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suppi 04-17-2009 11:53 PM

suppi's easter art freebies & art for event items & hangout~


The reason why I made my event hangout so late is because I was busy with school this whole week.. and to be honest, it's not really a hangout.. I'm just gonna draw random people freebies and try to get some people to buy art from me. xD;; So umm, I'm gonna explain a few things below~


I like drawing freebies, but this time around, I'm not going to give out as much because I kinda want to focus on drawing for event items.. xD;;
I'll still be giving out art to random people and stuff though. <33 Especially if I like the avatar. xD Oh yeah, freebies will most likely be experimental. :]

Good L!fe

I've been talking about this throughout this post.. haha. Well um, because I was busy with homework&school&other stuff, I wasn't able to get most of the event items so I'm gonna attempt to get people to exchange their items for my art.. xD;; I'm saying attempt because my art sucks. ><;; Anyway, you'll be getting something similar to this, except it'll be a waist up, if you give me either 2 1 of the 6 event items:


- I'm terrible at drawing guys.. just so you know.
- Bad at drawing clutter too.. be aware of that. xD;
- OCs are accepted! I like OCs. x]]
- I'm best at drawing cute, girly girls. :lol:
- I'll draw avatars from any of these sites: Kinsaki, Avaricia, Papertown, Solia, Roliana, Gaia, and here. 8D

Oh yeah, use this order form please~ it'll be easier for both you and me. xD

name; [username here]
request; [pic of oc or avatar]
offer; [what event items?]
other; [anything else i should be aware of?]

suppi 04-17-2009 11:54 PM


Sadistix_Love 04-17-2009 11:56 PM

Hey there! Yea, I wasn't here for most of the event either cause of school. >w<

So how are you? o3o

Edit: Ack! Do you need the space? I'll delete if you do D:

SunFlowerBeam 04-17-2009 11:57 PM

How are you?

suppi 04-17-2009 11:58 PM

sadistix; Nah, it's fine. n__n I just needed one post. :3
And hello! Yeah, school sucksss~ D: It's Friday but I have to write two essays over the weekend. :[[

sun; Hello there. n__n I'm fine, just a little tired~ how are you? x]

Sadistix_Love 04-18-2009 12:02 AM

@suppi: Ack, I hate essays. I can never sit down and write something for school. I have to start working on those scholarship essays... //cries

suppi 04-18-2009 12:04 AM

I've had weeks to write these essays but I just procrastinate too much. xD;;
I'll start writing them later today though.. and hopefully I won't get distracted by Menewsha and other things~ hahha. xD

Sadistix_Love 04-18-2009 12:05 AM

@suppi: Haha, you better start cracking on them! Menewsha and Gaia are masters at the art of distracting!

suppi 04-18-2009 12:09 AM

Yess, I'm aware of that. Dx But but.. this event is ending tomorrow! T__T
I wish this week was spring break instead of last week.. ><;

Sadistix_Love 04-18-2009 12:13 AM

Yeah ;-; I need to get my hands on three more event items but the clues are hard. Didn't get time to hang around here much because of stupid school. >3>;

I want summer to come already! I need to find a job too so I can make up for the money I will loose at the anime convention in May. ><

suppi 04-18-2009 12:19 AM

I can help you with the clues~ :3 I just looked through the event faq thread for hints and stuff. xD
But all I've been doing to get the event items was clicking the link at the carrot patch page. xD;;

Same. Dx I'll be busy during the summer too, but it'll be more relaxing than now. :lol:
Ooh, what convention is it? o:

Good L!fe 04-18-2009 12:21 AM

Hello, how is everyone today?

Sadistix_Love 04-18-2009 12:22 AM

Haha, same here! I didn't really settle into a thread until this one. Got lazy to hang out in a game one. And I don't have enough carrots for a clue yet. =(

Are you working? Going somewhere? :O Anime North in Ontario. =D

@Good: Hey! Alright, just a little frazzled. And you?

xSad_Eyesx 04-18-2009 12:32 AM

How is everybody
doing today?
Thank god it's already

Sadistix_Love 04-18-2009 12:34 AM

@Sad: Alright. xD And thank god for Fridays! Sup with you? :3

suppi 04-18-2009 12:35 AM

good; Hello. ^^ I'm fine, you? c:

eyes; Hii~ n__n
Yep, glad it's Friday alright. xD How are you doing today? :]]

; Yeah, I really had no time to chat.. lol. :lol:
They have the all the clues in the event faq thread. :3 Just let me know if you need some help with them. ^^

Nope, I'm actually too young to work.. xD; But shh, this is a secret.. haha.
Ooh, sounds cool! ^^ I've always wanted to go to an anime convention.. they seem so fun. D: But ehh, I'll get to go to one eventually.. haha. xD

salvete 04-18-2009 12:36 AM

Hello, Suppi! You are on Paper Town, right?

Hi, all.

SunFlowerBeam 04-18-2009 12:37 AM

Im good a little sick
my sinus and allergies are giving me pain lol

Sadistix_Love 04-18-2009 12:40 AM

@suppi: I need help on the second clue since that is all I have enough for at the moment. =w=;

How young? =OO You should definitely go! But omg, the door entrance to Anime North is insane. $40 to get in! DDX

@anyone who just entered: Hey! Sup? o3o~

suppi 04-18-2009 12:41 AM

salvete; Hey there! Yep, suppi from Paper town. xD I haven't really been on there lately though. ^^;
So what's up? n-n

sun; Gah, allergies suck, almost as much as school. xD; Got any eye drops or medication?

sadistix; Hm... okay, I think I got it. xD Um.. for example, say you're questing for a Pot of Gold or something. xD This is one of the two places where you can have a chance of winning it. This one costs gold to enter. Does that help? xD

Err.. not legal yet? :lol: And I live in California so Ontario is too far. xD Wahh, that's indeed a lot of money. o-o But I'm sure it'll be worth it. 8D

Good L!fe 04-18-2009 12:43 AM

@Sadistix_Love:"I'm good. Just studying for my driver's test.

salvete 04-18-2009 12:45 AM

Hello to everyone who posted some version of 'hi!'

Driver's test? Good luck!

Good L!fe 04-18-2009 12:47 AM

@suppi: I'm good just studying for my driver's test and do some practice tests.

@salvete: Thanks for the luck.

Sadistix_Love 04-18-2009 12:49 AM

@suppi: //looks around// No, can't find that bunny. D=

Lol, but legal enough to get a part-time job at least? xD I haven't been to Cali for four years now. >< But this year con better be worth it! Lol

@Good: Homg, I keep forgetting to study for mine. =w=

Good L!fe 04-18-2009 12:54 AM

@Sadistix_Love: I try make myself do my work, but playing around is so tempting.
You going to Anime North? I am going to Acen in IL for my first anime convention.

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