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Goblin Maiden 06-24-2009 02:58 AM

The Hall of Mirrors || Get Lost!
Welcome to the Hall of Mirrors

That's right! One of the classic circus attractions is back and better than ever! With our hi-tech gravitational technology (patent pending), you can now traverse the Hall of Mirrors on the floor OR on the ceiling! Now more than one way to lose yourself, so to speak.

With all of those mirrors surrounding you, which way is up, which way is down? Which way is left or right? Will you ever find out? WILL YOU GET OUT OF THE HALL OF MIRRORS IN TIME TO GET YOUR ART FREEBIES, OR WILL YOU BE STUCK THERE UNTIL THE CIRCUS CLOSES DOWN AND IT'S TOO LATE?

Hey, if you should get lost, at least you have a chance of stumbling upon a stranger, deciding to stick together for your own good, and then becoming good friends by the time you manage to make it out. Who knows?

Grab a friend (maybe an enemy), and take your chances with the upgraded Hall of Mirrors now!

~~xXEl3KtRaXx~~ 06-24-2009 03:00 AM

*runs into the hall of mirrors to try and find the center*

oHsoDemandinG 06-24-2009 03:15 AM

*runs through the hall right into a mirror*

Eserel 06-24-2009 03:32 AM

<trips into a mirror and stumbles out another>

oHsoDemandinG 06-24-2009 03:35 AM

*unconcious* (sp?)

Eserel 06-24-2009 03:37 AM

<continues to roll and rolls over osoh>

sadrain 06-24-2009 03:39 AM

This sounds like one very familiar mirror room... And maybe with addition of escher room. AWESOME. <3333 *clings to Maiden*

Goblin Maiden 06-24-2009 03:40 AM


But there weren't any mirrors in.... OH. You mean the one she smashed through? With the chair? Yeah, I know what you mean! 8D

And you totally read my mind. I was kind of going for an Escher room-ish feel with the gravity thing.

*strolls along the ceiling*

oHsoDemandinG 06-24-2009 03:42 AM

*wakes up as result of being rolled on* Major ouchie.

~~xXEl3KtRaXx~~ 06-24-2009 03:46 AM

*wanders the corridors looking around*

oHsoDemandinG 06-24-2009 03:49 AM

*Watches as leklek walks on ceiling* ....

~~xXEl3KtRaXx~~ 06-24-2009 03:53 AM

*looks down and sees demanding*
ohh well hello there...

I wonder what will happen if I jump

sadrain 06-24-2009 03:53 AM

I am awesome, am I not. *mirror'd*
Ooomph. I forgot to change into ghost for some benefits. D8 *does so now and floats*

Seriously, we need a haunted house around here. If only I had anything to give away~ XD

Goblin Maiden 06-24-2009 03:55 AM

We could give away our awesome writerly skillz. 8D

*turns a corner and sees herself in a mirror*

Hmmm. Do these leggings make my butt look big?

oHsoDemandinG 06-24-2009 03:56 AM

Hi! I too wonder what would happen if you jumped. Should I call paramedics just incase?

sadrain 06-24-2009 03:58 AM

Awesome writing skills? Then I certainly can't host it. D8
And nope they don't. You look lovely, Mai (Hope you don't mind being called so x3) *twirls around a little, transparent*

I will catch yoooou, Leklek. 8DDD

secretdae007 06-24-2009 04:00 AM

-nervously wanders in- ... I'm bound to get lost...

Goblin Maiden 06-24-2009 04:02 AM

Awww! D: But I wanna bring writerly skills into the circus! Writers can have fun as well as artists! =D You can be my helper!!!

....If I can do something other than this Mirror Maze. ^___^;; *hops on the ceiling* Nope, LekLek, it's safe! ^___^

But Dae, getting lost in the Hall of Mirrors is half the fun! =D

sadrain 06-24-2009 04:04 AM

But I is not good. DD: And I am not sure if haunted hosue fits the writing part but there SHOULD be some writing event.... But aren't we both kinda poor atm? How can we afford those big,g reat prizes? *clings to her bunnies and panda, lol*

Dae, I shall be your ghostly guide in this creepy fun! 8D

secretdae007 06-24-2009 04:05 AM

Goblin Maiden: But I don't like being lost. D;

Sadrain: But can't you cheat by going through things? Assuming you are ghost that can just go through things...

Goblin Maiden 06-24-2009 04:05 AM

I was wondering about prizes, too. D= Obviously some more planning is in order.

No! No guides! ....Anyway, how do you know the way through the Laby--I mean, the Hall of Mirrors? You only just got here. O__O;;;

Strawberry Octopus 06-24-2009 04:06 AM

Zomg Mirror houses make me Siiiiick. XD
I got duisy in one once, I hit my head sooooo many times. @_@

oHsoDemandinG 06-24-2009 04:07 AM

Hey wait a minute you said Labyrinth. She's trying to kill us!!! *runs around screaming into another mirror*

Goblin Maiden 06-24-2009 04:09 AM

NO I DIDN'T. I DID NOT SAY LABYRINTH. *Mai grabs a random passerby* Did I say Labyrinth? I did not! I knew it!

And besides, this Hall of Mirrors is Cleaner free! I made sure to get rid of all of them once it opened!

sadrain 06-24-2009 04:10 AM

These mirrors are walk trough anyway and whosaysido... *shifty eyes* I just thought it would be fun to wander around with someone and give them my comforting presence. D8

And Labyrinth ISN'T piece of cake but it's not that deadly... No bog here, at least. ... SO IT'S NOT LABYRINTH 8D ^^;

And, yeah, planningplanning about prizes. Maybe make a charity thread "Donate us for our charity event! 8D"

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