweise 01-04-2017 12:13 PM

How do you want to play out the party?

Mikio 01-04-2017 01:37 PM

Well, I'm thinking it could take place in the evening after the school day is over and all the students gather around in the sports hall and there'll be live music and lots of snacks and alcohol around. And maybe Jakob makes up an excuse not to go and stays in their room for the entire party whereas Julius does go and he ends up getting really drunk and comes back up once the party is over and rapes Jakob? that's what you suggested, unless you wanna change it. Not sure when we should take this out of mene, once the party starts? or earlier?

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