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zyne 12-30-2014 04:43 PM

free busts!
well, i'm not very good at thread building but! felt like drawing some and introducing myself to the community (kind of) P:

i'll be doing free one-colour busts! in one of these two styles (your choice)

they're 500px by 500px but i'm resizing them to 250x250. if you want the 500px just add that to the form!

i can do:
  • anthros (or well, quads even since they're just head-shots)
  • mene avatars (still trying to get a hang of in-site slang)
  • oc's


reference image/avatar:
sketch colour:
style one or two:

i'll probably stop once i get bored/tired. about to go hit the road for a few hours though so i wont be able to check the thread for a while...

feel free to chat in thread!

hummy 12-30-2014 04:45 PM

woohoo! welcome to the festival!

---------- Post added 12-30-2014 at 12:46 PM ----------

reference image/avatar: this one, i'll get the pic
sketch colour: TEAL
style one or two: one
other:can i have the hummy's around my head, too, please?

Liztress 12-30-2014 04:48 PM


May I ask for pretty art from you?

reference image/avatar: Current
sketch colour: Your choice :)
style one or two: You choice as well :) I like surprises.

star2000shadow 12-30-2014 04:49 PM

reference image/avatar:
sketch colour: Sketch
style one or two: 1

hummy 12-30-2014 04:50 PM

hiya star and lizzie-chan

Liztress 12-30-2014 04:50 PM

Hey hey, hummy-lovebug <3

CloudDreamer 12-30-2014 04:51 PM

reference image/avatar:
sketch colour: Blue
style one or two: One
other: nothing I can think of. :]

How're you doing? ^_^

Elirona 12-30-2014 04:52 PM

Honestly, I thought the title of this thread was "free butts." [ninja]

star2000shadow 12-30-2014 04:53 PM

hey hummy.. how yeah doing.

Liztress 12-30-2014 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Elirona (Post 1773139211)
Honestly, I thought the title of this thread was "free butts." [ninja]

You've been around Peeblo too long. xD

Maha-Aamir 12-30-2014 05:50 PM

hi zyne... welcome to mene...

~LONGCAT~ 12-30-2014 06:22 PM

Hey Zyne! Way to introduce yourself to the community! XD

reference image/avatar: yes (current avatar)
sketch colour: grey? or pink.
style one or two: style 2!!
other: If you could get some of the lights in I would be excited.
PS: what event common do you want? in what color????

Hadsvich 12-30-2014 09:08 PM

reference image/avatar: Illian
sketch colour: grey-blue
style one or two: one
other: I'd like the 500x500 version~

Dystopia 12-30-2014 09:51 PM

reference image/avatar: Phoenix 8D
sketch colour: Red
style one or two: One
other: No specifics on the phoenix, other than male. x)

Oh! And can I have the larger version? c:

star2000shadow 12-30-2014 10:42 PM

This.. ish gonna be fu n 'nods'

Cardinal Biggles 12-31-2014 01:06 AM

reference image/avatar: this one
sketch colour: light brown
style one or two: one
other: typical unenthusiastic day at home for me

zyne 12-31-2014 04:33 AM

sorry these are taking a while! i've been in a car most of the day and celebrating christmas a wee bit late with the family P:

also thanks for all the welcomes!! i could definitely add some free butts to this thread lmao

hummy: Liztress: star2000shadow: CloudDreamer: ~LONGCAT~: Hadsvich:
(boy do i hope i did this correctly? is there a way to ping or something on here)

+ bonus 500px version for hadsvich (note: if you change the 250 in the image url to 500 it'll automatically convert to 500!)

longcat, i'm not really particularly looking for anything! honestly im just trying to figure out how to work this site haha P: thanks though!!

salvete 12-31-2014 04:35 AM

reference image/avatar: yes (current one, please!)
sketch colour: purple
style one or two: one
other: cheerful-looking? :D Thank you!! <3

EDIT: Oops, hope it's okay to specify 500 x 500! Sorry I didn't do that in the original form. zyne: Thank you!

star2000shadow 12-31-2014 04:45 AM


CloudDreamer 12-31-2014 04:50 AM

Oh, thank you!! ^_^ :] I love it!

star2000shadow 12-31-2014 04:52 AM

...You do know your now my main go to for artwork haha.

Dystopia 12-31-2014 04:52 AM

Oh! I would also like a larger version of my piece. I didn't add that to the form originally, but I'm gonna go do that right now.

zyne 12-31-2014 04:53 AM

ahh i'm glad you guys like it!! x__x
and star, i'd be happy to do something full coloured or something for you after that gift you've sent me! haha

sure thing, dystopia!

Dystopia 12-31-2014 04:55 AM

Thank you~

~LONGCAT~ 12-31-2014 04:56 AM

Zyne; Too late!! I sent you a trade and if you don't accept it then I will never be your friend. :P

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